The node supports two configuration options:
- using the configuration file
- using start arguments
The configuration file is located at $DATADIR as config.ini. The config file will be created automatically when the node starts, if it was not there before. In the file you can find explanations for each parameter.
Use ./echo_node --help
to show all available arguments.
$ ./echo_node --help
Echo Node:
-h [ --help ] Print this help message and exit.
-d [ --data-dir ] arg Directory containing databases,
configuration file, etc.
--sidechain Enable sidechain plugin
--testnet Use testnet options preset
--devnet Use devnet options preset
-v [ --version ] Print version information
--configure-keys Encrypt private keys in interactive
mode and save it to keys.file
--config-seeds-only If true connect ONLY to specific in
config/command line seed nodes
--create-genesis-json Create a genesis.json at corresponding
datadir. Depending on which options
preset is selected (mainnet or testnet)
it will output different Genesis State.
--example-genesis-json arg Path to create an example Genesis State
at. If a well-formed JSON file exists
at the path, it will be parsed and any
missing fields in a Genesis State will
be added, and any unknown fields will
be removed. If no file or an invalid
file is found, it will be replaced with
an example Genesis State.
--replay-blockchain Rebuild object graph by replaying all
--resync-blockchain Delete all blocks and re-sync with
network from scratch
--force-validate Force validation of all transactions
--genesis-timestamp arg Replace timestamp from genesis.json
with current time plus this many
seconds (experts only!)
--p2p-endpoint [=arg(=]
Endpoint for P2P node to listen on
-s [ --seed-node ] arg P2P nodes to connect to on startup (may
specify multiple times)
--seed-nodes arg JSON array of P2P nodes to connect to
on startup
-c [ --checkpoint ] arg Pairs of [BLOCK_NUM,BLOCK_ID] that
should be enforced as checkpoints.
--rpc-endpoint [=arg(=]
Endpoint for websocket RPC to listen on
--rpccorsdomain arg Domains from which to accept cross
origin requests
--genesis-json arg File to read Genesis State from
--api-access arg JSON file specifying API permissions
--plugins arg (=history,echorand) Comma-separated list of plugins which
will be activated in addition to
default.Example: --plugins="sidechain,r
--sidechain-btc-testnet Using testnet for Bitcoin network
--p2p-compress Compress communication channels for
this P2P node
--p2p-encrypt Encrypt communication channels for this
P2P node
Options for plugin echorand:
--start-echorand Enable Echorand, even if the chain is
--account-info arg Pairs of [AccountID, WIF private key]
(may specify multiple times)
Options for plugin sidechain:
--sidechain-eth-committeeman arg Sidechain: Pair of [account_id,
eth_private_key] that should correspond
to committee account (may be specified
multiple times)
--eth-rpc-ip Sidechain: RPC address of Ethereum node
--eth-rpc-port Sidechain: RPC port of Ethereum node
--eth-rpc-url Sidechain: RPC URL of Ethereum node (instead of ip and port)
--sidechain-eth-disable Sidechain: Disable Ethereum service
--sidechain-btc-committeeman arg Sidechain: Tuple of [account_id, WIF
BTC private key] (may specify multiple
--btc-rpc-ip [=arg(=] Sidechain: RPC address of Bitcoin node
--btc-rpc-port [=arg(=18332)] Sidechain: RPC port of Bitcoin node
--btc-rpc-user arg Sidechain: Bitcoin RPC user
--btc-rpc-password arg Sidechain: Bitcoin RPC password
--sidechain-btc-disable Sidechain: Disable Bitcoin service
Options for plugin registration:
--registrar-account arg Registration: ID of registrar account
on this node (should be imported as
--registration-difficulty arg Registration: complexity of POW task to
register account. Default is 20
Options for plugin history:
--track-account arg Account history: Account ID to track
history for (may specify multiple
--max-ops-per-account arg Account history: Maximum number of
operations per account will be kept in
--track-contract arg Contract history: Contract ID to track
history for (may specify multiple
--max-ops-per-contract arg Contract history: Maximum number of
operations per contract will be kept in
--partial-operations arg History: Keep only those operations in
memory that are related to history
Options for plugin ethrpc:
--ethrpc-endpoint arg Endpoint for EthRPC to listen on
--ethrpc-registration-task-lifetime arg (=20)
Lifetime of registration tasks(in
Options for plugin snapshot:
--snapshot-at-block arg Snapshots: Block number after which to
do a snapshot
--snapshot-at-time arg Snapshots: Block time (ISO format)
after which to do a snapshot
--snapshot-to arg Snapshots: Pathname of JSON file where
to store the snapshot