Librerías para clasificar canciones en base a archivos .wav
- Version 0.01
- Basado en Building Machine Learning Systems With Python
Dependencies: librerias de python :
- sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev gfortran
- sudo apt-get install libav-tools
- sudo pip install requirements.txt
MP3 to Wav convertion
- sudo apt-get install sox
- sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-mp3
Download training Set :
Format convertion (training set): find pop/ -iname "*.au" -exec sox -V3 {} {}.SOX.wav ;
Format convertion (test set) : sox reggae.mp3 reggae.wav rate 22050 trim 0 30 channels 1
Format convertion (for all test set): find . -iname "*.mp3" -exec sox {} {}.wav rate 22050 trim 0 30 channels 1 ;
python (generate ceps for genre folder)
- generate for each folder: find ../genres/ -type d -exec python {} ;
python (generate model)
python (test model)