title | description | slug |
Changelog |
All updates and improvements to Saas UI |
/changelog |
Stay up to date about all changes we've made to Saas UI Core & Pro.
- Custom Field onChange and onBlur handlers will no longer override the internal HookForm handlers.
Forms v1.2.1
- Custom Field onChange and onBlur handlers will no longer override the internal HookForm handlers.
App Shell v1.1.0
- Added AppShell component to core
Theme v1.3.0
- Added AppShell component to core
- Added Sidebar component to core
Collapse v1.1.1
- useCollapse can now be fully controlled
Sidebar v0.1.0
- Added Sidebar component to core
- Form now accepts a render function with form state props.
- Re-export all React Hook Form types and hooks
- New onChange prop for Form that triggers when the form state is changed.
Auth v1.3.0
- Form now accepts a render function with form state props.
Forms v1.2.0
- Form now accepts a render function with form state props.
- Re-export all React Hook Form types and hooks
- New onChange prop for Form that triggers when the form state is changed.
Modals v1.2.0
- Form now accepts a render function with form state props.
Card v1.1.1
- Bump card version
Card v1.1.1
- Bump card version
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
- Only show list item outline when it is focused with keyboard nav
Auth v1.2.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Banner v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Button v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Card v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Clerk v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Data Table v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Forms v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Hooks v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Hotkeys v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Input Right Button v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Layout v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
List v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
- Only show list item outline when it is focused with keyboard nav
Menu v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Modals v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Nprogress v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Number Input v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Palette v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Password Input v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Persona v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Pin Input v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Property v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Provider v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Radio v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
React Utils v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Search Input v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Select v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Snackbar v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Stepper v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
System v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Theme v1.2.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Web 3 v1.1.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Next Workspaces v0.3.0
- Fixed issue where Next.js would not resolve Chakra UI components correctly.
Hooks v1.0.2
- useLocalStorage now returns the defaultValue if no value is available and is updated across tabs.
- Fall back to label prop in password forms
Auth v1.1.1
- Fall back to label prop in password forms
- Auth forms field labels can now be customized, thanks to @nadiles.
- Make sure FormStep onSubmit does not throw an error when no promise is returned.
- Fixed a typo in the AuthForm styles provider.
- PasswordInput width now applied to the FormGroup element.
Auth v1.1.0
- Auth forms field labels can now be customized, thanks to @nadiles.
- Fixed a typo in the AuthForm styles provider.
Forms v1.0.3
- Make sure FormStep onSubmit does not throw an error when no promise is returned.
Password Input v1.0.2
- PasswordInput width now applied to the FormGroup element.
Provider v1.0.2
- Use correct params type
- Added new useSteps hook.
- The Saas UI theme now uses InterVariable instead of Inter by default.
Theme v1.1.0
- The Saas UI theme now uses InterVariable instead of Inter by default.
Hotkeys v1.0.1
- Removed dependency
- The Saas UI theme now uses InterVariable instead of Inter by default.
Theme v1.1.0
- The Saas UI theme now uses InterVariable instead of Inter by default.
Hotkeys v1.0.1
- Removed dependency
Forms v1.0.2
- Fixed Hook Form 7.33 compatibility.
Input Right Button v1.0.1
- Fixed peer dependency issue.
- BannerContent flexDirection set to column on small screens.
- Support JSONSchema title in field resolvers
- Select field focus styles now consistent with Input fields.
- Fixed @chakra-ui/system dependency version.
Banner v1.0.1
- BannerContent flexDirection set to column on small screens.
Forms v1.0.1
- Support JSONSchema title in field resolvers
- Select field focus styles now consistent with Input fields.
- FormDialog with AutoForm now sets focus on first field by default.
Modals v1.0.1
- FormDialog with AutoForm now sets focus on first field by default.
- Card now has a isHoverable property to support hover styles.
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- NativeSelect now accepts chilren and doesn't throw if no options are passed.
- Added Json Schema (ajv) support for AutoForm.
- Added ErrorBoundary component.
- Scale reset button icon based on the input size.
- Add exports entry for ajv
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- FormStep now supports an onSubmit handler.
- No longer passing down label to input fields.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Option labels are now optional.
- Added new RouterProvider and useActivePath now uses Router context.
- ArrayFieldRowFields now accepts all FormLayout props (#48).
- Stepper now accepts an onChange handler.
- ArrayField no longer passing down items to the container element.
- Initial release candidate
- Field is now correctly typed based on the field type.
- Fix vertical orientation for FormStepper.
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- #50 - Fixed StepForm render prop types.
- Fixed vertical divider rendering incorrectly.
- Removed redundant ThemeProvider / CSSReset and GlobalStyles components.
- AutoForm now renders children.
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- Added missing dependency.
- Spacing between pin inputs can now be configured.
- InputField now has type="text" by default.
- ContextMenu now passing down all props to the internal Menu.
- Select now renders a hidden input with the current value.
- New primary and secondary Button variant.
- breaking: React 18 support.
- Removed isPrimary and isSecondary Button properties, use colorScheme="primary" instead.
Card v1.0.0
- Card now has a isHoverable property to support hover styles.
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Palette Docs v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- breaking: React 18 support.
Website v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- breaking: React 18 support.
Auth v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed new .mjs exports.
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Banner v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Button v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- New primary and secondary Button variant.
- breaking: React 18 support.
- Removed isPrimary and isSecondary Button properties, use colorScheme="primary" instead.
Clerk v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Updated to Clerk React 3.4.1
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Collapse v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated classname prefix to saas-
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed type issue
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Data Table v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Forms v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Added Json Schema (ajv) support for AutoForm.
- Add exports entry for ajv
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- FormStep now supports an onSubmit handler.
- No longer passing down label to input fields.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Option labels are now optional.
- ArrayFieldRowFields now accepts all FormLayout props (#48).
- ArrayField no longer passing down items to the container element.
- Initial release candidate
- Field is now correctly typed based on the field type.
- Fix vertical orientation for FormStepper.
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- #50 - Fixed StepForm render prop types.
- AutoForm now renders children.
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- InputField now has type="text" by default.
- Select now renders a hidden input with the current value.
- breaking: React 18 support.
- Removed isPrimary and isSecondary Button properties, use colorScheme="primary" instead.
Hooks v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Hotkeys v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- HotkeysSearch now accepts SearchInputProps
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Input Right Button v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Layout v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
List v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Menu v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- ContextMenu now passing down all props to the internal Menu.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Modals v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Nprogress v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Number Input v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Palette v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Password Input v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Persona v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Persona presence status is now displayed with a Tooltip.
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- Added missing dependency.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Pin Input v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- Spacing between pin inputs can now be configured.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Property v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Bump version
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Provider v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- SaasProvider now accepts all ChakraProvider props.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Removed dependency on querystring.
- Bump version
- Added new RouterProvider and useActivePath now uses Router context.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Removed redundant ThemeProvider / CSSReset and GlobalStyles components.
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Radio v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
React Utils v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Search Input v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Scale reset button icon based on the input size.
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Select v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- NativeSelect now accepts chilren and doesn't throw if no options are passed.
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Snackbar v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Stepper v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Stepper now accepts an onChange handler.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
System v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Theme v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
- Fixed components exports.
Web 3 v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Props Docs v1.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- Updated props.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Test Utils v2.0.0
- breaking: Updated to Chakra UI 2.1
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Initial release candidate
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
- breaking: React 18 support.
Next Workspaces v0.2.0
- Re-publish.
- Updated to Chakra UI 2.2.1
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Modern bundles now use .mjs extension.
- Fixed all theme onconsistencies.
Hotkeys v1.0.0-rc.5
- HotkeysSearch now accepts SearchInputProps
Collapse v1.0.0-rc.5
- Fixed type issue
- Updated dependencies.
Auth v1.0.0-rc.12
- Updated dependencies.
Banner v1.0.0-rc.5
- Updated dependencies.
Button v1.0.0-rc.5
- Updated dependencies.
Card v1.0.0-rc.5
- Updated dependencies.
Clerk v1.0.0-rc.12
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated to Clerk React 3.4.1
Collapse v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated classname prefix to saas-
Data Table v1.0.0-rc.7
- Updated dependencies.
Forms v1.0.0-rc.11
- Updated dependencies.
Hooks v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated dependencies.
Hotkeys v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated dependencies.
Input Right Button v1.0.0-rc.5
- Updated dependencies.
Layout v1.0.0-rc.7
- Updated dependencies.
List v1.0.0-rc.5
- Updated dependencies.
Menu v1.0.0-rc.7
- Updated dependencies.
Modals v1.0.0-rc.11
- Updated dependencies.
Nprogress v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated dependencies.
Number Input v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated dependencies.
Palette v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated dependencies.
Password Input v1.0.0-rc.5
- Updated dependencies.
Persona v1.0.0-rc.6
- Updated dependencies.
Pin Input v1.0.0-rc.5
- Updated dependencies.
Property v1.0.0-rc.6
- Updated dependencies.
Provider v1.0.0-rc.7
- Updated dependencies.
Radio v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated dependencies.
React Utils v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated dependencies.
Search Input v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated dependencies.
Select v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated dependencies.
Snackbar v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated dependencies.
Stepper v1.0.0-rc.5
- Updated dependencies.
System v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated dependencies.
Theme v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated dependencies.
Web 3 v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated dependencies.
Props Docs v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated props.
- Added ErrorBoundary component.
- FormStep now supports an onSubmit handler.
- Fixed vertical divider rendering incorrectly.
Forms v1.0.0-rc.10
- FormStep now supports an onSubmit handler.
Property v1.0.0-rc.5
- Bump version
Provider v1.0.0-rc.6
- Bump version
- Card now has a isHoverable property to support hover styles.
- Option labels are now optional.
- ArrayFieldRowFields now accepts all FormLayout props (#48).
- Field is now correctly typed based on the field type.
- #50 - Fixed StepForm render prop types.
- New primary and secondary Button variant.
Card v1.0.0-rc.4
- Card now has a isHoverable property to support hover styles.
Forms v1.0.0-rc.9
- Option labels are now optional.
- ArrayFieldRowFields now accepts all FormLayout props (#48).
- Field is now correctly typed based on the field type.
- #50 - Fixed StepForm render prop types.
Provider v1.0.0-rc.5
- Removed dependency on querystring.
Button v1.0.0-rc.4
- New primary and secondary Button variant.
- Scale reset button icon based on the input size.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Removed isPrimary and isSecondary Button properties, use colorScheme="primary" instead.
Search Input v1.0.0-rc.3
- Scale reset button icon based on the input size.
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Palette Docs v1.0.0-rc.9
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Website v1.0.0-rc.9
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Auth v1.0.0-rc.9
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Banner v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Button v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Removed isPrimary and isSecondary Button properties, use colorScheme="primary" instead.
Card v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Clerk v1.0.0-rc.9
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Collapse v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Data Table v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Forms v1.0.0-rc.8
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
- Removed isPrimary and isSecondary Button properties, use colorScheme="primary" instead.
Hooks v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Hotkeys v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Input Right Button v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Layout v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
List v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Menu v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Modals v1.0.0-rc.8
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Nprogress v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Number Input v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Palette v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Password Input v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Persona v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Pin Input v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Property v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Provider v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Radio v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
React Utils v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Select v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Snackbar v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Stepper v1.0.0-rc.4
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
System v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Theme v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Web 3 v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Next Workspaces v0.2.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Props Docs v1.0.0-rc.3
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Test Utils v2.0.0-rc.9
- Updated all readme files, added better descriptions and links to docs and source code.
Forms v0.7.8
- Field id now passed down to the internal FormControl for better a11y.
- Saas UI theme colors no longer generated on the fly.
Auth v0.7.9
- AuthFormDivider now using Divider component
- Added displayName to all components and improved inconsistencies.
Forms v0.7.5
- Added displayName to form components
- Fixed FormStepper default styles.
Theme v0.8.0
- Saas UI theme colors no longer generated on the fly.
System v0.4.1
- Added missing peer dependencies
Password Input v0.3.2
- Fixed label not rendering correctly in some cases.
Hotkeys v0.6.1
- Added modifier shorthands to jsdocs for easy access.
Forms v0.7.0
- Added Zod resolver for AutoForm
Hotkeys v0.6.0
- Added support for key sequences.
Stepper v0.2.2
- Improved Stepper styling on small screens.
Theme v0.7.2
- Improved Stepper styling on small screens.
Persona v0.5.1
- PersonaContainer now accepts size and box props.
Theme v0.7.1
- Improved Input fields outline variant contrast for better a11y
Auth v0.7.1
- Check if AuthStateChange unsubscribe callback is returned.
Stepper v0.2.1
- No longer use useLayoutEffect, since it causes SSR issues.
Clerk v0.0.1
- Added Clerk authentication service
Modals v0.5.0
- Improved the MenuDialog api to be more consistant with Menu
- Fixed issue where the ModalFooter would not render.
Modals v0.4.1
- Fixed issue where the ModalFooter would not render.
- BREAKING: Removed Yup dependency, you now need to configure default Form resolvers
no longer accepts a Yup schema
by default.
Use a schema resolver to use schema support. All hookform resolvers are supported.
import { yupResolver } from '@hookform/resolvers/yup'
const form = <Form resolver={yupResolver(schema)} />
AutoForm only supports Yup for now and has a new API.
import { yupForm } from '@saas-ui/forms/yup'
const form = <AutoForm {...yupForm(schema)} />
Alternatively you can configure a default resolver for all forms. Add this somewhere in the root of your project.
import { Form } from '@saas-ui/react'
import { yupResolver, yupFieldResolver } from '@saas-ui/forms/yup' // yupResolver is exported from here as well for convenience.
import { AnyObjectSchema } from 'yup'
Form.getResolver = (schema: AnyObjectSchema) => yupResolver(schema) // @hookform/resolvers
Form.getFieldResolver = (schema: AnyObjectSchema) => yupFieldResolver(schema) // AutoForm field resolver
- Fixed peer dependency issues.
- Fixed AuthToken type
- 99f3e33: Custom modal components can now be directly passed to modals.open
- Updated dependencies [99f3e33]
- @saas-ui/modals@0.3.5
- 70340f0: useModal now has the correct types
- 9245460: Make sure Field ref is focusable
- 6c78c30: FormDialog type is now generic and accepts FieldValues / form context ref
- Updated dependencies [70340f0]
- Updated dependencies [9245460]
- Updated dependencies [6c78c30]
- @saas-ui/modals@0.3.4
- @saas-ui/forms@0.5.3
- @saas-ui/auth@0.6.5
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/stepper@0.1.2
- 8b731d8: usePromise errors are now re-thrown
- Updated dependencies [8b731d8]
- @saas-ui/hooks@0.3.1
- @saas-ui/auth@0.6.4
- Updated dependencies [0f67f76]
- @saas-ui/forms@0.5.2
- @saas-ui/auth@0.6.3
- @saas-ui/modals@0.3.3
- 2fd9917: Fixed a type issue
- 4606dd5: useLink now uses correct type and improved performance.
- df5cd27: Pass down the inferred type to useTable
- a26aa7c: ArrayField context can now be accessed using ref.
- Updated dependencies [c610881]
- Updated dependencies [2fd9917]
- Updated dependencies [4606dd5]
- Updated dependencies [df5cd27]
- Updated dependencies [a26aa7c]
- @saas-ui/forms@0.5.1
- @saas-ui/modals@0.3.2
- @saas-ui/provider@0.3.4
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.2.4
- @saas-ui/auth@0.6.2
- @saas-ui/layout@0.2.4
- @saas-ui/menu@0.4.4
- 6513d26: No longer rendering StepperCompleted in StepperContent
- Updated dependencies [6513d26]
- @saas-ui/stepper@0.1.1
- 9d11ba5: Added StepForm and Stepper components
- Updated dependencies [9d11ba5]
- @saas-ui/forms@0.5.0
- @saas-ui/stepper@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/theme@0.6.0
- @saas-ui/auth@0.6.1
- @saas-ui/modals@0.3.1
- @saas-ui/provider@0.3.3
- @saas-ui/layout@0.2.3
- @saas-ui/menu@0.4.3
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.2.3
- 87b29a8: Renamed Loading to Loader. Loading will be removed in 1.0
- Updated dependencies [87b29a8]
- @saas-ui/layout@0.2.2
- @saas-ui/theme@0.5.2
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.2.2
- @saas-ui/provider@0.3.2
- @saas-ui/menu@0.4.2
- Updated dependencies [4aef278]
- @saas-ui/palette@0.5.0
- @saas-ui/theme@0.5.1
- @saas-ui/provider@0.3.1
- @saas-ui/layout@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/menu@0.4.1
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.2.1
- ce66628: Added Banner component
- Updated dependencies [ce66628]
- @saas-ui/banner@0.0.1
- e511ffd: Added a11y testing to all packages
- d66f8ce: Added ContextMenu component
- Updated dependencies [e511ffd]
- Updated dependencies [d66f8ce]
- @saas-ui/auth@0.6.0
- @saas-ui/button@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/card@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/layout@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/list@0.4.0
- @saas-ui/menu@0.4.0
- @saas-ui/modals@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/nprogress@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/number-input@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/pin-input@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/property@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/radio@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/search-input@0.4.0
- @saas-ui/select@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/collapse@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/forms@0.4.0
- @saas-ui/hooks@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/hotkeys@0.4.0
- @saas-ui/input-right-button@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/password-input@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/persona@0.4.0
- @saas-ui/provider@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/snackbar@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/system@0.4.0
- @saas-ui/theme@0.5.0
- Updated dependencies [09ef6fb]
- @saas-ui/auth@0.5.2
- 09d4167: Added PropertyList component and improved a11y
- 16c82e6: Dont override autoComplete when in password mode
- Updated dependencies [09d4167]
- Updated dependencies [16c82e6]
- @saas-ui/list@0.3.5
- @saas-ui/property@0.2.2
- @saas-ui/theme@0.4.11
- @saas-ui/password-input@0.2.2
- @saas-ui/provider@0.2.14
- @saas-ui/forms@0.3.4
- @saas-ui/layout@0.1.13
- @saas-ui/menu@0.3.10
- @saas-ui/auth@0.5.1
- @saas-ui/modals@0.2.10
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.1.12
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/list@0.3.4
- @saas-ui/theme@0.4.10
- @saas-ui/provider@0.2.13
- @saas-ui/layout@0.1.12
- @saas-ui/menu@0.3.9
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.1.11
- a467d50: Added Forgot- and UpdatePassword views and i11y improvements.
- 1ce9ba9: Improved ObjectField semantics and styles
- Updated dependencies [a6842fd]
- Updated dependencies [d3da8ef]
- Updated dependencies [a467d50]
- Updated dependencies [1190a53]
- Updated dependencies [52688c1]
- Updated dependencies [1ce9ba9]
- @saas-ui/forms@0.3.3
- @saas-ui/auth@0.5.0
- @saas-ui/snackbar@0.2.2
- @saas-ui/list@0.3.3
- @saas-ui/theme@0.4.9
- @saas-ui/modals@0.2.9
- @saas-ui/provider@0.2.12
- @saas-ui/layout@0.1.11
- @saas-ui/menu@0.3.8
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.1.10
- Updated dependencies [7e316aa]
- Updated dependencies [be249e2]
- @saas-ui/layout@0.1.10
- @saas-ui/theme@0.4.8
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.1.9
- @saas-ui/provider@0.2.11
- @saas-ui/menu@0.3.7
- Updated dependencies [4eba003]
- @saas-ui/theme@0.4.7
- @saas-ui/provider@0.2.10
- @saas-ui/layout@0.1.9
- @saas-ui/menu@0.3.6
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.1.8
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/card@0.2.3
- @saas-ui/theme@0.4.6
- @saas-ui/provider@0.2.9
- @saas-ui/layout@0.1.8
- @saas-ui/menu@0.3.5
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.1.7
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/theme@0.4.5
- @saas-ui/provider@0.2.8
- @saas-ui/layout@0.1.7
- @saas-ui/menu@0.3.4
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.1.6
- Updated dependencies [bae6cf9]
- Updated dependencies [afc15d8]
- @saas-ui/modals@0.2.8
- @saas-ui/card@0.2.2
- @saas-ui/theme@0.4.4
- @saas-ui/provider@0.2.7
- @saas-ui/layout@0.1.6
- @saas-ui/menu@0.3.3
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.1.5
- Updated dependencies [676eefa]
- @saas-ui/menu@0.3.2
- @saas-ui/select@0.2.2
- @saas-ui/forms@0.3.2
- @saas-ui/auth@0.4.7
- @saas-ui/modals@0.2.7
- Updated dependencies [e691413]
- @saas-ui/forms@0.3.1
- @saas-ui/auth@0.4.6
- @saas-ui/modals@0.2.6
- Updated dependencies [7b87e43]
- @saas-ui/menu@0.3.1
- 385b760: Improved Typescript support for forms, conditionally render form fields with DisplayIf
- f88d99a: Added new OverflowMenu component
- Updated dependencies [c7c77c5]
- Updated dependencies [5fbdefc]
- Updated dependencies [385b760]
- Updated dependencies [f88d99a]
- @saas-ui/menu@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/layout@0.1.5
- @saas-ui/forms@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.1.4
- @saas-ui/auth@0.4.5
- @saas-ui/modals@0.2.5
- AuthProvider now checks if a user is authenticated when logIn or signUp are succesful.
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/auth@0.4.4
- Updated dependencies [cedd489]
- Updated dependencies [b57b40b]
- @saas-ui/collapse@0.2.3
- @saas-ui/layout@0.1.4
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.1.3
- Updated dependencies [a7fc88b]
- Updated dependencies [0456a9f]
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/modals@0.2.4
- 65cd402: Added new FormDialog component
- 4b8a1cb: Improved useCollapse Typescript signature, merge toggle classname and return isCollapsible param.
- 46dd92b: NumberInput stepper can now be hidden and supports custom icons.
- Updated dependencies [65cd402]
- Updated dependencies [4b8a1cb]
- Updated dependencies [44e024f]
- Updated dependencies [46dd92b]
- @saas-ui/modals@0.2.3
- @saas-ui/collapse@0.2.2
- @saas-ui/layout@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/number-input@0.2.2
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/forms@0.2.5
- @saas-ui/auth@0.4.3
- Add Magic.link auth service to exports
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/auth@0.4.2
- 94a4bd6: Added new DataTable component
- b3159a7: Only publish dist and src files
- 2df4438: Add Link component
- Updated dependencies [94a4bd6]
- Updated dependencies [b3159a7]
- Updated dependencies [5e49802]
- Updated dependencies [2df4438]
- @saas-ui/data-table@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/auth@0.4.1
- @saas-ui/button@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/card@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/collapse@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/forms@0.2.4
- @saas-ui/hooks@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/hotkeys@0.3.1
- @saas-ui/input-right-button@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/layout@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/list@0.3.2
- @saas-ui/menu@0.2.6
- @saas-ui/modals@0.2.2
- @saas-ui/nprogress@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/number-input@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/palette@0.4.1
- @saas-ui/password-input@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/persona@0.3.2
- @saas-ui/pin-input@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/property@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/provider@0.2.6
- @saas-ui/radio@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/search-input@0.3.1
- @saas-ui/select@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/snackbar@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/system@0.3.1
- @saas-ui/theme@0.4.3
- 07d67a6: Finalized the authentication api
- Updated dependencies [07d67a6]
- @saas-ui/auth@0.4.0
- Update dependencies
- Updated dependencies [d3edc56]
- Updated dependencies [60173ca]
- @saas-ui/theme@0.4.2
- @saas-ui/auth@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/provider@0.2.5
- @saas-ui/menu@0.2.5
- Add supabase service to package entries
- Bump version
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/auth@0.2.3
- @saas-ui/layout@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/forms@0.2.3
- @saas-ui/list@0.3.1
- @saas-ui/menu@0.2.4
- @saas-ui/modals@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/provider@0.2.4
- @saas-ui/theme@0.4.1
- Set default value on FormProps generic type
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/forms@0.2.2
- @saas-ui/auth@0.2.2
- 638a054: Added new layout package with EmptyState and Loading components
- 4733b8f: Added new MenuDialog component
- Updated dependencies [638a054]
- Updated dependencies [76f5e46]
- Updated dependencies [4733b8f]
- @saas-ui/theme@0.4.0
- @saas-ui/layout@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/menu@0.2.3
- @saas-ui/modals@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/provider@0.2.3
- Fix modals build script
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/modals@0.1.1
- Release list component
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/list@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/theme@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/provider@0.2.2
- @saas-ui/menu@0.2.2
- Initial release of modals manager
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/modals@0.1.0
- 7141944: Improve button color accesibility
- e448f31: Saas UI theme now longer shows outlines when buttons/links are focused with a mouse click
- 6c55bef: Now using semantic tokens for presence colors
- 9673005: Improved typescript support and fixed issue with invalid states
- Updated dependencies [7141944]
- Updated dependencies [e448f31]
- Updated dependencies [6c55bef]
- Updated dependencies [9673005]
- @saas-ui/theme@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/persona@0.3.1
- @saas-ui/forms@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/provider@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/auth@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/menu@0.2.1
- Upgrade to Chakra UI 1.8.1
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/provider@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/auth@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/collapse@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/forms@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/hotkeys@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/input-right-button@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/menu@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/nprogress@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/number-input@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/palette@0.4.0
- @saas-ui/persona@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/pin-input@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/radio@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/search-input@0.3.0
- @saas-ui/select@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/snackbar@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/theme@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/button@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/card@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/hooks@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/password-input@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/property@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/system@0.3.0
- Remove Next dependency
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/nprogress@0.1.6
- Removed unused isOptional option
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/auth@0.1.9
- @saas-ui/forms@0.1.9
- Update radio dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/forms@0.1.8
- @saas-ui/radio@0.1.5
- @saas-ui/auth@0.1.8
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/forms@0.1.7
- @saas-ui/number-input@0.1.4
- @saas-ui/password-input@0.1.7
- @saas-ui/persona@0.2.6
- @saas-ui/pin-input@0.1.4
- @saas-ui/radio@0.1.4
- @saas-ui/search-input@0.2.4
- @saas-ui/select@0.1.5
- @saas-ui/auth@0.1.7
- @saas-ui/hotkeys@0.2.6
- Update card dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/card@0.1.6
- @saas-ui/hotkeys@0.2.5
- @saas-ui/system@0.2.5
- @saas-ui/theme@0.1.6
- @saas-ui/auth@0.1.6
- @saas-ui/button@0.1.6
- @saas-ui/menu@0.1.6
- @saas-ui/nprogress@0.1.5
- @saas-ui/persona@0.2.5
- @saas-ui/snackbar@0.1.5
- @saas-ui/provider@0.1.6
- @saas-ui/forms@0.1.6
- @saas-ui/input-right-button@0.1.6
- @saas-ui/password-input@0.1.6
- Update correct dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/provider@0.1.5
- @saas-ui/theme@0.1.5
- Add React to collapse dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/collapse@0.1.5
- Add select & search-input
- Version bump
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/hotkeys@0.2.4
- @saas-ui/system@0.2.4
- @saas-ui/forms@0.1.5
- @saas-ui/property@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/auth@0.1.5
- @saas-ui/button@0.1.5
- @saas-ui/card@0.1.5
- @saas-ui/menu@0.1.5
- @saas-ui/nprogress@0.1.4
- @saas-ui/persona@0.2.4
- @saas-ui/snackbar@0.1.4
- @saas-ui/theme@0.1.4
- @saas-ui/input-right-button@0.1.5
- @saas-ui/provider@0.1.4
- @saas-ui/password-input@0.1.5
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/auth@0.1.4
- @saas-ui/button@0.1.4
- @saas-ui/card@0.1.4
- @saas-ui/collapse@0.1.4
- @saas-ui/forms@0.1.4
- @saas-ui/input-right-button@0.1.4
- @saas-ui/menu@0.1.4
- @saas-ui/password-input@0.1.4
- Improved exports configuration
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/auth@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/button@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/card@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/collapse@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/forms@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/hooks@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/hotkeys@0.2.3
- @saas-ui/input-right-button@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/menu@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/nprogress@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/number-input@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/palette@0.3.2
- @saas-ui/password-input@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/persona@0.2.3
- @saas-ui/pin-input@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/property@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/provider@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/radio@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/snackbar@0.1.3
- @saas-ui/system@0.2.3
- @saas-ui/theme@0.1.3
- Republish with correct deps
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/auth@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/button@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/card@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/collapse@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/forms@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/hooks@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/hotkeys@0.2.2
- @saas-ui/input-right-button@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/menu@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/nprogress@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/number-input@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/palette@0.3.1
- @saas-ui/password-input@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/persona@0.2.2
- @saas-ui/pin-input@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/property@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/provider@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/radio@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/snackbar@0.1.2
- @saas-ui/system@0.2.2
- @saas-ui/theme@0.1.2
- Fix version mismatch
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/provider@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/snackbar@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/auth@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/button@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/card@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/collapse@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/forms@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/hooks@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/hotkeys@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/input-right-button@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/menu@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/nprogress@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/number-input@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/password-input@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/persona@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/pin-input@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/property@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/radio@0.1.1
- @saas-ui/system@0.2.1
- @saas-ui/theme@0.1.1
- Initial release of Saas UI Core
- Updated dependencies
- @saas-ui/auth@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/button@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/card@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/collapse@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/forms@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/hooks@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/hotkeys@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/input-right-button@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/menu@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/nprogress@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/number-input@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/password-input@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/persona@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/pin-input@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/property@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/provider@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/radio@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/snackbar@0.1.0
- @saas-ui/system@0.2.0
- @saas-ui/theme@0.1.0