- As a first-time user, I want to sign up so that I can have an account BlazeHub
- As a returning user, I want to login to have access to my account on BlazeHub
- As an active user, I want to save my login status in my current browser/app so that I can access my account without having to login
- As an active user, I want to enable two-factor authentication to secure my account
- As an active user, I want to update my password to improve my account's security
- As an active user, I want to create a post with text and/or images to reflect my thoughts and/or activities in my life
- As an active user, I want to view my posts on on BlazeHub
- As an active user, I want to edit and update my post to reflect some changes
- As an active user, I want to delete my post so that it will no longer be publicly accessible
- As an active user, I want to be notified about new posts so that I can view and interact with them
- As an active user, I want to click on a post's user name to view their profile
- As an active user, I want to click on the image within a post to see it in full screen mode
- As an active user, I want to bookmark a post so that I can have easy access to it in the future
- As an active user, I want to view all my bookmarked posts in one place
- As an active user, I want to unbookmark a post so that I can focus on more relevant posts
- As an active user, I want to like a post to reflect my approval and/or support
- As an active user, I want to unlike a post to reflect changes in my views about the post
- As an active user, I want to comment on a post to share my thoughts about it
- As an active user, I want to delete my comment on a post so that it will no longer be publicly accessible
- As an active user, I want to like a comment to reflect my approval and/or support
- As an active user, I want to unlike a comment to reflect changes in my views about the comment
- As an active user, I want to reply to a comment to share my thoughts on it
- As an active user, I want to share a post so that it will be accessible to a broader audience
- As an active user, I want to delete a shared post so that it will no longer be attributed to me
- As an active user, I want to update my profile information to reflect new changes
- As an active user, I want to update my profile picture
- As an active user, I want to update my cover photo
- As an active user, I want to add pictures to my profile
- As an active user, I want to see all my posts on my profile so that I don't have to search for them on the home page
- As an active user, I want to see a summary of my activities so that I edit or undo some actions
- As an active user, I want to invite my friends to BlazeHub via their email so that they can be a part of the community
- As an active user, I want to add an existing user to my friends list so that I can chat with them and stay up to date with their posts
- As an active user, I want to block a friend or user to prevent them from interating with me
- As an active user, I want to chat with a friend
- As an active user, I want to receive notifications when a friend sends me a message so that I can respond to them
- As an active user, I want to see all my friends in my chat list when I visit the chat page
- As an active user, I want to see all my online friends first in my chat list when I visit the chat page so that I can be aware of their availablilty to chat
- As an active user, I want to sign out to prevent future access to my account without authentication