- Use EuiNotificationEvent to display notifications about
- new events in your product like alerts, support, or news. This component
- is meant to live inside a{' '}
- EuiFlyout
- {' '}
- so that users can quickly be informed or take action.
- The EuiNotificationEvent takes into account that
- an event can be purely informative or actionable. It is flexible
- and adapts the design according to the props passed.
- isRead: Shows a button or icon that indicates
- the current isRead state of the event. Use{' '}
- onRead to allow users to toggle between read
- and unread states.
- iconType: Display an icon or logo to help
- users quickly identify where the event originated.
- type (required): Shows inside a badge
- denoting what type of event it is. Use in conjunction with{' '}
- severity and badgeColor to
- indicate the level of urgency.
- time (required): Indicates the time the event
- was received. It is recommended to display a relative time
- format like '2 hours ago'.
- onContextMenu: Use this prop when you have
- multiple events and you need to add individual actions to each
- event. You can add filters based on the event type or a more
- descriptive read/unread actions as an alternative to the read
- indicator.
- title (required): The title of the
- notification event. It should be descriptive enough so that
- users don't need to navigate away. But use it in
- conjunction with an onClickTitle to direct
- users to the respective app in case they need more information
- about the notification.
- messages: Provides more details about the
- event. You can provide a single message or multiple messages if
- the event executes in various steps.
- primaryAction: Use this prop in conjunction
- with onClickPrimaryAction to provide a call
- to action, like download a report or link to a page where an
- action is required. Most of the time, the clickable title is
- enough.
- The following demo shows how you can combine different props to
- create different types of events like a report, alert, or simply
- news.
- You can create a notifications feed by rendering multiple{' '}
- EuiNotificationEvent. These components should live
- inside a container without other components on the same level. This
- way, we ensure that feed styles are applied correctly. Consuming
- applications should implement all the logic to filter and save
- read/unread states.
+ EuiNotificationEvent is being deprecated due to low
+ usage and high maintenance requirements.
+ If necessary, we recommend{' '}
+ copying the component to your application
+ . The component will be permanently removed in December 2023.
- props: {
- EuiNotificationEvent,
- EuiContextMenuItem,
- EuiPrimaryActionProps,
- },
- snippet: notificationEventFeedSnippet,
- demo: ,
diff --git a/src/components/notification/notification_event.tsx b/src/components/notification/notification_event.tsx
index 3ca54867ce0..3ec68e37535 100644
--- a/src/components/notification/notification_event.tsx
+++ b/src/components/notification/notification_event.tsx
@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ import { EuiNotificationEventReadIcon } from './notification_event_read_icon';
export type EuiNotificationHeadingLevel = 'h2' | 'h3' | 'h4' | 'h5' | 'h6';
+ * @deprecated
+ */
export type EuiNotificationEventProps = Omit<
'onOpenContextMenu' | 'onRead' | 'eventName' | 'id'
@@ -96,6 +99,12 @@ export type EuiNotificationEventProps = Omit<
+ * @deprecated - EuiNotificationEvent is scheduled for deprecation due to low internal usage and high
+ * maintenance requirements. If necessary, we recommend copying this component into your own application.
+ *
+ * The component will be permanently removed in December 2023.
+ */
export const EuiNotificationEvent: FunctionComponent<
> = ({