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143a51e · Jan 22, 2016


This branch is 90 commits behind google/eddystone:master.


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Eddystone Advertising Library

The Eddystone Advertising Library abstracts low level concepts of the Eddystone protocol and wraps existing Advertising APIs so that developers don't have to worry about these low level details. The library exposes simple functions that developers can use to advertise a Valid Eddystone packet from their device.

NOTE Currently only ChromeOS is supported.
NOTE Currently only Eddystone-URL is supported.


The Eddystone Advertising Library creates window.eddystone of type Eddystone

To advertise a url: Example

let registered_adv;
  type: 'url',
  url: '',
  advertisedTxPower: -20
}).then(advertisement => {
  registered_adv = advertisement;
  console.log('Advertising: ' + advertisement.url)
}).catch(error => console.log(error.message));

To stop advertising: Example

registered_adv.unregisterAdvertisement().then(() => {
  console.log('Advertisement unregistered successfully.');
}).catch(error => console.log(error.message));

Or if you have multiple advertisements:

eddystone.advertisements.forEach(advertisement => {
    .then(() => console.log('Unregistered successfully'))
    .catch(error => console.log('Couldn\'t unregister the advertisement: ' + error.message));





eddystone : Eddystone

The global eddystone instance.



const advertisement = require('eddystone-advertisement')


Represents the Advertisement being broadcasted.

Kind: static class of eddystone-advertisement

new EddystoneAdvertisement(id, options, platform)


  • TypeError If no platform was passed.
  • Error If type is an unsupported Frame Type.
Param Type Description
id number Unique between browser restarts meaning the id will no longer be valid upon browser restart.
options EddystoneAdvertisementOptions The options used when creating the advertisement.
platform Object The underlying platform; used to unregister the advertisement. : number

The ID of this advertisment.

Kind: instance property of EddystoneAdvertisement

eddystoneAdvertisement.type : string

The Eddystone Type

Kind: instance property of EddystoneAdvertisement

eddystoneAdvertisement.url : string | undefined

URL being advertised. Only present if type === 'url'.

Kind: instance property of EddystoneAdvertisement

eddystoneAdvertisement.advertisedTxPower : number | undefined

Tx Power included in the advertisement. Only present if type === 'url'.

Kind: instance property of EddystoneAdvertisement

eddystoneAdvertisement.unregisterAdvertisement() ⇒ Promise.<void>

Unregisters the current advertisement.

Kind: instance method of EddystoneAdvertisement
Fulfill: void - If the advertisement was unregistered successfully.
Reject: Error - If the advertisement failed to be registered. If the promise rejects the advertisment may still be broadcasting. The only way to recover may be to reboot your machine.

advertisement.EddystoneFrameType : enum

Possible Eddystone frame types.

Kind: static constant of eddystone-advertisement
Read only: true


Name Type Default
URL string "url"
UID string "uid"
TLM string "tlm"


Eddystone ⏏

Exposes platform independent functions to register/unregister Eddystone Advertisements.

Kind: Exported class

eddystone.advertisements : Array.<EddystoneAdvertisement>

Contains all previously registered advertisements. Note: In a Chrome App, if the event page gets killed users won't be able to unregister the advertisement.

Kind: instance property of Eddystone

eddystone.registerAdvertisement() ⇒ Promise.<EddystoneAdvertisement>

Function to register an Eddystone BLE advertisement.

Kind: instance method of Eddystone
Params: EddystoneAdvertisementOptions options The characteristics of the advertised Eddystone.
Fulfill: EddystoneAdvertisement - If the advertisement was registered successfully.
Reject: Error - If the advertisement failed to be registered.

Eddystone~EddystoneAdvertisementOptions : Object

Object that contains the characteristics of the package to advertise.

Kind: inner typedef of Eddystone

Name Type Description
type EddystoneFrameType Type of Eddystone. For now only 'url' is supported.
url string | undefined The URL to advertise
advertisedTxPower number | undefined The Tx Power to advertise


EddystoneChromeOS ⏏

This class wraps the underlying ChromeOS BLE Advertising API.

Kind: Exported class

  • Add link to API.

EddystoneChromeOS.registerAdvertisement(options) ⇒ Promise.<EddystoneAdvertisement>

Function that registers an Eddystone BLE advertisement.

Kind: static method of EddystoneChromeOS
Fulfill: EddystoneAdvertisement - If the advertisement was registered successfully.
Reject: Error - If the advertisement failed to be regsitered.

Param Type Description
options EddystoneAdvertisementOptions The characteristics of the advertisement.

EddystoneChromeOS.unregisterAdvertisement(advertisement) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Function to unregister an advertisement.

Kind: static method of EddystoneChromeOS
Fulfill: void - If the advertisment was unregistered successfully.
Reject: Error - If the advertisment failed to be unregistered.

Param Type Description
advertisement EddystoneAdvertisement The advertisement to unregister.

EddystoneChromeOS._constructAdvertisement() ⇒ ChromeOSAdvertisement

Construct the ChromeOS specific advertisement to register.

Kind: static method of EddystoneChromeOS
Returns: ChromeOSAdvertisement - advertisement

Params: EddystoneAdvertisementOptions options The characteristics of the advertisement.


EddystoneURL ⏏

This class provides helper functions that relate to Eddystone-URL.

Kind: Exported class
See: Eddystone-URL

EddystoneURL.constructServiceData(url, advertisedTxPower) ⇒ Array.<number>

Constructs a valid Eddystone-URL service data from a URL and a Tx Power value.

Kind: static method of EddystoneURL
Returns: Array.<number> - The service data.
See: URL Frame Specification

Param Type Description
url string The URL to use in the service data.
advertisedTxPower number The Tx Power to use in the service data.

EddystoneURL.encodeURL(url) ⇒ Array.<number>

Encodes the given string using the encoding defined in the Eddystone-URL Spec.

Kind: static method of EddystoneURL
Returns: Array.<number> - The encoded url.

See: Eddystone-URL

Param Type Description
url string The url to encode.


platform() ⇒ Object

Detects what API is available in the platform.

Kind: Exported function
Returns: Object - An object that wraps the underlying BLE Advertising API

  • Error If the platform is unsupported

eddystone : Eddystone

The global eddystone instance.

Kind: global variable