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File metadata and controls

324 lines (218 loc) · 10.7 KB

How the NBExchange service works

nbexchange is an extension to nbgrader which provides a mechanism for assignments to transferred in a distributed Jupyter Notebooks environment. (See for documentation on how nbgrader expects to operate.)

Configuration documentation is in the

It's all about the actions

Fundamentally, the exchange revolves around action table - this is where we record who does what, and the location of the file is held.

The location follows a standard format:


The calls

Lets follow an assignment cycle, and see how the exchange records everything

In all cases, the user is authenticated using the get_current_user method, and subscribed to the course with the role defined in that call.

All calls check that the user is subscribed to the course given in the parameter


GET /assignments?course_id=$cid

Get list of all assignments associated with that course. We return a list of all released assignments.


POST /assignment?course_id=$cid&assignment_id=$aid, data = _list of notebooks_, files = _zip-file_

We verify the user is an instructor, and subscribed to the course.

  1. Creates the assignment and link it to the course,
  2. Grabs the first uploaded file (we use .zip files for assignments) and store it in a location,
  3. Notes the notbooks, and associates them with this assignment,
  4. Creates an action record, noting action=released, the assignment, file location, who did the action, and add a timestamp


GET /assignment?course_id=$cid&assignment_id=$aid
  1. Finds the last released action for that assignment, and download the file from the location defined in that action,
  2. Creates an action record, noting action=fetched, the assignment, file location, who did the action, and add a timestamp


POST /submission?course_id=$cid&assignment_id=$aid&timestamp=$timestamp, files = _zip-file_
  1. Grabs the uploaded file (we use .zip files for assignments) and store it in a location,
  2. Note that we specifically define the timestamp - this should be the same string as stored in timestamp.txt
  3. Creates an action record, noting action=submitted, the assignment, file location, who did the action, and add the timestamp


We verify the user is an instructor, and subscribed to the course.

Get a list of all available submissions (GET /collections?course_id=$cid&assignment_id=$aid - optional &user_id=$uid)

For each submission listed:

  1. Download the file from the given location
  2. Add the student details to the gradebook database
  3. Create an action record, noting action=collected, the assignment, file location, who did the action, and add a timestamp


We verify the user is an instructor, and subscribed to the course.

Each autograded .ipynb file has a matching .html file - For each .html file:

  1. Grabs the first uploaded file (POST /feedback?course_id=$cid&assignment_id=$aid&notebook=$nb&student=$sid&timestamp=$ts&checksum=$cs, files = text-file), and store it in a location,
    • timestamp ($ts), in this instance, it the timestamp recorded from the student submission.
  2. Records the details, noting the notebook, the instructor (this.user), the student ($sid), and the given timestamp ($ts)
  3. Creates an action record, noting action=feedback_released, the assignment, file location, who did the action, and add a timestamp


GET /feedback?course_id=$cid&assignment_id=$aid
  1. Downloads all the feedback for the current user, for the given course & assignment.
  2. Note that the (.html) feedback files are held as base64-encoded content in the returned data-object.
  3. Creates an action record, noting action=feedback_fetched, the assignment, file location, who did the action, and add a timestamp


GET /history?course_id=$cid&action=$acc

Gets a list of courses, assignments, and actions - optionally filtered by course_id and/or action

Users will see all the released action for the courses they're subscribed to, plus any actions they themselved perfomed.

If a user has been an Instructor on a course, they can see all the actions for that course.

API Specification for the NBExchange service

All URLs relative to /services/nbexchange



GET: returns list of assignments


{"success": True,
    "value": [{
        "assignment_id": "$assignment_code",
        "course_id": "$course_code",
        "student_id": Int
        "status": Str,
        "path": path,
        "notebooks": [
                "notebook_id": name,
                "has_exchange_feedback": False,
                "feedback_updated": False,
                "feedback_timestamp": None,
        "timestamp": timestamp.strftime(
            "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %Z"


{"success": False, "note": $note}

Note that, for a submitted action, the record['timrstamp'] should be specifically set to the same timestamp string that is written into the timestamp.txt file.

This is important, as the feedback is matched on that string.



GET: downloads assignment

Returns binary data or raises Exception (which is returned as a 503 error)

POST: (role=instructor, with file): Add ("release") an assignment returns

{"success": True, "note": "Released"}

or raises Exception (which is returned as a 503 error)

DELETE: (role=instructor, with file): Remove an assignment.

Marks an asiignment as active: False, and forgets any associated notebooks. Returns

{"success": True,
 "note": "Assignment '$assignment_code' on course '$course_code' marked as unreleased by user $user"

Takes as optional parameter purge. This will delete the notebooks, the assignment, and any associated data (actions, feedback, etc). Returns

{"success": True,
 "note": "Assignment '$assignment_code' on course '$course_code' deleted and purged from the database by user $user"

If there are permission issues, returns

{"success": False, "note": $note}



POST: stores the submission for that user returns

{"success": True, "note": "Released"}

or raises Exception (which is returned as a 503 error)



GET: gets a list of submitted items Return: same as Assignments <#assignments>



GET: downloads submitted assignment Return: similar to Assignment <#assignment>, but adds the full_name, email, and lms_user_id fields along-side student_id et al.


GET: downloads feedback


Optional parameter


Return: Returns a data structure similar to the above, except value is a list of feedback items:

{"success": True,
    "value": [{
            "content": base64-encoded html file
            "filename": notebook-name.html
            "timestamp": timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %Z")
            "checksum": checksum

Note that the timestamp is the timestamp for the corresponding submitted assignment, and not the time the feedback was released.

POST: uploads feedback (one notebook at a time)


If there are permission issues, returns

{"success": False, "note": $note}


{"success": True, "note": "Feedback released"}

or raises an error - should be a 404 or 412.



GET: returns list of actions, grouped by course, and then assignment


{"success": True,
    "value": [{
        course_id: Int,
        course_code: Str,
        course_title: Str,
        role: [Str, Str, ..],
        user_id: [Str, Str, ..],
        isInstructor: Bool,
        assignments: [
                assignment_code: Str,
                assignment_id: Int
                actions: [
                        action: Str,
                        timestamp: timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %Z"),
                        user: Str
                "action_summary": {
                    "released": Int
                    "submitted": Int



{"success": False, "note": $note}

On disk storage

An exchange needs to store uploaded files somewhere, and nbexchange stores them wherever base_storage_location defines.

Nbexchange follows the idea from nbgrader, and has a structure for saving files:


The nbgrader_step is only every going to be released, submitted, or feedback - noting that released does not use the username level (consider username to be '')