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This troubleshooting guide lists methods for detecting and handling issues with mirror node.

Handling issues


First step

Any time there is any disruption on the mirrornet at all, the first thing to do is decide whether the failover is healthy. If it is, we want to switch DNS immediately while we troubleshoot what is happening.

Similarly, any time mirror node needs to be restarted, switch DNS to the failover first if it is healthy.

Log-based issues

Following is list of error messages and how to begin handling issues when they are encountered.

  • Encountered unknown transaction type

    Ideally, this should not happen because new transaction types are released after updating mirror node to be able to handle them. Alerted only when impacting significant number of transactions.


    • There is no immediate fix. Bring to team's attention immediately (during reasonable hours, otherwise next morning).
  • Error closing connection

    If this happens, it's possible that database will eventually run out of open connections.


    • Check Cloud SQL console to figure out if connection limit is being reached. If so, restarting importer would be one way to temporarily fix it.
    • Ensure no service outage happens due to connection limit, restart as needed.
  • Error parsing record file
    previous hash is null
    Hash mismatch for file
    Previous file hash not available
    Unable to extract hash and signature from file
    Unknown file delimiter
    Unknown record file delimiter

    All of the above errors happen when data inside stream files is not as expected. It can be because of new bug introduced on the importer side, or due to mainnet node publishing bad data.


    • Notify devops immediately
    • Check if any recent changes were made to the code related to the error
  • Error saving file in database
    Unable to connect to database
    Unable to fetch entity types
    Unable to prepare SQL statements
    Unable to set connection to not auto commit

    All of the above errors have some SQLException as the root cause.


    • Check Cloud SQL instance is up and running correctly (by executing some SQL queries). If the problem seems on Cloud SQL side, escalate to devops.
  • Error starting watch service

    Caused when FileWatcher used by balancer has failed to start. As a result, balances will not be updated.


    • Try restarting the importer. If it doesn't fix the error, investigate.
  • ERRORS processing account balances file

    Can be caused either by bad data in account balances stream or due to SQL exceptions. In either case, exception are logged and the action is retried.


    • If bad data in the stream, escalate to devops
    • If due to sql exception, check if next try is successful. If the error continues, investigate.
  • Exception


    • See exception details for more info (attempt to diagnose, including trying to restart the service, but escalate anyway)
  • Failed downloading

    These errors happen even in a perfectly running mirror node, but are pretty infrequent (one every few minutes). Failed download attempts will be retried rapidly. If they happen two much, investigate. Many possible causes - S3 may be down, or there maybe other connection issues.


    • Try downloading failing files locally (checks S3 is up)
    • Check socket usage, packet loss, etc on importer instance
  • Failed to parse NodeAddressBook from


    • There is no immediate fix. Bring to team's attention immediately (during reasonable hours, otherwise next morning).
  • File could not be verified by at least 1/3 of nodes This can happen if

    1. Some mainnet nodes are still in the process of uploading their signatures for the latest file (benign case). Logging rate will be at most 20/min.
    2. Bad signatures by some mainnet nodes, halts the downloader progress. Logging rate in this case can reach 100/min.

    Effect: In case of bad signatures, it'll halt system progress.


    • If happens due to bad signatures, escalate to devops.
  • File watching events may have been lost or discarded Actions:

    • Monitor logs (and ${hedera.mirror.importer.dataPath}/accountBalances/valid directory) to ensure that all account balances stream files get processed. If not, bring to team's attention in reasonable time.
  • Long overflow when converting time to nanos timestamp

    Importer assumes all timestamps can be converted into nanos-since-epoch and stored as Long. This error will halt the progress of parser


    • There is no immediate fix. Bring to team's attention immediately (during reasonable hours, otherwise next morning).
  • Unable to copy address book from


    • For emergency fix, manually copy known good address book to the destination.
  • Unable to guess correct transaction type since there's not exactly one

    Ideally, this should not happen because new transaction types are released after updating mirror node to be able to handle them. However, occurrence of this error means parser will keep retrying and will never make progress


    • There is no immediate fix. Bring to team's attention immediately (during reasonable hours, otherwise next morning).

Stream Restart

There have been cases in the past before OA where the stream had to be restarted. A stream restart entails a new S3 bucket and zeroing out the hash of the previous file in the first file in that bucket. If you're using the old bucket, there will be no errors but you won't receive any new data after the restart event. To recover you need the wipe the files and database:

1 ) Stop Mirror Node Importer

sudo systemctl stop hedera-mirror-importer

2 ) Change Bucket Name and Region

sudo vi /usr/etc/hedera-mirror-importer/application.yml

3 ) Backup files

cd /var/lib/hedera-mirror-importer
sudo mkdir backup20191114
sudo mv accountBalances eventsStreams recordstreams backup20191114/

4 ) Wipe Database

scp hedera-mirror-importer/src/main/resources/db/scripts/cleanup.sql user@server:~
ssh user@server
psql -h dbhost -d mirror_node -U mirror_node -f cleanup.sql

5 ) Start Mirror Node Importer

sudo systemctl start hedera-mirror-importer

Detecting and alerting issues

This section lists alerts to detect issues when a mirror node might not be functioning normally, and guiding rules to help prioritize new alerts.

The priorities below are based on PagerDuty's Alert Priorities and warrant same responses as mentioned in that link.


High Priority

If a message signals any of the following, then it qualifies as high priority:

  1. Service is down
  2. A scenario which will certainly halt system progress
    For example, parser encounters badly formatted file which will certainly halt parser's progress.
  3. Data loading delayed more than accepted SLA
  4. Anything that adversely impacts many transactions
    For example, timestamp overflow affecting many transactions

Alerts: High-Priority PagerDuty Alert 24/7/365 Response: Requires immediate human action

Medium Priority

If a message signals any of the following, then it qualifies as medium priority:

  1. Service is lagging
  2. A scenario which may halt system progress
    For example, many badly formatted files are encountered by downloader and it is possible that progress may halt.

Alerts: High-Priority PagerDuty Alert during business hours only Response: Requires human action within 24 hours.

Low Priority

If a message signals any of the following, then it qualifies as low priority:

  1. An unexpected scenario, which if continues for sufficient time can eventually lead to medium/high priority scenarios
  2. Non-critical system assumption are broken but no real or very limited impact (say few transactions)
    For example, required field missing in transaction/receipt which only impacts that transaction. For instance, topicId missing in update/delete topic transaction.
    For example, invalid/Missing signatures but it doesn't halt progress since it's only from one of the many nodes.

Alerts: Low-Priority PagerDuty Alert during business hours only Response: Requires human action at some point.


Log-based alerts

Log Message Default Priority Conditional Priority
Error parsing record file HIGH
Error starting watch service HIGH
ERRORS processing account balances file HIGH
previous hash is null HIGH
Failed to parse NodeAddressBook from HIGH
Hash mismatch for file HIGH
Long overflow when converting time to nanos timestamp HIGH
Previous file hash not available HIGH
Unable to copy address book from HIGH
Unable to extract hash and signature from file HIGH
Unable to guess correct transaction type since there's not exactly one HIGH
Unknown file delimiter HIGH
Unknown record file delimiter HIGH
Error processing balances files after MEDIUM
Exception processing account balances file MEDIUM
Encountered unknown transaction type LOW HIGH (if 10 entries over 10 min
Error closing connection LOW HIGH (if 10 entries over 10 min
Account balance dataset timestamp mismatch! LOW
Error decoding hex string LOW
Failed to verify LOW
Input parameter is not a folder LOW
Failed to verify signature with public key LOW
Missing signature for file LOW
Error saving file in database NONE HIGH (if 30 entries in 1 min)
Failed downloading NONE HIGH (if 30 entries in 1 min)
`File could not be verified by at least 1/3 of nodes NONE HIGH (if 30 entries in 1 min)
File watching events may have been lost or discarded NONE HIGH (if 30 entries in 1 min)
Signature verification failed NONE HIGH (if 30 entries in 1 min)
Unable to connect to database NONE HIGH (if 30 entries in 1 min)
Unable to fetch entity types NONE HIGH (if 30 entries in 1 min)
Unable to prepare SQL statements NONE HIGH (if 30 entries in 1 min)
Unable to set connection to not auto commit NONE HIGH (if 30 entries in 1 min)

Anything that wakes up a human in the middle of the night should be immediately actionable. For all HIGH priority alerts, there should be a section in the guide above listing immediate actionable steps someone can take to reduce issue's severity of or to fix it.