The objective of this repository is to provide a REST API to a the Hyperledger IBM Visual Studio Code Extension chaincode contract template.
Install VSCode with IBM Blockchain Platform Extension:
On IBM Blockchain Platform Extension:
- Click on 1 Org Local Fabric to start (Fabric Environment)
- Click on Package Open Project (Smart Contracts) after openning only contracts/users folder on VS Code
- Click on Fabric Environments -> Smart Contracts -> Installed -> Install and select
- Click on Fabric Environments -> Smart Contracts -> Instantiated -> Instantiate and select
use default values (press Enter) for all questions - Click on 1 Org Local Fabric -> Org 1 -> right click -> Export Wallet and save on api/wallets (will create a folder called wallets on /api path)
To check that everything is working before using the API:
- Click on Fabric Gateways -> 1 Org Local Fabric - Org1 and selecting admin
- Click on Fabric Gateways -> 1 Org Local Fabric - Org 1 -> Channels -> mychannel -> node_blockchain_api_scaffold@0.0.2 -> createUser -> right click -> Submit Transaction and send
["1", "Élisson Michael"]
as argument (press Enter on next question) and you should see a "Successfully submitted transaction" notification - Click on Fabric Gateways -> 1 Org Local Fabric - Org 1 -> Channels -> mychannel -> node_blockchain_api_scaffold@0.0.2 -> readUser -> right click -> Evaluate Transaction and send
as argument (press Enter on next question) and you should see a "Successfully submitted transaction" notification followed by[SUCCESS] Returned value from readUser: {"value":"Élisson Michael","id":"1"}
message on terminal
Using the API:
Install Node 10.20.1:
cd api/
nvm install 10.20.1
nvm use 10.20.1
npm run dev
Open Insomnia, Postman or Similar and test the following routes on the endpoint localhost:8081
Route | Method | Params (JSON) |
/users | POST | {"id":"2" "value":"Satya Ananda"} |
/users/:id | GET | |
/users/:id | PUT | {"value":"Brandon Nyorai"} |
/users/:id | DELETE |
Check the commits history to see some of the SDK methods in action.
Upgrading a Contract:
Every time you change the contract you'll have to:
- Run automated tests
npm test
- Update version on package.json file
- Click on Smart Contracts -> Package Open Project to create a new package
- Click on Fabric Environments -> Smart Contracts -> Installed -> Install and select your new contract package
- Click on Fabric Environments -> Smart Contracts -> Instantiated -> [Your Contract Name] -> Upgrade Smart Contract and select your new package version
- Check that your new contract appears on Fabric Gateways -> 1 Org Local Fabric - Org 1 -> Channels -> mychannel