All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Now you can add a reminder to the content, so you get whatever you added reminded on the future whenever you want. If you select the Autodestroy option, booom , content will be auto-deleted from your mind at that specified time (Wish you had that in real life right?) pd: you can restore deleted notion content from the trash bin 😉.
- Added a background worker that maintains the database, cleaning blank content added that fills the mind with garbage. (Check for duplicated content coming soon)
- Android app redesign as well, with bug fixes and less immersive experience.
- More error handling and structure fix to make everything faster and reliable.
- Now you can add Video files from web or phone!
- Started the base for adding a background worker that maintains the database, cleaning duplicated or blank content added. (Coming soon)
- Tags added from the AI tagging system have a number filter, so they are not all sent at the same time only the 10 first that are more used!
- More error handling and structure fix to make everything faster.
- Bug fix #20
Now you can add Audio files from web or phone!
Added multilanguage-support! Now server, phone app and extension is translated to English and Spanish! Would you like to have it translated into your own language? You can have more info on how to collaborate it helps out people from all comunities and languages access this amazing tool! More info here.
Chrome extension notifies you when there is a new update on the server!
The server tells you now if there is a newer version of it on startup!
Started the base for adding the ability to add notion reminders to content so it is reminded to you in the future. (Coming soon)
Tags added from the AI tagging system are also suggested to you now when adding tags!
- Bug when first image was invalid, it did not add the next ones on the list.
- Bug that when adding content from phone, mind_extension property tell browser-extension instead of phone-extension
- More error handling
- Bug fix #17
- Now you can tell on the server the name of the properties, in case you want to customize the name of the basic properties that Notion AI My Mind contacts.
Now you can modify the title and url of the added content on the fly from the mind Extensions.
You can add and remove multiple tags on the content you add. The tags you write will be saved to notion, so they will be suggested to you next time as you write. It also gets the current tags you may have added in notion for that property, and suggests them to you as you write!
All this implements the ideas given by the community on #13 and #8.
Added ability to scan QR Code on the android app, so you configure the app in no-time. When you access the server, you can scan it with the phone app.
Fixed bugs and revamped the phone app UI.
Added more error handling on the phone app.
- More error handling
- Notion API has changed. Maybe you get this error: "400 error on get_block() call",the fix is in here jamalex/notion-py#292 but you need to modify manually the library. Meanwhile I am waiting for the library owner to update it.
- If you make a lot of request to notion API, means adding lot of content in a short amount of time, you may get now a 429 error(Too Many Requests). I may look into finding a solution or workaround to this, but it is a problem on notion's not my repo or @jamalex notion-py repo.
- Added collections! Now you can have different collections or databases, so you can add the content to the collection you choose. More info here as you need to change your current notion setup:
-Android app has updated to allow the new collections!
- Added more exceptions for error handling.
- Added notification for Notion's recent API change that limits api requests.
- Added function to modify a row title and url by its id, this is a base for developing ideas on #8.
- Now it looks at all images available on the content added so we can get more information and AI tag every image.
- Click to open added content works for url's, texts and images now.
- When you add content, it tracks if it was added from your phone or desktop. You need to add a new text atribute called "mind_extension". You can use this to filter by elements added from phone or desktop.
- Fixed error #9
- Fixed error no output provided when url or title was none adding a url.
- Fixed error when on some websites where tagged as image not found when images were found.
- Moved utils function to a util file.
- Added server as a .exe program on windows so it is easier as ever to run Notion AI My Mind in simple clicks.
- Server url is opened automatically on the browser, so you don't get lost if you don't know what the server url is.
- No port was returned at first run of the server.
- Refactored python directory, organized with folders.
- Faster and more reliable thanks to switching to an async based server with Quart.
- Added json responses on server with built-in responses that would be translated to other languages. When requesting to the API, it returns the same text and status code on chrome, firefox and android/ios platforms.
- Updated app to work with these changes.
- When clicking on the message box, you can go to the url of the added content and see it.
- Refactored code, made it easier for example to implement in the near future a way to translate to different languages, and removed unused code.
- No message was shown when trying to add something witouth having entered credentials.
- Added initial Android and Ios App based on flutter. You can download from Play Store here:
- Disclaimer : I won't be releasing the app on the Apple App Store, as I don't have an Apple Developer Account either Mac OS based computer.
- Fixed server issues to be able to add images by posting, so I could add local images from phone.
- You can log in with email and password. (You need to enable a password on notion website settings.) For security, each time you reload the server you need to log in again. This is because email and password is not saved anywhere. You hear correctly.
- New revamped design and logic of the extension. Now its nicer, and shows always, even adding frome context menu. If you liked it, be careful with this update, you'll love it.
- Fixed server issues adding callback capabilities. Before some websites images were not added due to timeouts.