An elasticsearch plugin adding ssl to both http(client-to-cluster) and transport(node-to-node) with several simple java files. It is simple, easy, and free. ##To install: plugin install ##To configure:
- elasticsearch.yml:
# When this plug-in in play, https is enabled between client and elasticsearch cluster. # To disable easyssl, you have to remove this plug-in. # Assuming your keystore contains key pair and certiface chains for this node, and trusted certificates of all nodes in the cluster. # Put your keystore in /concig directory of this node. # Replace the paswords with your own. # Alias is optional. if not specified, the first key entry in the store is used. # Default value of transport.ssl.enaled is true. # easyssl: keystore.file: ${path.home}/config/keystore.jks keystore.password: easyssl key.password: easyssl #key.alias: transport.ssl.enaled: true
export JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS}${ES_HOME}/plugins/easyssl/elasticsearch-security.policy"