| A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the icon
property. |
+| [euiIconType](./ | string
| A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precedence over the icon
property. |
| [icon](./ | string
| A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if euiIconType
is not provided. |
| [order](./ | number
| An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display. |
| [tooltip](./ | string
| A tooltip shown when hovering over app link. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index ab0f2d0ee5a17..c8ccdfeedb83f 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ readonly links: {
readonly ruleChangeLog: string;
readonly detectionsReq: string;
readonly networkMap: string;
+ readonly troubleshootGaps: string;
readonly query: {
readonly eql: string;
@@ -213,6 +214,10 @@ readonly links: {
mappingRolesFieldRules: string;
runAsPrivilege: string;
+ readonly spaces: Readonly<{
+ kibanaLegacyUrlAliases: string;
+ kibanaDisableLegacyUrlAliasesApi: string;
+ }>;
readonly watcher: Recordstring
| |
| [ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL](./ | string
| |
-| [links](./ | {
readonly settings: string;
readonly apm: {
readonly kibanaSettings: string;
readonly supportedServiceMaps: string;
readonly customLinks: string;
readonly droppedTransactionSpans: string;
readonly upgrading: string;
readonly metaData: string;
readonly canvas: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly dashboard: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly drilldowns: string;
readonly drilldownsTriggerPicker: string;
readonly urlDrilldownTemplateSyntax: string;
readonly urlDrilldownVariables: string;
readonly discover: Record<string, string>;
readonly filebeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly installation: string;
readonly configuration: string;
readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;
readonly elasticsearchModule: string;
readonly startup: string;
readonly exportedFields: string;
readonly suricataModule: string;
readonly zeekModule: string;
readonly auditbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly auditdModule: string;
readonly systemModule: string;
readonly metricbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly configure: string;
readonly httpEndpoint: string;
readonly install: string;
readonly start: string;
readonly enterpriseSearch: {
readonly base: string;
readonly appSearchBase: string;
readonly workplaceSearchBase: string;
readonly heartbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly libbeat: {
readonly getStarted: string;
readonly logstash: {
readonly base: string;
readonly functionbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly winlogbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly aggs: {
readonly composite: string;
readonly composite_missing_bucket: string;
readonly date_histogram: string;
readonly date_range: string;
readonly date_format_pattern: string;
readonly filter: string;
readonly filters: string;
readonly geohash_grid: string;
readonly histogram: string;
readonly ip_range: string;
readonly range: string;
readonly significant_terms: string;
readonly terms: string;
readonly avg: string;
readonly avg_bucket: string;
readonly max_bucket: string;
readonly min_bucket: string;
readonly sum_bucket: string;
readonly cardinality: string;
readonly count: string;
readonly cumulative_sum: string;
readonly derivative: string;
readonly geo_bounds: string;
readonly geo_centroid: string;
readonly max: string;
readonly median: string;
readonly min: string;
readonly moving_avg: string;
readonly percentile_ranks: string;
readonly serial_diff: string;
readonly std_dev: string;
readonly sum: string;
readonly top_hits: string;
readonly runtimeFields: {
readonly overview: string;
readonly mapping: string;
readonly scriptedFields: {
readonly scriptFields: string;
readonly scriptAggs: string;
readonly painless: string;
readonly painlessApi: string;
readonly painlessLangSpec: string;
readonly painlessSyntax: string;
readonly painlessWalkthrough: string;
readonly luceneExpressions: string;
readonly search: {
readonly sessions: string;
readonly sessionLimits: string;
readonly indexPatterns: {
readonly introduction: string;
readonly fieldFormattersNumber: string;
readonly fieldFormattersString: string;
readonly runtimeFields: string;
readonly addData: string;
readonly kibana: string;
readonly upgradeAssistant: string;
readonly rollupJobs: string;
readonly elasticsearch: Record<string, string>;
readonly siem: {
readonly privileges: string;
readonly guide: string;
readonly gettingStarted: string;
readonly ml: string;
readonly ruleChangeLog: string;
readonly detectionsReq: string;
readonly networkMap: string;
readonly query: {
readonly eql: string;
readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;
readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;
readonly percolate: string;
readonly queryDsl: string;
readonly autocompleteChanges: string;
readonly date: {
readonly dateMath: string;
readonly dateMathIndexNames: string;
readonly management: Record<string, string>;
readonly ml: Record<string, string>;
readonly transforms: Record<string, string>;
readonly visualize: Record<string, string>;
readonly apis: Readonly<{
bulkIndexAlias: string;
byteSizeUnits: string;
createAutoFollowPattern: string;
createFollower: string;
createIndex: string;
createSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string;
createRoleMapping: string;
createRoleMappingTemplates: string;
createRollupJobsRequest: string;
createApiKey: string;
createPipeline: string;
createTransformRequest: string;
cronExpressions: string;
executeWatchActionModes: string;
indexExists: string;
openIndex: string;
putComponentTemplate: string;
painlessExecute: string;
painlessExecuteAPIContexts: string;
putComponentTemplateMetadata: string;
putSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string;
putIndexTemplateV1: string;
putWatch: string;
simulatePipeline: string;
timeUnits: string;
updateTransform: string;
readonly observability: Readonly<{
guide: string;
infrastructureThreshold: string;
logsThreshold: string;
metricsThreshold: string;
monitorStatus: string;
monitorUptime: string;
tlsCertificate: string;
uptimeDurationAnomaly: string;
readonly alerting: Record<string, string>;
readonly maps: Record<string, string>;
readonly monitoring: Record<string, string>;
readonly security: Readonly<{
apiKeyServiceSettings: string;
clusterPrivileges: string;
elasticsearchSettings: string;
elasticsearchEnableSecurity: string;
indicesPrivileges: string;
kibanaTLS: string;
kibanaPrivileges: string;
mappingRoles: string;
mappingRolesFieldRules: string;
runAsPrivilege: string;
readonly watcher: Record<string, string>;
readonly ccs: Record<string, string>;
readonly plugins: Record<string, string>;
readonly snapshotRestore: Record<string, string>;
readonly ingest: Record<string, string>;
readonly fleet: Readonly<{
guide: string;
fleetServer: string;
fleetServerAddFleetServer: string;
settings: string;
settingsFleetServerHostSettings: string;
troubleshooting: string;
elasticAgent: string;
datastreams: string;
datastreamsNamingScheme: string;
upgradeElasticAgent: string;
upgradeElasticAgent712lower: string;
readonly ecs: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly clients: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly goOverview: string;
readonly javaIndex: string;
readonly jsIntro: string;
readonly netGuide: string;
readonly perlGuide: string;
readonly phpGuide: string;
readonly pythonGuide: string;
readonly rubyOverview: string;
readonly rustGuide: string;
| |
+| [links](./ | {
readonly settings: string;
readonly apm: {
readonly kibanaSettings: string;
readonly supportedServiceMaps: string;
readonly customLinks: string;
readonly droppedTransactionSpans: string;
readonly upgrading: string;
readonly metaData: string;
readonly canvas: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly dashboard: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly drilldowns: string;
readonly drilldownsTriggerPicker: string;
readonly urlDrilldownTemplateSyntax: string;
readonly urlDrilldownVariables: string;
readonly discover: Record<string, string>;
readonly filebeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly installation: string;
readonly configuration: string;
readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;
readonly elasticsearchModule: string;
readonly startup: string;
readonly exportedFields: string;
readonly suricataModule: string;
readonly zeekModule: string;
readonly auditbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly auditdModule: string;
readonly systemModule: string;
readonly metricbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly configure: string;
readonly httpEndpoint: string;
readonly install: string;
readonly start: string;
readonly enterpriseSearch: {
readonly base: string;
readonly appSearchBase: string;
readonly workplaceSearchBase: string;
readonly heartbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly libbeat: {
readonly getStarted: string;
readonly logstash: {
readonly base: string;
readonly functionbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly winlogbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly aggs: {
readonly composite: string;
readonly composite_missing_bucket: string;
readonly date_histogram: string;
readonly date_range: string;
readonly date_format_pattern: string;
readonly filter: string;
readonly filters: string;
readonly geohash_grid: string;
readonly histogram: string;
readonly ip_range: string;
readonly range: string;
readonly significant_terms: string;
readonly terms: string;
readonly avg: string;
readonly avg_bucket: string;
readonly max_bucket: string;
readonly min_bucket: string;
readonly sum_bucket: string;
readonly cardinality: string;
readonly count: string;
readonly cumulative_sum: string;
readonly derivative: string;
readonly geo_bounds: string;
readonly geo_centroid: string;
readonly max: string;
readonly median: string;
readonly min: string;
readonly moving_avg: string;
readonly percentile_ranks: string;
readonly serial_diff: string;
readonly std_dev: string;
readonly sum: string;
readonly top_hits: string;
readonly runtimeFields: {
readonly overview: string;
readonly mapping: string;
readonly scriptedFields: {
readonly scriptFields: string;
readonly scriptAggs: string;
readonly painless: string;
readonly painlessApi: string;
readonly painlessLangSpec: string;
readonly painlessSyntax: string;
readonly painlessWalkthrough: string;
readonly luceneExpressions: string;
readonly search: {
readonly sessions: string;
readonly sessionLimits: string;
readonly indexPatterns: {
readonly introduction: string;
readonly fieldFormattersNumber: string;
readonly fieldFormattersString: string;
readonly runtimeFields: string;
readonly addData: string;
readonly kibana: string;
readonly upgradeAssistant: string;
readonly rollupJobs: string;
readonly elasticsearch: Record<string, string>;
readonly siem: {
readonly privileges: string;
readonly guide: string;
readonly gettingStarted: string;
readonly ml: string;
readonly ruleChangeLog: string;
readonly detectionsReq: string;
readonly networkMap: string;
readonly query: {
readonly eql: string;
readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;
readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;
readonly percolate: string;
readonly queryDsl: string;
readonly autocompleteChanges: string;
readonly date: {
readonly dateMath: string;
readonly dateMathIndexNames: string;
readonly management: Record<string, string>;
readonly ml: Record<string, string>;
readonly transforms: Record<string, string>;
readonly visualize: Record<string, string>;
readonly apis: Readonly<{
bulkIndexAlias: string;
byteSizeUnits: string;
createAutoFollowPattern: string;
createFollower: string;
createIndex: string;
createSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string;
createRoleMapping: string;
createRoleMappingTemplates: string;
createRollupJobsRequest: string;
createApiKey: string;
createPipeline: string;
createTransformRequest: string;
cronExpressions: string;
executeWatchActionModes: string;
indexExists: string;
openIndex: string;
putComponentTemplate: string;
painlessExecute: string;
painlessExecuteAPIContexts: string;
putComponentTemplateMetadata: string;
putSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string;
putIndexTemplateV1: string;
putWatch: string;
simulatePipeline: string;
timeUnits: string;
updateTransform: string;
readonly observability: Readonly<{
guide: string;
infrastructureThreshold: string;
logsThreshold: string;
metricsThreshold: string;
monitorStatus: string;
monitorUptime: string;
tlsCertificate: string;
uptimeDurationAnomaly: string;
readonly alerting: Record<string, string>;
readonly maps: Record<string, string>;
readonly monitoring: Record<string, string>;
readonly security: Readonly<{
apiKeyServiceSettings: string;
clusterPrivileges: string;
elasticsearchSettings: string;
elasticsearchEnableSecurity: string;
indicesPrivileges: string;
kibanaTLS: string;
kibanaPrivileges: string;
mappingRoles: string;
mappingRolesFieldRules: string;
runAsPrivilege: string;
readonly spaces: Readonly<{
kibanaLegacyUrlAliases: string;
kibanaDisableLegacyUrlAliasesApi: string;
readonly watcher: Record<string, string>;
readonly ccs: Record<string, string>;
readonly plugins: Record<string, string>;
readonly snapshotRestore: Record<string, string>;
readonly ingest: Record<string, string>;
readonly fleet: Readonly<{
guide: string;
fleetServer: string;
fleetServerAddFleetServer: string;
settings: string;
settingsFleetServerHostSettings: string;
troubleshooting: string;
elasticAgent: string;
datastreams: string;
datastreamsNamingScheme: string;
upgradeElasticAgent: string;
upgradeElasticAgent712lower: string;
readonly ecs: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly clients: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly goOverview: string;
readonly javaIndex: string;
readonly jsIntro: string;
readonly netGuide: string;
readonly perlGuide: string;
readonly phpGuide: string;
readonly pythonGuide: string;
readonly rubyOverview: string;
readonly rustGuide: string;
| |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 6bdbaf4ee2f36..ad232598b71ca 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
## HttpSetup.fetch property
-Makes an HTTP request. Defaults to a GET request unless overriden. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+Makes an HTTP request. Defaults to a GET request unless overridden. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index b8a99cbb62353..a921110018c70 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ export interface HttpSetup
| [basePath](./ | IBasePath
| APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments. See [IBasePath](./ |
| [delete](./ | HttpHandler
| Makes an HTTP request with the DELETE method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
| [externalUrl](./ | IExternalUrl
| |
-| [fetch](./ | HttpHandler
| Makes an HTTP request. Defaults to a GET request unless overriden. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+| [fetch](./ | HttpHandler
| Makes an HTTP request. Defaults to a GET request unless overridden. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
| [get](./ | HttpHandler
| Makes an HTTP request with the GET method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
| [head](./ | HttpHandler
| Makes an HTTP request with the HEAD method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
| [options](./ | HttpHandler
| Makes an HTTP request with the OPTIONS method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 89203cb94d573..76b48358363e0 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: `setup`
| [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./ | Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./ |
| [SavedObjectMigrationFn](./ | A migration function for a [saved object type](./ used to migrate it to a given version |
| [SavedObjectSanitizedDoc](./ | Describes Saved Object documents that have passed through the migration framework and are guaranteed to have a references
root property. |
-| [SavedObjectsClientContract](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state.\#\# SavedObjectsClient errorsSince the SavedObjectsClient has its hands in everything we are a little paranoid about the way we present errors back to to application code. Ideally, all errors will be either:1. Caused by bad implementation (ie. undefined is not a function) and as such unpredictable 2. An error that has been classified and decorated appropriately by the decorators in [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ 1 errors are inevitable, but since all expected/handle-able errors should be Type 2 the isXYZError()
helpers exposed at SavedObjectsErrorHelpers
should be used to understand and manage error responses from the SavedObjectsClient
.Type 2 errors are decorated versions of the source error, so if the elasticsearch client threw an error it will be decorated based on its type. That means that rather than looking for error.body.error.type
or doing substring checks on error.body.error.reason
, just use the helpers to understand the meaning of the error:\`\`\`js if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError(error)) { // handle 404 }if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(error)) { // 401 handling should be automatic, but in case you wanted to know }// always rethrow the error unless you handle it throw error; \`\`\`\#\#\# 404s from missing indexFrom the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is a black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have no control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistance and that index might be missing.At the time of writing we are in the process of transitioning away from the operating assumption that the SavedObjects index is always available. Part of this transition is handling errors resulting from an index missing. These used to trigger a 500 error in most cases, and in others cause 404s with different error messages.From my (Spencer) perspective, a 404 from the SavedObjectsApi is a 404; The object the request/call was targeting could not be found. This is why \#14141 takes special care to ensure that 404 errors are generic and don't distinguish between index missing or document missing.See [SavedObjectsClient](./ See [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ |
+| [SavedObjectsClientContract](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state.\#\# SavedObjectsClient errorsSince the SavedObjectsClient has its hands in everything we are a little paranoid about the way we present errors back to to application code. Ideally, all errors will be either:1. Caused by bad implementation (ie. undefined is not a function) and as such unpredictable 2. An error that has been classified and decorated appropriately by the decorators in [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ 1 errors are inevitable, but since all expected/handle-able errors should be Type 2 the isXYZError()
helpers exposed at SavedObjectsErrorHelpers
should be used to understand and manage error responses from the SavedObjectsClient
.Type 2 errors are decorated versions of the source error, so if the elasticsearch client threw an error it will be decorated based on its type. That means that rather than looking for error.body.error.type
or doing substring checks on error.body.error.reason
, just use the helpers to understand the meaning of the error:\`\`\`js if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError(error)) { // handle 404 }if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(error)) { // 401 handling should be automatic, but in case you wanted to know }// always rethrow the error unless you handle it throw error; \`\`\`\#\#\# 404s from missing indexFrom the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is a black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have no control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistence and that index might be missing.At the time of writing we are in the process of transitioning away from the operating assumption that the SavedObjects index is always available. Part of this transition is handling errors resulting from an index missing. These used to trigger a 500 error in most cases, and in others cause 404s with different error messages.From my (Spencer) perspective, a 404 from the SavedObjectsApi is a 404; The object the request/call was targeting could not be found. This is why \#14141 takes special care to ensure that 404 errors are generic and don't distinguish between index missing or document missing.See [SavedObjectsClient](./ See [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ |
| [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./ | Describes the factory used to create instances of the Saved Objects Client. |
| [SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider](./ | Provider to invoke to retrieve a [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./ |
| [SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory](./ | Describes the factory used to create instances of Saved Objects Client Wrappers. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 610356a733126..f4e7895a3f3eb 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(error)) { // 401 handling shou
\#\#\# 404s from missing index
-From the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is a black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have no control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistance and that index might be missing.
+From the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is a black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have no control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistence and that index might be missing.
At the time of writing we are in the process of transitioning away from the operating assumption that the SavedObjects index is always available. Part of this transition is handling errors resulting from an index missing. These used to trigger a 500 error in most cases, and in others cause 404s with different error messages.
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 5a390bd450421..103d1ff8a912b 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
## SavedObjectsExportError.invalidTransformError() method
-Error returned when a [export tranform](./ performed an invalid operation during the transform, such as removing objects from the export, or changing an object's type or id.
+Error returned when a [export transform](./ performed an invalid operation during the transform, such as removing objects from the export, or changing an object's type or id.
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 7d5c6e5d89a5b..2a503f9377dac 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export declare class SavedObjectsExportError extends Error
| Method | Modifiers | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [exportSizeExceeded(limit)](./ | static
| |
-| [invalidTransformError(objectKeys)](./ | static
| Error returned when a [export tranform](./ performed an invalid operation during the transform, such as removing objects from the export, or changing an object's type or id. |
+| [invalidTransformError(objectKeys)](./ | static
| Error returned when a [export transform](./ performed an invalid operation during the transform, such as removing objects from the export, or changing an object's type or id. |
| [objectFetchError(objects)](./ | static
| |
-| [objectTransformError(objects, cause)](./ | static
| Error returned when a [export tranform](./ threw an error |
+| [objectTransformError(objects, cause)](./ | static
| Error returned when a [export transform](./ threw an error |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 4463e9ff06da0..393cf20dbae16 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
## SavedObjectsExportError.objectTransformError() method
-Error returned when a [export tranform](./ threw an error
+Error returned when a [export transform](./ threw an error
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index ad07c23ae7034..cd5c71077e666 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ export declare class SavedObjectsImporter
| Method | Modifiers | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [import({ readStream, createNewCopies, namespace, overwrite, })](./ | | Import saved objects from given stream. See the [options](./ for more detailed information. |
-| [resolveImportErrors({ readStream, createNewCopies, namespace, retries, })](./ | | Resolve and return saved object import errors. See the [options](./ for more detailed informations. |
+| [resolveImportErrors({ readStream, createNewCopies, namespace, retries, })](./ | | Resolve and return saved object import errors. See the [options](./ for more detailed information. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index c4ea529d30eff..9418b581ad5b2 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
## SavedObjectsImporter.resolveImportErrors() method
-Resolve and return saved object import errors. See the [options](./ for more detailed informations.
+Resolve and return saved object import errors. See the [options](./ for more detailed information.
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 6c65e44270a06..96784359457fb 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ derivedStatus$: Observable${escape(}
+ Failures in tracked branches: ${
+ failure.failureCount || 0
+ }
+ ${
+ failure.githubIssue
+ ? `
+ failure.githubIssue
+ )}`
+ : ''
+ }
+ Buildkite Job
+ ${escape(jobUrl)}
${escape(failure['system-out'] || '')}diff --git a/packages/kbn-test/src/failed_tests_reporter/run_failed_tests_reporter_cli.ts b/packages/kbn-test/src/failed_tests_reporter/run_failed_tests_reporter_cli.ts index 31cd43eae4141..80fe8340e6a11 100644 --- a/packages/kbn-test/src/failed_tests_reporter/run_failed_tests_reporter_cli.ts +++ b/packages/kbn-test/src/failed_tests_reporter/run_failed_tests_reporter_cli.ts @@ -99,8 +99,6 @@ export function runFailedTestsReporterCli() { const messages = Array.from(getReportMessageIter(report)); const failures = await getFailures(report); - reportFailuresToFile(log, failures); - if (indexInEs) { await reportFailuresToEs(log, failures); } @@ -146,6 +144,8 @@ export function runFailedTestsReporterCli() { branch ); const url = existingIssue.html_url; + failure.githubIssue = url; + failure.failureCount = updateGithub ? newFailureCount : newFailureCount - 1; pushMessage(`Test has failed ${newFailureCount - 1} times on tracked branches: ${url}`); if (updateGithub) { pushMessage(`Updated existing issue: ${url} (fail count: ${newFailureCount})`); @@ -157,8 +157,10 @@ export function runFailedTestsReporterCli() { pushMessage('Test has not failed recently on tracked branches'); if (updateGithub) { pushMessage(`Created new issue: ${newIssue.html_url}`); + failure.githubIssue = newIssue.html_url; } newlyCreatedIssues.push({ failure, newIssue }); + failure.failureCount = updateGithub ? 1 : 0; } // mutates report to include messages and writes updated report to disk @@ -169,6 +171,8 @@ export function runFailedTestsReporterCli() { reportPath, dryRun: !flags['report-update'], }); + + reportFailuresToFile(log, failures); } }, { diff --git a/src/core/public/application/types.ts b/src/core/public/application/types.ts index 5803f2e3779ab..94930f55b8b2c 100644 --- a/src/core/public/application/types.ts +++ b/src/core/public/application/types.ts @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ export interface AppNavOptions { /** * A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon - * takes precendence over the `icon` property. + * takes precedence over the `icon` property. */ euiIconType?: string; diff --git a/src/core/public/doc_links/doc_links_service.ts b/src/core/public/doc_links/doc_links_service.ts index 9a9b7aabc4dec..01108298adc99 100644 --- a/src/core/public/doc_links/doc_links_service.ts +++ b/src/core/public/doc_links/doc_links_service.ts @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ export class DocLinksService { const FLEET_DOCS = `${ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL}guide/en/fleet/${DOC_LINK_VERSION}/`; const PLUGIN_DOCS = `${ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL}guide/en/elasticsearch/plugins/${DOC_LINK_VERSION}/`; const APM_DOCS = `${ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL}guide/en/apm/`; + const SECURITY_SOLUTION_DOCS = `${ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL}guide/en/security/${DOC_LINK_VERSION}/`; return deepFreeze({ DOC_LINK_VERSION, @@ -223,13 +224,14 @@ export class DocLinksService { typesRemoval: `${ELASTICSEARCH_DOCS}removal-of-types.html`, }, siem: { - guide: `${ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL}guide/en/security/${DOC_LINK_VERSION}/index.html`, - gettingStarted: `${ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL}guide/en/security/${DOC_LINK_VERSION}/index.html`, - privileges: `${ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL}guide/en/security/${DOC_LINK_VERSION}/sec-requirements.html`, - ml: `${ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL}guide/en/security/${DOC_LINK_VERSION}/machine-learning.html`, - ruleChangeLog: `${ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL}guide/en/security/${DOC_LINK_VERSION}/prebuilt-rules-changelog.html`, - detectionsReq: `${ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL}guide/en/security/${DOC_LINK_VERSION}/detections-permissions-section.html`, - networkMap: `${ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL}guide/en/security/${DOC_LINK_VERSION}/conf-map-ui.html`, + guide: `${SECURITY_SOLUTION_DOCS}index.html`, + gettingStarted: `${SECURITY_SOLUTION_DOCS}index.html`, + privileges: `${SECURITY_SOLUTION_DOCS}sec-requirements.html`, + ml: `${SECURITY_SOLUTION_DOCS}machine-learning.html`, + ruleChangeLog: `${SECURITY_SOLUTION_DOCS}prebuilt-rules-changelog.html`, + detectionsReq: `${SECURITY_SOLUTION_DOCS}detections-permissions-section.html`, + networkMap: `${SECURITY_SOLUTION_DOCS}conf-map-ui.html`, + troubleshootGaps: `${SECURITY_SOLUTION_DOCS}alerts-ui-monitor.html#troubleshoot-gaps`, }, query: { eql: `${ELASTICSEARCH_DOCS}eql.html`, @@ -356,6 +358,10 @@ export class DocLinksService { mappingRolesFieldRules: `${ELASTICSEARCH_DOCS}role-mapping-resources.html#mapping-roles-rule-field`, runAsPrivilege: `${ELASTICSEARCH_DOCS}security-privileges.html#_run_as_privilege`, }, + spaces: { + kibanaLegacyUrlAliases: `${KIBANA_DOCS}legacy-url-aliases.html`, + kibanaDisableLegacyUrlAliasesApi: `${KIBANA_DOCS}spaces-api-disable-legacy-url-aliases.html`, + }, watcher: { jiraAction: `${ELASTICSEARCH_DOCS}actions-jira.html`, pagerDutyAction: `${ELASTICSEARCH_DOCS}actions-pagerduty.html`, @@ -470,6 +476,7 @@ export class DocLinksService { datastreamsNamingScheme: `${FLEET_DOCS}data-streams.html#data-streams-naming-scheme`, upgradeElasticAgent: `${FLEET_DOCS}upgrade-elastic-agent.html`, upgradeElasticAgent712lower: `${FLEET_DOCS}upgrade-elastic-agent.html#upgrade-7.12-lower`, + learnMoreBlog: `${ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL}blog/elastic-agent-and-fleet-make-it-easier-to-integrate-your-systems-with-elastic`, }, ecs: { guide: `${ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL}guide/en/ecs/current/index.html`, @@ -632,6 +639,7 @@ export interface DocLinksStart { readonly ruleChangeLog: string; readonly detectionsReq: string; readonly networkMap: string; + readonly troubleshootGaps: string; }; readonly query: { readonly eql: string; @@ -702,6 +710,10 @@ export interface DocLinksStart { mappingRolesFieldRules: string; runAsPrivilege: string; }>; + readonly spaces: Readonly<{ + kibanaLegacyUrlAliases: string; + kibanaDisableLegacyUrlAliasesApi: string; + }>; readonly watcher: Record
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/lens/public/editor_frame_service/error_helper.ts b/x-pack/plugins/lens/public/editor_frame_service/error_helper.ts
index 9df48d99ce762..b19a295b68407 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/lens/public/editor_frame_service/error_helper.ts
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/lens/public/editor_frame_service/error_helper.ts
@@ -160,8 +160,9 @@ export function getMissingCurrentDatasource() {
export function getMissingIndexPatterns(indexPatternIds: string[]) {
- return i18n.translate('xpack.lens.editorFrame.expressionMissingDataView', {
- defaultMessage: 'Could not find the {count, plural, one {data view} other {data views}}: {ids}',
+ return i18n.translate('xpack.lens.editorFrame.expressionMissingIndexPattern', {
+ defaultMessage:
+ 'Could not find the {count, plural, one {index pattern} other {index pattern}}: {ids}',
values: { count: indexPatternIds.length, ids: indexPatternIds.join(', ') },
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/lens/public/embeddable/embeddable.test.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/lens/public/embeddable/embeddable.test.tsx
index eea54ed525f6c..4c247c031eac0 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/lens/public/embeddable/embeddable.test.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/lens/public/embeddable/embeddable.test.tsx
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ describe('embeddable', () => {
sharingSavedObjectProps: {
outcome: 'conflict',
- errorJSON: '{targetType: "lens", sourceId: "1", targetSpace: "space"}',
+ sourceId: '1',
aliasTargetId: '2',
} as ResolvedLensSavedObjectAttributes);
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/lens/public/embeddable/embeddable.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/lens/public/embeddable/embeddable.tsx
index 2e0ab2401c70f..7faf873cf0b0a 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/lens/public/embeddable/embeddable.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/lens/public/embeddable/embeddable.tsx
@@ -286,8 +286,9 @@ export class Embeddable
defaultMessage: `You've encountered a URL conflict`,
longMessage: (