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Hadoop developer capstone project:

This project contains data ingestion pipleine configuration and analysis scrips for a small sample project of data processing using Hadoop, Flume, Hive and Spark in the Cloudera quickstart VM.


  1. Start Flume agent with configuration provided in the module flume-conf

  2. Start events-producing python script in the py_events_producer

  3. Generate the amount of data you'd like to process. (Flume will output generated events in /user/cloudera/flume/events/%Y/%m/%d directory in HDFS using regex interceptors for timestamp column)

  4. Start hive commandline or Hue and execute SQL scripts from hive_queries

  5. To execute the last query which requires UDFs, build project with gradle ./gradlew clean build shadowJar and place jars into Hive auxiliary jars directory, and then add them and execute create function commands.

  6. For the spark part use the Jar from the scala_spark_code module and use the following spark-submit command.

spark-submit --class com.ehborisov.udf.PurchasesAnalysisDF --executor-memory 512m --driver-memory 512m  \
--conf"hdfs://localhost:8020/user/cloudera/flume/events/year=2019/month=04/day={04,05,06,07,08,09,10}/" \
--conf spark.networks.table="/data/capstone/geodata/GeoLite2-Country-Blocks-IPv4.csv" \
--conf spark.countries.table="/data/capstone/geodata/GeoLite2-Country-Locations.csv" \
--conf spark.jdbc.url="jdbc:postgresql://" --conf spark.db.user="admin" \
--conf spark.db.password="12345" \

it expects postgres database named capstone to be available at the default port to export the results.

  1. To export the results of hive queries into the same database use SQL scripts and Sqoop commands from the sqoop module.