This library creates basic components blade icons based in heroicons icons library.
Access your laravel source and install following library.
composer require devsquad/icons --dev
Now run artisan command to copy blade files to your components path.
php artisan icons:install
In your vies blade will be possible to call icons components by follow component.
<x-icons.heroicons.outline.chart-pie />
The icon chart-pie
from outline section of Heroicons library will be show in your laravel application view.
If you use tailwindcss will may use customizations classes to customize your icons in applications.
<x-icons.heroicons.outline.chart-bar class="text-red-500" />
The icon chart-bar
from outline section fill with red-500
color from tailiwndcss.
<x-icons.heroicons.solid.clipboard-check class="text-green-300 w-56" />
The icon 'clipboard-check' from solid section fill with green-300
color and with width 56
from tailwindcss.