Factory function to generate a GraphQL directive that returns a formatted string from a resolved Date object. A client using this directive can decide which specific date format to return.
directive @directiveName(
format: String
defaultFormat: String = "mmmm d, yyyy"
Where directiveName
equals to the provided directiveName argument passed to the directive definition factory on initialization.
* @param {string} directiveName The name of the directive in the GraphQL schema.
* @param {string} defaultFormat The default date format to use when `format` argument is omitted.
* @throws {Error} In the unlikely case no arguments (format or defaultFormat) are provided.
* @returns {DirectiveDefinition} Object that contains the GraphQL schema type definition for the directive
* and a transformer factory function to apply the directive to the GraphQL schema.
function dateDirectiveDefinitionFactory(
directiveName: string,
defaultFormat: string = 'mmmm d, yyyy'
): DirectiveDefinition;
import {makeExecutableSchema} from '@graphql-tools/schema';
import {dateDirectiveDefinitionFactory} from '@ekkolon/graphql-werkzeug';
// 1. Initialize directive definition.
const dateDirective = dateDirectiveDefinitionFactory('date', 'mmmm d, yyyy');
const dateDirectiveTransformer = dateDirective.transformer;
const dateDirectiveTypeDefs = dateDirective.typeDefs;
// 2. Add the directives's type definition to your schema.
const typeDefs = `
let schema = makeExecutableSchema({typeDefs /* ... */});
// 3. Use the directive transformer from above to apply the directive to your schema.
schema = dateDirectiveTransformer(schema);
Use the directive as follows in your GraphQL schema:
scalar Date
type Book {
title: String!
publishDate: Date! @date
Query example:
query {
books {
publishDate(format: "d mmm yyyy")