To run the suite of conformance tests against a Connect, gRPC, or gRPC-Web implementation, there are several steps.
- Create a configuration file that describes the relevant features of the implementation. This is how the test runner knows what test cases to run.
- Create an implementation under test.
- If you are testing a client implementation, then you will need to implement a conformance client. This is a program that uses the implementation under test to send RPCs to a reference server. This program then records all of the results of the RPC (response data, errors, metadata, etc). The test runner analyzes those results, along with other feedback provided by the reference server, to decide on the correctness of your client implementation.
- Similarly, if you are testing a server implementation, then you will need to implement a conformance server. This is a program that uses the implementation under test to provide an RPC service. This program merely responds to RPCs in a particular fashion. The RPCs will be sent by a reference client, and, like other conformance clients, it will report the results of each RPC. The test runner analyzes those results, along with other feedback provided by the reference client, to decide on the correctness of your server implementation.
- Run the test suite! There will likely be some troubleshooting when the
conformance client or server is initially written.
- This typically involves running tests repeatedly and fixing issues, some of which may be due to bugs in the conformance client or server code, and some of which may be a result of bugs in the implementation under test.
- You may choose to not fix 100% of test cases, in which case you will create separate files that configure "known failing" and/or "known flaky" test cases.
- Configure continuous integration of the conformance test suite, so you can know whenever a change in your implementation might inadvertently cause it to no longer conform to the RPC specs.
The sections below discuss all but the second bullet. That is the meatiest topic, so there are separate guides for how to implement the conformance client and server.
When running conformance tests, you will first create a YAML file that describes
the features that are supported and need to be tested. The schema for this YAML file
is defined by the Config
Protobuf message. The representation of a Protobuf
message in YAML is the same as its JSON format.
This message is defined in the same module as messages that describe test suites and the RPC service that a conformance client uses and that a conformance server provides. They are all found in the connectrpc/conformance module in the BSR.
The file has three top-level keys:
: This is a set of supported capabilities of the implementation under test. These features are used to create a set of "config cases". They are like axes in a table, and each cell in the table is a config case. So the supported features define which config cases are relevant to your implementation. For example, if your implementation supports Connect and gRPC protocols (but not gRPC-Web), HTTP 1.1 and HTTP/2, and both "proto" and "json" message encoding, then a config case for the Connect protocol over HTTP 1.1 using "json" applies to your implementation. But a config case for the gRPC-Web protocol over HTTP/3 does not.include_cases
: This is a set of config cases whose test cases should be run against your implementation, in addition to config cases implied by the set of supported features.exclude_cases
: This is a set of config cases whose test cases should not be run against your implementation, even if they otherwise match the set of supported features.
The YAML config stanza named "features" represents a Features
Protobuf message and has the following fields, each of which configures a single
feature of the implementation under test.
: This configures which HTTP protocol versions that the implementation supports. Valid options areHTTP_VERSION_1
for HTTP/3. Note that HTTP/3 requires TLS. If not configured, support is assumed for HTTP 1.1 and HTTP/2.protocols
: This configures which RPC protocol that the implementation supports. The options arePROTOCOL_CONNECT
. Note that gRPC requires HTTP/2. The other two (Connect and gRPC-Web) can work with any version of HTTP. If not configured, support is assumed for all three.codecs
: This configures which codecs, or message formats, that the implementation supports. The options areCODEC_PROTO
(which corresponds to the sub-format "proto", which is the Protobuf binary format) andCODEC_JSON
(sub-format "json"). If not configured, support is assumed for both.compressions
: This configures which compression encodings are supported by the implementation.COMPRESSION_IDENTITY
, the "identity" encoding, means no compression.COMPRESSION_GZIP
indicates "gzip" compression. If not configured, support for these two is assumed. Other valid options includeCOMPRESSION_BR
. (These comprise all of the compression schemes indicated in the protocols specs for Connect and gRPC.)stream_types
: This configures which stream types the implementation supports. If not configured, support is assumed for all types. The valid options areSTREAM_TYPE_UNARY
. The latter two both use bidirectional streams. The former (half-duplex) is technically compatible with HTTP 1.1, while the other (full-duplex) requires HTTP/2 or HTTP/3.supports_h2c
: This is a simple flag that indicates whether or not the implementation supports "H2C" or "HTTP/2 over Clear text". This indicates the use of HTTP/2 without TLS. Normally, support for HTTP/2 is negotiated between clients and servers during the TLS handshake. But H2C requires prior knowledge that the server supports HTTP/2. If not configured, it is assumed that the implementation does support H2C.supports_tls
: This flag indicates whether the implementation supports TLS. If not configured, it is assumed that the implementation does support TLS. If TLS is not supported, HTTP/3 cannot be supported and HTTP/2 can only be supported if the implementation supports H2C.supports_tls_client_certs
: This flag indicates whether the implementation supports TLS client certificates. For servers, this means that the server will require that clients present trusted certificates during the TLS handshake. For clients, this means that they can present certificates to the server during the handshake. If not configured, it is assumed that implementations do not support client certificates.supports_trailers
: This flag indicates whether the implementation can support the use of HTTP trailers. If false, then the gRPC protocol cannot be supported. If not configured, it is assumed that the implementation does support trailers.supports_half_duplex_bidi_over_http1
: This flag indicates whether the implementation supports bidirectional streams over HTTP 1.1. Only half-duplex streams can be supported this way. If false, bidirectional streams (regardless of whether they are half- or full-duplex) are only supported over HTTP/2 or HTTP/3. If not configured, it is assumed that the implementation does not support bidirectional streams over HTTP 1.1.supports_connect_get
: This flag indicates whether the implementation supports the use of the "GET" HTTP method with the Connect protocol. This allows certain methods (those that are side-effect-free) to be invoked using the GET method, with the request parameters encoded in the query string, which can enable infrastructure support for things like retries, caching, and conditional queries. If not configured, it is assumed that the implementation does support the GET method with the Connect protocol. This does not need to be configured if the implementation only supports the gRPC and/or gRPC-Web protocols.supports_message_receive_limit
: This flag indicates whether the implementation supports configuration to limit the size of messages that it receives. Such configuration is intended to aid operations, to prevent excessive memory usage and resource consumption in workloads. For servers, this means an option that limits the size of request data; for clients, this option limits the size of response data. The limit is applied on a per message basis, so it does not limit the total amount of data transferred in a streaming operation. The limit should apply to the uncompressed size of a message. So even if the message is smaller than the limit on the wire, when compressed, it should be rejected if it would exceed the limit when uncompressed. If not configured, it is assumed that the implementation does support a limit.
A single "config case" is represented by the ConfigCase
message. The result of applying features is a matrix of config cases. You can opt into
additional config cases in the config file, and you can also opt out of some cases that
are otherwise implied by the features.
A single case is defined by the following properties:
: A single HTTP version -- HTTP 1.1, HTTP/2, or HTTP/3.protocol
: An RPC protocol -- Connect, gRPC, or gRPC-Web.codec
: A codec, such as "proto" or "json".compression
: A compression encoding.stream_type
: A stream type.use_tls
: Whether TLS is in use. If false, plain-text connections are used.use_tls_client_certs
: Whether TLS client certificates are in use. Must be false ifuse_tls
is false.use_message_receive_limit
: Whether a message receive limit is in use.
A single set of features is expanded into one or more (usually many more) config cases. For example, if the features support HTTP 1.1 and HTTP/2, all three protocols, all stream types, identity and gzip encoding, and TLS, that results in 2×3×5×2×2 = 120 combinations. Some of those combinations may not be valid (such as full-duplex bidirectional streams over HTTP 1.1, or gRPC over HTTP 1.1), so the total number of config cases would be close to 120 but not quite.
Config cases can be described in the config YAML, to indicate config cases to test in addition to those computed just from the combination of features or to opt out of some config cases that are otherwise implied by the features.
When in a YAML file, any of the above properties may be omitted, in which case that property is treated as a wildcard. Take the following config case for example:
version: HTTP_VERSION_2
Since the protocol is not specified, this effectively expands to config cases with the above properties for all three protocols. Similarly, since it does not indicate whether the case is for TLS or not, it expands into config cases that represent TLS and those that do not.
Running the tests is done using the connectconformance
binary. This binary can be
downloaded from the "Assets" section of a GitHub release. It can also be
built using the go
tool, if you have a Go SDK:
go install
Once downloaded/installed, you can run the tests like so:
> connectconformance \
--conf ./path/to/client/config.yaml \
--mode client \
-- \
./path/to/client/program --some-flag-for-client-program
Let's dissect this line-by-line:
: The executable program we are running, of course.--conf ./path/to/client/config.yaml
: The path to the YAML file that defines the features of our implementation under test as well as any other config cases to opt into or out of.--mode client
: The test mode. In this case, we are testing a client implementation so the mode is "client". If we want to run conformance tests against a server implementation, the mode would be "server".--
: This is just a separator; everything after is a positional argument. This is not strictly needed, but if we want to pass options to the program under test, and we don't want the test runner to confuse them for its own options, we use this separator. This tells the test runner that there are no more options after this and anything that looks like an option, is actually a positional argument../path/to/client/program --some-flag-for-client-program
: The positional arguments represent the command to invoke in order to run the client under test. The first token must be the path to the executable. Any subsequent arguments are passed as arguments to that executable. So in this case,--some-flag-for-client-program
is an option that our client under test understands.
Common reasons to pass arguments to the client or server under test are:
- To control verbosity of log output. When troubleshooting an implementation, it can be useful to enable verbose output in the program under test, to provide visibility into what it's doing (and what might be going wrong).
- For clients, to control parallelism. Clients under test can issue RPCs to the server concurrently in order to speed up the test run. When a large number of test case permutations apply to a particular implementation, it can take time to issue all of the RPCs if done serially from a single thread. So a client may choose to send RPCs in parallel to speed things up. Since RPCs involve network I/O, they are typically amenable to high parallelism. Timeout test cases can involve the client and server delaying or sleeping between actions, which makes them even more amenable to aggressive parallelism. (Care must be taken that results are recorded sequentially or else the output stream may be corrupted and unprocessable by the test runner.)
- To control other implementation-specific aspects.
- For example: an implementation may allow users to swap between different underlying HTTP libraries. So to get conformance test coverage with both libraries, instead of creating a separate program for each, create a single program that accepts an option that tells it which library to use.
- Another example: an implementation my provide alternate code generation to provide sync/blocking vs. async paradigms for invoking RPCs. Instead of creating separate programs for each, an option could be used to have a single program select which form of generated code to use under-the-hood.
The connectconformance
program will exit with a zero status code to indicate success.
It will exit with a non-zero code when there are errors. By default, the program does not
print any output except at the very end, printing a list of failing test cases and a
When test cases fail, the test runner prints a FAILED
banner with the full name of the
test case permutation and the errors that were observed with the RPC. If the --trace
is provided to the test runner, then it may also show a full diagnostic trace of the HTTP
request and response. Here's an example (with an HTTP trace example, too):
FAILED: Client Cancellation/HTTPVersion:1/Protocol:PROTOCOL_GRPC_WEB/Codec:CODEC_PROTO/Compression:COMPRESSION_IDENTITY/TLS:false/server-stream/cancel-after-responses:
expecting an error but received none
expecting 1 response messages but instead got 2
---- HTTP Trace ----
request> 0.000ms POST http://.../connectrpc.conformance.v1.ConformanceService/ServerStream HTTP/1.1
request> Accept: */*
request> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
request> Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
request> Connection: keep-alive
request> Content-Length: 40
request> Content-Type: application/grpc-web+proto
request> Origin: null
request> Sec-Ch-Ua: "Chromium";v="119", "Not?A_Brand";v="24"
request> Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile: ?0
request> Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform: "macOS"
request> Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty
request> Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
request> Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site
request> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/ Safari/537.36
request> X-Expect-Codec: 1
request> X-Expect-Compression: 1
request> X-Expect-Http-Method: POST
request> X-Expect-Http-Version: 1
request> X-Expect-Protocol: 3
request> X-Expect-Tls: false
request> X-Grpc-Web: 1
request> X-Test-Case-Name: Client Cancellation/HTTPVersion:1/Protocol:PROTOCOL_GRPC_WEB/Codec:CODEC_PROTO/Compression:COMPRESSION_IDENTITY/TLS:false/server-stream/cancel-after-responses
request> X-User-Agent: grpc-web-javascript/0.1
request> 0.020ms message #1: prefix: flags=0, len=35
request> message #1: data: 35/35 bytes
request> 0.020ms body end
response< 201.121ms 200 OK
response< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
response< Access-Control-Expose-Headers: *
response< Content-Type: application/grpc-web+proto
response< Grpc-Accept-Encoding: zstd,snappy,deflate,br,gzip
response< Server: connectconformance-referenceserver/v1.0.0-rc3
response< Vary: Origin
response< 201.123ms message #1: prefix: flags=0, len=1072
response< message #1: data: 1072/1072 bytes
response< 402.243ms message #2: prefix: flags=0, len=17
response< message #2: data: 17/17 bytes
response< 402.301ms message #3: prefix: flags=128, len=32
response< message #3: data: 32/32 bytes
response< eos: grpc-message:
response< eos: grpc-status: 0
response< eos:
response< 402.359ms body end
The top-line in the example output above shows the full name of the test case. The first and final components of the name tell us that it is in the "Client Cancellation" test suite and is a test case that is named "server-stream/cancel-after-responses". The rest of the name identifies which permutation of the test failed.
The trace shows the full HTTP headers (and trailers, if any) and summarizes the request and response body data in the form of messages exchanged. Each message is typically sent with a five-byte prefix and then the actual message payload. It also shows timestamps, relative to the start of the RPC (so the first event, the request line and request headers, is always at time zero). The final message in Connect streaming RPCs and gRPC-Web is a special "end of stream" message, which is also shown in the trace, with an "eos:" prefix before each line.
If a test cases fails that is known to fail, it is printed with an INFO
banner, to remind
you that there are failing test cases, even if the test run is successful.
After printing the above information for any failed test cases, the test runner then prints a summary like so:
Total cases: 602
598 passed, 0 failed
(4 failed as expected due to being known failures.)
The above states that 598 out of 602 test cases were successful. The remaining four are "known failing" cases. So they aren't count as failures, and therefore this run of the conformance tests was successful.
If you provide a -v
option to the test runner, it will print some other messages as it is
Computed 44 config case permutations.
Loaded 8 test suite(s), 97 test case template(s).
Loaded 1 known failing test case pattern(s) that match 4 test case permutation(s).
Computed 602 test case permutation(s) across 10 server configuration(s).
Running 47 tests with reference server for server config {HTTP_VERSION_1, PROTOCOL_CONNECT, TLS:false}...
Running 47 tests with reference server for server config {HTTP_VERSION_1, PROTOCOL_CONNECT, TLS:true}...
Running 46 tests with reference server for server config {HTTP_VERSION_1, PROTOCOL_GRPC_WEB, TLS:false}...
Running 46 tests with reference server for server config {HTTP_VERSION_1, PROTOCOL_GRPC_WEB, TLS:true}...
Running 47 tests with reference server for server config {HTTP_VERSION_2, PROTOCOL_CONNECT, TLS:false}...
Running 47 tests with reference server for server config {HTTP_VERSION_2, PROTOCOL_CONNECT, TLS:true}...
Running 46 tests with reference server for server config {HTTP_VERSION_2, PROTOCOL_GRPC, TLS:false}...
Running 46 tests with reference server for server config {HTTP_VERSION_2, PROTOCOL_GRPC, TLS:true}...
Running 46 tests with reference server for server config {HTTP_VERSION_2, PROTOCOL_GRPC_WEB, TLS:false}...
Running 46 tests with reference server for server config {HTTP_VERSION_2, PROTOCOL_GRPC_WEB, TLS:true}...
Running 46 tests with reference server (grpc) for server config {HTTP_VERSION_1, PROTOCOL_GRPC_WEB, TLS:false}...
Running 46 tests with reference server (grpc) for server config {HTTP_VERSION_2, PROTOCOL_GRPC, TLS:false}...
Running 46 tests with reference server (grpc) for server config {HTTP_VERSION_2, PROTOCOL_GRPC_WEB, TLS:false}...
This shows a summary of the config as it is loaded and processed, telling us the total number of config cases that apply to the current configuration (44), the total number of test suites (8), and the total number of test cases across those suites (97). It then shows the number of patterns provided to identify "known failing" cases (1), and the number of test cases that matched the "known failing" patterns (4). The next line shows us that it has used the 44 relevant config cases and 97 test case templates to compute a total of 602 test case permutations. This means that the client under test will be invoking 602 RPCs.
The remaining lines in the example output above are printed as each test server is started. Each server config
represents a different RPC server, started with the given configuration (since we are running the tests using
--mode client
, it is starting a reference server). In the above example, 47 test case permutations apply
to the Connect protocol; 46 apply to the gRPC and gRPC-Web protocols. If you add up all of those numbers
(47+47+46+46+...), the result is 602: the total number of test case permutations being run.
As mentioned above, a single test case can turn into multiple permutations, where the same RPC is used with multiple configuration cases.
The full name of the example failing test above follows:
Client Cancellation/HTTPVersion:1/Protocol:PROTOCOL_GRPC_WEB/Codec:CODEC_PROTO/Compression:COMPRESSION_IDENTITY/TLS:false/server-stream/cancel-after-responses
We can decipher this name by looking at the various components of the name (components are separated
by slashes /
Client Cancellation
: The first component is the name of the test suite that defines this test case.HTTPVersion:1
: Path elements with a colon represent one axis of a permutation. For this one, the test case is relevant to all HTTP versions, so it will run against all versions supported by the implementation under test. This component of the name tells us that the failure occurred when run using version 1 (which is really HTTP 1.1).Protocol:PROTOCOL_GRPC_WEB
: Similar to above, this test case is relevant to all protocols. This failure occurred when using the gRPC-Web protocol.Codec:CODEC_PROTO
: The failure occurred using the "proto" codec (the Protobuf binary format).Compression:COMPRESSION_IDENTITY
: The failure occurred using "identity" encoding, which actually means no compression.TLS:false
: The failure occurred over a plain-text HTTP connection, not a secure one.server-stream/cancel-after-responses
: After the permutation properties, the final element(s) are the actual test case name, as it is appears in the test suite YAML. As in this example, this name can contain a slash and therefore represent more than just the final name component. This naming convention is amenable to wildcards in test case patterns (useful for selecting which tests to run or marking test cases as known to fail).
Test cases that are run against a gRPC implementation will have an additional
component in their full name: (grpc server impl)
or (grpc client impl)
. The former is used in "client"
mode, when the client under test sends an RPC to the gRPC server implementation; the latter is used in
"server" mode, when it's the gRPC client implementation that is sending the RPC to the server under test.
The lines in the example verbose output above that say "reference server (grpc)" are for test cases using a different server implementation -- one that was written with an official gRPC implementation instead of using a ConnectRPC implementation. When your client or server supports the gRPC protocol, it gets run against both reference implementations, as a way of further verifying interoperability with the ecosystem. (Note that the standard reference implementations also support the gRPC protocol; so the gRPC test cases are repeated with a different server.)
The connectconformance
test runner supports four different options for selecting which test cases to
run. Two of them are intended for interactive runs and the other two are suggested for use with test
runs during continuous integration testing.
: The most likely option you may need to use is to mark tests that are known to fail. When an implementation is not 100% compliant, this can be used to opt out of the test cases that do not pass. With this flag, these test cases will be run, but expected to fail. In fact, if they happen to pass, the test run will be considered a failure since it means that the known failing configuration is stale and needs to be updated to match recent fixes.--known-flaky
: This is similar to above, but is for tests that do not consistently fail. This is often indicative of timing-related and concurrency bugs, where the sequence of execution can be non-deterministic, so sometimes a test passes and sometimes it fails. In this mode, the test cases are still run, but allowed to fail. Whether the test case passes or fails does not cause the whole test run to pass or fail. But if it does fail, it will be logged in the test output.--run
: This option is intended for interactive runs, like when troubleshooting particular test cases. Instead of running the entire suite, you can run just select test cases.--skip
: This option is also intended for interactive runs. It is the opposite of--run
and allows you to skip execution of certain test cases. When combined with--run
, you can use the--run
flag to enumerate which cases are considered, and then--skip
refines the set, skipping some of the test cases that otherwise match a--run
All four of these options accept two kinds of values:
- A test case pattern. This is like a full test case name but it can have wildcards. An
asterisk (
) matches one name component. A double-asterisk (**
) matches zero or more components. A name component is the portion of the name between/
separators. Wildcards cannot be used to match partial name components. For examplefoo/bar*
is not valid since the wildcard is expected to only match a suffix. If such a pattern is used, the asterisk is matched exactly instead of being treated as a wildcard. - If prefixed with an at-sign (
), the rest of the value is the path of a file that contains test case patterns, one per line. When the file is processed, leading and trailing whitespace is discarded from each line, blank lines are ignored, and lines that start with a pound-sign (#
) are treated as comments and ignored.
All four of these options can be provided multiple times on the command-line, to provide multiple test case patterns, refer to multiple files, or both.
It is strongly recommended to only use --known-failing
in CI configurations. For legitimately
flaky test cases, use --known-flaky
(instead of --skip
). Use of --run
or --skip
in CI
configurations is discouraged. It should instead be possibly to correctly filter the set of tests
to run just based on config YAML files.
One reason one might need to use --skip
in a CI configuration is if a bug in the implementation
under test causes the client or server to crash or to deadlock. Since such bugs could prevent the
conformance suite from ever completing successfully (even if such tests are marked as "known
failing"), it may be necessary to temporarily skip them in CI until those bugs are fixed.
The easiest way to run conformance tests as part of CI is to do so from a container that has the
Go SDK. The conformance tests currently requires Go 1.20 or higher. The connectconformance
that runs the tests can be installed via a simple invocation of the Go tool:
go install
This binary embeds all the test cases in the repo and also embeds the code for the reference clients and servers. So this single binary is all that is needed to run the entire suite against either a client or server under test.
If CI uses a container that does not have the Go SDK, then you can download a self-contained
binary from the GitHub release artifacts. The artifacts are named so that the output of uname
can be used to compute the URL of the file to download. Running uname -s
will provide the OS
and then uname -m
provides the machine architecture, or ARCH. The full URL of a release artifact
then is the following, where VERSION indicates which release version of the Conformance tests to
The above can easily fetched using curl
or wget
and can also be downloaded using HTTP client
capabilities available in most programming and scripting languages. The downloaded file is a compressed
TAR archive that contains an executable file named connectconformance
. The following example shows
how this could be downloaded and then run from a shell script:
OS=`uname -s`
ARCH=`uname -m`
mkdir tmp
# Download the artifact into the tmp directory
curl -sSL $URL -o - \
| tar -x -z --directory tmp
# Now we can run the tests!
./tmp/connectconformance --mode client \
--conf path/to/config.yaml \
You will want the config YAML checked into source control. It is also recommended to put any known failing test cases into a "known-failing.txt" that is also checked into source control and referenced in the command that runs the test.
If you have multiple test programs, such as both a client and a server, or even a client with different sets of arguments, you should name the relevant config YAML and known-failing files so it is clear to which invocation they apply.
When a new version of the conformance suite is released, ideally, you could simply update the version number you are using and everything just works. We aim for backwards-compatibility between releases to maximize the chances of this ideal outcome. But there are a number of things that can happen in a release that make the process a little more laborious:
- As a matter of hygiene/maintenance, we may rename and re-organize test suites and test cases. This means that any test case patterns that are part of your configuration (like known-failing files) may need to be updated. We don't expect this to happen often, but when it does, we will include information in the release notes to aid in updating your configuration.
- The new version may contain new/updated test cases that require some changes in the behavior/logic of your implementations under test. This might be for testing new functionality that requires new fields in the conformance protocol messages. Without changes in your client or server under test, the new test cases will likely fail.
- The new version may contain new/updated test cases that reveal previously undetected conformance failures.
To minimize disruption when upgrading, we recommend a process that looks like so:
- Update to the new release of the conformance suite.
- Update test case patterns (like in known-failing configurations) if necessary to match any changes to test case names and organization.
- Update/add known-failing configurations for any new failures resulting from new/updated test cases.
- Commit/merge the upgrade.
- File bugs for the new failures.
- As the bugs are fixed, update the known-failing configurations as you go.
By simply marking all new failures as "known failing" and filing bugs for them, it should allow you to upgrade to a new release quickly. You can then decide on the urgency of fixing the new failures and prioritize accordingly.