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Notes About GNU Octave

Basic Operations for GNU Octave

See GNU Octave script executing basic operations.

Some basic operations that are shown in the script are:

  • How to declare a variable as a range.
  • How to declare a variable as a complex number.
  • How to determine the type of a variable.
  • List of predefined constants of GNU Octave.
  • List of environment variables of GNU Octave.
  • How to cast a number from a data type to another data type.
  • How to represent missing data explicitly using the 'Not Available' (NA) function.
  • How to determine if a variable is a null value or empty string.
  • Show a list of variables that are currently defined.
  • Show a detailed list of variables that are currently defined.
  • Determine if a "name" is used for an existing "variable, function, file, directory, or class" \cite[\S7.3 Status of Variables]{Abbott2016,Eaton2016}
  • Note #1: The number of columns per row of an array cannot be mismatched. Else, it would cause an error to be thrown during interpretation/compilation/execution.

Interesting functions regarding the status of variables \cite[\S7.3 Status of Variables]{Abbott2016,Eaton2016}:

  • pack()
    • "Consolidate workspace memory in MATLAB."
    • "This function is provided for compatibility, but does nothing in Octave."
    • Deprecated
  • type
    • "Display the contents of name which may be a file, function (m-file), variable, operator, or keyword."
  • which
    • "Display the type of each name."
  • what
    • "List the Octave specific files in directory dir."

Functions to find elements and check conditions \cite[\S16.1 Finding Elements and Checking Conditions]{Abbott2016,Eaton2016}:

  • any(x)
    • any(x, dim)
    • "For a vector argument, return true (logical 1) if any element of the vector is nonzero."
    • "For a matrix argument, return a row vector of logical ones and zeros with each element indicating whether any of the elements of the corresponding column of the matrix are nonzero."
  • all(x)
    • all(x, dim)
    • "For a vector argument, return true (logical 1) if all elements of the vector are nonzero."
    • "For a matrix argument, return a row vector of logical ones and zeros with each element indicating whether all of the elements of the corresponding column of the matrix are nonzero."
  • xor(x, y)
    • xor(x1, x2,...)
    • "Return the exclusive or of x and y."
  • diff(x)
    • diff(x, k)
    • diff(x, k, dim)
    • "If x is a vector of length n, diff (x) is the vector of first differences x(2) - x(1), …, x(n) - x(n-1)."
  • isinf(x)
    • "Return a logical array which is true where the elements of x are infinite and false where they are not."
  • isnan(x)
    • "Return a logical array which is true where the elements of x are NaN values and false where they are not."
  • isfinite(x)
    • "Return a logical array which is true where the elements of x are finite values and false where they are not."
  • [err,y1,...] = common_size(x1,...)
    • "Determine if all input arguments are either scalar or of common size."
  • idx = find(x)
    • idx = find(x, n)
    • idx = find(x, n, direction)
    • [i, j] = find (...)
    • [i, j, v] = find (...)
    • "Return a vector of indices of nonzero elements of a matrix, as a row if x is a row vector or as a column otherwise."
  • idx = lookup(table, y)
    • idx = lookup(table, y, opt)
    • "Lookup values in a sorted table."

Suggestions for Research Activities

Some suggestions for research activities in science and engineering, or any activity that requires reproducible (experimental or computational) and replicable results \cite{Mailund2017,Gandrud2015,Liberman2015,Gandrud2014,Stodden2014,Geier20XY} and data analysis are:

  • diary [on | off | filename] \cite[\S2.4.8, Diary & Echo Commands, pp. 34]{Eaton2016a}
    • Function to record executed commands and their output in a separate file named diary or filename (if specified by the user).
    • When called without any input arguments, the current on/off diary state is toggled.
    • Essentially, it is similar to the "script" function in some UNIX-like operating systems.
  • echo [on | off] [all] \cite[\S2.4.8, Diary & Echo Commands, pp. 34]{Eaton2016a}
    • Function to display commands that are executed, or to mute their display.
    • Its input arguments are optional.
    • Without input arguments, it toggles between displaying the commands and muting their display.
    • The [on | off] input argument enables/disables the display of the commands, respectively.
    • The [all] input argument is used to indicate the display of commands in all script files and functions.

Note that reproducible research enables published experimental results to be reproduced from raw data. A stronger notion is replicable research that requires the experiment and experimental data analyses to be repeated multiple times \cite{Mailund2017,Gandrud2015,Liberman2015,Gandrud2014,Stodden2014,RunMyCodeAssociationMembers2013,Geier20XY}.

Build Automation for GNU Octave

Using Makefile for Build Automation

For Makefile-based build automation for executing/running GNU Octave scripts, we have to do the following:

  • ./[filename]
    • Requires adding the UNIX shebang for GNU Octave
    • Requires using chmod (UNIX command) to change the file permission, so that the script(s) can be executed via the Terminal as a UNIX command/process.

And avoid doing the following:

  • octave [filename]

Notes for using Makefile for build automation; that is, using Makefile to execute/run GNU Octave scripts:

  • Only the main script that would be called by the Makefile, or executed via the command line of the Terminal application, need to have its file permissions set by chmod.
  • The main script also needs to have the UNIX shebang in its first line.
  • Other scripts, containing a function per script, form a library of GNU Octave scripts.
  • The aformentioned library of GNU Octave scripts need not have the UNIX shebang in their first line.
  • The aformentioned library of GNU Octave scripts need not have their file permissions set by chmod.

Experimentally/Empirically demonstrated in the execution of the Make target torture. See: link to sandbox/gnu-octave.


Each GNU Octave script can only contain one function.

If more than one function is defined in a script, all the functions (except the first function) cannot be recognized by other GNU Octave scripts.

For a function-specific script:

  • The name of the function must match its file name.
  • The name of the function must match the name of the function used in a function call.
    • E.g., to call function foo in a script, the function specified in the file named foo.m must be named foo.

When we make a function call, we can use more arguments than specified as function parameters. The extra arguments are ignored.

Experimentally/Empirically demonstrated in the execution of the Make target torture. See: link to sandbox/gnu-octave.

Functions in GNU Octave can return multiple values. The values returned from a function call can be assigned to a list of expressions, specifically a list of variable names or index expressions, via a multiple assignment expression \cite[\S8.1.1, pp. 137]{Eaton2016a}.

A function can be implemented such that only a subset of the return variables have return values. If this is the case, the return variables without return values would cause a warning \cite[\S11.3, pp. 176]{Eaton2016a}.

Handling Input Arguments/Parameters

The variable nargin stores the number of input arguments that are used in the function call. That is, when a function is called, nargin determines the number of input arguments in the function call \cite[\S11.2, pp. 173]{Eaton2016a}.

However, if varargin is specified as the last argument to a function, nargin() (or nargin(function_name)) would return a negative value \cite[\S11.2, pp. 173]{Eaton2016a}.

Concepts Experimentally/Empirically Demonstrated, But Unrecorded

Concepts that are experimentally/empirically demonstrated, but not stored in the repository as commented code fragments:

  • Mismatch between the name of the specified function and the filename of the function-specific script is not allowed.
  • Mismatch between function name used in a function call and the name of the specified function (in the function-specific script) is not allowed.
  • If the number of arguments used in the function is less than the number of arguments specified in the function, an error will be raised in the execution of the script.
    • Example of creating an error.
  • If a script file contains multiple functions, only the first function defined can be called.
    • The remaining functions can not be called.
    • Each unique function shall be specified in a unique file/filename.

Variable-length argument lists

Use a special parameter name vargin, instead of a fixed set of parameters, to contain a list of input arguments of variable length. vargin is a cell array that contains all the input arguments, which can be of varying length \cite[\S11.4, pp. 182-183]{Eaton2016a}.

Ignoring Input Arguments and Output/Return Variables

Ignore input arguments and output/return variables by placing a tilde symbol '~' as a placeholder where the input variable, or output/return variable should be during the function call. This allows such input arguments and/or output/return variables to be ignored during the computation of this function \cite[\S11.5, pp. 184]{Eaton2016a}.

Variable-length return lists

To allow the return list to be of variable length, use a special parameter name varargout, instead of a fixed set of parameters, to contain a cell array of return/output variables. varargout is a cell array that contains all the return/output arguments, which can be of varying length \cite[\S11.6, pp. 184-185]{Eaton2016a}.

The function [r1,r2,...,rn] = deal(a1,a2,...,an) and [r1,r2,...,rn] = deal(a) copies the input arguments to the corresponding return/output variables. For the first function call, ri = ai, where i \in {1,2,...,n}. For the second function call, r1 = r2 = ... = rn = a. With comma separated lists, cell arrays, or structures, avoid the function call overhead by using the operator ':' to select/specify entire rows/columns \cite[\S11.6, pp. 185]{Eaton2016a}.

Returning from a Function

A return statement for a user-defined function only consists of the keyword return. It returns control to the caller of the function/script immediately. When called at the top level, it is ignored. It is assumed that a return statement exists "at the end of every function definition" \cite[\S11.7, pp. 185-186]{Eaton2016a}.

Default Arguments for Functions

Default values for input arguments of functions can be assigned in the function definition. In the declaration of input parameters, default values can be assigned to input parameters (in the input argument list). E.g., function function_name(arg1=val1,arg2=val2,...) assigns the values of val1 and val2 to arg1 and arg2, respectively. During the function call of function_name(...), if the caller did not provide values for all input arguments, because of the use of : or missing input arguments, the default values for arg1 and arg2 are used instead \cite[\S11.8, pp. 186-187]{Eaton2016a}.

Function files

Function files should only contain one function each \cite[\S11.1, pp. 171]{Eaton2016a}. It begins with the keyword function, which is a requirement for a function file. The scope of variables in the function file is local, and restricted only to other variables in this function \cite[\S11.10, pp. 198]{Eaton2016a}.

The function ignore_function_time_stamp("all") causes the time stamps for all function files to be ignored \cite[\S11.9, pp. 187,189]{Eaton2016a}. When this function is called with the "none" flag, GNU Octave would determine if function files need to be recompiled due to changes with the time stamp of files \cite[\S11.9, pp. 189]{Eaton2016a}.

Load Path Access and Modification

A list of functions for accessing and modifying the load path is provided in \cite[\S11.9.1, pp. 189-192]{Eaton2016a}.


Subfunctions are secondary functions that the primary/first function in a function file would call. Its scope is limited to functions in that function file \cite[\S11.9.2, pp. 192]{Eaton2016a}. Here is an example of a function in a function file calling subfunctions.

Private Functions

My implementation of private functions was unsuccessful. Similarly, my test case for private functions failed, too.

Nested Functions

Usage of nested functions are strongly discouraged \cite[\S11.9.4, pp. 193]{Eaton2016a}.

Also, do not use rge eval() function together with nested functions \cite[\S11.9.4, pp. 194]{Eaton2016a}.

Overloading and Autoloading

GNU Octave supports function overloading by allowing functions of the same name to have different sets of input arguments. It is strongly encouraged to use object-oriented programming to overload functions \cite[\S11.9.5, pp. 195]{Eaton2016a}.

Use the builtin() function to call the base function of the overloaded function for the given function signature (set of input arguments)

GNU Octave supports function autoloading to allow users to specify/define where a given function can be found. This enables functions in dynamically linked files to be found, even if the operating system in use does not support symbolic links. Use the autoload function to do this \cite[\S11.9.5, pp. 195]{Eaton2016a}.

Function Locking

A function can be locked into memory, so that its location in memory would not be affected by the operating system. It is recommended for usage with dynamically linked functions, or functions in dynamically linked files \cite[\S11.9.6, pp. 196-197]{Eaton2016a}.

Function Precedence

The precedence of functions used in a given scope is provided in \cite[\S11.9.7, pp. 197-198]{Eaton2016a}.

Side Notes About Function Files

When GNU Octave encounters an undefined identifier during execution, it will look up the symbol table to search for variables and compiled functions prior to search searching directories specified in its load path \cite[\S11.10, pp. 198]{Eaton2016a} for a function file corresponding to that undefined identifier. GNU Octave may reload the file when the time stamp on the file changes or when the current working directory is modified/changed \cite[\S11.9, pp. 187]{Eaton2016a}.

Script Files

A GNU Octave script file is a regular file containing a list/sequence of GNU Octave commands. That is, it does not begin with the keyword function, which is a requirement for a function file. The scope of variables in the script file is not restricted to being local. The script file can have definitions for multiple functions, and can load all of them at once; however, only one function can execute at any given instance \cite[\S11.10, pp. 198]{Eaton2016a}.

Use the path function to determine if the script file is in the load path of GNU Octave \cite[\S11.10, pp. 198]{Eaton2016a}.

The command source([filename]) allows commands from the file [filename] to be parsed and executed \cite[\S11.10, pp. 199]{Eaton2016a}.

Function Handles

"A function handle is a pointer to another function," and can be defined as function_handle = @function_name \cite[\S11.11.1, pp. 199]{Eaton2016a}.

Functions to query if a variable is a function handle or provide information about a function handle are described in \cite[\S11.11.1, pp. 200]{Eaton2016a}.


Commands belong to a special category/class of functions that requires all of its input arguments to be strings. A command can also be called without parentheses \cite[\S11.12, pp. 203]{Eaton2016a}.

The following are equivalent \cite[\S11.12, pp. 203]{Eaton2016a}:

cmd arg1 arg2 ...


Note that when invoking/calling commands with string variables, parentheses have to be used so that the variable name does not get treated as a string \cite[\S11.12, pp. 203]{Eaton2016a}.

Library of GNU Octave Functions: Provided by default

The organization of GNU Octave functions, which is provided by default in the GNU Octave library, is shown in \cite[\S11.13, pp. 203-204]{Eaton2016a}.

Pseudo-Random Number Generation (PRNG) in GNU Octave

To reset the seed of the function for pseudo-random number generation (PRNG), do the following: rand("seed","reset") \cite[Function File: Function Reference -- rand]{OctaveForgeContributors2016}.

Note: Do not assign rand("seed","reset") to any variable. This will cause an error in executing/interpreting the GNU Octave script, since this function does not return a value or matrix (or any other mathematical object).

  • Example of creating an error.

From \cite[\S16.3, pp. 421]{Eaton2016a}, the function rand() uses a uniform distribution for PRNG.

From \cite[\S26.7, pp. 633]{Eaton2016a}, the function unidrnd() uses a uniform distribution for PRNG.

As of now, I do not know the difference between the functions rand() and unidrnd().

Error Management

GNU Octave does not have exceptions, which C++ and Java have.

Instead, GNU Octave uses errors to terminate execution of the GNU Octave program, when abnormalities are detected.

In addition, GNU Octave can also raise warnings about things that are undesirable, but not problematic such that the GNU Octave program should terminate. If the program can still run or be completed correctly, warnings can be raised instead of throwing exceptions to terminate the program.

Errors reported by GNU Octave for error-causing programs \cite[\S2.5, pp. 35]{Eaton2016a}.

  • Parse errors; that is, syntax errors.
    • Usually, a caret ('^') is used to indicate the source of the syntax/parse error.
  • Run-time errors, or evaluation errors.
    • To debug these run-time errors, examine error messages generated from the innermost error provide a traceback of function calls and enclosing expressions.

Guidelines On Using Errors and Warnings

Error and warning messages can be used to judiciously inform the user of abnormal conditions \cite[\S12, pp. 205]{Eaton2016a}.

Adopt "a set of contractual guidelines" \cite{WikipediaContributors2016f} to support reasoning on errors, just like exception safety guarantees in C++ \cite{Abrahams1998,Abrahams2001,WikibooksContributors2016,WikipediaContributors2016f}.

In descending order of safety guarantees, the levels of exception safety (or rather, error safety) are \cite{Abrahams1998,Abrahams2001,WikibooksContributors2016,WikipediaContributors2016f}:

  • no throw guarantee, or failure transparency: "Best level of exception safety."
  • strong exception safety, commit/rollback semantics, or no-change guarantee
  • basic exception safety
  • minimal exception safety, no-leak guarantee
  • no exception safety: "No guarantees are made. (Worst level of exception safety)"

These levels of error/exception safety can be partially handled, and the use of guards/invariants is strongly recommended for making the code exception safe.

For preconditions, check the number and type of input parameters \cite[\S9.1, pp. 156]{Eaton2016a}.

In addition, judiciously consider what to do with the semipredicate problem \cite{WikipediaContributors2016e}.

unwind_protect Technique \cite[\S10.8, pp. 168]{Eaton2016a}

  • Warnings cannot be handled by unwind_protect.
    • When a warning occurs, the unwind_protect_cleanup block can make corrections to (i.e., mitigate) the trigger of the warning.
    • The execution of the script does not terminate when warnings are generated in the unwind_protect block.
  • When no warning nor error is generated, the unwind_protect_cleanup block is executed anyway.
    • Cleanup of unwind_protect is executed regardless of whether errors/warnings are generated.
  • When an error is caught (and handled), the unwind_protect_cleanup block is executed before the program/script is terminated.
    • The remainder of the program, after the unwind_protect_cleanup block would not be executed.
  • Only errors are handled with unwind_protect.

try-catch-block Technique \cite[\S10.9, pp. 168-169]{Eaton2016a}

  • Warnings cannot be caught.
  • Only errors are caught.
  • For normal operations that do not produce an error or warning, the catch block is not executed.

Raising Errors

The syntax for raising an error is: error(id, template, ...) \cite[\S12.1.1, pp. 205]{Eaton2016a}.

The first argument id is: the value/number associated with the output stream \cite[\S12.1.1, pp. 205; \S14.1.3, pp. 242; \S14.1.1.1, pp. 236]{Eaton2016a}.

The second argument template is: the string containing the error message \cite[\S12.1.1, pp. 205; \S14.2.4, pp. 253]{Eaton2016a}..

A raised error would diplay an error message, which is stored in template (if template is not terminated by a newline character) or a "traceback of function calls leading to the error" \cite[\S12.1.1, pp. 205-206]{Eaton2016a}.

If template "does not end with a newline character, a traceback of function calls leading to the error" is printed in the standard error stream \cite[\S12.1.1, pp. 205-206]{Eaton2016a}.

If template ends with a newline character, the error message template is printed without the aforementioned traceback \cite[\S12.1.1, pp. 206]{Eaton2016a}.

If template is "a null string ("")," the script/program would continue execution. The raised error would be treated as a NOP ("no operation") statement \cite[\S12.1.1, pp. 206]{Eaton2016a}.

Difficulties Faced

We cannot raise an error with an identifier. We have tried using a string or a number in vain.

After multiple errors are raised, we cannot increment the value of beep_on_error(), via beep_on_error(new_error_value). Before an error occurs, the error value is zero. Subsequently, it is raised to one.

We have problems using the onCleanup() correctly, without causing errors due to my poor understanding of its function arguments.

Catching Specific Errors

Specific errors can be caught, if only one potentially error raising operation is placed within the try block. While lasterr and lasterror can help me obtain information about it, if we assign that error to a name in the specification of the catch block, we can access information about that specific error later \cite[\S10.9, pp. 169]{Eaton2016a}.

Default Error and Warning Messages

In \cite[\S12.2.1, pp. 214-218]{Eaton2016a}, a list of default warning messages from GNU Octave is provided.


Make use of the "built-in debugger" \cite[\S13, pp. 219]{Eaton2016a} while developing programs/scripts in GNU Octave.

Features of the "built-in debugger" include \cite[\S13, pp. 219]{Eaton2016a}:

  • Interrupting the execution of the GNU Octave script at certain points (e.g., line number).
  • Interrupting the execution of the GNU Octave script during certain conditions.

When the execution of the GNU Octave script is interrupted, the ["process", or execution of the program/script] switches (from the execution mode) into the debug mode. This allows the symbol table at the point/condition of interruption to be examined, and modified for error location and correction \cite[\S13, pp. 219]{Eaton2016a}.

We are skipping the subsections on "Breakpoints" and "Call Stack" for the time being.

Debug Mode Difficulties

We can enter the debug mode using debug_on_interrupt(), when we interrupt execution of the GNU Octave program/script using Ctrl-C on the Terminal.

However, we cannot enter the debug mode using warnings, or errors, yet.


We are skipping the subsection on "Profiling" for the time being.

Data Types, Including Strings

typeinfo(expr) is used to determine the type of the expression expr, which is returned as a string. "If expr is omitted," "a cell array containing all the currently" defined (and added) data types \cite[\S3, pp. 39]{Eaton2016a}.

class(obj) returns the class of the object obj \cite[\S3.1, pp. 39]{Eaton2016a}.

class(s, id, p, ...) creates a class with the fields of structure s and the name (string) id, and inherits attributes/properties and behavior (functions) \cite[\S3.1, pp. 39]{Eaton2016a} [WikipediaContributors2016a].

isa(obj, classname) returns true if obj is an object of the class classname or the following class categories \cite[\S3.1, pp. 39-40]{Eaton2016a}:

  • "float": 'double', or 'single'
  • "integer": (u)int8, (u)int16, (u)int32, and (u)int64
  • "numeric": either a floating point or integer value

If classname in isa(obj, classname) "is a cell array of string," return a logical array (i.e., boolean array) of the same size. The array would contain true for each class that obj belongs to \cite[\S3.1, pp. 40]{Eaton2016a}.

Numeric Constants

Forms of numeric constants \cite[\S4, pp. 47]{Eaton2016a}:

  • scalar
    • integer
    • decimal fraction
    • number in scientific/exponential notation
    • complex number
  • vector
  • matrix

By default, numeric constants are internally represented in GNU Octave "in double-precision floating point format," and complex constants are internally represented as "pairs of double-precision floating point values" \cite[\S4, pp. 47]{Eaton2016a}.

The imaginary part of a complex constant requires the i to be appended to the number representing the magnitude of the complex number, without white space between them \cite[\S4, pp. 47]{Eaton2016a}.

double(x) converts x to the data type with double-precision floating point format \cite[\S4, pp. 47]{Eaton2016a}.

complex(re,im) returns the complex number (re) + *(im)*i. If the second input argument (im) is not provided, the result is a real number with the magnitude (re) \cite[\S4, pp. 47]{Eaton2016a}.

Built-in Data Types

List of built-in data types \cite[\S3 and \S3.1, pp. 39]{Eaton2016a}:

  • real scalars
    • \cite[\S4.4, pp. 54-57]{Eaton2016a} provides a list of functions to deal with the Integer data type.
  • complex scalars
  • real matrices
  • complex matrices
  • ranges
    • A range is "a row vector with evenly spaced elements."
    • Its format is: base:increment:limit.
    • The increment is an optional number.
    • To turn a range into the row vector (i.e., matrix) data type, place the range within square brackets.
    • E.g., [base:increment:limit].
    • Note that if it is important to include the endspoints of range, and the number of elements is known, use the linspace function instead.
    • Note that the optional increment must be a non-zero number.
    • See \cite[\S4.2, pp. 52-53]{Eaton2016a}.
  • character strings (i.e., strings)
  • struct, a data structure type: Currently, implemented as "an associative array with indices limited to strings" \cite[\S3.1.4, pp. 43]{Eaton2016a}.
  • "an array that can contain all data types"
  • cell arrays
    • A "general array that can hold any number of" elements, which can be of any data type \cite[\S3.1.3, pp. 43]{Eaton2016a}.

Matrix objects are not limited by language-specific size constraints, "and can be dynamically reshaped and resized" \cite[\S3.1.1, pp. 42]{Eaton2016a}. That said, there is a limit for "the maximum number of elements in a matrix." This is determined by various factors, such as the size of the physical memory (or main memory) of my computer. The value of this limit can be found via invoking the function sizemax. Therefore, its returned value "is slightly smaller than" the theoretical maximum value reported by intmax (of the class int64) \cite[\S4.1, pp. 49]{Eaton2016a}.

The maximum and minimum values of "built-in floating-point numeric data," which are "currently stored as double precision numbers," are given by \cite[\S3.1.1, pp. 43]{Eaton2016a}.:

  • realmin
  • realmax
  • eps

\S3.3 has a list of functions in GNU Octave to determine the size of objects. That is, these functions determine the number of elements in that set of objects/elements, or the size of a given dimension of the matrix \cite[\S3.3, pp. 44-46]{Eaton2016a}.


  • \cite[\S4.1, pp. 49-51]{Eaton2016a} has functions to modify the standard output display. E.g., the display of the elements of a huge matrix can be modified, so that it is more readable.
    • See \cite[\S4.1.1, pp. 51-52]{Eaton2016a} to find out how to display huge empty matrices.
  • \cite[\S4.5, pp. 57-60]{Eaton2016a} provides a list of functions for bit manipulations.
  • \cite[\S4.6, pp. 60-61]{Eaton2016a} provides a list of functions for logical reasoning, based on boolean algebra.
  • \cite[\S4.8, pp. 62-65]{Eaton2016a} provides a list of predicates for numeric objects. These support run-time type checking.

Developer-Defined Specialized Data Types

Specialized data types can be defined with some C++ code \cite[\S3, pp. 39]{Eaton2016a}.

Such code can be integrated into GNU Octave via \cite[\S3, pp. 39]{Eaton2016a}:

  • Recompiling GNU Octave to add the new data type(s).
  • Dynamically load the new data type(s) "while GNU Octave is running."

Casting Into A Data Type

cast(val, "type") converts val in its current data type to the data type specified by "type" \cite[\S3.1, pp. 40]{Eaton2016a}.

The numeric classes that can be used for val are \cite[\S3.1, pp. 40]{Eaton2016a}:

  • "double"
  • "single"
  • "logical"
  • "char"
  • "int8"
  • "int16"
  • "int32"
  • "int64"
  • "uint8"
  • "uint16"
  • "uint32"
  • "uint64"

Note that this can change the value of val, so that its value can fit within the range of the data type "type" \cite[\S3.1, pp. 40]{Eaton2016a}.

Casting Into A Class

y = typecast(x, "class") interprets the data of x in memory as data of the numeric class "class", and returns a new array y containing values from the interpretation \cite[\S3.1, pp. 40-41]{Eaton2016a}.

The classes that x and "class" belong to are restricted to the following "built-in numeric classes" \cite[\S3.1, pp. 40-41]{Eaton2016a}:

  • "logical"
  • "char"
  • "int8"
  • "int16"
  • "int32"
  • "int64"
  • "uint8"
  • "uint16"
  • "uint32"
  • "uint64"
  • "double"
  • "single"
  • "double complex"
  • "single complex"

Missing Data Representation

Missing data can be explicitly represented in GNU Octave as "NA(n,m,k, ...)" and "NA(class)". These functions return a scalar, matrix, or N-dimensional array containing elements that "are all equal to the special constant used to designate missing values NA (i.e., "Not Available"). When the input argument(s) of "NA(n,m,k, ...)" are/is \cite[\S3.1.2, pp. 43]{Eaton2016a}:

  • empty (i.e., no input arguments), return the scalar value NA.
  • one (n), return a square matrix with the same dimensions as n.
  • 1 ((n, m) or (n, m, k, ...)), return a i-dimensional matrix, where the size/cardinality of the jth dimension is specificed by the jth input argument \cite[\S3.1.2, pp. 43]{Eaton2016a}.

Note that the optional argument class in NA(..., class) specifies the return type as "double" or "single" \cite[\S3.1.2, pp. 43]{Eaton2016a}.

Note that NA != NA, hence we could not compare the equality of NA values using == or !=. Instead, we should use the isna(x) function \cite[\S3.1.2, pp. 43]{Eaton2016a}.

isna(x) returns a boolean array that indicates which elements of x are NA (missing) values. If x[i] is a NA value, then the ith element of the returned boolean array would indicate true; else, the ith element would return false \cite[\S3.1.2, pp. 43]{Eaton2016a}.


A string constant, or character string \cite[\S3.1.3, pp. 43]{Eaton2016a}, [is composed of / contains / "consists of"] "a sequence of characters" that are enclosed in quotation (single/double quote(s)) \cite[\S5, pp. 67]{Eaton2016a}.

Essentially, its representation is an array (of a one-dimensional matrix) of characters, which are represented by their ASCII values in the array \cite[\S5.2, pp. 68]{Eaton2016a}.

By convention, each row of characters is a string in GNU Octave, while a column of such strings (of the same length) form a string array \cite[\S5.2, pp. 68]{Eaton2016a}.

In GNU Octave, a string is a character vector, rather than merely a character matrix. Hence, use the ischar(x) and isvector(x) functions to determine if a variable is a character array/matrix or a character vector \cite[\S5.2, pp. 68]{Eaton2016a}.

It is recommended to use double quotes to denote strings, since a single quote is used as the operator for matrix transpose \cite[\S5, pp. 67]{Eaton2016a}.

String Creation and Concatenation

Use matrix notation to enable string concatenation; e.g., [string1, string2] (or [string1 string2]) concatenates string1 and string2 together \cite[\S5, pp. 67]{Eaton2016a}.

Conversion Between Strings and Numerical Data

Conversion between strings and numerical data can be done by the following functions \cite[\S5.3.2, pp. 73-75]{Eaton2016a}:

  • mat2str(x,n):
    • mat2str(x,n, "class")
  • num2str(x):
    • num2str(x, precision)
    • num2str(x, format)
  • int2str(n)

sprinf(template, ...) provides more flexibility to display numerical data as strings.

String Comparison

Functions for string comparison, which requires character by character comparison of strings (can't be done by using "=="), are \cite[\S5.4, pp. 76-77]{Eaton2016a}:

  • strcmp(s1,s2)
  • strncmp(s1,s2,n)
  • strcmpi(s1,s2)
  • strncmpi(s1,s2,n)

String Manipulation

Functions for string manipulation are found in \cite[\S5.5, pp. 77-91]{Eaton2016a}:

  • Remove whitespace \cite[\S5.5, pp. 77-78]{Eaton2016a}:
    • deblank(s)
    • strtrim(s)
    • strtrunc(s,n)
  • Modify whitespace \cite[\S5.5, pp. 90-91]{Eaton2016a}:
    • untabify (t)
    • untabify (t, tw)
    • untabify (t, tw, deblank)
  • Substring search operations, including the use of regular expressions (regex) and string matching \cite[\S5.5, pp. 78-80, 87-90]{Eaton2016a}:
    • findstr(s,t)
    • findstr(s,t,overlap)
    • idx = strchr (str, chars)
    • idx = strchr (str, chars, n)
    • idx = strchr (str, chars, n, direction)
    • [i, j] = strchr (...)
    • index (s, t)
    • index (s, t, direction)
    • rindex (s, t)
    • idx = strfind (str, pattern)
    • idx = strfind (cellstr, pattern)
    • idx = strfind (..., "overlaps", val)
    • substr (s, offset) \cite[\S5.5, pp. 87]{Eaton2016a}.
    • substr (s, offset, len) \cite[\S5.5, pp. 87]{Eaton2016a}.
    • [s, e, te, m, t, nm, sp] = regexp (str, pat) \cite[\S5.5, pp. 87-89]{Eaton2016a}.
    • [...] = regexp (str, pat, "opt1", ...) \cite[\S5.5, pp. 87-89]{Eaton2016a}.
    • [s, e, te, m, t, nm, sp] = regexpi (str, pat) \cite[\S5.5, pp. 89]{Eaton2016a}.
    • [...] = regexpi (str, pat, "opt1", ... ) \cite[\S5.5, pp. 89]{Eaton2016a}.
    • outstr = regexprep (string, pat, repstr) \cite[\S5.5, pp. 90]{Eaton2016a}.
    • outstr = regexprep (string, pat, repstr, "opt1", ... ) \cite[\S5.5, pp. 90]{Eaton2016a}.
  • String set operations \cite[\S5.5, pp. 80]{Eaton2016a}:
    • str = strjoin (cstr)
    • str = strjoin (cstr, delimiter)
  • String comparison operations \cite[\S5.5, pp. 80-81]{Eaton2016a}:
    • strmatch (s, A)
    • strmatch (s, A, "exact")
  • String tokenization \cite[\S5.5, pp. 81-84]{Eaton2016a}:
    • [tok, rem] = strtok (str)
    • [tok, rem] = strtok (str, delim)
    • [cstr] = strsplit (str)
    • [cstr] = strsplit (str, del)
    • [cstr] = strsplit (..., name, value)
    • [cstr, matches] = strsplit (...)
    • [cstr] = ostrsplit (s, sep)
    • [cstr] = ostrsplit (s, sep, strip_empty)
  • String input operations + parsing \cite[\S5.5, pp. 84-86]{Eaton2016a}:
    • [a, ...] = strread (str)
    • [a, ...] = strread (str, format)
    • [a, ...] = strread (str, format, format_repeat)
    • [a, ...] = strread (str, format, prop1, value1, ... )
    • [a, ...] = strread (str, format, format_repeat, prop1, value1, ...)
  • (Sub-)String replacement operations \cite[\S5.5, pp. 86]{Eaton2016a}:
    • newstr = strrep (str, ptn, rep)
    • newstr = strrep (cellstr, ptn, rep)
    • newstr = strrep (..., "overlaps", val)
  • String operations regarding regular expressions (regex), and do not involve substring search operations nor string matching \cite[\S5.5, pp. 90]{Eaton2016a}:
    • regexptranslate (op, s)

Notes based on experiential analysis:

  • Calling the function index(s,t,direction) with an invalid direction (i.e., not "first" nor "last") will result in a thrown error \cite[\S5.5, pp. 78-79]{Eaton2016a}. See script.

String Conversions

Functions for string conversions are found in \cite[\S5.6, pp. 91-96]{Eaton2016a}. They convert between representations, such as ASCII, decimal, string (including left/right justification), binary, double, hexadecimal, single/double precision numbers/vector, and numbers of another base. They can also convert strings to upper case or lower case. In addition, they can convert between escape sequences/forms to their corresponding representations (as special characters).

  • bin2dec (s)
  • dec2bin (d, len)
  • dec2hex (d, len)
  • hex2dec (s)
  • dec2base (d, base)
  • dec2base (d, base, len)
  • base2dec (s, base)
  • s = num2hex (n)
  • n = hex2num (s)
  • n = hex2num (s, class)
  • str2double (s)
  • strjust (s)
  • strjust (s, pos)
  • x = str2num (s)
  • [x, state] = str2num (s)
  • toascii (s)
  • tolower (s)
  • lower (s)
  • toupper (s)
  • upper (s)
  • do_string_escapes (string)
  • undo_string_escapes (s)

Accessor Functions: Character Class Functions

Character class functions are a category of accessor functions that determine if a string array contains elements of a specific/given character class. That is, are the elements of the string alphanumeric, alphabetic, numeric (in decimal or hexadecimal), lower case, upper case, punctuation characters, whitespace characters, control characters, printable characters, or ASCII characters \cite[\S5.7, pp. 96-98]{Eaton2016a}:

  • isalnum (s)
  • isalpha (s)
  • isletter (s)
  • islower (s)
  • isupper (s)
  • isdigit (s)
  • isxdigit (s)
  • ispunct (s)
  • isspace (s)
  • iscntrl (s)
  • isgraph (s)
  • isprint (s)
  • isascii (s)

It also includes an accessor function to determine the charactes class property of a string; see isstrprop(str, prop) \cite[\S5.7, pp. 98]{Eaton2016a}.

Escape Sequences for Strings

With single-quoted strings, the backslash character is not treated as a special character \cite[\S5.1, pp. 67]{Eaton2016a}.

However, with double-quoted strings, the backslash character introduces an escape sequence to represent other characters, such as \cite[\S5.1, pp. 67-68]{Eaton2016a}:

  • backslash character, literal representation
  • double-quote character, literal representation
  • single-quote character, literal representation
  • newline character
  • horizontal tab

Information About The Workspace

For information about the workspace, including a list of defined variables and their properties, see \cite[\S7.3, pp. 127]{Eaton2016a}.

Data Containers and Data Structures

Two mechanism used by GNU Octave to contain arbitrary data types in a variable are \cite[\S6, pp. 99]{Eaton2016a}:

  • Structures:
    • "C-like."
    • "Indexed with named fields."
  • Cell arrays:
    • "Each element of the array can have a different data type annd/or shape."


A structure in GNU Octave is implemented as an associative array, which indices are limited to strings. Its syntax is similar to similar to structures in C (or "C-style structures") \cite[\S6.1, pp. 99]{Eaton2016a}.

Structure Usage

To access/modify a field f of a structure s, concatenate the name of the structure with the name of the field with a period between them. E.g., s.f \cite[\S6.1.1, pp. 99]{Eaton2016a}.

The value of a structure can be printed on the console/terminal of GNU Octave, stating the structure's variable name would suffice. However, the order in which the fields are listed when printing a structure is random \cite[\S6.1.1, pp. 99]{Eaton2016a}.

The structure can be copied just like variables of data types. That is, its content would be copied into another variable \cite[\S6.1.1, pp. 99-100]{Eaton2016a}.

Structures are "treated" as values. Hence, fields/elements of a structure can "reference other structures" \cite[\S6.1.1, pp. 100]{Eaton2016a}.

Note that printing the value of a nested structure, which has structures embedded in a (i.e., top-level) structure, would only print the content of the first few-level (e.g., three) levels. The remaining embedded/nested levels are printed/represented as a struct array with its dimensions (but not content) specified \cite[\S6.1.1, pp. 100-101]{Eaton2016a}.

The function struct_levels_to_print() is used to determine or set the number of levels (of the nested structure) to print. val = struct_levels_to_print() is used to find out the number of levels (of the nested structure) to print. old_val = struct_levels_to_print(new_val) is used to set the number of levels (of the nested structure) to print. struct_levels_to_print(new_val, "local") is used to set the number of levels (of the nested structure) to print locally, such that only the function and called subroutines are affected \cite[\S6.1.1, pp. 101]{Eaton2016a}.

Use the function print_struct_array_contents () to determine or set the boolean flag that specifies whether to print the contents of the struct array. If the boolean flag is set to true, the contents of struct arrays would be printed \cite[\S6.1.1, pp. 101]{Eaton2016a}. We have problems using the function print_struct_array_contents() correctly.

Structures can be returned by functions as their output \cite[\S6.1.1, pp. 101-102]{Eaton2016a}.

To enumerate all elements of a structure, use a special form of the for statement for a variable (named expression) \cite[\S10.5.1, pp. 165-166]{Eaton2016a}.

for [val, key ] = expression

The content of 2-D structs are displayed/accessed via rows first, then columns during enumeration of such structs. That is, for 2-D structs, rows are incremented before columns are incremented. Alternatively, elements in 2-D structs are accessed via (row,column) enumeration.

In general, for n-D structs, which entries are indexed as [i,j,k, ..., n], the elements are accessed in the following order:

  • increment i only
  • increment i and j
  • increment i, j, and k ...
  • increment n only

The fields of a struct are enumerated/traversed in order.

Structure Arrays

A structure array is a subset of structures, and each of its fields "is [be] represented by a cell array." Since these cell arrays have the same dimensions, a structure array can also be recognized as an array of structures, where each of these structures has identifical field. Alternatively, index and print the field/element of the structure. That is, use the vectors as indices to the structure array. Similarly, elements of a structure array can be deleted by assigning them to an empty matrix \cite[\S6.1.2, pp. 103]{Eaton2016a}.

To delete elements of a structure array by assigning each of these elements to an empty matrix \cite[\S6.1.2, pp. 104]{Eaton2016a}.

Difficulties Faced

When we called the function size(x), on a nested struct "x", it always returns the array [1 1] as the size of the nested struct. It does not return a set of values that correctly/"correctly" indicates the size of the nested structure. See h-structures.m.

Structure Creation

Structures can be created using \cite[\S6.1.3, pp. 104]{Eaton2016a}:

  • the index operator .
  • the struct function
    • The functions accepts pairs of arguments (fieldname, and scalar or cell array) \cite[\S6.1.3, pp. 105-106]{Eaton2016a}
  • dynamic naming (var), by using the variable's string value (or arbitrary string) as the field name \cite[\S6.1.3, pp. 104-105]{Eaton2016a}... Arbitrary strings can be used, in addition to "valid Octave identifiers"; this is not true for MATLAB scripts.

The string used in dynamic naming does not have to be a valid GNU Octave identifier. Note that MATLAB does not allow dynaming naming to use arbitrary strings \cite[\S6.1.3, pp. 104-105]{Eaton2016a}.

The struct function requires pairs of arguments \cite[\S6.1.3, pp. 104-107]{Eaton2016a}.

When elements of a struct are a mixture of scalar and cell arrays, the scalar arguments are expanded to form a structure array that has a consistent dimension \cite[\S6.1.3, pp. 104-105]{Eaton2016a}.

"To create a struct "that has/contains "a cell array as an individual field", wrap it in another cell array \cite[\S6.1.3, pp. 106]{Eaton2016a}. From personal experimentation in h-structures.m, when we specify the cell array using square brackets, an instance of the cell array is assigned to each field; curly braces are needed to assign each element in the cell array to each field of the struct; in the cell array, each element in the cell array is delimited/delineated by a comma (or white space). Also, from personal experimentation in h-structures.m, the cardinality/dimension of cell arrays in each field should match; if there is only one value for a field, while the other fields have multiple values, that value is repeated n times (dimensionality of the cell array); else, an error is called when the dimensionality of this cell array does not match the dimensionalities of the other cell arrays.

Note that the fields of a (ordinary scalar) struct should have fields that have the same cardinality/size/dimension. Else, the struct could contain contain false/erroneous information.

Use the function isstruct(x) to determine if x is a structure (or structure array). If x is a structure or structure array, a boolean true is returned. Else, a boolean false is returned \cite[\S6.1.3, pp. 106]{Eaton2016a}.

Structure Manipulation

Functions to control the fields of a structure, which can be a nested structure, are \cite[\S6.1.4, pp. 107-111]{Eaton2016a}:

  • numfields(s) returns the number of fields in the struct s.
  • fieldnames(s) returns the names of fields in s, which can be a struct or an Octave (/Java) object, in a cell array.
  • isfield(x,"field_name") returns true if field_name is a field of x.
  • isfield(x,field_names) returns a bit vector indicating if each field name in field_names is a field of x.
  • new_struct = setfield (s, field[i], val[i], field[i+1], val[i+1], ...) copies the struct s to struct new_struct, and for each pair of field[i] and val[i], it will assign val[i] to field[i]. If a field (e.g., 'field[n]') is provided without a corresponding value (i.e., 'value[n]'), an error will be called for the mismatching number of fields and values. Note: We have a problem using setfield() for structure arrays. March 6, 2017: Abandon mission to learn how to do this. For a single element of a structure array, we can use the normal setfield() function. The technical debt for not knowing how to use setfield() for structure arrays is when we have to enumerate elements in a structure array.
  • val = getfield (s, field) is an access method to obtain the value of the field field in the struct s.
  • val = getfield (s, sidx1, field1, fidx1,...) Note: Currently, we have not learnd how to use getfield() for structure arrays. March 6, 2017; Technical debt: not being able to easily enumerate elements of a structure array, and the fields of each struct in the structure array.
  • sout = rmfield(s, "f") removes the field f in the structure (or nested structure) s. If f is not a valid field of the (nested) structure s, an error is called.
  • sout = rmfield(s, f) removes the fields specified in the cell array of strings, f, from the structure (or nested structure) s.
  • [copy, p] = orderfields() for various function signatures. For function signature (s1), the fields of s are arranged lexicographically. For function signature (s1,s2), the fields of s1 are arranged according to the order of fields of s2; s1 and s2 must have the same number and names of fields, else an error is called. For function signature (s1,{cellstr}), the fields of s1 are arranged according to the order of strings in the cell array of strings {cellstr}. For function signature (s1,p), the fields of s1 are arranged according to the permutation vector p. The second output argument p is optional, and is a permutation vector that converts the old order to the new order.
Difficulties Faced

We cannot use the function substruct(). Also, we cannot use getfield() nor setfield().

Structure: Data Processing for Its Fields

Data in a structure can be enumerated as follows \cite[\S6.1.5, pp. 111-112]{Eaton2016a}:

  • Use a for loop to enumerate the elements of a structure.
  • Use the structfun function to create user-defined functions for each field of a structure.
  • Use another type of container to process the data; i.e., convert the struct into a cell array, followed by data processing.

The fields/elements of a struct are processed from the first to the last, or "right" to "left".

Cell Arrays

A cell array is a container that can contain variables of different sizes or types. A cell array can be used just like $N$-dimensional arrays with the exception of the using curly braces as operators for allocation and indexing \cite[\S6.2, pp. 112]{Eaton2016a}.

Cell Array Usage

A cell array can have fields/variables of different sizes. These fields/variables can be indexed, added/inserted, overwritten using curly braces \cite[\S6.2.1, pp. 112]{Eaton2016a}.

[Note: We do not know if cell arrays (or structs) can include functions in their containers.]

A nested cell array is hierarchically displayed via celldisp(), and referenced by their index \cite[\S6.2.1, pp. 113]{Eaton2016a}.

celldisp(c) recursively displays the contents of the call array c. Alternatively, celldisp(c, b) also recursively displays the contents of the cell array c, but indicates its name as b, instead of c \cite[\S6.2.1, pp. 113]{Eaton2016a}.

iscell(x) determines if x is a cell array object. A boolean true is returned if x is a cell array object. Else, return boolean false \cite[\S6.2.1, pp. 113]{Eaton2016a}.

The script h-multi-dimensionall-cell-array.h indicates that embedded elements are displayed first, before visiting next cell/field. This demonstrates that the elements of multi-dimensional matrices are processed from the right-most dimension to the left-most dimension.

Cell Array Creation

A cell array can be created using currently available variables. It can also be created with empty matrices. The empty matrices contained in the cell array can be subsequently filled with data \cite[\S6.2.2, pp. 114]{Eaton2016a}.

A multi-dimensional cell array can be created using the cell function with a set of positive integers, or a vector of positive integers, that describes its size/dimensions \cite[\S6.2.2, pp. 114]{Eaton2016a}.

Functions that describe the size of an object can also be used to describe the size of a cell array \cite[\S6.2.2, pp. 114]{Eaton2016a}:

  • size(x)
  • length(x)
  • numel(x)
  • rows(x)
  • columns(x)

cell(m,n,k,...), or cell([m n k ...]), are functions to create new cell array objects, with the dimensions N*M*K. The set of positive integers do not have to be listed as a vector \cite[\S6.2.2, pp. 114]{Eaton2016a}.

Functions to transform numerical arrays, such as matrices, into cell arrays \cite[\S6.2.2, pp. 114-116]{Eaton2016a}:

  • c = num2cell(A) transforms numerical matrix A into cell array c \cite[\S6.2.2, pp. 115]{Eaton2016a}.
  • c = mat2cell(A,m,n), or c = mat2cell(A,d1,d2,...), are functions to transform a matrix A into a cell array c. Here, d1,d2, ... are dimensional arguments corresponding to the dimensions of A \cite[\S6.2.2, pp. 115-116]{Eaton2016a}.
  • c = cellslices(x,lb,ub,dim) maps an array x to a cell array of slices based on the index vectors lb and ub, for lower and upper bounds, respectively. The optional input argument dim determines the position of the index. If dim is not specified, slice along the first non-singleton [WikipediaContributors2017] dimension \cite[\S6.2.2, pp. 116]{Eaton2016a}.

Indexing Cell Arrays

Extract elements from cell arrays using the '{' and '}' operators. These operators enable access to elements of a cell array \cite[\S6.2.3, pp. 116]{Eaton2016a}.

However, "extract or access subarrays, which are still cell arrays," using the '(' and ')' operators. These operators enable access to a subarray of a cell array. They enable indexing cell arrays to be like indexing multi-dimensional arrays \cite[\S6.2.3, pp. 116-117]{Eaton2016a}.

Use the empty matrix '[]' to delete elements from a cell array, just like struct arrays and numerical arrays. This also deletes the "vector"/memory??? space for them, in addition to removing the contents of the cell array elements. That said, elements of a cell array can have their contents deleted/removed, without deleting the "vector"/memory??? space for them \cite[\S6.2.3, pp. 118]{Eaton2016a}.

These indexing operations operate on the cell array, rather than the objects within the cell array \cite[\S6.2.3, pp. 118]{Eaton2016a}.

The function y = cellindexmat(x, varargin) allows objects within each cell array entry to be indexed, via matrix indexing \cite[\S6.2.3, pp. 118]{Eaton2016a}.

Cell Array of Strings

The storage of multiple strings in a cell array, in comparison to that of character matrices, has the advantage of storing strings of varying lengths. Character matrices require its strings to be of the same length \cite[\S6.2.4, pp. 118]{Eaton2016a}.

Functions to convert between a cell array of strings and a character matrix are \cite[\S6.2.4, pp. 118-119]{Eaton2016a}:

  • char and/or strvcat can transform a cell array of strings into a character matrix \cite[\S6.2.4, pp. 118]{Eaton2016a}.
  • cstr = cellstr(strmat) can transform a character matrix into a cell array of strings. This transforms each row of the character matrix strmat into an element in cstr, while deleting trailing white space in each element \cite[\S6.2.4, pp. 118-119]{Eaton2016a}.

Since "most functions for string manipulations, provided by default in stable versions of GNU Octave, support cell arrays of strings, it is recommended to manipulate a collection/set of strings using cell arrays instead of character matrices \cite[\S6.2.4, pp. 119]{Eaton2016a}.

By default, stable versions of GNU Octave provide support for the following string manipulation functions \cite[\S6.2.4, pp. 119]{Eaton2016a}:

  • strcmp(string, cell array of strings)
  • char
  • deblank
  • regexp
  • regexpi
  • str2double
  • strcat
  • strcmp
  • strcmpi
  • strfind
  • strmatch
  • strncmp
  • strncmpi
  • strtrim
  • strtrunc
  • strvcat

iscellstr(cell) is a function that returns true if each element of the cell array is a character string \cite[\S6.2.4, pp. 119]{Eaton2016a}.

Data Processing with Cell Arrays

Data in a cell array can be enumerated using \cite[\S6.2.4, pp. 119]{Eaton2016a}.:

  • for loops.
  • "cellfun function that calls a user-specified function on all elements of a cell array"
  • Convert data into a different container, such as a matrix or a struct \cite[\S6.2.4, pp. 119-120]{Eaton2016a}
    • m = cell2mat(c) concatenates all elements of the cell array c in its transformation into a hyperrectangle. Elements of c must be concatenable by the function cat and can be either of the following types:
      • numeric
      • logical
      • character matrix
      • cell arrays
      • structs
    • cell2struct(cell, fields, dim) and cell2struct(cell, fields) transforms a cell array cell into a strucure struct. The cardinality of fields (number of fields) and the cardinality of cell (its number of elements along dimension dim) should match. numel(fields) == size(cell, dim) By default, the optional argument/parameter dim has a value of 1.


Comma Separated Lists

For all GNU Octave functions, a comma separated list (or cs-list) is a fundamental input/return argument type. That is, the set of input arguments and the set of return arguments are both cs-lists \cite[\S6.3, pp. 120]{Eaton2016a}.

cs-lists can also appear on either side (left or right) of an asignment statement \cite[\S6.3, pp. 120]{Eaton2016a}.

During the initialization/creation of an array (with []) or cell array (with {}), cs-lists are also used \cite[\S6.3, pp. 120]{Eaton2016a}.

That said, cs-lists cannot be directly manipiulated by users, but can be implicitly manipulated via structure arrays and cell arrays before their conversion into cs-lists \cite[\S6.3, pp. 121]{Eaton2016a}.

Transform element of a cell array into a cs-list by placing the {} operators around the cell array \cite[\S6.3.1, pp. 121-122]{Eaton2016a}.

Transform a cs-list into a cell array by placing the [] operators around the cs-list. This "concatenates" the elements of the cs-list into a cell array, by treating with element in the cs-list as a field/variable (or cell element) in the cell array \cite[\S6.3.1, pp. 121-122]{Eaton2016a}.

Cell elements of a cell array can be an input argument of a function. Hence, a list of such cell elements can be passed as an input argument to the given function. This is no different from calling the function with each cell element passed to the function as an individual/separate argument \cite[\S6.3.1, pp. 121-122]{Eaton2016a}.

Transform a structure array, struct, into a cs-list via dynamic naming with the function struct. Its dynamic names can be used to retrieve information from the elements of the cs-list \cite[\S6.3.2, pp. 122]{Eaton2016a}.

Variable-length argument lists


Variable-length return lists


Object-Oriented Programming

[Summarize my thoughts on adopting object-oriented programming in GNU Octave]

Class Creation

To create a class in GNU Octave named class-name, create a directory named @class-name. The '@' symbol must be a prefix for the name of the directory representing a class in GNU Octave \cite[\S34.1, pp. 721]{Eaton2016a}.

The constructor for the class should have the same name as the class name class-name; i.e., @class-name/class-name.m \cite[\S34.1, pp. 721-722]{Eaton2016a}.

Use the function isobject([obj]) to determine if obj is an object, and isa([variable_name],[class_name]) is a function that determines if a variable [variable_name] is an object instance of the class [class_name] \cite[\S34.1, pp. 722]{Eaton2016a}.

The function [mthds] = methods([obj]) returns a cell array containing the method names for the class that the object [obj] is an instance of. Similarly, the function [mthds] = methods([class_name]) returns a cell array containing the method names for the class [class_name] \cite[\S34.1, pp. 723]{Eaton2016a}.

The function ismethod([obj],[mthd]) queries if [mthd] is a method of the class the the object [obj] belongs to \cite[\S34.1, pp. 723]{Eaton2016a}.

Methods/Functions for the class can be defined via function files in the directory named @class-name \cite[\S34.1, pp. 722]{Eaton2016a}.

Class Manipulation, via Basic Accessor and Mutator Class Methods

Basic class methods for access and modification/update are \cite[\S34.2, pp. 723-726]{Eaton2016a}:

  • display([obj])
    • Access method
    • "Display the contents of [the] object" [obj].
  • get([obj],[property_name])
    • Access method
    • Determine if [property_name] is a property of the object named [obj].
  • get([obj])
    • Access method
    • List all the properties of the object named [obj].
  • set([obj],[property_value_pairs])
    • Access method
    • For the object named [obj], set the values of its properties using the (property, value) pairs found in [property_value_pairs].
    • Return the modified object [obj] as the updated object. E.g., p = set([obj],[property_value_pairs]) \cite[\S34.2, pp. 725]{Eaton2016a}:
    • Requires definition of the subsasgn() method. \cite[\S34.2, pp. 725]{Eaton2016a}; see \cite[\S34.3]{Eaton2016a}.
  • [obj2] = saveobj([obj1])
    • Save a copy of the object [obj1] as the object [obj2].
    • Manipulate the object [obj1], prior to saving this object to a file for storage.
  • [obj2] = loadobj([obj1])
    • Save a copy of the object [obj1] as the object [obj2].
    • Manipulate the object [obj1], after this object has been loaded from a file for processing.

Indexing Objects and Indexed Assignment

The user/programmer must specify what do integers/numbers enclosed in parentheses mean when used with objects; this is known as subscripted referencing. The user/programmer can specify this (i.e., subscripted referencing) with the method subsref(val, idx) \cite[\S34.3.1, pp. 726-728]{Eaton2016a}.

Regarding the method subsref(val, idx), val is a matrix (or vector???) and "the subscript idx is... a structure array with the fields 'type' and 'subs'. Valid values for these fields of idx are \cite[\S34.3.1, pp. 726-728]{Eaton2016a}:

  • type
    • "()"
    • "{}"
    • "."
  • subs
    • ":"
    • Cell array of index values
  • Note: "If idx is an an empty structure array with fields 'type' and 'subs', return val."

For subscripted assignment, use the method subsasgn(val,idx,rhs). This method carries out "the subscripted assignment" at the index specified by the subscript idx. Just like the method subsref(val, idx), valid values for the fields 'type' and 'subs' of the structure array idx are \cite[\S34.3.1, pp. 728]{Eaton2016a}:

  • type
    • "()"
    • "{}"
    • "."
  • subs
    • ":"
    • Cell array of index values
  • Note: "If idx is an an empty structure array with fields 'type' and 'subs', return rhs."

Whie the methods subsref(val, idx) and subsasgn(val,idx,rhs) require receipt of "the whole index chain" as an input argument, but typically only access/modify the first element of the index chain. To get these methods to process/enumerate the rest of the whole index chain, use iteration or recursion \cite[\S34.3.1, pp. 728]{Eaton2016a}.

"To use the end keyword [as] subscripted expression of an object," define the end(obj,index_pos,num_indices) method for the class so that it would represent the cardinality of the vector/array or a dimension of a matrix \cite[\S34.3.1, pp. 729]{Eaton2016a}.

Use the overloading method/function idx = subsindex(a) to control the object that is used as an index in a subscripted expression. This function converts the object to an index vector for its class. The index vector has to be "a zero-based real integer vector for the class 'double'" \cite[\S34.3.1, pp. 729]{Eaton2016a}.

Use the function r = colon (base, increment, limit) to use objects like ranges. This function equivalently processes the expression according to the syntax of the colon operator base:increment:limit. The input argument increment is optional \cite[\S34.3.1, pp. 729-730]{Eaton2016a}.

Indexed Assignment Optimization

The "lazily-copied pass-by-value semantics" of GNU Octave limits performance improvement for "user-defined subsasgn methods". This is because of the design of the GNU Octave language, which performs a linear-time operation of copying the array val in the method subsasgn(val,idx,rhs) to protect the data integrity of the array val. For large arrays, this can be a significant performance constraint. That said, the official implementation of the GNU Octave interpreter does not keep a copy of the array val in the caller's scope, so that copying of data (i.e., for val) is avoided and carries out the data modification operation in constant time \cite[\S34.3.2, pp. 730]{Eaton2016a}.

Overloading Objects

Function Overloading

To overload any given function in GNU Octave with an object-specific version, implement the function again with a different set of input arguments and/or output variables \cite[\S34.4.1, pp. 731]{Eaton2016a}.

NOTE: How to use the cast function?

How can the cast function be used to work with the user class, so that methods of other classes can be used with the user class?

Operator Overloading

Table 34.1 of \cite[\S34.4.2, pp. 732]{Eaton2016a} shows a mapping of each built-in numerical operation (e.g., +) to a corresponding function name that serves as an "overloaded method for a user class." This mapping enables operator overloading. \cite[\S34.4.2, pp. 731--732]{Eaton2016a}.

Precedence of Objects

To process objects belonging to different classes in a given scope, the GNU Octave interpreter uses a "precedence of which method of which class to call" to call the appropriate method. To provide information about such precedence to the GNU Octave interpreter, use the superiorto ([class_name],...) and/or inferiorto ([class_name],...) methods in the constructor of a given class to specify the classes that the objects of this class is superior and/or inferior to \cite[\S34.4.3, pp. 732--734]{Eaton2016a}.

Notes \cite[\S34.4.3, pp. 734]{Eaton2016a}:

  • "User classes always have higher precedence than built-in Octave types."
  • "When faced with two objects that have the same precedence, [GNU Octave] will use the method of the object that appears first on the list of arguments."

Inheritance and Aggregation

In GNU Octave, use a given user-defined class to support the building of new classes, via inheritance and aggregation \cite[\S34.5, pp. 734]{Eaton2016a}.

Use the class function in the class constructor to inherit functions (and properties) from a class. Use a struct to contain all the properties (or data fields) of a class. Call the class function to create objects from the struct. To create an object c_obj of a child class, create an object p_obj of the parent class, and call the class function with p_obj as the third input argument \cite[\S34.5, pp. 734]{Eaton2016a}.

In my implementation of constructor, it must address the case that does not have any child class. For such cases, the default constructor (with no input arguments) should be called. Use the calls to the the default constructor and the class function (with the third input argument) "to determine the inheritance structure" (or class hierarchy) \cite[\S34.5, pp. 735]{Eaton2016a}.

GNU Octave supports multiple inheritance and nested inheritance. GNU Octave does not impose a limit on the number of parents in multiple inheritance; however, the size of the physical memory does impose a limit on the number of parents. GNU Octave also does not impose a limit on the level of nesting in nested inheritance; however, the size of the physical memory does impose a limit on the level of nesting \cite[\S34.5, pp. 735]{Eaton2016a}.

I cannot find the display function in the GNU Octave manual

What does it do? Or, does it have to be user-defined (not shown in the GNU Octave manual)?

See \cite[\S34.5, pp. 735, in the example near the bottom of the page]{Eaton2016a}.

Performance Improvement

Techniques for performance improvement \cite[Slide 48, ``Techniques for improving performance'']{Zucchelli2011}:

  • Vectorization
    • "Brute force vectorization"
      • cellfun
      • structfun
      • arrayfun
      • [To Be Continued]
    • Use libraries
      • BLAS
      • LAPACK
  • "Preallocation: Minimize changing variable class".
  • "Mexing: compiled code"
  • Advanced indexing; not only does this improve performance (i.e., execution time), it can also improve memory management \cite[\S8.1.1, pp. 136-137]{Eaton2016a}.
  • Broadcasting
    • Broadcasting can handle binary operators and functions when their size differ. From GNU Octave 3.6.0, for arrays/matrices that are of different sizes, "broadcast" the smaller array/matrix across the larger array/matrix. "Broadcasting" enforces the compatible shape rule, such that corresponding array dimensions are equal or one of these dimensions is one. If "corresponding array dimensions are equal", carry out "ordinary element-by-element arithmetic". Else, copy the array with the singleton dimension along that dimension until their shapes are compatible (i.e., this dimension of this array matches that dimension in that array). This copying operation is cosmetic/superficial, so that the binary operator/function can be carried out; no actual copying of data is done in memory. For scalar arrays, broadcast all of its dimensions. For functions without broacasting semantics, use the function bsxfun for forced broadcasting. The preconditions for broadcasting are: two different dimensions and no singleton dimension exists. Broadcasting is known as binary singleton expansion in MATLAB, recycling in R, replication, or single-instruction multiple data (SIMD) \cite[\S19.2, pp. 491-494]{Eaton2016a}.


Formatted Output

Conversion specifications \cite[\S14.2.4 Formatted Output]{Abbott2016}:

  • '%d': scalar argument, decimal notation
  • '%s': string argument
  • '%o': integer argument, octal radix
  • '%u': integer argument, decimal radix
  • '%x': integer argument, hexadecimal radix
  • '%c': character value
  • '%f': fixed-point notation
  • '%e': exponential notation
  • '%g': fixed-point or exponential notation

For these aforementioned specific conversion specifications \cite[\S14.2.4 Formatted Output]{Abbott2016}:

  • Specific modifiers can be inserted between the percentage ("%") symbol and the character specifying/indicating the conversion type.
  • Specific flags can be inserted between the percentage ("%") symbol and the character specifying/indicating the conversion type.
  • These aforementioned flags and modifiers can be inserted between the percentage ("%") symbol and the character specifying/indicating the conversion type.

Terminal Output

To change the number of significant figures displayed in the terminal output, use the command format[options], where the options are indicated as follows \cite[14.1.1 Terminal Output]{Abbott2016}:

  • short: Fixed point format with 5 significant figures in a field that is a maximum of 10 characters wide. (default).
  • long: Fixed point format with 15 significant figures in a field that is a maximum of 20 characters wide.

Block Comments

Block comments are enclosed "between matching '#{' and '#}' (or '%{' and '%}') markers" \cite[\S2.7.2, Block Comments, pp. 37-38]{Eaton2016a}

Continuation Lines \cite[\S10.10, pp. 169]{Eaton2016a}

By default, statements terminate with the newline character.

To continue a statement over multiple lines, use the ellipsis ("...") to list a fragment of a statement in a line that would be continued in the next line.

To continue a string over multiple lines, use the backslash ("") to to list a fragment of a string in a line that would be continued in the next line.

Mathematical expressions that are contained within a pair of parentheses can be continued over multiple lines without using any continuation markers, such as the aforementioned ellipsis or backslash.

Copy Functions

The function deal(a) is used to reproduce/copy data/information from "the input parameters [to] the corresponding output parameters" \cite[Definition of deal]{OctaveForgeContributors2017a}.

Documentation Generation

To automatically generate documentation for GNU Octave scripts/programs, use Texinfo.

Executable and Self-Contained GNU Octave Scripts

To execute self-contained GNU Octave scripts, use the UNIX shebang \cite[\S2.6, pp. 36]{Eaton2016a} \cite{WikipediaContributors2017a} at the start of the script, so that the rest of the script's initial line would be parsed as an interpreter directive. It runs the specified interpreter program, command-line GNU Octave, instead.

That is, the first line of an executable, self-contained GNU Octave script should contain the following:

#![location of the command-line GNU Octave] [-qf]

The file permissions of such a script in UNIX-like operating systems should be changed to make the script executable, using the chmod command \cite[\S2.6, pp. 36]{Eaton2016a}.

The optional -qf option disables printing of the normal startup message. It also provides some form of standard behavior/performance across different installations of GNU Octave, which can be customized via the .octaverc file in the home directory. \cite[\S2.6, pp. 36]{Eaton2016a}.

Executable, self-contained GNU Octave scripts enable batch processing of data sets \cite[\S2.6, pp. 36]{Eaton2016a}.

Use the built-in function argv to retrieve the command line arguments passed to the executable GNU Octave script \cite[\S2.6, pp. 37]{Eaton2016a}.

E.g., the following is entered in the command line.

./[name-of-GNU-Octave-script].m [ip_arg1] [ip_arg2] ... [ip_argN]

The input arguments to the aforementioned execution of the script ./[name-of-GNU-Octave-script].m are: [ip_arg1] [ip_arg2] ... [ip_argN].


A variable name is a sequence of alphanumeric characters and underscores, which does not begin with a digit. It is case sensitive \cite[\S7, pp. 123]{Eaton2016a}.

Generally, variable names that begin and end with two consecutive underscores ('__') are reserved for GNU Octave's internal usage. They are used "to access documented internal variables and built-in symbolic constants" of GNU Octave \cite[\S7, pp. 123]{Eaton2016a}.

When the result of the previous/last computation (or "most recently computed result") is not assigned to a variable, it is assigned to the built-in variable 'ans' \cite[\S7, pp. 123]{Eaton2016a}.

Like other popular scripting languages, such as Ruby and Python, GNU Octave uses static typing. That is, each "variable in GNU Octave" has no fixed type \cite[\S7, pp. 123]{Eaton2016a}.

Some functions concerning variables are \cite[\S7, pp. 123-124]{Eaton2016a}:

  • isvarname(nome)
    • Function that returns a boolean True value, if the input argument nome is a valid variable name. Else, return False.
  • varname = genvarname (str, [exclusions]) and eval([varname " = [numeric value]]) are used to create (a) valid unique variable name(s) from str, and define them with numeric value(s) ([numeric value]). Any sequence of characters in str that is not alphanumeric nor an underscore would be replaced with an underscore. If str begins with a digit, the character 'x' is added to the beginning of *str * as a prefix. Also, the function genvarname (str, [exclusions]) would not generate variable names that begin and end with two consecutive underscores ('__'), nor variable names that match keywords or function names. [exclusions] is an optional string or cell array of strings.
  • namelengthmax() returns maximum length of a variable name. This function is compatible with MATLAB, is considerably less than the maximum length of strings in GNU Octave, which is (2^{31} - 1).

Global Variables

Declare a global variable by placing the keyword global before the variable name(s) \cite[\S7.1, pp. 124-125]{Eaton2016a}.

E.g., global variable_name1 variable_name2 variable_name3.

E.g., global variable_name4 = [a number].

A global variable cannot be initialized to different values on multiple occasions. A global variable will retain the first value that it is initialized to. Use the command clear all to allow the global variable to be initialized to a different variable \cite[\S7.1, pp. 125]{Eaton2016a}; this would also delete all local and global user-defined variables, and functions, from the symbol table \cite[\S7.3, pp. 131]{Eaton2016a}. In general, a global variable can be changed to a different value you assign a new value to the global variable, without redeclaring it as a global variable again; see script to show various usage of global variables. After the initial assignment of a global variable, subsequent assignment of a global variable to other values must not invoke use of the keyword 'global' (in these reassignment statements).

When a global variable is passed as an input argument during a function call, a local copy of the global variable will be made within the scope of the function call. The local copy, which is a local variable, can be initialized to a value different from the global variable; the global variable has a value that remains unchanged. The global variable can be changed to a different value when it is declared as a global variable in the body of a function; see script to show various usage of global variables \cite[\S7.1, pp. 125]{Eaton2016a}.

The function isglobal(name) returns True if name is a global variable; else, it returns False \cite[\S7.1, pp. 125]{Eaton2016a}.

Persistent Variables

Declaring a variable as persistent inside a function allows it to keep its value between calls to the aforementioned functions. This persistent variable is local in scope to the aforementioned function, and is not accessible elsewhere. It cannot be initialized multiple times. When initialized multiple times with the 'persistent' keyword, only its first instance counts. The value of a persistent variable can be changed, when the 'persistent' keyword is not used in the statement that changes its value. If it is "not initialized to a specific value, it will contain an empty matrix." Hence, before using a persistent variable, it would be prudent to judiciously test if it is an empty matrix before using it. Its value is only reset to its first initialized value, or to an empty matrix, if it is cleared from memory via the clear function, such as clear all or clear [name_of_persistent_variable]. Its behavior is equivalent to that of a static variable in C, C++, and Java \cite[\S7.2, pp. 126-127]{Eaton2016a}.

The mlock function should be used to retain the value of a persistent variable after the function containing it has been cleared from memory \cite[\S7.2, pp. 126-127]{Eaton2016a}.

Status of Variables

There are several functions to determine the status of variables:

  • who function, and its siblings whos and whos_line_format inform the user different information about data in the memory \cite[\S7.3, pp. 127-130]{Eaton2016a}.
    • who [option] [list of patterns] is a function that carries out pattern matching, using the given [list of patterns] in the optional input argument, on the set of currently defined variables (in memory).
      This function only accepts zero or one option, and does not accept multiple options. For each pattern in the [list of patterns] optional input argument, it can be described using a simple (formal) grammar for regular expressions (regex), including the use of special characters \cite[\S7.3, pp. 131]{Eaton2016a}. If patterns are not given as input arguments during a function call of who, all variables would be listed. Calling the function who only displays the local variables in the current scope. To list global and local variables, use the [global] option. Use the [-regexp] option to process the each pattern as a regular expression; the syntax for patterns based on regular expression is equivalent to that for the regexp function. The [-file] option treats the next (optional) input argument as a filename. Consequently, the specified file is parsed and all of its variables are listed. When this option is invoked, it does not process any input pattern. \cite[\S7.3, pp. 128]{Eaton2016a}.
    • whos [option] [list of patterns] is a function that provides information about the list of "currently defined variables" that matches the specified patterns [list of patterns], which is/are provided as (an) optional input argument(s). Its optional input arguments defined according to their equivalent counterparts of the who [option] [list of patterns] function. Information presented about the variables fall into the following categories:
      • Atrribute
      • Name
      • Size
      • Bytes
      • Class This information is presented in a tabular form \cite[\S7.3, pp. 128-129]{Eaton2016a}.
    • whos_line_format([new_value],["local"]) is a function that queries or specifies the format and alignment of the tabular representation of information of variables for the whos [option] [list of patterns] function \cite[\S7.3, pp. 129-130]{Eaton2016a}.
  • Use the function exist(name,[type]) to determine if name is declared to be of the type [type]. If it is, return True. Else, return False. The input argument [type] is optional. If it is not specified by the user as an input argument, the GNU Octave interpreter would check if any variable, built-in function, oct-file, directory, file (function file specifying a custom function), or class is declared with the name name (or is named name) \cite[\S7.3, pp. 130-131]{Eaton2016a}.
  • The following functions allow memory to be manually managed, in case if GNU Octave's automatic garbage collection (or memory management) fails to provide enough memory space for computation \cite[\S7.3, pp. 131]{Eaton2016a}:
    • The function clear [options] [list of patterns] allows specified variables (as input arguments), or all variables, to be removed manually from memory \cite[\S7.3, pp. 131-132]{Eaton2016a}. For each pattern in the [list of patterns] optional input argument, it can be described using a simple (formal) grammar for regular expressions (regex), including the use of special characters \cite[\S7.3, pp. 131]{Eaton2016a}. If no pattern is provided as an input argument to the function clear, GNU Octave removes "all user-defined variables (local and global)" "from the symbol table"
      \cite[\S7.3, pp. 131]{Eaton2016a}. When at least one pattern is specified as an input argument to the function clear, GNU Octave removes only visible user-defined variables and funtions \cite[\S7.3, pp. 131]{Eaton2016a}. The options allow users to have more control in pattern matching using regular expressions \cite[\S7.3, pp. 131-132]{Eaton2016a}.
    • The function pack consolidates memory in MATLAB's workspace, but does nothing in GNU Octave, and is provided as a built-in function for compatibility purposes \cite[\S7.3, pp. 132]{Eaton2016a}.
  • The following functions allow users to determine certain information about functions, variables, operators, keywords, and files. Typically, such functions are more valuable during software development of GNU Octave-based programs/scripts than to provide certain information for the GNU Octave-based programs/scripts to use during execution \cite[\S7.3, pp. 132]{Eaton2016a}.
    • The function type [-q] [list of names] displays the content of a variable, function, file, or directory that has a name matching any name in the [list of names]. If the user declares the name name to be of different types throughout the GNU Octave-based program/script, the visble user-defined variable/function would used/processed \cite[\S7.3, pp. 132]{Eaton2016a}. If any of the names in the [list of names] does not match an existing variable, function, operator, keyword, or file, it is undefined and it will cause an error to be thrown at run time. See ("commented out") implementation of this in this hyperlinked script By default, calling the function type displays a header line printing the name being processed and a short description of its category (such as 'function' or 'variable'). Printing of the aforementioned header can be suppressed by using the [-q] option. If the output of calling this function type is not assigned to an output variable, as a cell array of strings, the output is printed to standard output (i.e., the 'Terminal' application) \cite[\S7.3, pp. 132]{Eaton2016a}.
    • The function which [list of names] displays the type of each name in the [list of names] \cite[\S7.3, pp. 132]{Eaton2016a}. If the name is undefined, calling the function which will produce no output; see its implementation in this GNU Octave script. That said, we am unable to call the function which successfully with a "name defined [in] a function file", which should result in displaying the filename, too; this remains untested as of now.
    • The function what [path to a directory] displays the GNU Octave files that are in the directory [path to a directory]. GNU Octave files are GNU Octave scripts (or function files). If this function is called without input arguments, it will display GNU Octave files in the current working directory.
      See its implementation in this GNU Octave script \cite[\S7.3, pp. 132-133]{Eaton2016a}.


In GNU Octave, an expression is a fundamental component of statements \cite[\S8, pp. 135]{Eaton2016a}.

The value that an expression evaluates to can be \cite[\S8, pp. 135]{Eaton2016a}:

  • Printed
  • Tested, in control statements
  • Stored in variables
  • Passed to functions, in function calls.
  • Used with an assignment operator to assign a new value to a variable.

Components, or building blocks, of expressions in GNU Octave \cite[\S8, pp. 135]{Eaton2016a}:

  • Variables
  • Array references
  • Constants
  • Function calls
  • Combinations of these and operators

Index Expressions

Use an index expression to \cite[\S8.1, pp. 135]{Eaton2016a}:

  • Reference selected elements of a matrix/vector
  • Extract selected elements of a matrix/vector

Building blocks, or components, or an index expression \cite[\S8.1, pp. 135]{Eaton2016a}:

  • Scalar
  • Vector
  • Range
  • Operator ':' to select entire rows/columns

When using a single index expression, we can index \cite[\S8.1, pp. 135]{Eaton2016a}:

  • Vectors, and
  • Multi-dimensional arrays/matrices

We can use N indices to index a higher-dimensional (up to N dimensions) matrix/array. Semicolons are used as delimiters to separate columns from each other, while colons are used to indicate columns or range of numbers along a column \cite[\S8.1, pp. 135]{Eaton2016a}.

When we use a single index expression to index a higher-dimensional matrix/array, it would process the matrix/array elements in a column-first order \cite[\S8.1, pp. 135]{Eaton2016a}.

It is not uncommon for multiple index expressions to be equivalent \cite[\S8.1, pp. 135]{Eaton2016a}.

Use the keyword end to refer to the last entry of a given dimension of a matrix/array; when this is used in ranges, we do not need to call size()/length() to determine the bounds of the array before indexing \cite[\S8.1, pp. 135]{Eaton2016a}.

When an index expression has three numbers separated from each other by colons start:increment/decrement:end, it can be used to indicate ranges, such as odd/even elements or the reverse order of a vector/array \cite[\S8.1, pp. 135]{Eaton2016a}.

Advanced Indexing

To index an n-dimensional array with a set of m-index tuple, the Cartesian product of the index vectors/ranges/scalars is used to determine the indexed matrix/array element (or range thereof).

Indexing can be used for the following types of operations, so that performance (i.e., execution time) and memory management can be improved \cite[\S8.1.1, pp. 136-137]{Eaton2016a}:

  • Creating an array, or a matrix, filled with the same value. Using indexing saves the need for multiplication operation. This results in a performance improvement.
  • It also allows a range to be stored more efficiently in memory, since it needs to store a tuple of *(starting value, increment, end value, and total number of values) instead of a vector/matrix that has more than four elements. This results in better memory management. In addition, its range representation allows the GNU Octave interpreter to use more performance-efficient algorithm than its vector/matrix representation \cite[\S8.1.1, pp. 136-137]{Eaton2016a}.
    • Use the function repmat to replicate smaller arrays into larger arrays, so that more efficient algorithms can be used on them, rather than slower algorithms for matrix computations \cite[\S8.1.1, pp. 137]{Eaton2016a}.
  • Substitute certain loops with indexing, since this replacement allows fast indexing operations to be done instead of slower looping operations \cite[\S8.1.1, pp. 137]{Eaton2016a}.
  • For procedures that involve matrix/array resizing, substitute loops for such resizing with indexing, since this replacement allows fast indexing operations to be done instead of slower resizing operations \cite[\S8.1.1, pp. 137]{Eaton2016a}.
  • The functions ind = sub2ind(dims,s1,s2,...,sN) and [s1,s2,...,sN] = sub2ind(dims,ind) are dual functions that convert subscripts of a N-dimensional matrix into a series of linear indices, and to convert a series of linear indices into subscripts of a N-dimensional matrix, respectively \cite[\S8.1.1, pp. 137]{Eaton2016a}.

The function isindex(ind,[n]) is a function that determines if ind is a valid index. The optional input argument [n] is the maximum value of ind, which must be a positive integer of the real type, or a logical array. If ind is a string, it is converted to a double value before checking if it is a valid index. As long as the string does not contain the 'NULL' character, it is a valid index \cite[\S8.1.1, pp. 137]{Eaton2016a}.

Side Note on Advanced Indexing

I do not understand the material in the second paragraph of \S8.1.1, Advanced Indexing, on page 137, where each index is less than the size of the array in the i^{th} dimension.

For the case of (m>n), I have experimentally determined that it will result in a array/matrix "index out of bounds" error; see this script for its implementation.

Function Calls

Function Calls: Call by Value

Currently, functions arguments/parameters cannot be passed by reference. Hence, they have to be passed by value; local copies of such arguments (i.e., variables) are processed by the function, rather than the actual variables. Thus, for passing "constants" as input arguments to functions, we do not have to be concerned if the function would change the value of the "constants" (i.e., variables with fixed values). Also, variables pass as input arguments to functions are not copied, unless the functions have to modify them \cite[\S8.2.1, pp. 140]{Eaton2016a}.

"Octave does not implement pass by reference" \cite[\S34.2, pp. 725]{Eaton2016a}.

Function Calls: Recursion

GNU Octave supports recursive function calls, with the exception of some built-in GNU Octave functions (such as lsode()). Call recursive functions directly or indirectly \cite[\S8.2.2, pp. 141]{Eaton2016a}.

Note that each recursive function should have a base case, so that it can terminate (i.e., not run indefinitely). When a recursive function ends up in infinite recursion, the GNU Octave process associated with it must be terminated.

Arithmetic Operators

\S8.3 includes a list of arithmetic operators that work on scalars and matrices \cite[\S8.3, pp. 141-142]{Eaton2016a}. It includes:

  • "element-by-element" operators and functions broadcast to handle arithmetic operations on matrices with different sizes.
    • Broadcasting can handle binary operators and functions when their size differ. From GNU Octave 3.6.0, for arrays/matrices that are of different sizes, "broadcast" the smaller array/matrix across the larger array/matrix. "Broadcasting" enforces the compatible shape rule, such that corresponding array dimensions are equal or one of these dimensions is one. If "corresponding array dimensions are equal", carry out "ordinary element-by-element arithmetic". Else, copy the array with the singleton dimension along that dimension until their shapes are compatible (i.e., this dimension of this array matches that dimension in that array). This copying operation is cosmetic/superficial, so that the binary operator/function can be carried out; no actual copying of data is done in memory. For scalar arrays, broadcast all of its dimensions. For functions without broacasting semantics, use the function bsxfun for forced broadcasting. The preconditions for broadcasting are: two different dimensions and no singleton dimension exists. Broadcasting is known as binary singleton expansion in MATLAB, recycling in R, replication, or single-instruction multiple data (SIMD) \cite[\S19.2, pp. 491-494]{Eaton2016a}.

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators use relational operators to determine the relationship between numeric values for equality (or otherwise). If the comparison is True, return one. Else, return zero. For matrix comparison, the comparison is done on an element-by-element basis \cite[\S8.4, pp. 145]{Eaton2016a}.

String comparison is done with the function strcmp instead of the binary comparison operators \cite[\S8.4, pp. 145]{Eaton2016a}.

Boolean Expressions

GNU Octave does not support the ternary operator ?: \cite[\S8.5.2, pp. 149]{Eaton2016a}.

Binary Element-by-Element Boolean Operators

Use boolean operators, and nesting via parentheses, to form an element-by-element boolean expression \cite[\S8.5.1, pp. 146]{Eaton2016a}.

Broadcasting rules apply for boolean expressions containing matrix of differing sizes, or for applying a binary operator to an expression involving a scalar and a matrix \cite[\S8.5.1, pp. 147]{Eaton2016a}.

"For the binary element-by-element boolean operators" "to work for matrix-valued operands," subexpressions are evaluated before the expression involving the boolean operator and two subexpressions are evaluated \cite[\S8.5.1, pp. 147]{Eaton2016a}.

E.g., the expression (subexpression #1) & (subexpression #2) is evaluated after (subexpression #1) and (subexpression #2) are evaluated individually.

When the boolean operators and(x1,x2,...) and or(x1,x2,...) are applied to multiple matrices, they are applied cumulatively to the input argument list from left to right \cite[\S8.5.1, pp. 147-148]{Eaton2016a}.

Short-Circuit Boolean Operators

For certain uses of boolean expressions, to terminate evaluation of a boolean expression when the "overall truth value can be determined," use short-circuit boolean operators instead of element-by-element boolean operators. The overall truth value for the expression of a short-circuit boolean operator can be determined before evaluating both operands of the short-circuit boolean operator \cite[\S8.5.2, pp. 148-149]{Eaton2016a}.

E.g., the && and || operators are short-circuit boolean operators that perform the conjunction and disjunction operations on a set of operators.

The functions merge(mask, tval, fval) and merge(mask, tval, fval) implements the if-else block for mask. If mask is True, it returns tval; else, it returns False \cite[\S8.5.2, pp. 149]{Eaton2016a}.

Assignment Expressions

An assignment expression is an expression that allocates a value val to a variable var. This gives the variable var a value of val. The sign '=' is the assignment operator, which causes a variable to be assigned to a (new) value \cite[\S8.6, pp. 149-150]{Eaton2016a}.

The type of a given variable can be changed; the current type of the variable depends on the type of its current value \cite[\S8.6, pp. 150]{Eaton2016a}.

To delete rows and/or columns in matrices and vectors, assign the empty matrix '[]' to the row/column (specified with the ':') \cite[\S8.6, pp. 150]{Eaton2016a}.

Multiple assignments can be concatenated. E.g., the expression a = b = c = d = e = 12345 assigns the value of 12345 to the variables a, b, c, d, and e. Expressions for multiple assignments are processed from right to left. In the above example, assign 12345 to e, followed by assigning e to d, and so on; it eventually ends with assigning b to a. When evaluating an assignment expression between two sets of variables (left and right), the number of variables/values on the left-hand side (LHS) cannot exceed the number of variables/values on the right-hand side (RHS); else the excess variables on the LHS would be undefined in the return list. That said, the cardinality of the LHS set of variables can be smaller than the cardinality of the RHS set of variables. If I do not need to use a given return variable of a function, I can use a placehold ~ in its place among the return variables on the LHS. Using the placeholder avoids the usage of dymmy variables, which makes the code looker cleaner and is more memory efficient \cite[\S8.6, pp. 150-151]{Eaton2016a}.

Use the expression of the form (expr1) (op)= (expr2) as a shortcut to perform the evaluation of (expr1) = (expr1) (op) (expr2). Here, the operator (op)= can be +=, -=, *=, or /=. Note that the variable in (expr1) has to be defined; e.g., (expr1) = [value] assigns the value [value] to (expr1). If the variable in (expr1) is undefined, it will cause an undefined error to occur at run time. Also, note that the following is grammatically not correct, since it will cause a 'parse error': (expr1) (op)= (expr2) (op)= (expr3). Note that the following is legal: (expr1) (op)= ((expr2) (op) (expr3)) \cite[\S8.6, pp. 151]{Eaton2016a}.

Note that when assignment expressions are included in a boolean expression or comparison expression, it can be confusing to read \cite[\S8.6, pp. 151]{Eaton2016a}.

Increment Operators

Use increment/decrement operators to alter the value of a variable by ±1 before (pre- increment/decrement, (op)(var)) or after (post- increment/decrement, (var)(op)) the assignment. Here, (op) can be ++ or --. The pre- increment/decrement is equivalent to (var) = (var) (±) 1, which is the new value of (var). The post- increment/decrement is equivalent to (var) = (var) (±) 1, and the value of the (var) is the old value of (var) prior to the increment/decrement operation \cite[\S8.7, pp. 152]{Eaton2016a}.

Operator Precedence

The operator precedence for GNU Octave is listed in \cite[\S8.8, pp. 152-153]{Eaton2016a}. Also, note that parentheses can be used to modify operator precedence during evaluation of an expression (from left to right, with the exception of assignment operators). Explicit parentheses make the source code more readable \cite[\S8.8, pp. 152]{Eaton2016a}.


Use the function eval([try], [catch]) to evaluate the string '[try]' as a command; should the string '[try]' fail to execute as a command, the string '[catch]' would be executed as a command. The use of try-catch blocks and unwind_protect/unwind_protect_protect is recommended as error handling mechanism, instead of eval([try], [catch]) \cite[\S9, pp. 155]{Eaton2016a}.

If a given variable fn_name cannot be determined to be "a function handle, function name in a string, or inline function," the function feval([fn_name]) can be used for safer evaluation of fn_name \cite[\S9, pp. 155]{Eaton2016a}.

Functions that allow arguments to be passed by name (i.e., pass-by-name style), is analogous to pass-by-reference \cite[\S6.1, pp. 16-19]{Ong2017} in C++ (and similar languages). They allow variables to be modified in my own context; i.e., I get to decide which symbol table would be used by expressions in functions of the pass-by-name style \cite[\S9.2, pp. 157-158]{Eaton2016a}.

The function fail(code, "warning", pattern) is explained in \cite[\SB.1, pp. 863]{Eaton2016a}.


Types of statements \cite[\S10, pp. 159]{Eaton2016a}:

  • (simple constant) expressions
  • (list of nested) loops
    • while loops
    • do-until loops
    • for loops
      • This can be applied to structures (via a [value,key] pair) and cell arrays, in parallel. Also, the conditional expression for the for loop to keep iterating can be "a range, a row vector, or a scalar." \cite[\S10.5, pp. 164-165]{Eaton2016a}.
  • conditional statements
    • if statements
    • switch statements
      • Duplicate cases (with the same label expressions) in switch statements cannot be detected by the GNU Octave interpreter. Also, only the list of statements associated with the first case would be executed. The otherwise case is optional If the label for a case is a cell array, if the expression for the switch statement matches any element of the cell array, execute the list of statements associated with that case. The label for any case in the switch statement can be \cite[\S10.2, pp. 162]{Eaton2016a}.
      • \cite[\S10.2.1, pp. 162-163]{Eaton2016a} has important notes for implementing switch statements. Cases for the switch statement are exclusive; and, consequently, each case in the switch statement must have a non-empty list of statements to execute.
  • other statements
    • break statements
    • continue statements
    • unwind_protect statements
    • try and try-catch statements
    • continuation lines
      • ellipsis ('...') for statements
      • The backslash character '\' is used for "double-quoted string constants."

Control statements in GNU Octave programs change/modify the flow of execution. Control statements include loops and conditional statements. A control statement can be nested inside another control statement. A control statement begins and ends with special keywords. The body of the control statement is the list of statements between its beginning and end \cite[\S10, pp. 159]{Eaton2016a}.

For evaluation of matrices as conditions in conditional statements, the matrices must be non-empty and contain only non-zero elements \cite[\S10.1, pp. 159]{Eaton2016a}.

Compatibility with Matlab

For compatibility between GNU Octave and Matlab, see the section "Differences between Octave and MATLAB" [TheUniversityOfTexasAtAustinStaff2016].

Some information to note are [TheUniversityOfTexasAtAustinStaff2016]:

  • Loading files

    • Use absolute path; use relative paths otherwise.
    • Files are loaded differently in GNU Octave and Matlab.
  • Use "C-style autoincrement and assignment operators" in GNU Octave but not in Matlab.

  • GNU Octave and Matlab have compute the product of boolean values differently.

    • GNU Octave usues "prod," and Matlab does not.
  • GNU Octave functions and variables that do not exist in Matlab:

    • nargin
  • GNU Octave allows an array of varying-length strings, while Matlab does not.

    GNU Octave enables left single quotes to surround a string, and right single quotes to surround a string.

  • GNU Octave does not allow empty files to be loaded, but Matlab does allow empty files to be loaded.

  • GNU Octave allows "printf" to print a string to standard output, but Matlab does not; for Matlab, use "printf" to print a string to standard output or to a file (via a "file-handle").

  • GNU Octave allows whitespace before the transpose operator, but Matlab does not.

  • GNU Octave does not require the use of ellipses for line continuation but Matlab does.

  • "MATLAB has no fputs function. Call fprintf instead."

    Use a backslash "" to indicate line continuation.

  • GNU Octave's e operators may be rendered unacceptable by Matlab.

  • GNU Octave have toolboxes for different applications, just like Matlab's toolboxes.

    In GNU Octave, the "system data structure" (i.e., system model) requires the installation of the Octave Controls System Toolbox.

  • Comment, for single lines:

    • Matlab: percent sign
    • GNU Octave: pound sign, or percent sign
  • Exponentiation:

    • Matlab: "^"
    • GNU Octave: "^" or "**"
  • String delimiters:

    • Matlab: "'"
    • GNU Octave: "'" or """
  • For ends:

    • Matlab: requires end
    • GNU Octave: use "end{if,for, ...}"

Enabling Seamless Interoperability Between Programming Languages

See Interoperability Between Programming Languages.

Integrating GNU Octave Code Into C++ Code

To integrate GNU Octave code into a C++ codebase, include the header file "octave/oct.h".

That is, use:

#include \<octave/oct.h\>

See C++ integration; including GNU Octave code into a C++ codebase [WikipediaContributors2016].

Integrating C++ Code Into GNU Octave Code

To integrate C++ code into a GNU Octave codebase, create oct files and use them in my codebase.

Alternatively, we can create Matlab-compatible MEX files and use them in my codebase.

See C++ integration; including GNU Octave code into a C++ codebase [WikipediaContributors2016].

Creating oct Files

Use the mkoctfile function to compile the C, C++, or Fortran source code into either of the following, based on the options used with the mkoctfile function [TheUniversityOfTexasAtAustinStaff2016]:

  • Compiled code that can be called within GNU Octave
  • Stand-alone GNU Octave application

Call the mkoctfile function from the shell prompt of the "Terminal" application or the GNU Octave prompt [TheUniversityOfTexasAtAustinStaff2016]


Citations/References that use the LaTeX/BibTeX notation are taken from my BibTeX database (set of BibTeX entries).

  • [WikipediaContributors2016]

    Wikipedia contributors, "GNU Octave," in {\it Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Free mathematics software}, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco, CA, October 16, 2016.

    Available online at: \url{}; last accessed on October 25, 2016.

  • [WikipediaContributors2016a]

    Wikipedia contributors, "Class (computer programming)," in {\it Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Programming constructs}, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco, CA, December 1, 2016.

    Available online at: \url{}; last accessed on December 4, 2016.

  • [WikipediaContributors2017]

    Wikipedia contributors, "Singleton (mathematics)," in {\it Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Basic concepts in set theory}, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco, CA, January 7, 2017.

    Available online at: \url{}; last accessed on April 16, 2017.

  • [TheUniversityOfTexasAtAustinStaff2016]

    The University of Texas at Austin staff, "Sysnet's Documentation," in {\it Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences}, Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, Cockrell School of Engineering and College of Natural Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, October 6, 2016.

    Available online at: \url{}; last accessed on October 26, 2016.

Author Information

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) <2016-2017> Zhiyang Ong

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Email address: echo "cukj -wb- 23wU4X5M589 TROJANS cqkH wiuz2y 0f Mw Stanford" | awk '{ sub("23wU4X5M589","F.d_c_b. ") sub("Stanford","d0mA1n"); print $5, $2, $8; for (i=1; i<=1; i++) print "6\b"; print $9, $7, $6 }' | sed y/kqcbuHwM62z/gnotrzadqmC/ | tr 'q' ' ' | tr -d [:cntrl:] | tr -d 'ir' | tr y "\n" Don't compromise my computing accounts. You have been warned.