diff --git a/lib/ecto/query.ex b/lib/ecto/query.ex index bd933da2bb..2af8018a7a 100644 --- a/lib/ecto/query.ex +++ b/lib/ecto/query.ex @@ -2667,6 +2667,34 @@ defmodule Ecto.Query do where: l.inserted_at > c.updated_at, preload: [:author, comments: {c, likes: l}] + ## Choosing Between Preloading with Joins vs. Separate Queries + + Deciding between preloading associations via joins, a single large + query, (`preload: [comments: c]`) or separate smaller queries + (`preload: [:comments]`) depends on the specific use case. + Here are some factors to guide your decision: + + * **Joins reduce database round trips:** By fetching data in a single + query, joins can minimize database round trips, potentially reducing + overall latency. + * **Potential for data duplication:** Joins may lead to duplicated + data in the result set, which requires more processing by Ecto + and consumes more bandwidth when transmitting the results. + * **Increased database load:** Joins can be taxing on the database, + increasing the demand on working memory. In some cases, the database + may need to write intermediate results to disk, which can slow down + query performance. + * **Parallelism with separate queries:** When using separate queries + outside of a transaction, Ecto can parallelize the preload queries, + which can speed up the overall operation. + + In general, a good default is to only use joins in preloads if you're + already joining the associations in the main query. For example, + in the last query in the section above, comments and likes are already + joined, so they are included in the preload. + However, the author is not joined in the main query, so it is preloaded + via a separate query. + ## Preload queries Preload also allows queries to be given, allowing you to filter or