diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e20e50527d..00000000000
--- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2455 +0,0 @@
- MSB4001: The "{0}" task has more than one parameter called "{1}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4001: "}UE: This message is shown when a task has more than one .NET property with the same name -- it's unclear which of
- those properties the task wants to use as a parameter in project files.
- MSB4249: Unable to build website project "{0}". The ASP.NET compiler is only available on the .NET Framework version of MSBuild.
- {StrBegin="MSB4249: "}
- MSB4002: There was a failure retrieving the attributes for parameters in the "{0}" task. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4002: "}UE: This message is shown when the .NET attributes that a task's .NET properties are decorated with, cannot be
- retrieved -- this is typically because the .NET classes that define the .NET attributes cannot be loaded because the assembly
- they are defined in cannot be found, or the classes themselves cannot be found.
- MSB4003: "{0}" is a reserved attribute of the <{1}> element, and must be spelled with the correct casing. This attribute cannot be used as a parameter to the "{2}" task.
- {StrBegin="MSB4003: "}UE: Tasks are not allowed to use incorrect case for reserved attributes on the task nodes e.g. "continueonerror"
- instead of the "ContinueOnError".
- The operation cannot be completed because a build is already in progress.
- MSB4252: Project "{0}" with global properties
- ({1})
- is building project "{2}" with global properties
- ({3})
- with the ({4}) target(s) but the build result for the built project is not in the engine cache. In isolated builds this could mean one of the following:
- - the reference was called with a target which is not specified in the ProjectReferenceTargets item in project "{0}"
- - the reference was called with global properties that do not match the static graph inferred nodes
- - the reference was not explicitly specified as a ProjectReference item in project "{0}"
- {StrBegin="MSB4252:"}
- LOCALIZATION: Do not localize the following words: ProjectReference, ProjectReferenceTargets
- MSB4248: Cannot expand metadata in expression "{0}". {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4248: "}UE: This message is shown when metadata cannot be expanded in an expression for some reason e.g. trying to apply
- %(RootDir) to an item-spec that's not a valid path would result in this error.
- LOCALIZATION: "{1}" is a localized message explaining the problem.
- MSB4271: Environment variable MSBuildDisableFeaturesFromVersion is set to an invalid format. Enabling all change wave versions. Entered value: {0}. Current Change Waves: {1}.
- {StrBegin="MSB4271: "}UE: Value should be of the format: xx.yy
- MSB4272: Environment variable MSBuildDisableFeaturesFromVersion is set to a version that is out of rotation. Defaulting to Change Wave version: {0}. Entered value: {1}. Current Change Waves: {2}.
- {StrBegin="MSB4272: "}
- MSB4006: There is a circular dependency in the target dependency graph involving target "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4006: "}UE: This message is shown when the build engine detects a target referenced in a circular manner -- a project cannot
- request a target to build itself (perhaps via a chain of other targets).
- MSB4251: There is a circular dependency involving the following projects: {0}
- {StrBegin="MSB4251:"} This message is shown when a graph build detects a target referenced in a circular manner -- a project cannot
- request a target to build itself (perhaps via a chain of other targets)
- MSB4006: There is a circular dependency in the target dependency graph involving target "{0}". Since "{1}" has "{2}" dependence on "{3}", the circular is "{4}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4006: "}UE: This message is shown when the build engine detects a target referenced in a circular manner -- a project cannot
- request a target to build itself (perhaps via a chain of other targets).
- MSB4257: The specified output result cache file is empty.
- Read environment variable "{0}"
- MSB4256: Reading input result cache files from path "{0}" encountered an error: {1}
- MSB4258: Writing output result cache file in path "{0}" encountered an error: {1}
- MSB4259: Unexpected space at position "{1}" of condition "{0}". Did you forget to remove a space?
- {StrBegin="MSB4259: "}
- MSB4255: The following input result cache files do not exist: "{0}"
- Version string was not in a correct format.
- EvaluationContext objects created with SharingPolicy.Isolated do not support being passed an MSBuildFileSystemBase file system.
- Killing process with pid = {0}.
- Loading the following project cache plugin:
- {0}
- Logging verbosity is set to: {0}.
- LOCALIZATION: {0} is an enum value of LoggerVerbosity.
- The parameters have been truncated beyond this point. To view all parameters, clear the MSBUILDTRUNCATETASKINPUTLOGGING environment variable.
- Metaproject "{0}" generated.
- The operation cannot be completed because BeginBuild has not yet been called.
- MSB4270: No project cache plugins found in assembly "{0}". Expected one.
- MSB4269: When any static graph node defines a project cache, all nodes must define the same project cache. The following project(s) do not contain a "{0}" item declaration: {1}
- A required NuGet assembly was not found. Expected Path: {0}
- MSB4253: A null reference was returned from a user-provided ProjectInstanceFactoryFunc callback. This is not allowed.
- {StrBegin="MSB4253: "}
- LOCALIZATION: Do not localize the following words: ProjectInstanceFactoryFunc.
- Only item types may be referenced when removing with MatchOnMetadata.
- MatchOnMetadata only applies to Remove operations on items.
- MatchOnMetadataOptions is valid only when removing items using MatchOnMetadata.
- MatchOnMetadata cannot be used outside of a <Target>.
- Method {0} cannot be called with a collection containing null or empty target names.
- MSB4265: A single project cache plugin must be specified but multiple where found: {0}
- MSB4273: The project cache threw an unhandled exception from the {0} method.
- MSB4266: Failed to initialize the project cache.
- MSB4267: The project cache failed while being queried for the following project: {0}. The cache is queried in parallel for multiple projects so this specific project might not be the cause.
- MSB4268: The project cache failed to shut down properly.
- MSB4250: ProjectGraph does not support ProjectReference items with the ToolsVersion metadata set. Found ProjectReference "{0}" with ToolsVersion in file "{1}"
- {StrBegin="MSB4250: "}
- LOCALIZATION: Do not localize the following words: ProjectGraph, ProjectReference, ToolsVersion.
- Project "{0}" was not imported by "{1}" at ({2},{3}), due to the expression evaluating to an empty string.
- Property initial value: $({0})="{1}" Source: {2}
- MSB4274: Disabling the inproc node leads to performance degradation when using project cache plugins that emit proxy build requests.
- MSB4260: Project "{0}" skipped graph isolation constraints on referenced project "{1}"
- LOCALIZATION: {0} and {1} are file paths
- "MSB4264: Invalid $(SolutionPath) property: {0}"
- MSB4261: Multiple entry points with solutions detected: {0}. If static graph is loaded from a solution, that that solution must be the only entry point.
- LOCALIZATION: {0} is a semicolon delimited list of files
- Static graph loaded in {0} seconds: {1} nodes, {2} edges
- MSB4263: Project "{0}" has a reference to solution file "{1}". Referencing solutions is not supported in static graph.
- LOCALIZATION: {0} and {1} are file paths
- MSB4262: Solution file "{0}" contains the following warnings and errors:
- Warnings: {1}
- Errors: {2}
- LOCALIZATION: {0} is a file, {1} and {2} are semicolon delimited lists of messages
- Task "{0}" requested {1} cores, acquired {2} cores, and now holds {3} cores total.
- Task "{0}" released {1} cores and now holds {2} cores total.
- Task "{0}" asked to release {1} cores while holding only {2} and now holds {3} cores total.
- MSB4181: The "{0}" task returned false but did not log an error.
- {StrBegin="MSB4181: "}
- MSB4254: The MSBuild task is building project(s) "{0}" which are not specified in the ProjectReference item. In isolated builds this probably means that the references are not explicitly specified as a ProjectReference item in "{1}"
- {StrBegin="MSB4254:"}
- LOCALIZATION: Do not localize the following words: ProjectReference, MSBuild, task.
- Read uninitialized property "{0}"
- Using input build results caches: {0}
- LOCALIZATION: {0} is a list of semicolon separated file paths
- The operation cannot be completed because EndBuild has already been called but existing submissions have not yet completed.
- The operation cannot be completed because the submission has already been executed.
- Cannot dispose the build manager because it is not idle.
- MSB4197: Build was canceled. {0}
- {StrBegin="MSB4197: "} Error when the build stops suddenly for some reason. For example, because a child node died.
- Build FAILED.
- Build succeeded.
- Build started {0}.
- Building target "{0}" completely.
- {0} is the name of the target.
- No input files were specified.
- Input file "{0}" is newer than output file "{1}".
- {0} and {1} are filenames on disk.
- Output file "{0}" does not exist.
- {0} is a filename on disk.
- Input file "{0}" does not exist.
- {0} is a filename on disk.
- Building target "{0}" partially, because some output files are out of date with respect to their input files.
- {0} is the name of the target.
- [{0}: Input={1}, Output={2}] Input file is newer than output file.
- {0} is the name of an MSBuild item. {1} and {2} are filenames on disk.
- [{0}: Input={1}, Output={2}] Output file does not exist.
- {0} is the name of an MSBuild item. {1} and {2} are filenames on disk.
- [{0}: Input={1}, Output={2}] Input file does not exist.
- {0} is the name of an MSBuild item. {1} and {2} are filenames on disk.
- The attribute "{0}" is a known MSBuild attribute, and cannot be accessed using this method.
- MSB4023: Cannot evaluate the item metadata "%({0})". {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4023: "}UE: This message is shown when the value of an item metadata cannot be computed for some reason e.g. trying to apply
- %(RootDir) to an item-spec that's not a valid path, would result in this error.
- LOCALIZATION: "{1}" is a localized message explaining the problem.
- MSB4193: MSBuild.exe could not be launched as a child node as it could not be found at the location "{0}". If necessary, specify the correct location in the BuildParameters, or with the MSBUILD_EXE_PATH environment variable.
- {StrBegin="MSB4193: "}
- MSB4218: Failed to successfully launch or connect to a child MSBuild.exe process. Verify that the MSBuild.exe "{0}" launches successfully, and that it is loading the same microsoft.build.dll that the launching process loaded. If the location seems incorrect, try specifying the correct location in the BuildParameters object, or with the MSBUILD_EXE_PATH environment variable.
- {StrBegin="MSB4218: "}
- MSB4117: The "{0}" item name is reserved, and cannot be used.
- {StrBegin="MSB4117: "}UE: This message is shown when the user tries to redefine one of the reserved MSBuild items e.g. @(Choose)
- MSB4118: The "{0}" item metadata name is reserved, and cannot be used.
- {StrBegin="MSB4118: "}UE: This message is shown when the user tries to redefine one of the reserved MSBuild item metadata names e.g. %(FullPath). Only MSBuild can set those.
- MSB4004: The "{0}" property is reserved, and cannot be modified.
- {StrBegin="MSB4004: "}UE: This message is shown when the user tries to redefine one of the reserved MSBuild properties e.g. $(MSBuildProjectFile)
- MSB4094: "{0}" is an invalid value for the "{1}" parameter of the "{3}" task. Multiple items cannot be passed into a parameter of type "{2}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4094: "}
- UE: This error is shown when a project tries to pass multiple items into a task parameter of type ITaskItem (singular).
- MSB4115: The "{0}" function only accepts a scalar value, but its argument "{1}" evaluates to "{2}" which is not a scalar value.
- {StrBegin="MSB4115: "}
- UE: This error is shown when a project tries to pass multiple items into a function in a conditional expression, that can only accept a scalar value (such as the "exists()" function).
- MSB4095: The item metadata %({0}) is being referenced without an item name. Specify the item name by using %(itemname.{0}).
- {StrBegin="MSB4095: "}
- MSB4162: <{0}> is not valid. Child elements are not allowed below a item remove element.
- {StrBegin="MSB4162: "}
- MSB4166: Child node "{0}" exited prematurely. Shutting down. Diagnostic information may be found in files in "{1}" and will be named MSBuild_*.failure.txt. This location can be changed by setting the MSBUILDDEBUGPATH environment variable to a different directory.{2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4166: "} {2} is exception text if any
- MSB4085: A <Choose> must contain at least one <When>.
- {StrBegin="MSB4085: "}
- MSB4114: <Choose> elements cannot be nested more than {0} levels deep.
- {StrBegin="MSB4114: "}UE: This message appears if the project file contains unreasonably nested Choose elements.
- LOCALIZATION: Do not localize "Choose" as it is an XML element name.
- MSB4086: A numeric comparison was attempted on "{1}" that evaluates to "{2}" instead of a number, in condition "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4086: "}
- MSB4130: The condition "{0}" may have been evaluated incorrectly in an earlier version of MSBuild. Please verify that the order of the AND and OR clauses is written as intended. To avoid this warning, add parentheses to make the evaluation order explicit.
- {StrBegin="MSB4130: "}
- MSB4087: Specified condition "{0}" does not evaluate to a boolean.
- {StrBegin="MSB4087: "}
- MSB4113: Specified condition "{0}" evaluates to "{1}" instead of a boolean.
- {StrBegin="MSB4113: "}
- MSB4136: Error reading the toolset information from the configuration file "{0}". {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4136: "}
- MSB4142: MSBuildToolsPath is not the same as MSBuildBinPath for the ToolsVersion "{0}" defined at "{1}". If both are present they must have the same value.
- {StrBegin="MSB4142: "}
- MSB4009: The default tasks file could not be successfully loaded. {0}
- {StrBegin="MSB4009: "}UE: This message is shown when one of the default tasks file (*.tasks) located alongside the MSBuild binaries cannot
- be opened/parsed. "{0}" contains a message explaining why. The filename itself is not part of the message but is provided
- separately to loggers.
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is a message from some FX method and is already localized.
- MSB4010: The "{0}" files could not be successfully loaded from their expected location "{1}". Default tasks will not be available. {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4010: "}UE: This message is shown when the default tasks files that are located alongside the MSBuild binaries cannot be
- found, either because they don't exist, or because of lack of permissions. "{2}" contains a message explaining why.
- LOCALIZATION: "{2}" is a message from some FX method and is already localized.
- Importing the file "{0}" into the file "{1}" results in a circular dependency.
- {0} is a file imported into the file "{1}" such that it results in a circular dependency. For e.g. if t1.targets imports
- t2.targets and t2.targets tries to import t1.targets, then it results in a circular dependency.
- Search paths being used for {0} are {1}
- Trying to import {0} using extensions path {1}
- MSB4194: The override tasks file could not be successfully loaded. {0}
- {StrBegin="MSB4194: "}UE: This message is shown when one of the override tasks file (*.overridetasks) located alongside the MSBuild binaries cannot
- be opened/parsed. "{0}" contains a message explaining why. The filename itself is not part of the message but is provided
- separately to loggers.
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is a message from some FX method and is already localized.
- The override tasks path "{0}" must not be a relative path and must exist on disk. Default tasks will not be overridden.
- UE: This message is shown when the override tasks path in the registry or passed to the toolset is not a full path.
- A problem occurred loading the override tasks path "{0}". {1}
- UE: This message is shown when the override tasks path in the registry or passed to the toolset is not a full path.
- MSB4196: The "{0}" files could not be successfully loaded from their expected location "{1}". Default tasks will not be overridden. {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4196: "}UE: This message is shown when the override tasks files that are located alongside the MSBuild binaries cannot be
- found, either because they don't exist, or because of lack of permissions. "{2}" contains a message explaining why.
- LOCALIZATION: "{2}" is a message from some FX method and is already localized.
- MSB4195: There was an error gathering properties for tasks file evaluation. {0}
- {StrBegin="MSB4195: "}UE: This message is shown when the gathering of properties for the evaluation of override and defaults tasks has an exception. "{0"} will be the exception message
- MSB4133: A default tools version "{0}" was specified, but its definition could not be found.
- {StrBegin="MSB4133: "}
- MSB4011: "{0}" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "{1}". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored. {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4011: "}
- MSB4211: The property "{0}" is being set to a value for the first time, but it was already consumed at "{1}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4211: "}
- MSB4210: "{0}" is attempting to import itself, directly or indirectly. This is most likely a build authoring error. The import will be ignored.
- {StrBegin="MSB4210: "}
- MSB4079: The <ProjectExtensions> element occurs more than once.
- {StrBegin="MSB4079: "}
- MSB4012: The expression "{0}" cannot be used in this context. Item lists cannot be concatenated with other strings where an item list is expected. Use a semicolon to separate multiple item lists.
- {StrBegin="MSB4012: "}UE: This message is shown when the user does not properly specify an item list when an item list is expected
- e.g. "badprefix@(foo)badsuffix" instead of "prefix; @(foo); suffix"
- end of input
- This is the name of the "EndOfInput" token. It is displayed in quotes as the
- unexpected char or token when the end of a conditional was unexpectedly reached.
- The previous error was converted to a warning because the task was called with ContinueOnError=true.
- {0} Error(s)
- MSB4159: Error creating the toolset "{0}". {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4159: "}
- MSB4146: Cannot evaluate the property expression "{0}" found at "{1}". {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4146: "}
- The <{0}> tag is no longer supported as a child of the <Project> element. Place this tag within a target, and add the name of the target to the "InitialTargets" attribute of the <Project> element.
- Evaluation started ("{0}")
- Evaluation finished ("{0}")
- Launching task "{0}" from assembly "{1}" in an external task host with a runtime of "{2}" and a process architecture of "{3}".
- MSB4100: Expected "{0}" to evaluate to a boolean instead of "{1}", in condition "{2}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4100: "}
- MSB4028: The "{0}" task's outputs could not be retrieved from the "{1}" parameter. {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4028: "}
- MSB4014: The build stopped unexpectedly because of an internal failure.
- {StrBegin="MSB4014: "}UE: This message is shown when an unhandled exception terminates the build. The cause is most likely a programming
- error in the build engine.
- MSB4015: The build stopped unexpectedly because the "{0}" logger failed unexpectedly during shutdown.
- {StrBegin="MSB4015: "}UE: This message is used for a special exception that is thrown when a logger fails while shutting down (most likely
- because of a programming error in the logger). When a logger dies, we cannot proceed with the build, and we throw a special
- exception to abort the build.
- MSB4016: The build stopped unexpectedly because the "{0}" logger failed unexpectedly during initialization.
- {StrBegin="MSB4016: "}UE: This message is used for a special exception that is thrown when a logger fails while initializing itself (most
- likely because of a programming error in the logger). When a logger dies, we cannot proceed with the build, and we throw a
- special exception to abort the build.
- MSB4017: The build stopped unexpectedly because of an unexpected logger failure.
- {StrBegin="MSB4017: "}UE: This message is used for a special exception that is thrown when a logger fails while logging an event (most
- likely because of a programming error in the logger). When a logger dies, we cannot proceed with the build, and we throw a
- special exception to abort the build.
- MSB4018: The "{0}" task failed unexpectedly.
- {StrBegin="MSB4018: "}UE: This message is shown when a task terminates because of an unhandled exception. The cause is most likely a
- programming error in the task; however, it is also possible that the unhandled exception originated in the engine, and was
- surfaced through the task when the task called into the engine.
- MSB4187: Failed to receive a response from the task thread in the timeout period "{0}" ms. Shutting down.
- {StrBegin="MSB4187: "}
- MSB4088: Condition "{0}" is improperly constructed.
- {StrBegin="MSB4088: "}
- MSB4105: Found an unexpected character '{2}' at position {1} in condition "{0}". Did you intend to use "=="?
- {StrBegin="MSB4105: "}
- MSB4106: Expected an item list at position {1} in condition "{0}". Did you forget the closing parenthesis?
- {StrBegin="MSB4106: "}
- MSB4107: Expected an item list at position {1} in condition "{0}". Did you forget the opening parenthesis after the '@'? To use a literal '@', use '%40' instead.
- {StrBegin="MSB4107: "}
- MSB4108: Expected an item list at position {1} in condition "{0}". Did you forget to close a quote inside the item list expression?
- {StrBegin="MSB4108: "}
- MSB4109: Expected a property at position {1} in condition "{0}". Did you forget the closing parenthesis?
- {StrBegin="MSB4109: "}
- MSB4110: Expected a property at position {1} in condition "{0}". Did you forget the opening parenthesis after the '$'? To use a literal '$', use '%24' instead.
- {StrBegin="MSB4110: "}
- MSB4101: Expected a closing quote after position {1} in condition "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4101: "}
- MSB4019: The imported project "{0}" was not found. Confirm that the expression in the Import declaration "{1}" is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
- {StrBegin="MSB4019: "}LOCALIZATION: <Import> should not be localized.
- MSB4226: The imported project "{0}" was not found. Also, tried to find "{1}" in the fallback search path(s) for {2} - {3} . These search paths are defined in "{4}". Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk in one of the search paths.
- {StrBegin="MSB4226: "}LOCALIZATION: <Import> should not be localized.
- MSB4226: The imported project "{0}" was not found. Also, tried to find "{1}" in the fallback search path(s) for {2} - {3} . Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk in one of the search paths.
- {StrBegin="MSB4226: "}LOCALIZATION: <Import> should not be localized.
- MSB4089: Incorrect number of arguments to function in condition "{0}". Found {1} argument(s) when expecting {2}.
- {StrBegin="MSB4089: "}
- MSB4020: The value "{0}" of the "{1}" attribute in element <{2}> is invalid.
- {StrBegin="MSB4020: "}UE: This is a generic message that is displayed when we find a project element with an incorrect value for one of its
- attributes e.g. <Import Project=""> -- the value of Project should not be an empty string.
- MSB4111: At most one of the include, remove, and update attributes may be specified for an item element.
- MSB4102: The value "{0}" of the "{1}" attribute in element <{2}> is invalid. {3}
- {StrBegin="MSB4102: "}UE: This is a generic message that is displayed when we find a project element with an incorrect value for one of its
- attributes. At the end of the message we show the exception text we got trying to use the value.
- MSB4234: Invalid binary logger parameter(s): "{0}". Expected: ProjectImports={{None,Embed,ZipFile}} and/or [LogFile=]filePath.binlog (the log file name or path, must have the ".binlog" extension).
- MSB4021: The "ContinueOnError" attribute of the "{0}" task is not valid. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4021: "}LOCALIZATION: "ContinueOnError" should not be localized. "{1}" is a message from another exception explaining the problem.
- MSB4022: The result "{0}" of evaluating the value "{1}" of the "{2}" attribute in element <{3}> is not valid.
- {StrBegin="MSB4022: "}UE: This message is shown when the engine is checking the correctness of the value (after evaluating embedded
- properties/items) assigned to an XML attribute of an XML element in the project file.
- MSB4104: Failed to write to log file "{0}". {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4104: "}UE: This is shown when the File Logger can't create or write to the file it was instructed to log to.
- MSB4024: The imported project file "{0}" could not be loaded. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4024: "}UE: This message is shown when an imported project file cannot be loaded because of incorrect XML. The project
- filename is not part of the message because it is provided separately to loggers.
- LOCALIZATION: {0} is a localized message from the CLR/FX explaining why the project is invalid.
- MSB4147: The property "{0}" at "{1}" is invalid. {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4147: "}
- MSB4177: Invalid property. {0}
- {StrBegin="MSB4177: "}
- UE: {0} is a localized message indicating what the problem was.
- MSB4143: The registry expression "{0}" cannot be evaluated. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4143: "}
- UE: This message is shown when the user attempts to provide an expression like "$(Registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Vendor\Tools@TaskLocation)"
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is the expression that was bad. "{1}" is a message from an FX exception that describes why the expression is bad.
- MSB4184: The expression "{0}" cannot be evaluated. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4184: "}
- Double quotes as the expression will typically have single quotes in it.
- UE: This message is shown when the user attempts to provide an expression like "$(SomeProperty.ToLower())" or "@(Foo->Bar())"
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is the expression that was bad. "{1}" is a message from an FX exception that describes why the expression is bad.
- The quotes were mismatched.
- This is a potential suffix to "InvalidFunctionPropertyExpression" so it has no error code.
- The parentheses were mismatched.
- This is a potential suffix to "InvalidFunctionPropertyExpression" so it has no error code.
- The square brackets were mismatched.
- This is a potential suffix to "InvalidFunctionPropertyExpression" so it has no error code.
- MSB4185: The function "{0}" on type "{1}" is not available for execution as an MSBuild property function.
- {StrBegin="MSB4185: "}
- UE: This message is shown when the user attempts to provide an expression like "$([System.DateTime]::Now)", but the expression has not been enabled
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is the static function name, "{1}" is the .NET Framework type name
- MSB4212: Invalid static method invocation syntax: "{0}". The type "{1}" is either not available for execution in an MSBuild property function or could not be found.
- {StrBegin="MSB4212: "}
- UE: This message is shown when the user attempts to provide an expression like "$([System.DateTime]::Now)", but the expression has not been enabled
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is the function expression which is in error. "{1}" is the .NET Framework type name
- MSB4186: Invalid static method invocation syntax: "{0}". {1} Static method invocation should be of the form: $([FullTypeName]::Method()), e.g. $([System.IO.Path]::Combine(`a`, `b`)). Check that all parameters are defined, are of the correct type, and are specified in the right order.
- {StrBegin="MSB4186: "}
- UE: This message is shown when the user attempts to call a static method on a type, but has used the incorrect syntax
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is the function expression which is in error. "{1}" is a message from an FX exception that describes why the expression is bad.
- MSB4198: The expression "{0}" cannot be evaluated on item "{1}". {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4198: "}
- Double quotes as the expression will typically have single quotes in it.
- UE: This message is shown when the user attempts to provide an expression like "@(SomeItem->DirectoryName())"
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is the expression that was bad, "{1}" is the item or file that was being worked on. "{2}" is a message from an FX exception that describes why the expression is bad.
- MSB4199: Invalid transformation syntax "{0}". An item function was not found with that name and {1} parameters.
- {StrBegin="MSB4199: "}
- UE: This message is shown when the user attempts to call a transformation on an item, but has used the incorrect syntax
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is the function which is in error
- MSB4200: Unknown item transformation function "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4200: "}
- UE: This message is shown when the user attempts to provide an expression like @(Item->SomeTransform()), but SomeTransform is unknown
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is the function name
- MSB4026: The "{0}={1}" parameter for the "{2}" task is invalid.
- {StrBegin="MSB4026: "}UE: This message is displayed when a task has an invalid parameter that cannot be initialized.
- MSB4027: The "{0}" task generated invalid items from the "{1}" output parameter. {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4027: "}
- MSB4029: The "{0}" task has an invalid output specification. The "TaskParameter" attribute is required, and either the "ItemName" or "PropertyName" attribute must be specified (but not both).
- {StrBegin="MSB4029: "}LOCALIZATION: "TaskParameter", "ItemName" and "PropertyName" should not be localized.
- MSB4030: "{0}" is an invalid value for the "{1}" parameter of the "{3}" task. The "{1}" parameter is of type "{2}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4030: "}UE: This error is shown when a type mis-match occurs between the value assigned to task parameter in the project file
- and the type of the .NET property that corresponds to the task parameter. For example, if an int task parameter called "Count"
- is assigned the value "x", this error would be displayed: <MyTask Count="x" />
- MSB4137: Invalid value specified in the configuration file at "{0}". Property name or tools version name is an empty string.
- {StrBegin="MSB4137: "}
- MSB4163: <ItemDefinitionGroup> is not allowed inside a target.
- {StrBegin="MSB4163: "}
- MSB4096: The item "{0}" in item list "{1}" does not define a value for metadata "{2}". In order to use this metadata, either qualify it by specifying %({1}.{2}), or ensure that all items in this list define a value for this metadata.
- {StrBegin="MSB4096: "}
- MSB4099: A reference to an item list at position {1} is not allowed in this condition "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4099: "}
- MSB4191: The reference to custom metadata "{2}" at position {1} is not allowed in this condition "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4191: "}
- MSB4190: The reference to the built-in metadata "{2}" at position {1} is not allowed in this condition "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4190: "}
- MSB4033: "{0}" is a reserved item metadata, and cannot be redefined as a custom metadata on the item.
- {StrBegin="MSB4033: "}
- An InternalLoggerException can only be thrown by the MSBuild engine. The public constructors of this class cannot be used to create an instance of the exception.
- UE: This message is shown when a user tries to instantiate a special exception called InternalLoggerException through the OM --
- only the engine is allowed to create and throw this exception.
- LOCALIZATION: "InternalLoggerException" and "MSBuild" should not be localized.
- Initial Items:
- Environment at start of build:
- MSB4164: The value "{0}" of metadata "{1}" contains an item list expression. Item list expressions are not allowed on default metadata values.
- {StrBegin="MSB4164: "}
- MSB4035: The required attribute "{0}" is empty or missing from the element <{1}>.
- {StrBegin="MSB4035: "}UE: This message is shown when a user leaves off a required attribute from a project element
- e.g. <UsingTask AssemblyName="foo"> -- this is missing the "TaskName" attribute.
- MSB4232: Items that are outside Target elements must have one of the following operations: Include, Update, or Remove.
- {StrBegin="MSB4232: "} Target, Include, Update, and Remove should not be localized and their casing should not be changed
- MSB4036: The "{0}" task was not found. Check the following: 1.) The name of the task in the project file is the same as the name of the task class. 2.) The task class is "public" and implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask interface. 3.) The task is correctly declared with <UsingTask> in the project file, or in the *.tasks files located in the "{1}" directory.
- {StrBegin="MSB4036: "}LOCALIZATION: <UsingTask> and "*.tasks" should not be localized.
- MSB4141: MSBuildToolsPath is not specified for the ToolsVersion "{0}" defined at "{1}", or the value specified evaluates to the empty string.
- {StrBegin="MSB4141: "}
- MSB4222: ToolsVersion "{0}", defined at "{1}", contains sub-toolset "{2}" which sets MSBuildBinPath or MSBuildToolsPath. This is not supported in sub-toolsets.
- MSB4144: Multiple definitions were found for the toolset "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4144: "}
- MSB4225: Toolset contains multiple definitions of searchPaths for the OS "{0}" at "{1}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4225: "}
- MSB4145: Multiple definitions were found for the property "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4145: "}
- MSB4082: Choose has more than one <Otherwise> element.
- {StrBegin="MSB4082: "}
- MSB4038: The element <{0}> must be last under element <{1}>. Found element <{2}> instead.
- {StrBegin="MSB4038: "}
- MSB4138: Non-string data was specified at the registry location "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4138: "}
- MSB4039: No "{0}" element was found in the project file.
- {StrBegin="MSB4039: "}
- MSB4040: There is no target in the project.
- {StrBegin="MSB4040: "}
- A null entry was found in the collection of loggers.
- MaxNodeCount may only be assigned a value greater than zero.
- Overriding target "{0}" in project "{1}" with target "{2}" from project "{3}".
- {0} ms {1} {2} calls
- (* = timing was not recorded because of reentrancy)
- The project file "{0}" was not found.
- UE: This message is shown when the user calls into the OM to build a project that doesn't exist on disk.
- Done building project "{0}" -- FAILED.
- Done building project "{0}".
- Done Building Project "{0}" ({1} target(s)).
- Done Building Project "{0}" (default targets).
- Done Building Project "{0}" ({1} target(s)) -- FAILED.
- Done Building Project "{0}" (default targets) -- FAILED.
- MSB4041: The default XML namespace of the project must be the MSBuild XML namespace or no namespace. If the project is authored in the MSBuild 2003 format, please add xmlns="{0}" to the <Project> element. If the project has been authored in the old 1.0 or 1.2 format, please convert it to MSBuild 2003 format.
- {StrBegin="MSB4041: "}UE: This is a Beta 1 message only.
- LOCALIZATION: <Project>, "MSBuild" and "xmlns" should not be localized.
- Project Performance Summary:
- Project "{0}" is building "{1}" ({2} target(s)):
- Project "{0}" is building "{1}" (default targets):
- Project "{0}" ({1} target(s)):
- Project "{0}" (default targets):
- Task name cannot be empty.
- MSB4075: The project file "{0}" must be opened in the Visual Studio IDE and converted to the latest version before it can be built by MSBuild.
- {StrBegin="MSB4075: "}
- MSB4192: The project file "{0}" is in the ".vcproj" file format, which MSBuild no longer supports. Please convert the project by opening it in the Visual Studio IDE or running the conversion tool, or use MSBuild 3.5 or earlier to build it.
- {StrBegin="MSB4192: "} LOC: ".vcproj" should not be localized
- Initial Properties:
- MSB4148: The name of a property stored under the registry key "{0}" has zero length.
- {StrBegin="MSB4148: "}
- Property reassignment: $({0})="{1}" (previous value: "{2}") at {3}
- MSB4043: The item metadata reference "{0}" is invalid because it is qualified with an item name. Item metadata referenced in transforms do not need to be qualified, because the item name is automatically deduced from the items being transformed. Change "{0}" to "%({1})".
- {StrBegin="MSB4043: "}UE: This message is shown when the user does something like this: @(foo->'%(foo.metadata)'). There is no need to specify
- "foo.metadata", because "foo" is automatically deduced. In corollary, "bar.metadata" is not allowed either, where "bar" is a different
- item list type.
- MSB4135: Error reading the toolset information from the registry location "{0}". {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4135: "}
- MSB4044: The "{0}" task was not given a value for the required parameter "{1}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4044: "}UE: This message is shown when a task parameter designated as "required" is not set in the project file.
- MSB4112: The targets in this project have been disabled by the host and therefore cannot be built at this time. This may have been done for security reasons. To enable the targets, the host must set Project.BuildEnabled to "true".
- {StrBegin="MSB4112: "}
- MSB4093: The "{0}" parameter of the "{1}" task cannot be written to because it does not have a "set" accessor.
- {StrBegin="MSB4093: "}UE: This error is shown when a project tries to assign a value to a task parameter that does not have a "set"
- accessor on the corresponding .NET property on the task class.
- Skipping target "{0}" because it has no inputs.
- Though the target has declared its inputs, the input specification only references empty properties and/or empty item lists.
- Skipping target "{0}" because it has no outputs.
- Though the target has declared its outputs, the output specification only references empty properties and/or empty item lists.
- Skipping target "{0}" because all output files are up-to-date with respect to the input files.
- Input files: {0}
- {0} is a semicolon-separated list of filenames.
- Output files: {0}
- {0} is a semicolon-separated list of filenames.
- {0}: Defaulting .NET Framework v{1} to the .NET Framework v4.0 version of aspnet_compiler.exe. To change the version of the tool used, please set the "ToolPath" parameter with the correct path to the tool.
- MSB4203: {0}: Invalid TargetFrameworkMoniker {1}. The AspNetCompiler task only supports targeting the .NET Framework.
- {StrBegin="MSB4203: "}
- MSB4205: The website project in this solution is targeting the v2.0 runtime, but it is not installed.
- {StrBegin="MSB4205: "}
- MSB4204: {0}: Invalid TargetFrameworkMoniker {1}. {2}.
- {StrBegin="MSB4204: "}
- Using the MSBuild v3.5 solution wrapper generator because the tools version was set to {0}.
- Using the MSBuild v3.5 solution wrapper generator with a tools version of {0} because the solution file format was version {1} and no tools version was supplied.
- Building solution configuration "{0}".
- UE: This is not an error, so doesn't need an error code.
- MSB4160: A circular dependency involving project "{0}" has been detected.
- {StrBegin="MSB4160: "}
- MSB4126: The specified solution configuration "{0}" is invalid. Please specify a valid solution configuration using the Configuration and Platform properties (e.g. MSBuild.exe Solution.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform="Any CPU") or leave those properties blank to use the default solution configuration.
- {StrBegin="MSB4126: "}UE: The solution filename is provided separately to loggers.
- MSB4046: Error reading project file "{0}": {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4046: "}
- MSB4125: The project file name "{0}" is invalid. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4125: "}UE: The solution filename is provided separately to loggers.
- MSB4051: Project {0} is referencing a project with GUID {1}, but a project with this GUID was not found in the .SLN file.
- {StrBegin="MSB4051: "}UE: The solution filename is provided separately to loggers.
- MSB4078: The project file "{0}" is not supported by MSBuild and cannot be built.
- {StrBegin="MSB4078: "}
- MSB4054: The solution file must be opened in the Visual Studio IDE and converted to the latest version before it can be built by MSBuild.
- {StrBegin="MSB4054: "}UE: The solution filename is provided separately to loggers.
- MSB4121: The project configuration for project "{0}" was not specified in the solution file for the solution configuration "{1}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4121: "}
- The project "{0}" is not selected for building in solution configuration "{1}".
- UE: This is not an error, so doesn't need an error code.
- MSB4122: Scanning project dependencies for project "{0}" failed. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4122: "}
- MSB4149: The tools version "{0}" of the solution does not support building projects with a different tools version.
- {StrBegin="MSB4149: "}
- Web projects do not support the "Clean" target. Continuing with remaining projects ...
- UE: This is not an error, so doesn't need an error code.
- LOCALIZATION: Do not localize "Clean".
- Web projects do not support the "Publish" target. Continuing with remaining projects ...
- UE: This is not an error, so doesn't need an error code.
- LOCALIZATION: Do not localize "Publish".
- Skipping because the "$(AspNetConfiguration)" configuration is not supported for this web project. You can use the AspNetConfiguration property to override the configuration used for building web projects, by adding /p:AspNetConfiguration=<value> to the command line. Currently web projects only support Debug and Release configurations.
- UE: This is not an error, so doesn't need an error code.
- LOCALIZATION: Do NOT localize "AspNetConfiguration", "Debug", "Release".
- Target "{0}" skipped. Previously built unsuccessfully.
- Target "{0}" skipped. Previously built successfully.
- MSB4116: The condition "{1}" on the "{0}" target has a reference to item metadata. References to item metadata are not allowed in target conditions unless they are part of an item transform.
- {StrBegin="MSB4116: "}
- MSB4057: The target "{0}" does not exist in the project.
- {StrBegin="MSB4057: "}
- The target "{0}" listed in a BeforeTargets attribute at "{1}" does not exist in the project, and will be ignored.
- The target "{0}" listed in an AfterTargets attribute at "{1}" does not exist in the project, and will be ignored.
- Done building target "{0}" in project "{1}" -- FAILED.
- Done building target "{0}" in project "{1}".
- {0}: (TargetId:{1})
- Target output items:
- {0}
- MSB4058: The "{0}" target is missing its output specification. If a target declares inputs, it must also declare outputs.
- {StrBegin="MSB4058: "}
- Target Performance Summary:
- Target "{0}" skipped, due to false condition; ({1}) was evaluated as ({2}).
- Target "{0}" skipped. The target does not exist in the project and SkipNonexistentTargets is set to true.
- LOCALIZATION: Do NOT localize "SkipNonexistentTargets" or "true".
- Target "{0}" in file "{1}" from project "{2}":
- Target "{0}" in file "{1}" from project "{2}" (entry point):
- Target "{0}" in file "{1}" from project "{2}" (target "{3}" depends on it):
- Target "{0}" in file "{1}" from project "{2}" (designated to run before target "{3}"):
- Target "{0}" in file "{1}" from project "{2}" (designated to run after target "{3}"):
- Target "{0}" in project "{1}":
- Target "{0}" in project "{1}" (entry point):
- Target "{0}" in project "{1}" (target "{2}" depends on it):
- Target "{0}" in project "{1}" (designated to run before target "{2}"):
- Target "{0}" in project "{1}" (designated to run after target "{2}"):
- Target {0}:
- Target "{0}" in file "{1}":
- Target {0} from project "{1}":
- Target "{0}" in file "{1}" from project "{2}":
- Added Item(s):
- Removed Item(s):
- Set Property: {0}={1}
- Output Item(s):
- Output Property: {0}={1}
- Build continuing because "{0}" on the task "{1}" is set to "{2}".
- MSB4060: The "{0}" task has been declared or used incorrectly, or failed during construction. Check the spelling of the task name and the assembly name.
- {StrBegin="MSB4060: "}
- MSB4214: The "{0}" task has been defined, but cannot be used due to the fact that the identity defined in the UsingTask declaration (Runtime="{1}", Architecture="{2}") does not match the identity specified by the task invocation (MSBuildRuntime="{3}", MSBuildArchitecture="{4}").
- {StrBegin="MSB4214: "}LOCALIZATION: Runtime, Architecture, MSBuildRuntime, and MSBuildArchitecture should not be localized.
- Done executing task "{0}" -- FAILED.
- Done executing task "{0}".
- {0} (TaskId:{1})
- Using "{0}" task from assembly "{1}".
- UE: This informational message helps users determine which assemblies their tasks were loaded from.
- Using "{0}" task from the task factory "{1}".
- UE: This informational message helps users determine which assemblies their tasks were loaded from.
- Task "{0}" will be run in a single-threaded apartment thread.
- UE: This informational message helps users determine if their tasks are run in the STA or MTA.
- MSB4061: The "{0}" task could not be instantiated from "{1}". {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4061: "}LOCALIZATION: "{2}" is a localized message from a CLR/FX exception.
- MSB4127: The "{0}" task could not be instantiated from the assembly "{1}". Please verify the task assembly has been built using the same version of the Microsoft.Build.Framework assembly as the one installed on your computer and that your host application is not missing a binding redirect for Microsoft.Build.Framework. {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4127: "}UE: This message is a specialized version of the TaskInstantiationFailureError message and can probably reuse some of its docs.
- LOCALIZATION: "{2}" is a localized message from a CLR/FX exception. Also, Microsoft.Build.Framework should not be localized
- MSB4180: The "{0}" logger could not be instantiated from the assembly "{1}". Please verify the logger assembly has been built using the same version of the Microsoft.Build.Framework assembly as the one installed on your computer and that your host application is not missing a binding redirect for Microsoft.Build.Framework. {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4180: "}
- LOCALIZATION: "{2}" is a localized message from a CLR/FX exception. Also, Microsoft.Build.Framework should not be localized
- MSB1021: Cannot create an instance of the logger. {0}
- {StrBegin="MSB1021: "}
- UE: This error is shown when a logger cannot be loaded and instantiated from its assembly.
- LOCALIZATION: The prefix "MSBxxxx: " should not be localized. {0} contains a message explaining why the
- logger could not be created -- this message comes from the CLR/FX and is localized.
- MSB1020: The logger was not found. Check the following: 1.) The logger name specified is the same as the name of the logger class. 2.) The logger class is "public" and implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger interface. 3.) The path to the logger assembly is correct, or the logger can be loaded using only the assembly name provided.
- {StrBegin="MSB1020: "}UE: This message does not need in-line parameters because the exception takes care of displaying the invalid arg.
- This error is shown when a user specifies an logger that does not exist e.g. "msbuild /logger:FooLoggerClass,FooAssembly". The
- logger class must exist in the given assembly.
- LOCALIZATION: The prefix "MSBxxxx: " should not be localized.
- MSB4179: The task factory instance for the "{0}" task could not be instantiated from the task factory "{1}". {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4179: "}
- LOCALIZATION: "{2}" is a localized message from a CLR/FX exception.
- MSB4176: The "{0}" task factory could not be instantiated from the assembly "{1}". Please verify the task assembly has been built using the same version of the Microsoft.Build.Framework assembly as the one installed on your computer and that your host application is not missing a binding redirect for Microsoft.Build.Framework. {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4176: "}UE: This message is a specialized version of the TaskFactoryInstantiationFailureError message and can probably reuse some of its docs.
- LOCALIZATION: "{2}" is a localized message from a CLR/FX exception. Also, Microsoft.Build.Framework should not be localized
- MSB4219: The TaskFactory "{0}" does not implement ITaskFactory2. The attributes "{1}" and/or "{2}" on the UsingTask declaration for task "{3}" will be be ignored.
- {StrBegin="MSB4219: "}
- LOCALIZATION: The prefix "MSBUILD : error MSBxxxx:" should not be localized.
- The task factory must return a value for the "TaskType" property.
- MSB4062: The "{0}" task could not be loaded from the assembly {1}. {2} Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, that the assembly and all its dependencies are available, and that the task contains a public class that implements Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask.
- {StrBegin="MSB4062: "}UE: This message is shown when a task cannot be loaded from its assembly for various reasons e.g. corrupt assembly,
- invalid task declaration, disk error, etc. "{2}" contains a message explaining what happened.
- LOCALIZATION: "{2}" is a message from the CLR loader and is already localized. Also, <UsingTask> should not be localized.
- MSB4215: The "{0}" task could not be loaded. "{1}" is an invalid value for the task host parameter "{2}". Valid values are: "{3}", "{4}", "{5}", and "{6}"; not specifying a value is also valid.
- {StrBegin="MSB4215: "}
- "{0}" is an invalid value for the task host parameter "{1}". Valid values are: "{2}", "{3}", "{4}", and "{5}"; not specifying a value is also valid.
- MSB4216: Could not run the "{0}" task because MSBuild could not create or connect to a task host with runtime "{1}" and architecture "{2}". Please ensure that (1) the requested runtime and/or architecture are available on the machine, and (2) that the required executable "{3}" exists and can be run.
- {StrBegin="MSB4216: "}
- MSB4221: Could not run the "{0}" task because MSBuild could not create or connect to a task host with runtime "{1}" and architecture "{2}". Please ensure that (1) the requested runtime and/or architecture are available on the machine, and (2) that the required executable "{3}" exists and can be run. Error {4} {5}.
- {StrBegin="MSB4221: "}
- A task requested launch of the .NET 3.5 version of the MSBuild task host, but .NET 3.5 is not installed on this machine so the task host could not be launched. To fix this error, please either install .NET 3.5 or retarget your project.
- MSB4217: Task host node exited prematurely. Diagnostic information may be found in files in the temporary files directory named MSBuild_*.failure.txt. {0}
- {StrBegin="MSB4217: "}
- MSB4063: The "{0}" task could not be initialized with its input parameters. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4063: "}
- Task Parameter:
- Task Performance Summary:
- Project Evaluation Performance Summary:
- Task "{0}" skipped, due to false condition; ({1}) was evaluated as ({2}).
- Task "{0}"
- Time Elapsed {0}
- Building with tools version "{0}".
- Project file contains ToolsVersion="{0}". This toolset may be unknown or missing, in which case you may be able to resolve this by installing the appropriate version of MSBuild, or the build may have been forced to a particular ToolsVersion for policy reasons. Treating the project as if it had ToolsVersion="{1}". For more information, please see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=293424.
- Deferred Messages
- MSB4090: Found an unexpected character '{2}' at position {1} in condition "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4090: "}
- MSB4091: Found a call to an undefined function "{1}" in condition "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4091: "}
- MSB4064: The "{0}" parameter is not supported by the "{1}" task loaded from assembly: {2} from the path: {3}. Verify that the parameter exists on the task, the <UsingTask> points to the correct assembly, and it is a settable public instance property.
- {StrBegin="MSB4064: "}
- MSB4131: The "{0}" parameter is not supported by the "{1}" task. Verify the parameter exists on the task, and it is a gettable public instance property.
- {StrBegin="MSB4131: "}
- MSB4092: An unexpected token "{1}" was found at character position {2} in condition "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4092: "}
- MSB4065: The "{0}" parameter is not marked for output by the "{1}" task.
- {StrBegin="MSB4065: "}
- MSB4066: The attribute "{0}" in element <{1}> is unrecognized.
- {StrBegin="MSB4066: "}
- MSB4067: The element <{0}> beneath element <{1}> is unrecognized.
- {StrBegin="MSB4067: "}
- MSB4173: The element <{0}> beneath element <{1}> is invalid because a child element with that name already exists
- {StrBegin="MSB4173: "}
- MSB4227: The attribute "{0}" on element <{1}> is invalid because an attribute with that name already exists
- {StrBegin="MSB4227: "}
- MSB4228: The name "{0}" is not valid for metadata expressed as an attribute (on element <{1}>)
- {StrBegin="MSB4228: "}
- MSB4229: The value "{0}" is not valid for an Sdk specification. The attribute should be a semicolon-delimited list of Sdk-name/minimum-version pairs, separated by a forward slash.
- {StrBegin="MSB4229: "}
- MSB4236: The SDK '{0}' specified could not be found.
- {StrBegin="MSB4236: "}
- MSB4237: The SDK resolver type "{0}" failed to load. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4237: "}
- MSB4238: The name "{0}" is not a valid SDK name.
- {StrBegin="MSB4238: "}
- MSB4189: <{1}> is not a valid child of the <{0}> element.
- {StrBegin="MSB4189: "}
- MSB4068: The element <{0}> is unrecognized, or not supported in this context.
- {StrBegin="MSB4068: "}
- MSB4235: The log file format version is {0}, whereas this version of MSBuild only supports versions up to {1}.
- {StrBegin="MSB4235: "}
- MSB4069: The "{0}" type of the "{1}" parameter of the "{2}" task is not supported by MSBuild.
- {StrBegin="MSB4069: "}LOCALIZATION: "MSBuild" should not be localized.
- MSB4072: A <{0}> element must contain either the "{1}" attribute or the "{2}" attribute (but not both).
- {StrBegin="MSB4072: "}
- {0} Warning(s)
- MSB4084: A <When> element may not follow an <Otherwise> element in a <Choose>.
- {StrBegin="MSB4084: "}
- MSB4150: Must initialize the console logger using the initialize method before using ApplyParameter
- {StrBegin="MSB4150: "}
- MSB4206: A non-null host object cannot be specified for a project which has an affinity set to out-of-process.
- {StrBegin="MSB4206: "}
- MSB4207: Only an in-process affinity may be specified for projects which have registered host objects.
- {StrBegin="MSB4207: "}
- MSB4209: The specified project instance conflicts with the affinity specified in the HostServices.
- {StrBegin="MSB4209: "}
- MSB4213: The specified request affinity {0} conflicts with a previous affinity {1} specified for this project.
- {StrBegin="MSB4213: "}
- MSB4223: A node of the required type {0} could not be created.
- {StrBegin="MSB4223: "}
- MSB4224: KeepMetadata and RemoveMetadata are mutually exclusive.
- {StrBegin="MSB4224: "}
- "{0}" ({1} target) ({2}) ->
- "{0}" (default target) ({1}) ->
- {0} {1,5}
- Project "{0}" on node {1} ({2} target(s)).
- Project "{0}" on node {1} (default targets).
- Project "{0}" ({1}) is building "{2}" ({3}) on node {4} ({5} target(s)).
- Project "{0}" ({1}) is building "{2}" ({3}) on node {4} (default targets).
- ({0} target) ->
- The property "{0}" with value "{1}" is being overridden by another batch. The property is now: "{2}"
- Writing build results caches to: {0}
- LOCALIZATION: {0} is a file path
- The log file path cannot be null or empty.
- [default]
- MSB4174: The task factory "{0}" could not be found in the assembly "{1}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4174: "}
- MSB4175: The task factory "{0}" could not be loaded from the assembly "{1}". {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4175: "}
- MSB4201: The cancel operation was unable to complete because the currently executing task is not responding.
- {StrBegin="MSB4201: "}
- MSB4220: Waiting for the currently executing task "{0}" to cancel.
- {StrBegin="MSB4220: "}
- MSB4202: The request to build submission {0} cannot proceed because submission {1} is already using the main thread.
- {StrBegin="MSB4202: "}
- The request to build this submission cannot proceed because a project with the same configuration is already building.
- Initializing task factory "{0}" from assembly "{1}".
- Initializing task host factory for task "{0}" from assembly "{1}"
- The build plan could not be written. Check that the build process has permissions to write to {0}.
- The MSBuild cache file "{0}" is inaccessible. Ensure you have access to the directory and that this file is not deleted during the build. {1}
- LOCALIZATION: "{1}" is a localized message from a CLR/FX exception.
- The build plan could not be read. Check that the build process has permissions to read {0}.
- The build plan at {0} appears to be corrupt and cannot be used.
-Detailed Build Summary
-============================== Build Hierarchy (IDs represent configurations) =====================================================
-Id : Exclusive Time Total Time Path (Targets)
- {0}{1,-3}{2}: {3:0.000}s {4:0.000}s {5} ({6})
- Fields 3 and 4 represent seconds, and the 's' following them should reflect the localized abbreviation for seconds.
-============================== Node Utilization (IDs represent configurations) ====================================================
-Timestamp: {0} Duration Cumulative
- Spacing is important. Preserve the number of characters between the start of each word.
- {0} {1:0.000}s {2:0.000}s {3}
- Fields 1 and 2 represents seconds, and the 's' following it should reflect the localized abbreviation for seconds.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Utilization: {0} Average Utilization: {1:###.0}
- Spacing is important. Preserve the number of characters between the start of each word.
- This collection cannot convert from the specified value to the backing value.
- The "{0}" property name is reserved.
- UE: This message is shown when the user tries to redefine one of the reserved MSBuild properties e.g. $(MSBuildProjectFile) through the object model
- The <{0}> element must have either the "{1}" attribute or the "{2}" attribute but not both.
- The <{0}> element must have either the "{1}" attribute, the "{2}" attribute, or the "{3}" attribute, but not more than one.
- The "Remove" attribute is not permitted on an item outside of a <Target>.
- The "KeepMetadata" attribute is not permitted on an item outside of a <Target>.
- The "RemoveMetadata" attribute is not permitted on an item outside of a <Target>.
- The "KeepDuplicates" attribute is not permitted on an item outside of a <Target>.
- Elements of this type do not have a condition.
- For example, it is not legal for a <ProjectExtensions> element to have a condition attribute.
- The node already has a parent. Remove it from its parent before moving it.
- The node is not parented by this object so it cannot be removed from it.
- The reference node is not a child of this node.
- Cannot make a node or an ancestor of that node a child of itself.
- Cannot create a relationship between nodes that were created from different projects.
- The parent node is not itself parented.
- This parent is not a valid parent for the item.
- An item not parented under a Target must have a value for Include or Update or Remove.
- LOCALIZATION: Please do not localize "Target", "Include", "Update", and "Remove".
- The name "{0}" contains an invalid character "{1}".
- An <Otherwise> element cannot be located before a <When> or <Otherwise> element.
- Project has not been given a path to save to.
- Project was not loaded with the ProjectLoadSettings.RecordDuplicateImports flag.
- Project or targets file "{0}" was loaded in read-only mode, and cannot be saved.
- The "{0}" object specified does not belong to the correct "{1}" object.
- The "{0}" name is reserved, and cannot be used.
- The "{0}" property is a global property, and cannot be modified.
- An equivalent project (a project with the same global properties and tools version) is already present in the project collection, with the path "{0}". To load an equivalent into this project collection, unload this project first.
- The project provided was not loaded in the collection.
- Cannot modify an evaluated object originating in an imported file "{0}".
- Cannot remove the metadata named "{0}" as it originates from an item definition, rather than being directly defined on this item.
- The requested operation needs to split the item element at location {0} into individual elements but item element splitting is disabled with {1}.
- The project cannot be used as it is no longer loaded into a project collection.
- The operation is not allowed because currently this object is not parented.
- The project XML file "{0}" cannot be unloaded because at least one project "{1}" is still loaded which references that project XML.
- Instance object was created as immutable.
- The specified API "{0}" is not available because ProjectLoadSettings.DoNotEvaluateElementsWithFalseCondition was set when loading this project.
- All build submissions in a build must use project instances originating from the same project collection.
- This occurs if a client tries to add two BuildSubmissions to a build, each involving a ProjectInstance originating in different ProjectCollection. This is not allowed.
- Build started.
- {0} ({1},{2})
- A file location to be embedded in a string.
- MSB3203: The output path "{0}" cannot be rebased. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB3203: "}UE: This message is shown when the user asks the "MSBuild" task to rebase the paths of its output items relative to the project from where the "MSBuild" task is called (as opposed to the project(s) on which the "MSBuild" task is called), and one of the output item paths is invalid. LOCALIZATION: "{1}" is a localized message from a CLR/FX exception explaining the problem.
- MSB3202: The project file "{0}" was not found.
- {StrBegin="MSB3202: "}UE: This message is shown when the user passes a non-existent project file to the MSBuild task, in the "Projects" parameter.
- and they have not specified the SkipNonexistentProjects parameter, or it is set to false.
- Skipping project "{0}" because it was not found.
- UE: This message is shown when the user passes a non-existent project file to the MSBuild task, in the "Projects" parameter, and they have specified the SkipNonexistentProjects parameter.
- MSB3204: The project file "{0}" is in the ".vcproj" file format, which MSBuild no longer supports. Please convert the project by opening it in the Visual Studio IDE or running the conversion tool, or use MSBuild 3.5 or earlier to build it.
- {StrBegin="MSB3204: "} LOC: ".vcproj" should not be localized
- MSB3205: SkipNonexistentProject can only accept values of "True", "False" and "Build".
- {StrBegin="MSB3205: "} LOC: "SkipNonexistentProject", "True", "False" and "Build" should not be localized
- The MSBuild task is skipping the remaining projects because the StopOnFirstFailure parameter was set to true.
- LOCALIZATION: Do not localize the words "MSBuild" or "StopOnFirstFailure".
- The MSBuild task is skipping the remaining targets because the StopOnFirstFailure parameter was set to true.
- LOCALIZATION: Do not localize the words "MSBuild" or "StopOnFirstFailure".
- Overriding the BuildingInParallel property by setting it to false. This is due to the system being run in single process mode with StopOnFirstFailure set to true.
- LOCALIZATION: Do not localize the words "MSBuild", "BuildingInParallel", or "StopOnFirstFailure".
- StopOnFirstFailure will have no effect when the following conditions are all present: 1) The system is running in multiple process mode 2) The BuildInParallel property is true. 3) The RunEachTargetSeparately property is false.
- LOCALIZATION: Do not localize the words "RunEachTargetSeparately", "BuildingInParallel", or "StopOnFirstFailure".
- MSB3100: Syntax for "{0}" parameter is not valid ({1}). Correct syntax is {0}="<name>=<value>".
- {StrBegin="MSB3100: "}This error is shown if the user does any of the following:
- Properties="foo" (missing property value)
- Properties="=4" (missing property name)
- The user must pass in an actual property name and value, as in Properties="Configuration=Debug".
- Global Properties:
- Removing Properties:
- Overriding Global Properties for project "{0}" with:
- Additional Properties for project "{0}":
- Removing Properties for project "{0}":
- MSB4802: The "{0}" task could not be instantiated from "{1}". This version of MSBuild does not support {2}.
- {StrBegin="MSB4802: "}
- The parameter '{0}' can only be a file name and cannot include a directory.
- MSB4229: File to reload from does not exist: {0}
- {StrBegin="MSB4229: "}
- MSB4230: Value not set: {0}
- {StrBegin="MSB4230: "}
- MSB4231: ProjectRootElement can't reload if it contains unsaved changes.
- {StrBegin="MSB4231: "}
- Project "{0}" was not imported by "{1}" at ({2},{3}), due to false condition; ({4}) was evaluated as ({5}).
- Project "{0}" was not imported by "{1}" at ({2},{3}), due to no matching files.
- Project "{0}" was not imported by "{1}" at ({2},{3}), due to the file being empty.
- Project "{0}" was not imported by "{1}" at ({2},{3}), due to the file being invalid.
- Project "{0}" was not imported by "{1}" at ({2},{3}), due to the file not existing.
- Importing project "{0}" into project "{1}" at ({2},{3}).
- MSBUILD : error MSB4239: Error writing profiling report. {0}
- Writing profiler report to '{0}'...
- Done writing report.
- MSB4242: The SDK resolver "{0}" failed to run. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4242: "}
- MSB4243: The NuGet-based SDK resolver failed to run because NuGet assemblies could not be located. Check your installation of MSBuild or set the environment variable "{0}" to the folder that contains the required NuGet assemblies. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4243: "}
- MSB4240: Multiple versions of the same SDK "{0}" cannot be specified. The previously resolved SDK version "{1}" from location "{2}" will be used and the version "{3}" will be ignored.
- {StrBegin="MSB4240: "}
- LOCALIZATION: Do not localize the word SDK.
- MSB4241: The SDK reference "{0}" version "{1}" was resolved to version "{2}" instead. You could be using a different version than expected if you do not update the referenced version to match.
- {StrBegin="MSB4241: "}
- LOCALIZATION: Do not localize the word SDK.
- Resolving SDK '{0}'...
- LOCALIZATION: Do not localize the word SDK.
- MSB4244: The SDK resolver assembly "{0}" could not be loaded. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4244: "}
- MSB4245: SDK Resolver manifest file is invalid. This may indicate a corrupt or invalid installation of MSBuild. Manifest file path '{0}'. Message: {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4245: "}
- MSB4246: SDK Resolver folder exists but without an SDK Resolver DLL or manifest file. This may indicate a corrupt or invalid installation of MSBuild. SDK resolver path: {0}
- {StrBegin="MSB4246: "}
- MSB4247: Could not load SDK Resolver. A manifest file exists, but the path to the SDK Resolver DLL file could not be found. Manifest file path '{0}'. SDK resolver path: {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4247: "}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Deprecated/Conversion/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf b/src/Deprecated/Conversion/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf
deleted file mode 100644
index 73f4ab526f7..00000000000
--- a/src/Deprecated/Conversion/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
- MSB2013: The project-to-project reference with GUID {0} could not be converted because a valid .SLN file containing all projects could not be found.
- {StrBegin="MSB2013: "}
- MSB2016: Found an empty .RESX file in the project ({0}). Removing it from the converted project.
- {StrBegin="MSB2016: "}
- MSB2015: Found an <Exclude> element in the original project file. This cannot be converted to Visual Studio .NET and is being ignored.
- {StrBegin="MSB2015: "}
- MSB2001: Element <{0}> does not contain the required attribute "{1}".
- {StrBegin="MSB2001: "}It appears we've been asked to convert a project that either wasn't created by Visual Studio, or that has been hand-modified or corrupted.
- MSB2002: The file name of the new project must be specified.
- {StrBegin="MSB2002: "}This error shouldn't be possible when converting through Visual Studio, but we have it just in case.
- MSB2003: The file name of the old project must be specified.
- {StrBegin="MSB2003: "}This error shouldn't be possible when converting through Visual Studio, but we have it just in case.
- MSB2004: Element <{0}> cannot contain more than one language node.
- {StrBegin="MSB2004: "}It appears we've been asked to convert a project that either wasn't created by Visual Studio, or that has been hand-modified or corrupted. The {0} in this case is going to be "VisualStudioProject".
- MSB2005: Element <{0}> cannot contain attributes.
- {StrBegin="MSB2005: "}It appears we've been asked to convert a project that either wasn't created by Visual Studio, or that has been hand-modified or corrupted.
- MSB2006: The project file does not contain the root element <{0}>.
- {StrBegin="MSB2006: "}It appears we've been asked to convert a project that either wasn't created by Visual Studio, or that has been hand-modified or corrupted.
- MSB2007: Visual Studio cannot find the project file "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB2007: "}This error shouldn't be possible when converting through Visual Studio, but we have it just in case.
- MSB2014: The project-to-project reference with GUID {0} cannot be converted because it is not listed in the file '{1}'.
- {StrBegin="MSB2014: "}
- MSB2008: This Visual Studio project system cannot convert "{0}" projects. It can only be used to convert C#, VB, and VJ# client projects.
- {StrBegin="MSB2008: "}It appears we've been asked to convert a project that either wasn't created by the Visual Studio managed client project system (C#, VB, J#), or that has been hand-modified or corrupted. You would get this error if this conversion utility was invoked on a VC++ project (.VCPROJ) for example. In this case, the {0} would be replaced with "Visual C++".
- MSB2009: Attribute "{0}" of element <{1}> is not valid.
- {StrBegin="MSB2009: "}It appears we've been asked to convert a project that either wasn't created by Visual Studio, or that has been hand-modified or corrupted.
- MSB2010: Child element <{0}> of element <{1}> is not valid.
- {StrBegin="MSB2010: "}It appears we've been asked to convert a project that either wasn't created by Visual Studio, or that has been hand-modified or corrupted.
- MSB2011: Element <{0}> is not valid.
- {StrBegin="MSB2011: "}It appears we've been asked to convert a project that either wasn't created by Visual Studio, or that has been hand-modified or corrupted.
- MSB2012: Project-to-project references to web projects are no longer supported and therefore cannot be converted. Please remove the reference to project {0} and add it again.
- {StrBegin="MSB2012: "}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Deprecated/Engine/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf b/src/Deprecated/Engine/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fdd9a1a8ef..00000000000
--- a/src/Deprecated/Engine/Resources/xlf/Strings.en.xlf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1516 +0,0 @@
- MSB4001: The "{0}" task has more than one parameter called "{1}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4001: "}UE: This message is shown when a task has more than one .NET property with the same name -- it's unclear which of
- those properties the task wants to use as a parameter in project files.
- MSB4081: The value "{0}" of the "ItemName" attribute in element <Output> contains an "@" character. If you intended to use an item name then remove the @( ) around the item name.
- {StrBegin="MSB4081: "}UE: This message is shown when an output tag has an itemname that contains an @. They probably typed @(foo) instead of foo in the ItemName.LOCALIZATION: Output and ItemName should not be localized.
- MSB4002: There was a failure retrieving the attributes for parameters in the "{0}" task. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4002: "}UE: This message is shown when the .NET attributes that a task's .NET properties are decorated with, cannot be
- retrieved -- this is typically because the .NET classes that define the .NET attributes cannot be loaded because the assembly
- they are defined in cannot be found, or the classes themselves cannot be found.
- MSB4003: "{0}" is a reserved attribute of the <{1}> element, and must be spelled with the correct casing. This attribute cannot be used as a parameter to the "{2}" task.
- {StrBegin="MSB4003: "}UE: Tasks are not allowed to use incorrect case for reserved attributes on the task nodes e.g. "continueonerror"
- instead of the "ContinueOnError".
- The "REQUESTBATCHSIZE" must be a number greater than 1. "{0}" is an invalid value. The value 10 will be used instead.
- The name "REQUESTBATCHSIZE" is an environment variable
- Build completed in {0}.
- Build FAILED.
- Build succeeded.
- Build started.
- Build started {0}.
- Building target "{0}" completely.
- {0} is the name of the target.
- No input files were specified.
- Input file "{0}" is newer than output file "{1}".
- {0} and {1} are filenames on disk.
- Output file "{0}" does not exist.
- {0} is a filename on disk.
- Input file "{0}" does not exist.
- {0} is a filename on disk.
- Building target "{0}" partially, because some output files are out of date with respect to their input files.
- {0} is the name of the target.
- [{0}: Input={1}, Output={2}] Input file is newer than output file.
- {0} is the name of an MSBuild item. {1} and {2} are filenames on disk.
- [{0}: Input={1}, Output={2}] Output file does not exist.
- {0} is the name of an MSBuild item. {1} and {2} are filenames on disk.
- [{0}: Input={1}, Output={2}] Input file does not exist.
- {0} is the name of an MSBuild item. {1} and {2} are filenames on disk.
- The attribute "{0}" is a known MSBuild attribute, and cannot be accessed using this method.
- Properties in persisted property groups cannot be accessed by name.
- MSB4023: Cannot evaluate the item metadata "%({0})". {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4023: "}UE: This message is shown when the value of an item metadata cannot be computed for some reason e.g. trying to apply
- %(RootDir) to an item-spec that's not a valid path, would result in this error.
- LOCALIZATION: "{1}" is a localized message explaining the problem.
- Cannot execute a task not associated with a project object.
- The cache entry has already been set to a different value and cannot be modified.
- The "{0}" property comes from an environment variable, and cannot be modified.
- The "{0}" property is a global property, and cannot be modified through an evaluated property group. Use "{1}" instead.
- Modifying the XML of an imported project file is not allowed. Open that project file directly.
- MSB4117: The "{0}" item name is reserved, and cannot be used.
- {StrBegin="MSB4117: "}UE: This message is shown when the user tries to redefine one of the reserved MSBuild items e.g. @(Choose)
- MSB4118: The "{0}" item metadata name is reserved, and cannot be used.
- {StrBegin="MSB4118: "}UE: This message is shown when the user tries to redefine one of the reserved MSBuild items e.g. @(Choose)
- MSB4004: The "{0}" property is reserved, and cannot be modified.
- {StrBegin="MSB4004: "}UE: This message is shown when the user tries to redefine one of the reserved MSBuild properties e.g. $(MSBuildProjectFile)
- MSB4094: "{0}" is an invalid value for the "{1}" parameter of the "{3}" task. Multiple items cannot be passed into a parameter of type "{2}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4094: "}
- UE: This error is shown when a project tries to pass multiple items into a task parameter of type ITaskItem (singular).
- MSB4115: The "{0}" function only accepts a scalar value, but its argument "{1}" evaluates to "{2}" which is not a scalar value.
- {StrBegin="MSB4115: "}
- UE: This error is shown when a project tries to pass multiple items into a function in a conditional expression, that can only accept a scalar value (such as the "exists()" function).
- The task is currently associated with a project object, and should not be added to a different one.
- MSB4095: The item metadata %({0}) is being referenced without an item name. Specify the item name by using %(itemname.{0}).
- {StrBegin="MSB4095: "}
- The task is not associated with the specified target element collection, and should not be removed from it.
- MSB4005: The current working directory could not be restored to {0}. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4005: "}UE: This message is shown when the current working directory cannot be reset after a build. "{1}" contains a message explaining why.
- LOCALIZATION: "{1}" is a message from an CLR/FX exception and is already localized.
- Cannot set a condition on an object not represented by an XML element in the project file.
- Cannot set ContinueOnError on an object not represented by an XML element in the project file.
- MSB4134: DefaultToolsVersion cannot be set after a project has been loaded into the Engine.
- {StrBegin="MSB4134: "}
- Assigning the "{0}" attribute on an item that has been evaluated is not allowed. This operation is only allowed on the original persisted item that came directly from the project file.
- Assigning the "{0}" attribute of a virtual item is not allowed.
- A property cannot be set while building.
- A property cannot be set to null.
- Cannot get or set parameters on a task not associated with a project object.
- MSB4162: <{0}> is not valid. Child elements are not allowed below a item remove element.
- {StrBegin="MSB4162: "}
- MSB4166: Child node "{0}" exited prematurely. Shutting down.
- {StrBegin="MSB4166: "}
- MSB4085: A <Choose> must contain at least one <When>.
- {StrBegin="MSB4085: "}
- MSB4114: <Choose> elements cannot be nested more than {0} levels deep.
- {StrBegin="MSB4114: "}UE: This message appears if the project file contains unreasonably nested Choose elements.
- LOCALIZATION: Do not localize "Choose" as it is an XML element name.
- MSB4006: There is a circular dependency in the target dependency graph involving target "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4006: "}UE: This message is shown when the build engine detects a target referenced in a circular manner -- a project cannot
- request a target to build itself (perhaps via a chain of other targets).
- MSB4086: A numeric comparison was attempted on "{1}" that evaluates to "{2}" instead of a number, in condition "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4086: "}
- MSB4007: The clause "{0}", specified in the "{1}" attribute is invalid.
- {StrBegin="MSB4007: "}UE: This message is shown when the Condition on an element is invalid in some way -- e.g. syntax error, unrecognized operator.
- MSB4130: The condition "{0}" may have been evaluated incorrectly in an earlier version of MSBuild. Please verify that the order of the AND and OR clauses is written as intended. To avoid this warning, add parentheses to make the evaluation order explicit.
- {StrBegin="MSB4130: "}
- MSB4087: Specified condition "{0}" does not evaluate to a boolean.
- {StrBegin="MSB4087: "}
- MSB4113: Specified condition "{0}" evaluates to "{1}" instead of a boolean.
- {StrBegin="MSB4113: "}
- {0}, line {1}
- MSB4136: Error reading the toolset information from the configuration file "{0}". {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4136: "}
- MSB4008: A conflicting assembly for the task assembly "{0}" has been found at "{1}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4008: "}UE: This message is shown when the type/class of a task cannot be resolved uniquely from a single assembly.
- MSB4142: MSBuildToolsPath is not the same as MSBuildBinPath for the ToolsVersion "{0}" defined at "{1}". If both are present they must have the same value.
- {StrBegin="MSB4142: "}
- MSB4097: The element <{0}> beneath element <{1}> may not have a custom XML namespace.
- {StrBegin="MSB4097: "}
- MSB4009: The default tasks file could not be successfully loaded. {0}
- {StrBegin="MSB4009: "}UE: This message is shown when one of the default tasks file (*.tasks) located alongside the MSBuild binaries cannot
- be opened/parsed. "{0}" contains a message explaining why. The filename itself is not part of the message but is provided
- separately to loggers.
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is a message from some FX method and is already localized.
- MSB4010: The "{0}" files could not be successfully loaded from their expected location "{1}". Default tasks will not be available. {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4010: "}UE: This message is shown when the default tasks files that are located alongside the MSBuild binaries cannot be
- found, either because they don't exist, or because of lack of permissions. "{2}" contains a message explaining why.
- LOCALIZATION: "{2}" is a message from some FX method and is already localized.
- MSB4140: Default tools version is specified in neither the registry nor the configuration file.
- {StrBegin="MSB4140: "}
- MSB4133: A default tools version "{0}" was specified, but its definition could not be found.
- {StrBegin="MSB4133: "}
- MSB4080: The value "{0}" of the "PropertyName" attribute in element <Output> contains a "$" character. If you intended to use a property name then remove the $( ) around the property name.
- {StrBegin="MSB4080: "}UE: This message is shown when an output tag has an property name that contains an $. They probably typed $(foo) instead of foo in the PropertyName. LOCALIZATION: Output and PropertyName should not be localized.
- MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "{0}". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
- {StrBegin="MSB4011: "}
- MSB4079: The <ProjectExtensions> element occurs more than once.
- {StrBegin="MSB4079: "}
- MSB4012: The expression "{0}" cannot be used in this context. Item lists cannot be concatenated with other strings where an item list is expected. Use a semicolon to separate multiple item lists.
- {StrBegin="MSB4012: "}UE: This message is shown when the user does not properly specify an item list when an item list is expected
- e.g. "badprefix@(foo)badsuffix" instead of "prefix; @(foo); suffix"
- Need to specify the project file name.
- UE: This message is shown when the user calls into the engine to build a project without specifying a filename.
- end of input
- This is the name of the "EndOfInput" token. It is displayed in quotes as the
- unexpected char or token when the end of a conditional was unexpectedly reached.
- The previous error was converted to a warning because the task was called with ContinueOnError=true.
- {0} Error(s)
- MSB4159: Error creating the toolset "{0}". {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4159: "}
- MSB4146: Cannot evaluate the property expression "{0}" found at "{1}". {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4146: "}
- The <{0}> tag is no longer supported as a child of the <Project> element. Place this tag within a target, and add the name of the target to the "InitialTargets" attribute of the <Project> element.
- MSB4100: Expected "{0}" to evaluate to a boolean instead of "{1}", in condition "{2}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4100: "}
- MSB4028: The "{0}" task's outputs could not be retrieved from the "{1}" parameter. {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4028: "}
- MSB4014: The build was aborted because of an internal failure.
- {StrBegin="MSB4014: "}UE: This message is shown when an unhandled exception terminates the build. The cause is most likely a programming
- error in the build engine.
- MSB4015: The build was aborted because the "{0}" logger failed unexpectedly during shutdown.
- {StrBegin="MSB4015: "}UE: This message is used for a special exception that is thrown when a logger fails while shutting down (most likely
- because of a programming error in the logger). When a logger dies, we cannot proceed with the build, and we throw a special
- exception to abort the build.
- MSB4016: The build was aborted because the "{0}" logger failed unexpectedly during initialization.
- {StrBegin="MSB4016: "}UE: This message is used for a special exception that is thrown when a logger fails while initializing itself (most
- likely because of a programming error in the logger). When a logger dies, we cannot proceed with the build, and we throw a
- special exception to abort the build.
- MSB4017: The build was aborted because of an unexpected logger failure.
- {StrBegin="MSB4017: "}UE: This message is used for a special exception that is thrown when a logger fails while logging an event (most
- likely because of a programming error in the logger). When a logger dies, we cannot proceed with the build, and we throw a
- special exception to abort the build.
- MSB4018: The "{0}" task failed unexpectedly.
- {StrBegin="MSB4018: "}UE: This message is shown when a task terminates because of an unhandled exception. The cause is most likely a
- programming error in the task; however, it is also possible that the unhandled exception originated in the engine, and was
- surfaced through the task when the task called into the engine.
- MSB4165: Failed to receive a response from the child node "{0}" in the timeout period "{1}" ms. Shutting down.
- {StrBegin="MSB4165: "}
- MSB4088: Condition "{0}" is improperly constructed.
- {StrBegin="MSB4088: "}
- MSB4105: Found an unexpected character '{2}' at position {1} in condition "{0}". Did you intend to use "=="?
- {StrBegin="MSB4105: "}
- MSB4106: Expected an item list at position {1} in condition "{0}". Did you forget the closing parenthesis?
- {StrBegin="MSB4106: "}
- MSB4107: Expected an item list at position {1} in condition "{0}". Did you forget the opening parenthesis after the '@'? To use a literal '@', use '%40' instead.
- {StrBegin="MSB4107: "}
- MSB4108: Expected an item list at position {1} in condition "{0}". Did you forget to close a quote inside the item list expression?
- {StrBegin="MSB4108: "}
- MSB4109: Expected a property at position {1} in condition "{0}". Did you forget the closing parenthesis?
- {StrBegin="MSB4109: "}
- MSB4110: Expected a property at position {1} in condition "{0}". Did you forget the opening parenthesis after the '$'? To use a literal '$', use '%24' instead.
- {StrBegin="MSB4110: "}
- MSB4101: Expected a closing quote after position {1} in condition "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4101: "}
- MSB4019: The imported project "{0}" was not found. Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
- {StrBegin="MSB4019: "}LOCALIZATION: <Import> should not be localized.
- MSB4089: Incorrect number of arguments to function in condition "{0}". Found {1} argument(s) when expecting {2}.
- {StrBegin="MSB4089: "}
- The "{0}" object specified does not belong to the correct "{1}" object.
- MSB4020: The value "{0}" of the "{1}" attribute in element <{2}> is invalid.
- {StrBegin="MSB4020: "}UE: This is a generic message that is displayed when we find a project element with an incorrect value for one of its
- attributes e.g. <Import Project=""> -- the value of Project should not be an empty string.
- MSB4102: The value "{0}" of the "{1}" attribute in element <{2}> is invalid. {3}
- {StrBegin="MSB4102: "}UE: This is a generic message that is displayed when we find a project element with an incorrect value for one of its
- attributes. At the end of the message we show the exception text we got trying to use the value.
- MSB4021: The "ContinueOnError" attribute of the "{0}" task is not valid. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4021: "}LOCALIZATION: "ContinueOnError" should not be localized. "{1}" is a message from another exception explaining the problem.
- MSB4139: Invalid value for default ToolsVersion is specified in registry key "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4139: "}
- MSB4022: The result "{0}" of evaluating the value "{1}" of the "{2}" attribute in element <{3}> is not valid.
- {StrBegin="MSB4022: "}UE: This message is shown when the engine is checking the correctness of the value (after evaluating embedded
- properties/items) assigned to an XML attribute of an XML element in the project file.
- "{0}" is not a valid event category. To raise a custom event, use the "{1}" category.
- "{0}" is not a valid importance level for events.
- MSB4104: Failed to write to log file "{0}". {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4104: "}UE: This is shown when the File Logger can't create or write to the file it was instructed to log to.
- MSB4024: The imported project file could not be loaded. {0}
- {StrBegin="MSB4024: "}UE: This message is shown when an imported project file cannot be loaded because of incorrect XML. The project
- filename is not part of the message because it is provided separately to loggers.
- LOCALIZATION: {0} is a localized message from the CLR/FX explaining why the project is invalid.
- Operation invalid for a persisted item group.
- Operation invalid for a virtual item group.
- MSB4071: The value Importance="{0}" in the <Message> element is invalid. Valid values are: High, Normal and Low.
- {StrBegin="MSB4071: "}UE: This message is shown when a user specifies a value for the importance attribute of Message which is not valid.
- The importance enumeration is: High, Normal and Low. Specifying any other importance will result in this message being shown
- LOCALIZATION: "Importance" should not be localized.
- "Message" should not be localized.
- High should not be localized.
- Normal should not be localized.
- Low should not be localized.
- MSB4025: The project file could not be loaded. {0}
- {StrBegin="MSB4025: "}UE: This message is shown when the project file given to the engine cannot be loaded because the filename/path is
- invalid, or due to lack of permissions, or incorrect XML. The project filename is not part of the message because it is
- provided separately to loggers.
- LOCALIZATION: {0} is a localized message from the CLR/FX explaining why the project is invalid.
- MSB4147: The property "{0}" at "{1}" is invalid. {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4147: "}
- "{0}" is an invalid "ProjectFileEncoding" value.
- LOCALIZATION: "ProjectFileEncoding" should not be localized.
- MSB4143: The expression "{0}" cannot be evaluated. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4143: "}
- UE: This message is shown when the user attempts to provide an expression like "$(Registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Vendor\Tools@TaskLocation)"
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is the expression that was bad. "{1}" is a message from an FX exception that describes why the expression is bad.
- MSB4184: The expression "{0}" cannot be evaluated. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4184: "}
- Single quotes as the expression will typically have double quotes in it.
- UE: This message is shown when the user attempts to provide an expression like "$(SomeProperty.ToLower())"
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is the expression that was bad. "{1}" is a message from an FX exception that describes why the expression is bad.
- MSB4185: The function "{0}" on type "{1}" has not been enabled for execution.
- {StrBegin="MSB4185: "}
- UE: This message is shown when the user attempts to provide an expression like "$([System.DateTime]::Now)", but the expression has not been enabled
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is the static function name, "{1}" is the .NET Framework type name
- MSB4186: Invalid static method invocation syntax: "{0}". Static method invocation should be of the form: $([FullTypeName]::Method()), e.g. $([System.IO.Path]::Combine(`a`, `b`))
- {StrBegin="MSB4186: "}
- UE: This message is shown when the user attempts to call a static method on a type, but has used the incorrect syntax
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is the function expression which is in error
- MSB4070: The schema "{0}" is not valid. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4070: "}UE: This message is shown when the schema file provided for the validation of a project is itself not valid.
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is the schema file path. "{1}" is a message from an FX exception that describes why the schema file is bad.
- MSB4026: The "{0}={1}" parameter for the "{2}" task is invalid.
- {StrBegin="MSB4026: "}UE: This message is displayed when a task has an invalid parameter that cannot be initialized.
- MSB4027: The "{0}" task generated invalid items from the "{1}" output parameter. {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4027: "}
- MSB4029: The "{0}" task has an invalid output specification. The "TaskParameter" attribute is required, and either the "ItemName" or "PropertyName" attribute must be specified (but not both).
- {StrBegin="MSB4029: "}LOCALIZATION: "TaskParameter", "ItemName" and "PropertyName" should not be localized.
- MSB4030: "{0}" is an invalid value for the "{1}" parameter of the "{3}" task. The "{1}" parameter is of type "{2}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4030: "}UE: This error is shown when a type mis-match occurs between the value assigned to task parameter in the project file
- and the type of the .NET property that corresponds to the task parameter. For example, if an int task parameter called "Count"
- is assigned the value "x", this error would be displayed: <MyTask Count="x" />
- MSB4137: Invalid value specified in the configuration file at "{0}". Property name or tools version name is an empty string.
- {StrBegin="MSB4137: "}
- MSB4103: "{0}" is not a valid logger verbosity level.
- {StrBegin="MSB4103: "}
- MSB4163: <ItemDefinitionGroup> is not allowed inside a target.
- {StrBegin="MSB4163: "}
- The specified item does not belong to the current item group.
- MSB4096: The item "{0}" in item list "{1}" does not define a value for metadata "{2}". In order to use this metadata, either qualify it by specifying %({1}.{2}), or ensure that all items in this list define a value for this metadata.
- {StrBegin="MSB4096: "}
- MSB4099: A reference to an item list at position {1} is not allowed in this condition "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4099: "}
- MSB4033: "{0}" is a reserved item metadata, and cannot be redefined as a custom metadata on the item.
- {StrBegin="MSB4033: "}
- An InternalLoggerException can only be thrown by the MSBuild engine. The public constructors of this class cannot be used to create an instance of the exception.
- UE: This message is shown when a user tries to instantiate a special exception called InternalLoggerException through the OM --
- only the engine is allowed to create and throw this exception.
- LOCALIZATION: "InternalLoggerException" and "MSBuild" should not be localized.
- Initial Items:
- MSB4083: Expected a Condition attribute on element "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4083: "}
- MSB4164: The value "{0}" of metadata "{1}" contains an item list expression. Item list expressions are not allowed on default metadata values.
- {StrBegin="MSB4164: "}
- MSBuild is expecting a valid "{0}" object.
- MSB4035: The required attribute "{0}" is missing from element <{1}>.
- {StrBegin="MSB4035: "}UE: This message is shown when a user leaves off a required attribute from a project element
- e.g. <UsingTask AssemblyName="foo"> -- this is missing the "TaskName" attribute.
- MSB4036: The "{0}" task was not found. Check the following: 1.) The name of the task in the project file is the same as the name of the task class. 2.) The task class is "public" and implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask interface. 3.) The task is correctly declared with <UsingTask> in the project file, or in the *.tasks files located in the "{1}" directory.
- {StrBegin="MSB4036: "}LOCALIZATION: <UsingTask> and "*.tasks" should not be localized.
- MSB4141: MSBuildToolsPath is not specified for the ToolsVersion "{0}" defined at "{1}", or the value specified evaluates to the empty string.
- {StrBegin="MSB4141: "}
- MSB4031: The "MSBuildVersion" attribute is deprecated. If the project is authored in the MSBuild 2003 format, please remove the attribute from the <Project> tag. If the project has been authored in the old 1.0 or 1.2 format, please convert it to MSBuild 2003 format.
- {StrBegin="MSB4031: "}UE: This message is shown for projects that still contain the "MSBuildVersion" attribute in their <Project>
- tag. We no longer need this attribute because the project's XML namespace (i.e. the "xmlns" attribute) gives us all the
- version information we need.
- LOCALIZATION: "MSBuild", "MSBuildVersion" and <Project> should not be localized.
- MSB4144: Multiple definitions were found for the toolset "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4144: "}
- MSB4145: Multiple definitions were found for the property "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4145: "}
- MSB4082: Choose has more than one <Otherwise> element.
- {StrBegin="MSB4082: "}
- This method is only valid for persisted <{0}> elements.
- This method is only valid for virtual property groups, not <{0}> elements.
- MSB4038: The element <{0}> must be last under element <{1}>. Found element <{2}> instead.
- {StrBegin="MSB4038: "}
- MSB4138: Non-string data was specified at the registry location "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4138: "}
- MSB4039: No "{0}" element was found in the project file.
- {StrBegin="MSB4039: "}
- MSB4040: There is no target in the project.
- {StrBegin="MSB4040: "}
- Removing the "{0}" attribute of an item is not allowed.
- The object passed in is not part of the project.
- Overriding target "{0}" in project "{1}" with target "{2}" from project "{3}".
- MSB4167: The parent process unexpectedly exited. Shutting down child node "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4167: "}
- {0} ms {1} {2} calls
- (* = timing was not recorded because of reentrancy)
- This project object has been unloaded from the MSBuild engine and is no longer valid.
- The project file "{0}" was not found.
- UE: This message is shown when the user calls into the OM to build a project that doesn't exist on disk.
- Done building project "{0}" -- FAILED.
- Done building project "{0}".
- MSB4041: The default XML namespace of the project must be the MSBuild XML namespace. If the project is authored in the MSBuild 2003 format, please add xmlns="{0}" to the <Project> element. If the project has been authored in the old 1.0 or 1.2 format, please convert it to MSBuild 2003 format.
- {StrBegin="MSB4041: "}UE: This is a Beta 1 message only.
- LOCALIZATION: <Project>, "MSBuild" and "xmlns" should not be localized.
- Project Performance Summary:
- MSB4042: Stopping because of syntax errors in project file.
- {StrBegin="MSB4042: "}
- Project "{0}" is building "{1}" ({2} target(s)):
- Project "{0}" is building "{1}" (default targets):
- Project "{0}" ({1} target(s)):
- Project "{0}" (default targets):
- Done Building Project "{0}" ({1} target(s)).
- Done Building Project "{0}" (default targets).
- Done Building Project "{0}" ({1} target(s)) -- FAILED.
- Done Building Project "{0}" (default targets) -- FAILED.
- MSB4075: The project file must be opened in the Visual Studio IDE and converted to the latest version before it can be built by MSBuild.
- {StrBegin="MSB4075: "}
- MSB4192: The project file "{0}" is in the ".vcproj" file format, which MSBuild no longer supports. Please convert the project by opening it in the Visual Studio IDE or running the conversion tool, or use MSBuild 3.5 or earlier to build it.
- {StrBegin="MSB4192: "} LOC: ".vcproj" should not be localized
- The specified property does not belong to the current property group.
- Initial Properties:
- MSB4148: The name of a property stored under the registry key "{0}" has zero length.
- {StrBegin="MSB4148: "}
- The property names in the indexer and the "{0}" object do not match.
- MSB4043: The item metadata reference "{0}" is invalid because it is qualified with an item name. Item metadata referenced in transforms do not need to be qualified, because the item name is automatically deduced from the items being transformed. Change "{0}" to "%({1})".
- {StrBegin="MSB4043: "}UE: This message is shown when the user does something like this: @(foo->'%(foo.metadata)'). There is no need to specify
- "foo.metadata", because "foo" is automatically deduced. In corollary, "bar.metadata" is not allowed either, where "bar" is a different
- item list type.
- MSB4135: Error reading the toolset information from the registry location "{0}". {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4135: "}
- MSB4044: The "{0}" task was not given a value for the required parameter "{1}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4044: "}UE: This message is shown when a task parameter designated as "required" is not set in the project file.
- Validating project using schema file "{0}".
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is the location of the schema file.
- MSB4045: Project is not valid. {0}
- {StrBegin="MSB4045: "}UE: This error is shown when the user asks his project to be validated against a schema (/val switch for
- MSBuild.exe), and the project has errors. "{0}" contains a message explaining the problem.
- LOCALIZATION: "{0}" is a message from the System.XML schema validator and is already localized.
- MSB4112: The targets in this project have been disabled by the host and therefore cannot be built at this time. This may have been done for security reasons. To enable the targets, the host must set Project.BuildEnabled to "true".
- {StrBegin="MSB4112: "}
- MSB4093: The "{0}" parameter of the "{1}" task cannot be written to because it does not have a "set" accessor.
- {StrBegin="MSB4093: "}UE: This error is shown when a project tries to assign a value to a task parameter that does not have a "set"
- accessor on the corresponding .NET property on the task class.
- A shallow clone of this object cannot be created.
- Skipping target "{0}" because it has no inputs.
- Though the target has declared its inputs, the input specification only references empty properties and/or empty item lists.
- Skipping target "{0}" because it has no outputs.
- Though the target has declared its outputs, the output specification only references empty properties and/or empty item lists.
- Skipping target "{0}" because all output files are up-to-date with respect to the input files.
- Input files: {0}
- {0} is a semicolon-separated list of filenames.
- Output files: {0}
- {0} is a semicolon-separated list of filenames.
- Building solution configuration "{0}".
- UE: This is not an error, so doesn't need an error code.
- Using solution cache file "{0}" for configuration "{1}" and tools version "{2}".
- UE: This is not an error, so doesn't need an error code.
- Failed to read solution cache file "{0}". {1} Using solution file directly.
- UE: This is not a true error, so doesn't need an error code.
- Failed to write solution cache file "{0}". {1}
- UE: This is not a true error, so doesn't need an error code.
- Solution cache file was created for a "{0}" value of "{1}" but the current value is "{2}". Refreshing cache file.
- UE: This is not an error, so doesn't need an error code.
- Solution cache file has an internal version number "{0}" but the current value is "{1}". Refreshing cache file.
- UE: This is not an error, so doesn't need an error code.
- Solution cache file is out of date. Refreshing cache file. {0}
- UE: This is not an error, so doesn't need an error code.
- MSB4160: A circular dependency involving project "{0}" has been detected.
- {StrBegin="MSB4160: "}
- MSB4126: The specified solution configuration "{0}" is invalid. Please specify a valid solution configuration using the Configuration and Platform properties (e.g. MSBuild.exe Solution.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform="Any CPU") or leave those properties blank to use the default solution configuration.
- {StrBegin="MSB4126: "}UE: The solution filename is provided separately to loggers.
- MSB4046: Error reading project file "{0}": {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4046: "}
- MSB4125: The project file name "{0}" is invalid. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4125: "}UE: The solution filename is provided separately to loggers.
- MSB4051: Project {0} is referencing a project with GUID {1}, but a project with this GUID was not found in the .SLN file.
- {StrBegin="MSB4051: "}UE: The solution filename is provided separately to loggers.
- MSB4078: The project file "{0}" is not supported by MSBuild and cannot be built.
- {StrBegin="MSB4078: "}
- MSB4054: The solution file must be opened in the Visual Studio IDE and converted to the latest version before it can be built by MSBuild.
- {StrBegin="MSB4054: "}UE: The solution filename is provided separately to loggers.
- MSB4121: The project configuration for project "{0}" was not specified in the solution file for the solution configuration "{1}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4121: "}
- The project "{0}" is not selected for building in solution configuration "{1}".
- UE: This is not an error, so doesn't need an error code.
- MSB4122: Scanning project dependencies for project "{0}" failed. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4122: "}
- MSB4149: The tools version "{0}" of the solution does not support building projects with a different tools version.
- {StrBegin="MSB4149: "}
- Web projects do not support the "Clean" target. Continuing with remaining projects ...
- UE: This is not an error, so doesn't need an error code.
- LOCALIZATION: Do not localize "Clean".
- Web projects do not support the "Publish" target. Continuing with remaining projects ...
- UE: This is not an error, so doesn't need an error code.
- LOCALIZATION: Do not localize "Publish".
- Skipping because the "$(AspNetConfiguration)" configuration is not supported for this web project. You can use the AspNetConfiguration property to override the configuration used for building web projects, by adding /p:AspNetConfiguration=<value> to the command line. Currently web projects only support Debug and Release configurations.
- UE: This is not an error, so doesn't need an error code.
- LOCALIZATION: Do NOT localize "AspNetConfiguration", "Debug", "Release".
- MSB4076: VC projects do not support the "Publish" target.
- {StrBegin="MSB4076: "}LOCALIZATION: Do not localize "Publish".
- MSB4098: MSBuild is invoking VCBuild to build this project. Project-to-project references between VC++ projects (.VCPROJ) and C#/VB/VJ# projects (.CSPROJ, .VBPROJ, .VJSPROJ) are not supported by the command-line build systems when building stand-alone VC++ projects. Projects that contain such project-to-project references will fail to build. Please build the solution file containing this project instead.
- {StrBegin="MSB4098: "}
- MSB4056: The MSBuild engine must be called on a single-threaded-apartment. Current threading model is "{0}". Proceeding, but some tasks may not function correctly.
- {StrBegin="MSB4056: "}
- Schema validation
- UE: this fragment is used to describe errors that are caused by schema validation. For example, if a normal error is
- displayed like this: "MSBUILD : error MSB0000: This is an error.", then an error from schema validation would look like this:
- "MSBUILD : Schema validation error MSB0000: This is an error."
- LOCALIZATION: This fragment needs to be localized.
- Target "{0}" skipped. Previously built unsuccessfully.
- Target "{0}" skipped. Previously built successfully.
- MSB4116: The condition "{1}" on the "{0}" target has a reference to item metadata. References to item metadata are not allowed in target conditions unless they are part of an item transform.
- {StrBegin="MSB4116: "}
- MSB4057: The target "{0}" does not exist in the project.
- {StrBegin="MSB4057: "}
- Done building target "{0}" in project "{1}" -- FAILED.
- Done building target "{0}" in project "{1}".
- {0}: (TargetId:{1})
- MSB4058: The "{0}" target is missing its output specification. If a target declares inputs, it must also declare outputs.
- {StrBegin="MSB4058: "}
- MSB4168: The item "{0}" of type "{1}" does not define a value for the metadata in the expression "{2}". This expression is used in the target output for target "{3}". If a target declares outputs that are transforms, all items in the transform must have a value for the metadata in the transform.
- {StrBegin="MSB4168: "}
- Target Performance Summary:
- Target "{0}" skipped, due to false condition; ({1}) was evaluated as ({2}).
- Target "{0}" in project "{1}"
- Target {0}:
- Target "{0}" in file "{1}":
- Build continuing because "{0}" on the task "{1}" is set to "{2}".
- Target {0} from project "{1}":
- Target "{0}" in file "{1}" from project "{2}":
- MSB4060: The "{0}" task has been declared or used incorrectly, or failed during construction. Check the spelling of the task name and the assembly name.
- {StrBegin="MSB4060: "}
- MSB4077: The "{0}" task has been marked with the attribute LoadInSeparateAppDomain, but does not derive from MarshalByRefObject. Check that the task derives from MarshalByRefObject or AppDomainIsolatedTask.
- {StrBegin="MSB4077: "}LOCALIZATION: <LoadInSeparateAppDomain>, <MarshalByRefObject>, <AppDomainIsolatedTask> should not be localized.
- Done executing task "{0}" -- FAILED.
- Done executing task "{0}".
- {0} (TaskId:{1})
- Using "{0}" task from assembly "{1}".
- UE: This informational message helps users determine which assemblies their tasks were loaded from.
- MSB4061: The "{0}" task could not be instantiated from the assembly "{1}". {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4061: "}LOCALIZATION: "{2}" is a localized message from a CLR/FX exception.
- MSB4127: The "{0}" task could not be instantiated from the assembly "{1}". Please verify the task assembly has been built using the same version of the Microsoft.Build.Framework assembly as the one installed on your computer and that your host application is not missing a binding redirect for Microsoft.Build.Framework. {2}
- {StrBegin="MSB4127: "}UE: This message is a specialized version of the TaskInstantiationFailureError message and can probably reuse some of its docs.
- LOCALIZATION: "{2}" is a localized message from a CLR/FX exception. Also, Microsoft.Build.Framework should not be localized
- MSB4062: The "{0}" task could not be loaded from the assembly {1}. {2} Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, and that the assembly and all its dependencies are available.
- {StrBegin="MSB4062: "}UE: This message is shown when a task cannot be loaded from its assembly for various reasons e.g. corrupt assembly,
- invalid task declaration, disk error, etc. "{2}" contains a message explaining what happened.
- LOCALIZATION: "{2}" is a message from the CLR loader and is already localized. Also, <UsingTask> should not be localized.
- MSB4063: The "{0}" task could not be initialized with its input parameters. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4063: "}
- Task Performance Summary:
- Task "{0}" skipped, due to false condition; ({1}) was evaluated as ({2}).
- Task "{0}"
- Time Elapsed {0}
- Building with tools version "{0}".
- Project file contains ToolsVersion="{0}". This toolset is unknown or missing. You may be able to resolve this by installing the appropriate .NET Framework for this toolset. Treating the project as if it had ToolsVersion="4.0".
- Deferred Messages
- Some messages did not display because they were not associated with any ProjectStarted events. Use diagnostic verbosity to view these messages.
- MSB4090: Found an unexpected character '{2}' at position {1} in condition "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4090: "}
- MSB4091: Found a call to an undefined function "{1}" in condition "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4091: "}
- MSB4064: The "{0}" parameter is not supported by the "{1}" task. Verify the parameter exists on the task, and it is a settable public instance property.
- {StrBegin="MSB4064: "}
- MSB4131: The "{0}" parameter is not supported by the "{1}" task. Verify the parameter exists on the task, and it is a gettable public instance property.
- {StrBegin="MSB4131: "}
- MSB4092: An unexpected token "{1}" was found at character position {2} in condition "{0}".
- {StrBegin="MSB4092: "}
- MSB4065: The "{0}" parameter is not marked for output by the "{1}" task.
- {StrBegin="MSB4065: "}
- MSB4066: The attribute "{0}" in element <{1}> is unrecognized.
- {StrBegin="MSB4066: "}
- MSB4067: The element <{0}> beneath element <{1}> is unrecognized.
- {StrBegin="MSB4067: "}
- MSB4068: The element <{0}> is unrecognized, or not supported in this context.
- {StrBegin="MSB4068: "}
- MSB4132: The tools version "{0}" is unrecognized.
- {StrBegin="MSB4132: "}
- MSB4069: The "{0}" type of the "{1}" parameter of the "{2}" task is not supported by MSBuild.
- {StrBegin="MSB4069: "}LOCALIZATION: "MSBuild" should not be localized.
- MSB4072: A <{0}> element must contain either the "{1}" attribute or the "{2}" attribute (but not both).
- {StrBegin="MSB4072: "}
- {0} Warning(s)
- MSB4084: A <When> element may not follow an <Otherwise> element in a <Choose>.
- {StrBegin="MSB4084: "}
- Target Name: "{0}" Project Name: "{1}"
- Cycle trace:
- MSB4150: Must initialize the console logger using the initialize method before using ApplyParameter
- {StrBegin="MSB4150: "}
- MSB4151: An error occurred while building project "{0}", target "{1}". Please see innerException for detailed information.
- {StrBegin="MSB4151: "}
- MSB4152: An error occurred on the child node "{0}" and could not be passed to the parent node. {1}
- {StrBegin="MSB4152: "}
- MSB4153: A call is made on an inactive IBuildEngine interface corresponding to a task that already finished execution.
- {StrBegin="MSB4153: "}
- MSB4154: A forwarding logger is attempting to forward BuildFinished event
- {StrBegin="MSB4154: "}
- MSB4155: There was an error while communicating with a node.
- {StrBegin="MSB4155: "}
- MSB1021: Cannot create an instance of the logger - {0}.
- {StrBegin="MSB1021: "}The error code for this message is duplicated from MSBuild.exe.
- MSB1020: The logger {0} was not found. Check the following: 1.) The logger name specified is the same as the name of the logger class. 2.) The logger class is "public" and implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger interface. 3.) The path to the logger assembly is correct, or the logger can be loaded using only the assembly name provided.
- {StrBegin="MSB1020: "}The error code for this message is duplicated from MSBuild.exe.
- MSB4156: A forwarding logger is attempting to forward BuildStarted event
- {StrBegin="MSB4156: "}
- "{0}" ({1} target) ({2}) ->
- "{0}" (default target) ({1}) ->
- {0} {1,5}
- Project "{0}" on node {1} ({2} target(s)).
- Project "{0}" on node {1} (default targets).
- Project "{0}" ({1}) is building "{2}" ({3}) on node {4} ({5} target(s)).
- Project "{0}" ({1}) is building "{2}" ({3}) on node {4} (default targets).
- ({0} target) ->
- MSB4157: The array of project files needs to contain at least one value.
- {StrBegin="MSB4157: "}
- MSB4158: The project file name at element {0} is empty.
- {StrBegin="MSB4158: "}
- The property "{0}" with value "{1}" is being overridden by another batch. The property is now: "{2}"
- Please see inner exception for error information.
- Event type "{0}" was expected to be serializable. The event was not serializable and has been ignored.
- The log file path cannot be null or empty.
- MSB4161: Project "{0}" was loaded and unloaded during the current build. Reloading a project during the build can result in errors or an inconsistent build state. Either avoid unloading project "{0}" or cache the evaluation results of target(s) "{1}" before unloading the project.
- {StrBegin="MSB4161: "}
- [default]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Directory.Build.props b/src/Directory.Build.props
index b7413f2ced0..b0e23319446 100644
--- a/src/Directory.Build.props
+++ b/src/Directory.Build.props
@@ -39,9 +39,6 @@
- en;cs;de;es;fr;it;ja;ko;pl;pt-BR;ru;tr;zh-Hans;zh-Hant