| |
| [ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL](./ | string
| |
-| [links](./ | {
readonly settings: string;
readonly elasticStackGetStarted: string;
readonly apm: {
readonly kibanaSettings: string;
readonly supportedServiceMaps: string;
readonly customLinks: string;
readonly droppedTransactionSpans: string;
readonly upgrading: string;
readonly metaData: string;
readonly canvas: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly dashboard: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly drilldowns: string;
readonly drilldownsTriggerPicker: string;
readonly urlDrilldownTemplateSyntax: string;
readonly urlDrilldownVariables: string;
readonly discover: Record<string, string>;
readonly filebeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly installation: string;
readonly configuration: string;
readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;
readonly elasticsearchModule: string;
readonly startup: string;
readonly exportedFields: string;
readonly suricataModule: string;
readonly zeekModule: string;
readonly auditbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly auditdModule: string;
readonly systemModule: string;
readonly metricbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly configure: string;
readonly httpEndpoint: string;
readonly install: string;
readonly start: string;
readonly enterpriseSearch: {
readonly base: string;
readonly appSearchBase: string;
readonly workplaceSearchBase: string;
readonly heartbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly libbeat: {
readonly getStarted: string;
readonly logstash: {
readonly base: string;
readonly functionbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly winlogbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly aggs: {
readonly composite: string;
readonly composite_missing_bucket: string;
readonly date_histogram: string;
readonly date_range: string;
readonly date_format_pattern: string;
readonly filter: string;
readonly filters: string;
readonly geohash_grid: string;
readonly histogram: string;
readonly ip_range: string;
readonly range: string;
readonly significant_terms: string;
readonly terms: string;
readonly avg: string;
readonly avg_bucket: string;
readonly max_bucket: string;
readonly min_bucket: string;
readonly sum_bucket: string;
readonly cardinality: string;
readonly count: string;
readonly cumulative_sum: string;
readonly derivative: string;
readonly geo_bounds: string;
readonly geo_centroid: string;
readonly max: string;
readonly median: string;
readonly min: string;
readonly moving_avg: string;
readonly percentile_ranks: string;
readonly serial_diff: string;
readonly std_dev: string;
readonly sum: string;
readonly top_hits: string;
readonly runtimeFields: {
readonly overview: string;
readonly mapping: string;
readonly scriptedFields: {
readonly scriptFields: string;
readonly scriptAggs: string;
readonly painless: string;
readonly painlessApi: string;
readonly painlessLangSpec: string;
readonly painlessSyntax: string;
readonly painlessWalkthrough: string;
readonly luceneExpressions: string;
readonly search: {
readonly sessions: string;
readonly sessionLimits: string;
readonly indexPatterns: {
readonly introduction: string;
readonly fieldFormattersNumber: string;
readonly fieldFormattersString: string;
readonly runtimeFields: string;
readonly addData: string;
readonly kibana: string;
readonly upgradeAssistant: string;
readonly rollupJobs: string;
readonly elasticsearch: Record<string, string>;
readonly siem: {
readonly privileges: string;
readonly guide: string;
readonly gettingStarted: string;
readonly ml: string;
readonly ruleChangeLog: string;
readonly detectionsReq: string;
readonly networkMap: string;
readonly troubleshootGaps: string;
readonly securitySolution: {
readonly trustedApps: string;
readonly query: {
readonly eql: string;
readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;
readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;
readonly percolate: string;
readonly queryDsl: string;
readonly autocompleteChanges: string;
readonly date: {
readonly dateMath: string;
readonly dateMathIndexNames: string;
readonly management: Record<string, string>;
readonly ml: Record<string, string>;
readonly transforms: Record<string, string>;
readonly visualize: Record<string, string>;
readonly apis: Readonly<{
bulkIndexAlias: string;
byteSizeUnits: string;
createAutoFollowPattern: string;
createFollower: string;
createIndex: string;
createSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string;
createRoleMapping: string;
createRoleMappingTemplates: string;
createRollupJobsRequest: string;
createApiKey: string;
createPipeline: string;
createTransformRequest: string;
cronExpressions: string;
executeWatchActionModes: string;
indexExists: string;
openIndex: string;
putComponentTemplate: string;
painlessExecute: string;
painlessExecuteAPIContexts: string;
putComponentTemplateMetadata: string;
putSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string;
putIndexTemplateV1: string;
putWatch: string;
simulatePipeline: string;
timeUnits: string;
updateTransform: string;
readonly observability: Readonly<{
guide: string;
infrastructureThreshold: string;
logsThreshold: string;
metricsThreshold: string;
monitorStatus: string;
monitorUptime: string;
tlsCertificate: string;
uptimeDurationAnomaly: string;
readonly alerting: Record<string, string>;
readonly maps: Record<string, string>;
readonly monitoring: Record<string, string>;
readonly security: Readonly<{
apiKeyServiceSettings: string;
clusterPrivileges: string;
elasticsearchSettings: string;
elasticsearchEnableSecurity: string;
indicesPrivileges: string;
kibanaTLS: string;
kibanaPrivileges: string;
mappingRoles: string;
mappingRolesFieldRules: string;
runAsPrivilege: string;
readonly spaces: Readonly<{
kibanaLegacyUrlAliases: string;
kibanaDisableLegacyUrlAliasesApi: string;
readonly watcher: Record<string, string>;
readonly ccs: Record<string, string>;
readonly plugins: Record<string, string>;
readonly snapshotRestore: Record<string, string>;
readonly ingest: Record<string, string>;
readonly fleet: Readonly<{
guide: string;
fleetServer: string;
fleetServerAddFleetServer: string;
settings: string;
settingsFleetServerHostSettings: string;
troubleshooting: string;
elasticAgent: string;
datastreams: string;
datastreamsNamingScheme: string;
installElasticAgent: string;
upgradeElasticAgent: string;
upgradeElasticAgent712lower: string;
learnMoreBlog: string;
apiKeysLearnMore: string;
readonly ecs: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly clients: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly goOverview: string;
readonly javaIndex: string;
readonly jsIntro: string;
readonly netGuide: string;
readonly perlGuide: string;
readonly phpGuide: string;
readonly pythonGuide: string;
readonly rubyOverview: string;
readonly rustGuide: string;
| |
+| [links](./ | {
readonly settings: string;
readonly elasticStackGetStarted: string;
readonly apm: {
readonly kibanaSettings: string;
readonly supportedServiceMaps: string;
readonly customLinks: string;
readonly droppedTransactionSpans: string;
readonly upgrading: string;
readonly metaData: string;
readonly canvas: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly dashboard: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly drilldowns: string;
readonly drilldownsTriggerPicker: string;
readonly urlDrilldownTemplateSyntax: string;
readonly urlDrilldownVariables: string;
readonly discover: Record<string, string>;
readonly filebeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly installation: string;
readonly configuration: string;
readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;
readonly elasticsearchModule: string;
readonly startup: string;
readonly exportedFields: string;
readonly suricataModule: string;
readonly zeekModule: string;
readonly auditbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly auditdModule: string;
readonly systemModule: string;
readonly metricbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly configure: string;
readonly httpEndpoint: string;
readonly install: string;
readonly start: string;
readonly enterpriseSearch: {
readonly base: string;
readonly appSearchBase: string;
readonly workplaceSearchBase: string;
readonly heartbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly libbeat: {
readonly getStarted: string;
readonly logstash: {
readonly base: string;
readonly functionbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly winlogbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly aggs: {
readonly composite: string;
readonly composite_missing_bucket: string;
readonly date_histogram: string;
readonly date_range: string;
readonly date_format_pattern: string;
readonly filter: string;
readonly filters: string;
readonly geohash_grid: string;
readonly histogram: string;
readonly ip_range: string;
readonly range: string;
readonly significant_terms: string;
readonly terms: string;
readonly avg: string;
readonly avg_bucket: string;
readonly max_bucket: string;
readonly min_bucket: string;
readonly sum_bucket: string;
readonly cardinality: string;
readonly count: string;
readonly cumulative_sum: string;
readonly derivative: string;
readonly geo_bounds: string;
readonly geo_centroid: string;
readonly max: string;
readonly median: string;
readonly min: string;
readonly moving_avg: string;
readonly percentile_ranks: string;
readonly serial_diff: string;
readonly std_dev: string;
readonly sum: string;
readonly top_hits: string;
readonly runtimeFields: {
readonly overview: string;
readonly mapping: string;
readonly scriptedFields: {
readonly scriptFields: string;
readonly scriptAggs: string;
readonly painless: string;
readonly painlessApi: string;
readonly painlessLangSpec: string;
readonly painlessSyntax: string;
readonly painlessWalkthrough: string;
readonly luceneExpressions: string;
readonly search: {
readonly sessions: string;
readonly sessionLimits: string;
readonly indexPatterns: {
readonly introduction: string;
readonly fieldFormattersNumber: string;
readonly fieldFormattersString: string;
readonly runtimeFields: string;
readonly addData: string;
readonly kibana: string;
readonly upgradeAssistant: string;
readonly rollupJobs: string;
readonly elasticsearch: Record<string, string>;
readonly siem: {
readonly privileges: string;
readonly guide: string;
readonly gettingStarted: string;
readonly ml: string;
readonly ruleChangeLog: string;
readonly detectionsReq: string;
readonly networkMap: string;
readonly troubleshootGaps: string;
readonly securitySolution: {
readonly trustedApps: string;
readonly query: {
readonly eql: string;
readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;
readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;
readonly percolate: string;
readonly queryDsl: string;
readonly autocompleteChanges: string;
readonly date: {
readonly dateMath: string;
readonly dateMathIndexNames: string;
readonly management: Record<string, string>;
readonly ml: Record<string, string>;
readonly transforms: Record<string, string>;
readonly visualize: Record<string, string>;
readonly apis: Readonly<{
bulkIndexAlias: string;
byteSizeUnits: string;
createAutoFollowPattern: string;
createFollower: string;
createIndex: string;
createSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string;
createRoleMapping: string;
createRoleMappingTemplates: string;
createRollupJobsRequest: string;
createApiKey: string;
createPipeline: string;
createTransformRequest: string;
cronExpressions: string;
executeWatchActionModes: string;
indexExists: string;
openIndex: string;
putComponentTemplate: string;
painlessExecute: string;
painlessExecuteAPIContexts: string;
putComponentTemplateMetadata: string;
putSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string;
putIndexTemplateV1: string;
putWatch: string;
simulatePipeline: string;
timeUnits: string;
updateTransform: string;
readonly observability: Readonly<{
guide: string;
infrastructureThreshold: string;
logsThreshold: string;
metricsThreshold: string;
monitorStatus: string;
monitorUptime: string;
tlsCertificate: string;
uptimeDurationAnomaly: string;
readonly alerting: Record<string, string>;
readonly maps: Record<string, string>;
readonly monitoring: Record<string, string>;
readonly security: Readonly<{
apiKeyServiceSettings: string;
clusterPrivileges: string;
elasticsearchSettings: string;
elasticsearchEnableSecurity: string;
elasticsearchEnableApiKeys: string;
indicesPrivileges: string;
kibanaTLS: string;
kibanaPrivileges: string;
mappingRoles: string;
mappingRolesFieldRules: string;
runAsPrivilege: string;
readonly spaces: Readonly<{
kibanaLegacyUrlAliases: string;
kibanaDisableLegacyUrlAliasesApi: string;
readonly watcher: Record<string, string>;
readonly ccs: Record<string, string>;
readonly plugins: Record<string, string>;
readonly snapshotRestore: Record<string, string>;
readonly ingest: Record<string, string>;
readonly fleet: Readonly<{
datastreamsILM: string;
beatsAgentComparison: string;
guide: string;
fleetServer: string;
fleetServerAddFleetServer: string;
settings: string;
settingsFleetServerHostSettings: string;
troubleshooting: string;
elasticAgent: string;
datastreams: string;
datastreamsNamingScheme: string;
installElasticAgent: string;
upgradeElasticAgent: string;
upgradeElasticAgent712lower: string;
learnMoreBlog: string;
apiKeysLearnMore: string;
readonly ecs: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly clients: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly goOverview: string;
readonly javaIndex: string;
readonly jsIntro: string;
readonly netGuide: string;
readonly perlGuide: string;
readonly phpGuide: string;
readonly pythonGuide: string;
readonly rubyOverview: string;
readonly rustGuide: string;
| |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 279262aa6a5ec..f6190fb3bc055 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ Client used to query the elasticsearch cluster.
-export declare type ElasticsearchClient = Omit{
type: string;
reason?: string;
| |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 3970cf005abe4..f22a0fb8283d7 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: `setup`
| [DeprecationsServiceSetup](./ | The deprecations service provides a way for the Kibana platform to communicate deprecated features and configs with its users. These deprecations are only communicated if the deployment is using these features. Allowing for a user tailored experience for upgrading the stack version.The Deprecation service is consumed by the upgrade assistant to assist with the upgrade experience.If a deprecated feature can be resolved without manual user intervention. Using correctiveActions.api allows the Upgrade Assistant to use this api to correct the deprecation upon a user trigger. |
| [DiscoveredPlugin](./ | Small container object used to expose information about discovered plugins that may or may not have been started. |
| [ElasticsearchConfigPreboot](./ | A limited set of Elasticsearch configuration entries exposed to the preboot
plugins at setup
. |
+| [ElasticsearchErrorDetails](./ | |
| [ElasticsearchServicePreboot](./ | |
| [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ | |
| [ElasticsearchServiceStart](./ | |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
deleted file mode 100644
index e17877a537d00..0000000000000
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-[Home](./ > [kibana-plugin-core-server](./ > [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ > [createGenericNotFoundEsUnavailableError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createGenericNotFoundEsUnavailableError() method
-static createGenericNotFoundEsUnavailableError(type?: string | null, id?: string | null): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| type | string | null
| |
-| id | string | null
| |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 67056c8a3cb50..2dc78f2df3a83 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ export declare class SavedObjectsErrorHelpers
| [createBadRequestError(reason)](./ | static
| |
| [createConflictError(type, id, reason)](./ | static
| |
| [createGenericNotFoundError(type, id)](./ | static
| |
-| [createGenericNotFoundEsUnavailableError(type, id)](./ | static
| |
| [createIndexAliasNotFoundError(alias)](./ | static
| |
| [createInvalidVersionError(versionInput)](./ | static
| |
| [createTooManyRequestsError(type, id)](./ | static
| |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..9319ae987ad44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+[Home](./ > [kibana-plugin-core-server](./ > [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ > [getKibanaIndex](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceSetup.getKibanaIndex property
+Returns the default index used for saved objects.
+getKibanaIndex: () => string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index a1bc99ce8d13d..336d9f63f0ced 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ export class Plugin() {
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [addClientWrapper](./ | (priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) => void
| Add a [client wrapper factory](./ with the given priority. |
+| [getKibanaIndex](./ | () => string
| Returns the default index used for saved objects. |
| [registerType](./ | <Attributes = any>(type: SavedObjectsType<Attributes>) => void
| Register a [savedObjects type](./ definition.See the [mappings format](./ and [migration format](./ for more details about these. |
| [setClientFactoryProvider](./ | (clientFactoryProvider: SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider) => void
| Set the default [factory provider](./ for creating Saved Objects clients. Only one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index ec2e1b227a2d7..477cd5a651a56 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
export declare type SharedGlobalConfig = RecursiveReadonly<{
- kibana: Pick {
* User-facing name of the session.
* e.g. will be displayed in saved Search Sessions management list
@@ -57,10 +56,10 @@ export interface SearchSessionInfoProvider (
+ searchSessionInfoProvider: SearchSessionInfoProvider ,
searchSessionIndicatorUiConfig?: SearchSessionIndicatorUiConfig
) {
this.searchSessionInfoProvider = {
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/search/session/sessions_client.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/session/sessions_client.ts
index 0b6f1b79f0c63..d267ba52b024c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/search/session/sessions_client.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/session/sessions_client.ts
@@ -37,26 +37,26 @@ export class SessionsClient {
public create({
- urlGeneratorId,
+ locatorId,
}: {
name: string;
appId: string;
+ locatorId: string;
initialState: Record {OptionsListStrings.popover.getLoadingMessage()}
{showScoreSortWarning &&
+ );
+ }
return (