18 | 18 | url: https://www.wired.com/2007/12/why-anonymous-data-sometimes-isnt/
19 | 19 | - line_id: A.4
20 | 20 | links:
21 |
| - - text: Reports of credit bias in Apple card credit limits spark negative press and investigation. |
22 |
| - url: https://www.wired.com/story/the-apple-card-didnt-see-genderand-thats-the-problem/ |
| 21 | + - text: In six major cities, Amazon's same day delivery service excludes many predominantly black neighborhoods. |
| 22 | + url: https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2016-amazon-same-day/ |
23 | 23 | - text: Facial recognition software is significanty worse at identifying people with darker skin.
24 | 24 | url: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/02/13/facial_recognition_software_is_better_at_white_men_than_black_women/
25 | 25 | - text: -- Related academic study.
26 |
| - url: http://proceedings.mlr.press/v81/buolamwini18a.html |
| 26 | + url: http://proceedings.mlr.press/v81/buolamwini18a.html |
27 | 27 | - line_id: B.1
28 | 28 | links:
29 | 29 | - text: Personal and financial data for more than 146 million people was stolen in Equifax data breach.
60 | 60 | links:
61 | 61 | - text: Misleading chart shown at Planned Parenthood hearing distorts actual trends of abortions vs. cancer screenings and preventative services.
62 | 62 | url: https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/oct/01/jason-chaffetz/chart-shown-planned-parenthood-hearing-misleading-/
63 |
| - - text: Georgia Dept. of Health graph of COVID-19 cases falsely suggests a steeper decline when dates are ordered by total cases rather than chronologically |
| 63 | + - text: Georgia Dept. of Health graph of COVID-19 cases falsely suggests a steeper decline when dates are ordered by total cases rather than chronologically. |
64 | 64 | url: https://www.vox.com/covid-19-coronavirus-us-response-trump/2020/5/18/21262265/georgia-covid-19-cases-declining-reopening
65 | 65 | - line_id: C.4
66 | 66 | links:
72 | 72 | url: https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-22223190
73 | 73 | - line_id: D.1
74 | 74 | links:
75 |
| - - text: In six major cities, Amazon's same day delivery service excludes many predominantly black neighborhoods. |
76 |
| - url: https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2016-amazon-same-day/ |
77 | 75 | - text: Variables used to predict child abuse and neglect are direct measurements of poverty, unfairly targeting low-income families for child welfare scrutiny.
78 | 76 | url: https://www.wired.com/story/excerpt-from-automating-inequality/
| 77 | + - text: Amazon scraps AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women. |
| 78 | + url: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-amazon-com-jobs-automation-insight/amazon-scraps-secret-ai-recruiting-tool-that-showed-bias-against-women-idUSKCN1MK08G |
79 | 79 | - text: Criminal sentencing risk asessments don't ask directly about race or income, but other demographic factors can end up being proxies.
80 | 80 | url: https://www.themarshallproject.org/2015/08/04/the-new-science-of-sentencing
81 | 81 | - text: Creditworthiness algorithms based on nontraditional criteria such as grammatic habits, preferred grocery stores, and friends' credit scores can perpetuate systemic bias.
82 | 82 | url: https://www.whitecase.com/publications/insight/algorithms-and-bias-what-lenders-need-know
83 | 83 | - line_id: D.2
84 | 84 | links:
| 85 | + - text: Apple credit card offers smaller lines of credit to women than men. |
| 86 | + url: https://www.wired.com/story/the-apple-card-didnt-see-genderand-thats-the-problem/ |
85 | 87 | - text: Google Photos tags two African-Americans as gorillas.
86 | 88 | url: https://www.forbes.com/sites/mzhang/2015/07/01/google-photos-tags-two-african-americans-as-gorillas-through-facial-recognition-software/#12bdb1fd713d
87 | 89 | - text: With COMPAS, a risk-assessment algorithm used in criminal sentencing, black defendants are almost twice as likely as white defendants to be mislabeled as likely to reoffend.
92 | 94 | url: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/big.2016.0047
93 | 95 | - text: Google's speech recognition software doesn't recognize women's voices as well as men's.
94 | 96 | url: https://www.dailydot.com/debug/google-voice-recognition-gender-bias/
95 |
| - - text: Amazon scraps AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women. |
96 |
| - url: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-amazon-com-jobs-automation-insight/amazon-scraps-secret-ai-recruiting-tool-that-showed-bias-against-women-idUSKCN1MK08G |
97 | 97 | - text: Google searches involving black-sounding names are more likely to serve up ads suggestive of a criminal record than white-sounding names.
98 | 98 | url: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/510646/racism-is-poisoning-online-ad-delivery-says-harvard-professor/
99 | 99 | - text: -- Related academic study.
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