diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Net.Http/tests/StressTests/HttpStress/Program.cs b/src/libraries/System.Net.Http/tests/StressTests/HttpStress/Program.cs
index 407c0acd0db25b..b411d637a54f14 100644
--- a/src/libraries/System.Net.Http/tests/StressTests/HttpStress/Program.cs
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Net.Http/tests/StressTests/HttpStress/Program.cs
@@ -17,209 +17,212 @@
-/// Simple HttpClient stress app that launches Kestrel in-proc and runs many concurrent requests of varying types against it.
-public static class Program
+namespace HttpStress
- public enum ExitCode { Success = 0, StressError = 1, CliError = 2 };
- public static async Task Main(string[] args)
+ ///
+ /// Simple HttpClient stress app that launches Kestrel in-proc and runs many concurrent requests of varying types against it.
+ ///
+ public static class Program
- if (!TryParseCli(args, out Configuration? config))
- {
- return (int) ExitCode.CliError;
- }
+ public enum ExitCode { Success = 0, StressError = 1, CliError = 2 };
- return (int) await Run(config);
- }
- private static bool TryParseCli(string[] args, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Configuration? config)
- {
- var cmd = new RootCommand();
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-n", "Max number of requests to make concurrently.") { Argument = new Argument("numWorkers", Environment.ProcessorCount) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-serverUri", "Stress suite server uri.") { Argument = new Argument("serverUri", "https://localhost:5001") });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-runMode", "Stress suite execution mode. Defaults to Both.") { Argument = new Argument("runMode", RunMode.both) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxExecutionTime", "Maximum stress execution time, in minutes. Defaults to infinity.") { Argument = new Argument("minutes", null) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxContentLength", "Max content length for request and response bodies.") { Argument = new Argument("numBytes", 1000) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxRequestUriSize", "Max query string length support by the server.") { Argument = new Argument("numChars", 5000) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxRequestHeaderCount", "Maximum number of headers to place in request") { Argument = new Argument("numHeaders", 90) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxRequestHeaderTotalSize", "Max request header total size.") { Argument = new Argument("numBytes", 1000) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-http", "HTTP version (1.1 or 2.0)") { Argument = new Argument("version", HttpVersion.Version20) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-connectionLifetime", "Max connection lifetime length (milliseconds).") { Argument = new Argument("connectionLifetime", null) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-ops", "Indices of the operations to use") { Argument = new Argument("space-delimited indices", null) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-xops", "Indices of the operations to exclude") { Argument = new Argument("space-delimited indices", null) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-trace", "Enable System.Net.Http.InternalDiagnostics (client) and/or ASP.NET dignostics (server) tracing.") { Argument = new Argument("enable", false) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-aspnetlog", "Enable ASP.NET warning and error logging.") { Argument = new Argument("enable", false) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-listOps", "List available options.") { Argument = new Argument("enable", false) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-seed", "Seed for generating pseudo-random parameters for a given -n argument.") { Argument = new Argument("seed", null) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-numParameters", "Max number of query parameters or form fields for a request.") { Argument = new Argument("queryParameters", 1) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-cancelRate", "Number between 0 and 1 indicating rate of client-side request cancellation attempts. Defaults to 0.1.") { Argument = new Argument("probability", 0.1) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-httpSys", "Use http.sys instead of Kestrel.") { Argument = new Argument("enable", false) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-winHttp", "Use WinHttpHandler for the stress client.") { Argument = new Argument("enable", false) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-displayInterval", "Client stats display interval in seconds. Defaults to 5 seconds.") { Argument = new Argument("seconds", 5) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-clientTimeout", "Default HttpClient timeout in seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds.") { Argument = new Argument("seconds", 60) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-serverMaxConcurrentStreams", "Overrides kestrel max concurrent streams per connection.") { Argument = new Argument("streams", null) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-serverMaxFrameSize", "Overrides kestrel max frame size setting.") { Argument = new Argument("bytes", null) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-serverInitialConnectionWindowSize", "Overrides kestrel initial connection window size setting.") { Argument = new Argument("bytes", null) });
- cmd.AddOption(new Option("-serverMaxRequestHeaderFieldSize", "Overrides kestrel max request header field size.") { Argument = new Argument("bytes", null) });
- ParseResult cmdline = cmd.Parse(args);
- if (cmdline.Errors.Count > 0)
+ public static async Task Main(string[] args)
- foreach (ParseError error in cmdline.Errors)
+ if (!TryParseCli(args, out Configuration? config))
- Console.WriteLine(error);
+ return (int)ExitCode.CliError;
- Console.WriteLine();
- new HelpBuilder(new SystemConsole()).Write(cmd);
- config = null;
- return false;
+ return (int)await Run(config);
- config = new Configuration()
+ private static bool TryParseCli(string[] args, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Configuration? config)
- RunMode = cmdline.ValueForOption("-runMode"),
- ServerUri = cmdline.ValueForOption("-serverUri"),
- ListOperations = cmdline.ValueForOption("-listOps"),
- HttpVersion = cmdline.ValueForOption("-http"),
- UseWinHttpHandler = cmdline.ValueForOption("-winHttp"),
- ConcurrentRequests = cmdline.ValueForOption("-n"),
- RandomSeed = cmdline.ValueForOption("-seed") ?? new Random().Next(),
- MaxContentLength = cmdline.ValueForOption("-maxContentLength"),
- MaxRequestUriSize = cmdline.ValueForOption("-maxRequestUriSize"),
- MaxRequestHeaderCount = cmdline.ValueForOption("-maxRequestHeaderCount"),
- MaxRequestHeaderTotalSize = cmdline.ValueForOption("-maxRequestHeaderTotalSize"),
- OpIndices = cmdline.ValueForOption("-ops"),
- ExcludedOpIndices = cmdline.ValueForOption("-xops"),
- MaxParameters = cmdline.ValueForOption("-numParameters"),
- DisplayInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(cmdline.ValueForOption("-displayInterval")),
- DefaultTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(cmdline.ValueForOption("-clientTimeout")),
- ConnectionLifetime = cmdline.ValueForOption("-connectionLifetime").Select(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds),
- CancellationProbability = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, cmdline.ValueForOption("-cancelRate"))),
- MaximumExecutionTime = cmdline.ValueForOption("-maxExecutionTime").Select(TimeSpan.FromMinutes),
- UseHttpSys = cmdline.ValueForOption("-httpSys"),
- LogAspNet = cmdline.ValueForOption("-aspnetlog"),
- Trace = cmdline.ValueForOption("-trace"),
- ServerMaxConcurrentStreams = cmdline.ValueForOption("-serverMaxConcurrentStreams"),
- ServerMaxFrameSize = cmdline.ValueForOption("-serverMaxFrameSize"),
- ServerInitialConnectionWindowSize = cmdline.ValueForOption("-serverInitialConnectionWindowSize"),
- ServerMaxRequestHeaderFieldSize = cmdline.ValueForOption("-serverMaxRequestHeaderFieldSize"),
- };
- return true;
- }
- private static async Task Run(Configuration config)
- {
- (string name, Func op)[] clientOperations =
- ClientOperations.Operations
- // annotate the operation name with its index
- .Select((op, i) => ($"{i.ToString().PadLeft(2)}: {op.name}", op.operation))
- .ToArray();
+ var cmd = new RootCommand();
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-n", "Max number of requests to make concurrently.") { Argument = new Argument("numWorkers", Environment.ProcessorCount) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-serverUri", "Stress suite server uri.") { Argument = new Argument("serverUri", "https://localhost:5001") });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-runMode", "Stress suite execution mode. Defaults to Both.") { Argument = new Argument("runMode", RunMode.both) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxExecutionTime", "Maximum stress execution time, in minutes. Defaults to infinity.") { Argument = new Argument("minutes", null) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxContentLength", "Max content length for request and response bodies.") { Argument = new Argument("numBytes", 1000) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxRequestUriSize", "Max query string length support by the server.") { Argument = new Argument("numChars", 5000) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxRequestHeaderCount", "Maximum number of headers to place in request") { Argument = new Argument("numHeaders", 90) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxRequestHeaderTotalSize", "Max request header total size.") { Argument = new Argument("numBytes", 1000) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-http", "HTTP version (1.1 or 2.0)") { Argument = new Argument("version", HttpVersion.Version20) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-connectionLifetime", "Max connection lifetime length (milliseconds).") { Argument = new Argument("connectionLifetime", null) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-ops", "Indices of the operations to use") { Argument = new Argument("space-delimited indices", null) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-xops", "Indices of the operations to exclude") { Argument = new Argument("space-delimited indices", null) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-trace", "Enable System.Net.Http.InternalDiagnostics (client) and/or ASP.NET dignostics (server) tracing.") { Argument = new Argument("enable", false) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-aspnetlog", "Enable ASP.NET warning and error logging.") { Argument = new Argument("enable", false) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-listOps", "List available options.") { Argument = new Argument("enable", false) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-seed", "Seed for generating pseudo-random parameters for a given -n argument.") { Argument = new Argument("seed", null) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-numParameters", "Max number of query parameters or form fields for a request.") { Argument = new Argument("queryParameters", 1) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-cancelRate", "Number between 0 and 1 indicating rate of client-side request cancellation attempts. Defaults to 0.1.") { Argument = new Argument("probability", 0.1) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-httpSys", "Use http.sys instead of Kestrel.") { Argument = new Argument("enable", false) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-winHttp", "Use WinHttpHandler for the stress client.") { Argument = new Argument("enable", false) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-displayInterval", "Client stats display interval in seconds. Defaults to 5 seconds.") { Argument = new Argument("seconds", 5) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-clientTimeout", "Default HttpClient timeout in seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds.") { Argument = new Argument("seconds", 60) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-serverMaxConcurrentStreams", "Overrides kestrel max concurrent streams per connection.") { Argument = new Argument("streams", null) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-serverMaxFrameSize", "Overrides kestrel max frame size setting.") { Argument = new Argument("bytes", null) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-serverInitialConnectionWindowSize", "Overrides kestrel initial connection window size setting.") { Argument = new Argument("bytes", null) });
+ cmd.AddOption(new Option("-serverMaxRequestHeaderFieldSize", "Overrides kestrel max request header field size.") { Argument = new Argument("bytes", null) });
+ ParseResult cmdline = cmd.Parse(args);
+ if (cmdline.Errors.Count > 0)
+ {
+ foreach (ParseError error in cmdline.Errors)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(error);
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine();
+ new HelpBuilder(new SystemConsole()).Write(cmd);
+ config = null;
+ return false;
+ }
- if ((config.RunMode & RunMode.both) == 0)
- {
- Console.Error.WriteLine("Must specify a valid run mode");
- return ExitCode.CliError;
+ config = new Configuration()
+ {
+ RunMode = cmdline.ValueForOption("-runMode"),
+ ServerUri = cmdline.ValueForOption("-serverUri"),
+ ListOperations = cmdline.ValueForOption("-listOps"),
+ HttpVersion = cmdline.ValueForOption("-http"),
+ UseWinHttpHandler = cmdline.ValueForOption("-winHttp"),
+ ConcurrentRequests = cmdline.ValueForOption("-n"),
+ RandomSeed = cmdline.ValueForOption("-seed") ?? new Random().Next(),
+ MaxContentLength = cmdline.ValueForOption("-maxContentLength"),
+ MaxRequestUriSize = cmdline.ValueForOption("-maxRequestUriSize"),
+ MaxRequestHeaderCount = cmdline.ValueForOption("-maxRequestHeaderCount"),
+ MaxRequestHeaderTotalSize = cmdline.ValueForOption("-maxRequestHeaderTotalSize"),
+ OpIndices = cmdline.ValueForOption("-ops"),
+ ExcludedOpIndices = cmdline.ValueForOption("-xops"),
+ MaxParameters = cmdline.ValueForOption("-numParameters"),
+ DisplayInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(cmdline.ValueForOption("-displayInterval")),
+ DefaultTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(cmdline.ValueForOption("-clientTimeout")),
+ ConnectionLifetime = cmdline.ValueForOption("-connectionLifetime").Select(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds),
+ CancellationProbability = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, cmdline.ValueForOption("-cancelRate"))),
+ MaximumExecutionTime = cmdline.ValueForOption("-maxExecutionTime").Select(TimeSpan.FromMinutes),
+ UseHttpSys = cmdline.ValueForOption("-httpSys"),
+ LogAspNet = cmdline.ValueForOption("-aspnetlog"),
+ Trace = cmdline.ValueForOption("-trace"),
+ ServerMaxConcurrentStreams = cmdline.ValueForOption("-serverMaxConcurrentStreams"),
+ ServerMaxFrameSize = cmdline.ValueForOption("-serverMaxFrameSize"),
+ ServerInitialConnectionWindowSize = cmdline.ValueForOption("-serverInitialConnectionWindowSize"),
+ ServerMaxRequestHeaderFieldSize = cmdline.ValueForOption("-serverMaxRequestHeaderFieldSize"),
+ };
+ return true;
- if (!config.ServerUri.StartsWith("http"))
+ private static async Task Run(Configuration config)
- Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid server uri");
- return ExitCode.CliError;
- }
+ (string name, Func op)[] clientOperations =
+ ClientOperations.Operations
+ // annotate the operation name with its index
+ .Select((op, i) => ($"{i.ToString().PadLeft(2)}: {op.name}", op.operation))
+ .ToArray();
- if (config.ListOperations)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < clientOperations.Length; i++)
+ if ((config.RunMode & RunMode.both) == 0)
- Console.WriteLine(clientOperations[i].name);
+ Console.Error.WriteLine("Must specify a valid run mode");
+ return ExitCode.CliError;
- return ExitCode.Success;
- }
- // derive client operations based on arguments
- (string name, Func op)[] usedClientOperations = (config.OpIndices, config.ExcludedOpIndices) switch
- {
- (null, null) => clientOperations,
- (int[] incl, null) => incl.Select(i => clientOperations[i]).ToArray(),
- (_, int[] excl) =>
- Enumerable
- .Range(0, clientOperations.Length)
- .Except(excl)
- .Select(i => clientOperations[i])
- .ToArray(),
- };
- string GetAssemblyInfo(Assembly assembly) => $"{assembly.Location}, modified {new FileInfo(assembly.Location).LastWriteTime}";
- Console.WriteLine(" .NET Core: " + GetAssemblyInfo(typeof(object).Assembly));
- Console.WriteLine(" ASP.NET Core: " + GetAssemblyInfo(typeof(WebHost).Assembly));
- Console.WriteLine(" System.Net.Http: " + GetAssemblyInfo(typeof(System.Net.Http.HttpClient).Assembly));
- Console.WriteLine(" Server: " + (config.UseHttpSys ? "http.sys" : "Kestrel"));
- Console.WriteLine(" Server URL: " + config.ServerUri);
- Console.WriteLine(" Client Tracing: " + (config.Trace && config.RunMode.HasFlag(RunMode.client) ? "ON (client.log)" : "OFF"));
- Console.WriteLine(" Server Tracing: " + (config.Trace && config.RunMode.HasFlag(RunMode.server) ? "ON (server.log)" : "OFF"));
- Console.WriteLine(" ASP.NET Log: " + config.LogAspNet);
- Console.WriteLine(" Concurrency: " + config.ConcurrentRequests);
- Console.WriteLine(" Content Length: " + config.MaxContentLength);
- Console.WriteLine(" HTTP Version: " + config.HttpVersion);
- Console.WriteLine(" Lifetime: " + (config.ConnectionLifetime.HasValue ? $"{config.ConnectionLifetime.Value.TotalMilliseconds}ms" : "(infinite)"));
- Console.WriteLine(" Operations: " + string.Join(", ", usedClientOperations.Select(o => o.name)));
- Console.WriteLine(" Random Seed: " + config.RandomSeed);
- Console.WriteLine(" Cancellation: " + 100 * config.CancellationProbability + "%");
- Console.WriteLine("Max Content Size: " + config.MaxContentLength);
- Console.WriteLine("Query Parameters: " + config.MaxParameters);
- Console.WriteLine();
- StressServer? server = null;
- if (config.RunMode.HasFlag(RunMode.server))
- {
- // Start the Kestrel web server in-proc.
- Console.WriteLine($"Starting {(config.UseHttpSys ? "http.sys" : "Kestrel")} server.");
- server = new StressServer(config);
- Console.WriteLine($"Server started at {server.ServerUri}");
- }
+ if (!config.ServerUri.StartsWith("http"))
+ {
+ Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid server uri");
+ return ExitCode.CliError;
+ }
- StressClient? client = null;
- if (config.RunMode.HasFlag(RunMode.client))
- {
- // Start the client.
- Console.WriteLine($"Starting {config.ConcurrentRequests} client workers.");
+ if (config.ListOperations)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < clientOperations.Length; i++)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(clientOperations[i].name);
+ }
+ return ExitCode.Success;
+ }
- client = new StressClient(usedClientOperations, config);
- client.Start();
- }
+ // derive client operations based on arguments
+ (string name, Func op)[] usedClientOperations = (config.OpIndices, config.ExcludedOpIndices) switch
+ {
+ (null, null) => clientOperations,
+ (int[] incl, null) => incl.Select(i => clientOperations[i]).ToArray(),
+ (_, int[] excl) =>
+ Enumerable
+ .Range(0, clientOperations.Length)
+ .Except(excl)
+ .Select(i => clientOperations[i])
+ .ToArray(),
+ };
+ string GetAssemblyInfo(Assembly assembly) => $"{assembly.Location}, modified {new FileInfo(assembly.Location).LastWriteTime}";
+ Console.WriteLine(" .NET Core: " + GetAssemblyInfo(typeof(object).Assembly));
+ Console.WriteLine(" ASP.NET Core: " + GetAssemblyInfo(typeof(WebHost).Assembly));
+ Console.WriteLine(" System.Net.Http: " + GetAssemblyInfo(typeof(System.Net.Http.HttpClient).Assembly));
+ Console.WriteLine(" Server: " + (config.UseHttpSys ? "http.sys" : "Kestrel"));
+ Console.WriteLine(" Server URL: " + config.ServerUri);
+ Console.WriteLine(" Client Tracing: " + (config.Trace && config.RunMode.HasFlag(RunMode.client) ? "ON (client.log)" : "OFF"));
+ Console.WriteLine(" Server Tracing: " + (config.Trace && config.RunMode.HasFlag(RunMode.server) ? "ON (server.log)" : "OFF"));
+ Console.WriteLine(" ASP.NET Log: " + config.LogAspNet);
+ Console.WriteLine(" Concurrency: " + config.ConcurrentRequests);
+ Console.WriteLine(" Content Length: " + config.MaxContentLength);
+ Console.WriteLine(" HTTP Version: " + config.HttpVersion);
+ Console.WriteLine(" Lifetime: " + (config.ConnectionLifetime.HasValue ? $"{config.ConnectionLifetime.Value.TotalMilliseconds}ms" : "(infinite)"));
+ Console.WriteLine(" Operations: " + string.Join(", ", usedClientOperations.Select(o => o.name)));
+ Console.WriteLine(" Random Seed: " + config.RandomSeed);
+ Console.WriteLine(" Cancellation: " + 100 * config.CancellationProbability + "%");
+ Console.WriteLine("Max Content Size: " + config.MaxContentLength);
+ Console.WriteLine("Query Parameters: " + config.MaxParameters);
+ Console.WriteLine();
- await WaitUntilMaxExecutionTimeElapsedOrKeyboardInterrupt(config.MaximumExecutionTime);
- client?.Stop();
- client?.PrintFinalReport();
+ StressServer? server = null;
+ if (config.RunMode.HasFlag(RunMode.server))
+ {
+ // Start the Kestrel web server in-proc.
+ Console.WriteLine($"Starting {(config.UseHttpSys ? "http.sys" : "Kestrel")} server.");
+ server = new StressServer(config);
+ Console.WriteLine($"Server started at {server.ServerUri}");
+ }
- // return nonzero status code if there are stress errors
- return client?.TotalErrorCount == 0 ? ExitCode.Success : ExitCode.StressError;
- }
+ StressClient? client = null;
+ if (config.RunMode.HasFlag(RunMode.client))
+ {
+ // Start the client.
+ Console.WriteLine($"Starting {config.ConcurrentRequests} client workers.");
- private static async Task WaitUntilMaxExecutionTimeElapsedOrKeyboardInterrupt(TimeSpan? maxExecutionTime = null)
- {
- var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource();
- Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender,args) => { Console.Error.WriteLine("Keyboard interrupt"); args.Cancel = true; tcs.TrySetResult(false); };
- if (maxExecutionTime.HasValue)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"Running for a total of {maxExecutionTime.Value.TotalMinutes:0.##} minutes");
- var cts = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource(delay: maxExecutionTime.Value);
- cts.Token.Register(() => { Console.WriteLine("Max execution time elapsed"); tcs.TrySetResult(false); });
+ client = new StressClient(usedClientOperations, config);
+ client.Start();
+ }
+ await WaitUntilMaxExecutionTimeElapsedOrKeyboardInterrupt(config.MaximumExecutionTime);
+ client?.Stop();
+ client?.PrintFinalReport();
+ // return nonzero status code if there are stress errors
+ return client?.TotalErrorCount == 0 ? ExitCode.Success : ExitCode.StressError;
- await tcs.Task;
- }
+ private static async Task WaitUntilMaxExecutionTimeElapsedOrKeyboardInterrupt(TimeSpan? maxExecutionTime = null)
+ {
+ var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource();
+ Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, args) => { Console.Error.WriteLine("Keyboard interrupt"); args.Cancel = true; tcs.TrySetResult(false); };
+ if (maxExecutionTime.HasValue)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine($"Running for a total of {maxExecutionTime.Value.TotalMinutes:0.##} minutes");
+ var cts = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource(delay: maxExecutionTime.Value);
+ cts.Token.Register(() => { Console.WriteLine("Max execution time elapsed"); tcs.TrySetResult(false); });
+ }
- private static S? Select(this T? value, Func mapper) where T : struct where S : struct
- {
- return value is null ? null : new S?(mapper(value.Value));
+ await tcs.Task;
+ }
+ private static S? Select(this T? value, Func mapper) where T : struct where S : struct
+ {
+ return value is null ? null : new S?(mapper(value.Value));
+ }