Contains the code to run k-means clustering:
get_cluster_results(username, season, country, features, nc,
hrs=True, numlocs=True, location=True, latlon=True,
write=False, path="", outfile="")
Returns unscaled features with cluster labels based on k-means
username: Username to access data via get_k_means_data
season: Season to be chosen to perform analyses - 'pre-summer', 'summer', 'post-summer', 'winter', or 'all' for the whole year
country: Country to be chosen to perform analyses, if country='all', runs on the full data
features: a dictionary with keys equal to the arguments of the function, values list of df variables (defoult)
hrs: If True, choose feature group that contains hours spent in Tuscany, hours spent outside Tuscany
numlocs: If True, choose feature group that contains number of locations and number of unique locations visited in Tuscany and Italy
location: If True, choose feature group that contains time spent (in mumtiples of ) at the locations with respective features, including landscape, cities visited, and total number of attactions visited.
latlon: If True, choose feature group that contains latitude and longitude of average location, most visited location, start and end location, and standard deviation of all lat/lon
nc: Number of clusters to be used in k-means
write: If True, write k-means results (features dataframe with cluster labels) to csv file
path: path to save csv file
outfile: filename of csv file
Creates interactive visulaization of cluster results on the map of Tuscany with plotly.
Note: mapbox access token is needed to draw on a map Returns an html file saved to .../results/kmeans/country_season/country_season.html
plot_kmeans(result ,names, colors, country, season, mapbox_access_token)
Creates and interactive html output of the clusters, if the number of points is more 100K randomly sample 50K of them
result: Dataframe, constaining k-means clustering results under the column 'label'
names: List of cluster names in order
country: Country to be chosen to perform analyses, if country='all', runs on the full data
season: Season to be chosen to perform analyses - 'pre-summer', 'summer', 'post-summer', 'winter', or 'all' for the whole year
mapbox_access_token: your mapbox access token, create here:
Creates static visualization of cluster results on the map of Tuscany with plotly. This module highly depends on read_shapefiles, and the viz/maps module
- Import dependencies
import sys
import os
from read_shapefiles import read_files
import sys
r_path_data1 = "../viz/"
from maps import Featuresmap
- Run the visualization function
It visualizes and save the cluster result on the map of Tuscany Returns an html file saved to .../results/kmeans/country_season/country_season.png
plot_clusters(country, result, season, df_reg_tus)