Authors: J. Ian Johnson, Nicholas Labich, Matthew Might, David Van Horn
Abstracting abstract machines is a lightweight approach to designing sound and computable program analyses. Although sound analyzers are straightforward to build under this approach, they are also prohibitively inefficient.
This repository contributes a step-by-step process for going from a naive analyzer derived under the abstracting abstract machine approach to an efficient program analyzer. The end result of the process is a two to three order-of-magnitude improvement over the systematically derived analyzer, making it competitive with hand-optimized implementations that compute fundamentally less precise results.
The repository contains a paper describing the approach and summarizing the results of an empirical evalution; an implementation of a framework of analyses that can be instantiated to each step of the optimizations; and a benchmark suite and harness that evaluates each optimization.
The paper Optimizing Abstract Abstract Machines is available as a PDF from
Requires Racket version 5.2 or higher (maybe the nightly)
To make the benchmark harness and all instantiations of the algorithms/abstractions, run
raco make code/run-benchmark.rkt
(This may take several minutes due to the substantial compile-time computation involved.)
To run benchmarks,
racket code/drive-benchmarks.rkt
(This may take several hours.)
Instructions for modification (times to run, how many threads, etc) are inline.
After benchmarks produce their output, run [code/bench/] to produce [paper/benchmark]. Then, in [paper/], run
make getbib ; make bibtex ; make ; make
This will fetch the bibliography info, compile the bibliography, build the paper and the charts using the produced numbers, then rebuild the paper to correct references.
[paper/proctime.rkt] is the module that parses [paper/benchmark] and builds a hash table of raw numbers called timings, if you want to inspect more.