This cheatsheet provides a collection of commonly used docker commands.
The getting started guide on Docker has detailed instructions for setting up Docker.
After setup is complete, run the following commands to verify the success of installation:
- docker version - provides full description of docker version
- docker info - display system wide information
- docker -v - provides a short description of docker version
- docker run hello-world - pull hello-world container from registry and run it
Have a look at the free training offered by Docker.
Have a look at the repository of images offered by Docker.
To create the docker group and add your user:
Create the docker group
sudo groupadd docker
Add your user to the docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated.
Verify that you can run docker commands without sudo.
Command | Description |
docker version | provides full description of docker version |
docker -v | provides a short description of docker version |
docker info | display system wide information |
docker info --format '{{.DriverStatus}}' | display 'DriverStatus' fragment from docker information |
docker info --format '{{json .DriverStatus}}' | display 'DriverStatus' fragment from docker information in JSON format |
Command | Description |
docker image ls | shows all local images |
docker image ls --filter 'reference=ubuntu:16.04' | show images filtered by name and tag |
docker image pull [image-name] | pull specified image from registry |
docker image rm [image-name] | remove image for specified image-name |
docker image rm [image-id] | remove image for specified image-id |
docker image prune | remove unused images |
Command | Description |
docker search [image-name] --filter "is-official=true" | find only official images having [image-name] |
docker search [image-name] -- filter "stars=1000" | find only images having specified [image-name] and 1000 or more stars |
Command | Description |
docker container ls | show all running containers |
docker container ls -a | show all containers regardless of state |
docker container ls --filter "status=exited" --filter "ancestor=ubuntu" | show all container instances of the ubuntu image that have exited |
docker container inspect [container-name] | display detailed information about specified container |
docker container inspect --format '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' [container-name] | display detailed information about specified container using specified format |
docker container inspect --format '{{json .NetworkSettings}}' [container-name] | display detailed information about specified container using specified format |
Command | Description |
docker container run [image-name] | run container based on specified image |
docker container run --rm [image-name] | run container based on specified imaged and immediately remove it once it stops |
docker container run --name fuzzy-box [image-name] | assign name and run container based on specified image |
Command | Description |
docker container rm [container-name] | remove specified container |
docker container rm $(docker container ls --filter "status=exited" --filter "ancestor=ubuntu" -q) | remove all containers whose id's are returned from '$(...)' list |
Command | Description |
docker volume ls | show all volumes |
docker volume ls --filter "dangling=true" | display all volumes not referenced by any containers |
docker volume inspect [volume-name] | display detailed information on [volume-name] |
Command | Description |
docker volume rm [volume-name] | remove specified volume |
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls --filter "dangling=true" -q) | remove all volumes having an id equal to any of the id's returned from '$(...)' list |
docker run hello-world
Run an Alpine Linux container (a lightweight linux distribution)
Find image and display brief summary
docker search alpine --filter=stars=1000 --no-trunc
Fetch alpine image from Docker registry and save it
docker pull alpine
Display list of local images
docker image ls
List container contents using listing format
docker run alpine ls -l
Print message from container
docker run alpine echo "Hello from Alpine!"
Running the run command with the -it flags attaches container to an interactive tty
docker run -it alpine bin/sh
To run a new MongoDB container, execute the following command from the CLI:
docker run --rm --name mongo-dev -v mongo-dev-db:/data/db -d mongo
CLI Command | Description |
--rm | remove container when stopped |
--name mongo-dev | give container a custom name |
-v mongo-dev-db/data/db | map the container volume 'data/db' to a custom name 'mongo-dev-db' |
-d mongo | run mongo container as a daemon in the background |
mkdir -p mongodb/data/db
docker run --rm --name mongo-dev -v ~/mongodb/data/db:/data/db -d mongo
CLI Command | Description |
--rm | remove container when stopped |
--name mongo-dev | give container a custom name |
-v ~/mongodb/data/db/data/db | map the container volume 'data/db' to a bind mount '~/mongodb/data/db' |
-d mongo | run mongo container as a daemon in the background |
There are 2 steps to accessing the MongoDB shell.
Firstly, access the MongoDB container shell by executing the following command:
docker exec -it mongo-dev bash
This will open an interactive shell (bash) on the MongoDB container.
Secondly, once inside the container shell, access the MongoDB shell by executing the following command:
mongo localhost
Once connected to MongoDB shell, run the following command to show a list of databases:
show dbs
Create a new database and collection
use test
db.messages.insert({"message": "Hello World!"})
Create custom Alpine Linux image with GIT setup
Create project folder with empty Dockerfile
cd ~ mkdir -p projects/docker/alpine-git cd !$ touch Dockerfile
Create Dockerfile
FROM alpine:latest LABEL author="codesaucerer" \ description="Official Alpine image with GIT and VIM installed" ENV WORKING_DIRECTORY=/projects RUN apk update && apk add git vim RUN mkdir $WORKING_DIRECTORY WORKDIR $WORKING_DIRECTORY
Build Dockerfile
docker image build -t [docker-username]/alpine-git docker run --rm -it [docker-username]/alpine-git /bin/sh
Push Dockerfile
docker login docker push [docker-username]/alpine-git:latest