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Merge pull request #10265 from dotnet/merges/main-to-release/dev16.9
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cartermp authored Oct 16, 2020
2 parents 98bcc43 + 359f008 commit d62ad5c
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Showing 10 changed files with 110 additions and 102 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/fsharp/ConstraintSolver.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1682,12 +1682,12 @@ and MemberConstraintSolutionOfMethInfo css m minfo minst =
// This is important for calls to operators on generated provided types. There is an (unchecked) condition
// that generative providers do not re=order arguments or insert any more information into operator calls.
match callMethInfoOpt, callExpr with
| Some methInfo, Expr.Op (TOp.ILCall (_useCallVirt, _isProtected, _, _isNewObj, NormalValUse, _isProp, _noTailCall, ilMethRef, _actualTypeInst, actualMethInst, _ilReturnTys), [], args, m)
| Some methInfo, Expr.Op (TOp.ILCall (_, _, _, _, NormalValUse, _, _, ilMethRef, _, methInst, _), [], args, m)
when (args, (objArgVars@allArgVars)) ||> List.lengthsEqAndForall2 (fun a b -> match a with Expr.Val (v, _, _) -> valEq v.Deref b | _ -> false) ->
let declaringType = Import.ImportProvidedType amap m (methInfo.PApply((fun x -> x.DeclaringType), m))
if isILAppTy g declaringType then
let extOpt = None // EXTENSION METHODS FROM TYPE PROVIDERS: for extension methods coming from the type providers we would have something here.
ILMethSln(declaringType, extOpt, ilMethRef, actualMethInst)
ILMethSln(declaringType, extOpt, ilMethRef, methInst)
| _ ->
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/fsharp/FindUnsolved.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,15 +134,15 @@ and accOp cenv env (op, tyargs, args, _m) =
accExprs cenv env args
match op with
// Handle these as special cases since mutables are allowed inside their bodies
| TOp.ILCall (_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, enclTypeArgs, methTypeArgs, tys) ->
accTypeInst cenv env enclTypeArgs
accTypeInst cenv env methTypeArgs
accTypeInst cenv env tys
| TOp.ILCall (_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, enclTypeInst, methInst, retTypes) ->
accTypeInst cenv env enclTypeInst
accTypeInst cenv env methInst
accTypeInst cenv env retTypes
| TOp.TraitCall traitInfo ->
accTraitInfo cenv env traitInfo

| TOp.ILAsm (_, tys) ->
accTypeInst cenv env tys
| TOp.ILAsm (_, retTypes) ->
accTypeInst cenv env retTypes
| _ -> ()

and accTraitInfo cenv env (TTrait(tys, _nm, _, argtys, rty, _sln)) =
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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/fsharp/IlxGen.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2367,8 +2367,8 @@ and GenExprAux (cenv: cenv) (cgbuf: CodeGenBuffer) eenv sp expr sequel =
GenSetStaticField cenv cgbuf eenv (f, tyargs, e2, m) sequel
| TOp.Tuple tupInfo, _, _ ->
GenAllocTuple cenv cgbuf eenv (tupInfo, args, tyargs, m) sequel
| TOp.ILAsm (code, returnTys), _, _ ->
GenAsmCode cenv cgbuf eenv (code, tyargs, args, returnTys, m) sequel
| TOp.ILAsm (instrs, retTypes), _, _ ->
GenAsmCode cenv cgbuf eenv (instrs, tyargs, args, retTypes, m) sequel
| TOp.While (sp, _), [Expr.Lambda (_, _, _, [_], e1, _, _);Expr.Lambda (_, _, _, [_], e2, _, _)], [] ->
GenWhileLoop cenv cgbuf eenv (sp, e1, e2, m) sequel
| TOp.For (spStart, dir), [Expr.Lambda (_, _, _, [_], e1, _, _);Expr.Lambda (_, _, _, [_], e2, _, _);Expr.Lambda (_, _, _, [v], e3, _, _)], [] ->
Expand All @@ -2377,8 +2377,8 @@ and GenExprAux (cenv: cenv) (cgbuf: CodeGenBuffer) eenv sp expr sequel =
GenTryFinally cenv cgbuf eenv (e1, e2, m, resty, spTry, spFinally) sequel
| TOp.TryWith (spTry, spWith), [Expr.Lambda (_, _, _, [_], e1, _, _); Expr.Lambda (_, _, _, [vf], ef, _, _);Expr.Lambda (_, _, _, [vh], eh, _, _)], [resty] ->
GenTryWith cenv cgbuf eenv (e1, vf, ef, vh, eh, m, resty, spTry, spWith) sequel
| TOp.ILCall (virt, _, valu, newobj, valUseFlags, _, isDllImport, ilMethRef, enclArgTys, methArgTys, returnTys), args, [] ->
GenILCall cenv cgbuf eenv (virt, valu, newobj, valUseFlags, isDllImport, ilMethRef, enclArgTys, methArgTys, args, returnTys, m) sequel
| TOp.ILCall (isVirtual, _, isStruct, isCtor, valUseFlag, _, noTailCall, ilMethRef, enclTypeInst, methInst, returnTypes), args, [] ->
GenILCall cenv cgbuf eenv (isVirtual, isStruct, isCtor, valUseFlag, noTailCall, ilMethRef, enclTypeInst, methInst, args, returnTypes, m) sequel
| TOp.RefAddrGet _readonly, [e], [ty] -> GenGetAddrOfRefCellField cenv cgbuf eenv (e, ty, m) sequel
| TOp.Coerce, [e], [tgty;srcty] -> GenCoerce cenv cgbuf eenv (e, tgty, m, srcty) sequel
| TOp.Reraise, [], [rtnty] -> GenReraise cenv cgbuf eenv (rtnty, m) sequel
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3274,11 +3274,11 @@ and GenApp (cenv: cenv) cgbuf eenv (f, fty, tyargs, curriedArgs, m) sequel =

// Generate ldtoken instruction for "methodhandleof(fun (a, b, c) -> obj.M(a, b, c))"
// where M is an IL method.
| Expr.Lambda (_, _, _, _, Expr.Op (TOp.ILCall (_, _, valu, _, _, _, _, ilMethRef, actualTypeInst, actualMethInst, _), _, _, _), _, _) ->
| Expr.Lambda (_, _, _, _, Expr.Op (TOp.ILCall (_, _, isStruct, _, _, _, _, ilMethRef, enclTypeInst, methInst, _), _, _, _), _, _) ->

let boxity = (if valu then AsValue else AsObject)
let boxity = (if isStruct then AsValue else AsObject)
let mkFormalParams gparams = gparams |> DropErasedTyargs |> List.mapi (fun n _gf -> mkILTyvarTy (uint16 n))
let ilGenericMethodSpec = IL.mkILMethSpec (ilMethRef, boxity, mkFormalParams actualTypeInst, mkFormalParams actualMethInst)
let ilGenericMethodSpec = IL.mkILMethSpec (ilMethRef, boxity, mkFormalParams enclTypeInst, mkFormalParams methInst)
let i = I_ldtoken (ILToken.ILMethod ilGenericMethodSpec)
CG.EmitInstr cgbuf (pop 0) (Push [g.iltyp_RuntimeMethodHandle]) i

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32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions src/fsharp/Optimizer.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2007,12 +2007,12 @@ and OptimizeInterfaceImpl cenv env baseValOpt (ty, overrides) =
and MakeOptimizedSystemStringConcatCall cenv env m args =
let rec optimizeArg argExpr accArgs =
match argExpr, accArgs with
| Expr.Op(TOp.ILCall(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, mref, _, _, _), _, [ Expr.Op(TOp.Array, _, args, _) ], _), _
when IsILMethodRefSystemStringConcatArray mref ->
| Expr.Op(TOp.ILCall(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, ilMethRef, _, _, _), _, [ Expr.Op(TOp.Array, _, args, _) ], _), _
when IsILMethodRefSystemStringConcatArray ilMethRef ->
optimizeArgs args accArgs

| Expr.Op(TOp.ILCall(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, mref, _, _, _), _, args, _), _
when IsILMethodRefSystemStringConcat mref ->
| Expr.Op(TOp.ILCall(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, ilMethRef, _, _, _), _, args, _), _
when IsILMethodRefSystemStringConcat ilMethRef ->
optimizeArgs args accArgs

// String constant folding requires a bit more work as we cannot quadratically concat strings at compile time.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2045,8 +2045,8 @@ and MakeOptimizedSystemStringConcatCall cenv env m args =
mkStaticCall_String_Concat_Array cenv.g m arg

match expr with
| Expr.Op(TOp.ILCall(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, mref, _, _, _) as op, tyargs, args, m)
when IsILMethodRefSystemStringConcat mref || IsILMethodRefSystemStringConcatArray mref ->
| Expr.Op(TOp.ILCall(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, ilMethRef, _, _, _) as op, tyargs, args, m)
when IsILMethodRefSystemStringConcat ilMethRef || IsILMethodRefSystemStringConcatArray ilMethRef ->
OptimizeExprOpReductions cenv env (op, tyargs, args, m)
| _ ->
OptimizeExpr cenv env expr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2102,9 +2102,9 @@ and OptimizeExprOp cenv env (op, tyargs, args, m) =
// This code hooks arr.Length. The idea is to ensure loops end up in the "same shape"as the forms of loops that the .NET JIT
// guarantees to optimize.

| TOp.ILCall (_, _, _, _, _, _, _, mref, _enclTypeArgs, _methTypeArgs, _tys), _, [arg]
when (mref.DeclaringTypeRef.Name = cenv.g.ilg.typ_Array.TypeRef.Name &&
mref.Name = "get_Length" &&
| TOp.ILCall (_, _, _, _, _, _, _, ilMethRef, _, _, _), _, [arg]
when (ilMethRef.DeclaringTypeRef.Name = cenv.g.ilg.typ_Array.TypeRef.Name &&
ilMethRef.Name = "get_Length" &&
isArray1DTy cenv.g (tyOfExpr cenv.g arg)) ->
OptimizeExpr cenv env (Expr.Op (TOp.ILAsm (i_ldlen, [cenv.g.int_ty]), [], [arg], m))

Expand All @@ -2113,11 +2113,11 @@ and OptimizeExprOp cenv env (op, tyargs, args, m) =
| TOp.ILAsm ([], [ty]), _, [a] when typeEquiv cenv.g (tyOfExpr cenv.g a) ty -> OptimizeExpr cenv env a

// Optimize calls when concatenating strings, e.g. "1" + "2" + "3" + "4" .. etc.
| TOp.ILCall(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, mref, _, _, _), _, [ Expr.Op(TOp.Array, _, args, _) ]
when IsILMethodRefSystemStringConcatArray mref ->
| TOp.ILCall(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, ilMethRef, _, _, _), _, [ Expr.Op(TOp.Array, _, args, _) ]
when IsILMethodRefSystemStringConcatArray ilMethRef ->
MakeOptimizedSystemStringConcatCall cenv env m args
| TOp.ILCall(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, mref, _, _, _), _, args
when IsILMethodRefSystemStringConcat mref ->
| TOp.ILCall(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, ilMethRef, _, _, _), _, args
when IsILMethodRefSystemStringConcat ilMethRef ->
MakeOptimizedSystemStringConcatCall cenv env m args

| _ ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2177,9 +2177,9 @@ and OptimizeExprOpFallback cenv env (op, tyargs, argsR, m) arginfos valu =
| StripUnionCaseValue (uc, info) -> UnionCaseValue(uc, info)
| _ -> valu
0, valu
| TOp.ILAsm (instrs, tys) ->
| TOp.ILAsm (instrs, retTypes) ->
min instrs.Length 1,
mkAssemblyCodeValueInfo cenv.g instrs argValues tys
mkAssemblyCodeValueInfo cenv.g instrs argValues retTypes
| TOp.Bytes bytes -> bytes.Length/10, valu
| TOp.UInt16s bytes -> bytes.Length/10, valu
| TOp.ValFieldGetAddr _
Expand All @@ -2204,7 +2204,7 @@ and OptimizeExprOpFallback cenv env (op, tyargs, argsR, m) arginfos valu =
// Indirect calls to IL code are always taken as tailcalls
let mayBeCriticalTailcall =
match op with
| TOp.ILCall (virt, _, newobj, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) -> not newobj && virt
| TOp.ILCall (isVirtual, _, isCtor, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) -> not isCtor && isVirtual
| _ -> false

let vinfo = { TotalSize=argsTSize + cost
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28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions src/fsharp/PostInferenceChecks.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1069,8 +1069,8 @@ and CheckExpr (cenv: cenv) (env: env) origExpr (context: PermitByRefExpr) : Limi
CheckExprs cenv env rest (mkArgsForAppliedExpr true rest f)

// Allow base calls to IL methods
| Expr.Op (TOp.ILCall (virt, _, _, _, _, _, _, mref, enclTypeArgs, methTypeArgs, tys), tyargs, (Expr.Val (baseVal, _, _) :: rest), m)
when not virt && baseVal.BaseOrThisInfo = BaseVal ->
| Expr.Op (TOp.ILCall (isVirtual, _, _, _, _, _, _, ilMethRef, enclTypeInst, methInst, retTypes), tyargs, (Expr.Val (baseVal, _, _) :: rest), m)
when not isVirtual && baseVal.BaseOrThisInfo = BaseVal ->

// Disallow calls to abstract base methods on IL types.
match tryTcrefOfAppTy g baseVal.Type with
Expand All @@ -1080,16 +1080,16 @@ and CheckExpr (cenv: cenv) (env: env) origExpr (context: PermitByRefExpr) : Limi
// We believe this may be fragile in some situations, since we are using the Abstract IL code to compare
// type equality, and it would be much better to remove any F# dependency on that implementation of IL type
// equality. It would be better to make this check in tc.fs when we have the Abstract IL metadata for the method to hand.
let mdef = resolveILMethodRef tcref.ILTyconRawMetadata mref
let mdef = resolveILMethodRef tcref.ILTyconRawMetadata ilMethRef
if mdef.IsAbstract then
errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.tcCannotCallAbstractBaseMember(mdef.Name), m))
with _ -> () // defensive coding
| _ -> ()

CheckTypeInstNoByrefs cenv env m tyargs
CheckTypeInstNoByrefs cenv env m enclTypeArgs
CheckTypeInstNoByrefs cenv env m methTypeArgs
CheckTypeInstNoByrefs cenv env m tys
CheckTypeInstNoByrefs cenv env m enclTypeInst
CheckTypeInstNoByrefs cenv env m methInst
CheckTypeInstNoByrefs cenv env m retTypes
CheckValRef cenv env baseVal m PermitByRefExpr.No
CheckExprsPermitByRefLike cenv env rest

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1233,21 +1233,21 @@ and CheckExprOp cenv env (op, tyargs, args, m) context expr =
let limit2 = CheckExpr cenv env e3 context // result of a try/catch can be a byref if in a position where the overall expression is can be a byref
CombineTwoLimits limit1 limit2

| TOp.ILCall (_, _, _, _, _, _, _, methRef, enclTypeArgs, methTypeArgs, tys), _, _ ->
| TOp.ILCall (_, _, _, _, _, _, _, ilMethRef, enclTypeInst, methInst, retTypes), _, _ ->
CheckTypeInstNoByrefs cenv env m tyargs
CheckTypeInstNoByrefs cenv env m enclTypeArgs
CheckTypeInstNoByrefs cenv env m methTypeArgs
CheckTypeInstNoInnerByrefs cenv env m tys // permit byref returns
CheckTypeInstNoByrefs cenv env m enclTypeInst
CheckTypeInstNoByrefs cenv env m methInst
CheckTypeInstNoInnerByrefs cenv env m retTypes // permit byref returns

let hasReceiver =
(methRef.CallingConv.IsInstance || methRef.CallingConv.IsInstanceExplicit) &&
(ilMethRef.CallingConv.IsInstance || ilMethRef.CallingConv.IsInstanceExplicit) &&
not args.IsEmpty

let returnTy = tyOfExpr g expr

let argContexts = List.init args.Length (fun _ -> PermitByRefExpr.Yes)

match tys with
match retTypes with
| [ty] when context.PermitOnlyReturnable && isByrefLikeTy g m ty ->
if hasReceiver then
CheckCallWithReceiver cenv env m returnTy args argContexts context
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1413,8 +1413,8 @@ and CheckExprOp cenv env (op, tyargs, args, m) context expr =
// Recursively check in same context, e.g. if at PermitOnlyReturnable the obj arg must also be returnable
CheckExpr cenv env obj context

| TOp.ILAsm (instrs, tys), _, _ ->
CheckTypeInstNoInnerByrefs cenv env m tys
| TOp.ILAsm (instrs, retTypes), _, _ ->
CheckTypeInstNoInnerByrefs cenv env m retTypes
CheckTypeInstNoByrefs cenv env m tyargs
match instrs, args with
// Write a .NET instance field
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18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src/fsharp/QuotationTranslator.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ and private ConvExprCore cenv (env : QuotationTranslationEnv) (expr: Expr) : QP.
let raiseExpr = mkCallRaise g m (tyOfExpr g expr) arg1
ConvExpr cenv env raiseExpr

| TOp.ILAsm (_il, _), _, _ ->
| TOp.ILAsm (_, _), _, _ ->
wfail(Error(FSComp.SR.crefQuotationsCantContainInlineIL(), m))

| TOp.ExnConstr tcref, _, args ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -670,16 +670,16 @@ and private ConvExprCore cenv (env : QuotationTranslationEnv) (expr: Expr) : QP.
| FSharpForLoopUp -> QP.mkForLoop(ConvExpr cenv env lim0, ConvExpr cenv env lim1, ConvExpr cenv env body)
| _ -> wfail(Error(FSComp.SR.crefQuotationsCantContainDescendingForLoops(), m))

| TOp.ILCall (_, _, _, isNewObj, valUseFlags, isProp, _, ilMethRef, enclTypeArgs, methTypeArgs, _tys), [], callArgs ->
| TOp.ILCall (_, _, _, isCtor, valUseFlag, isProperty, _, ilMethRef, enclTypeInst, methInst, _), [], callArgs ->
let parentTyconR = ConvILTypeRefUnadjusted cenv m ilMethRef.DeclaringTypeRef
let isNewObj = isNewObj || (match valUseFlags with CtorValUsedAsSuperInit | CtorValUsedAsSelfInit -> true | _ -> false)
let isNewObj = isCtor || (match valUseFlag with CtorValUsedAsSuperInit | CtorValUsedAsSelfInit -> true | _ -> false)
let methArgTypesR = (ConvILType cenv env m) ilMethRef.ArgTypes
let methRetTypeR = ConvILType cenv env m ilMethRef.ReturnType
let methName = ilMethRef.Name
let isPropGet = isProp && methName.StartsWithOrdinal("get_")
let isPropSet = isProp && methName.StartsWithOrdinal("set_")
let tyargs = (enclTypeArgs@methTypeArgs)
ConvObjectModelCall cenv env m (isPropGet, isPropSet, isNewObj, parentTyconR, [], methArgTypesR, methRetTypeR, methName, tyargs, methTypeArgs.Length, [], [], [callArgs])
let isPropGet = isProperty && methName.StartsWithOrdinal("get_")
let isPropSet = isProperty && methName.StartsWithOrdinal("set_")
let tyargs = (enclTypeInst@methInst)
ConvObjectModelCall cenv env m (isPropGet, isPropSet, isNewObj, parentTyconR, [], methArgTypesR, methRetTypeR, methName, tyargs, methInst.Length, [], [], [callArgs])

| TOp.TryFinally _, [_resty], [Expr.Lambda (_, _, _, [_], e1, _, _); Expr.Lambda (_, _, _, [_], e2, _, _)] ->
QP.mkTryFinally(ConvExpr cenv env e1, ConvExpr cenv env e2)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -828,8 +828,8 @@ and ConvLValueExprCore cenv env expr =
| TOp.LValueOp (LAddrOf _, vref), _, _ -> ConvValRef false cenv env m vref []
| TOp.ValFieldGetAddr (rfref, _), _, _ -> ConvClassOrRecdFieldGet cenv env m rfref tyargs args
| TOp.UnionCaseFieldGetAddr (ucref, n, _), [e], _ -> ConvUnionFieldGet cenv env m ucref n tyargs e
| TOp.ILAsm ([ I_ldflda(fspec) ], _rtys), _, _ -> ConvLdfld cenv env m fspec tyargs args
| TOp.ILAsm ([ I_ldsflda(fspec) ], _rtys), _, _ -> ConvLdfld cenv env m fspec tyargs args
| TOp.ILAsm ([ I_ldflda(fspec) ], _), _, _ -> ConvLdfld cenv env m fspec tyargs args
| TOp.ILAsm ([ I_ldsflda(fspec) ], _), _, _ -> ConvLdfld cenv env m fspec tyargs args
| TOp.ILAsm (([ I_ldelema(_ro, _isNativePtr, shape, _tyarg) ] ), _), (arr :: idxs), [elemty] ->
match shape.Rank, idxs with
| 1, [idx1] -> ConvExpr cenv env (mkCallArrayGet cenv.g m elemty arr idx1)
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/fsharp/TypeChecker.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -811,8 +811,8 @@ let ReportImplicitlyIgnoredBoolExpression denv m ty expr =
UnitTypeExpectedWithEquality (denv, ty, m)
UnitTypeExpectedWithEquality (denv, ty, m)
| Expr.Op (TOp.ILCall (_, _, _, _, _, _, _, methodRef, _, _, _), _, Expr.Val (vf, _, _) :: _, _) :: _ when methodRef.Name.StartsWithOrdinal("get_") ->
UnitTypeExpectedWithPossiblePropertySetter (denv, ty, vf.DisplayName, PrettyNaming.ChopPropertyName(methodRef.Name), m)
| Expr.Op (TOp.ILCall (_, _, _, _, _, _, _, ilMethRef, _, _, _), _, Expr.Val (vf, _, _) :: _, _) :: _ when ilMethRef.Name.StartsWithOrdinal("get_") ->
UnitTypeExpectedWithPossiblePropertySetter (denv, ty, vf.DisplayName, PrettyNaming.ChopPropertyName(ilMethRef.Name), m)
| Expr.Val (vf, _, _) :: _ ->
UnitTypeExpectedWithPossibleAssignment (denv, ty, vf.IsMutable, vf.DisplayName, m)
| _ -> UnitTypeExpectedWithEquality (denv, ty, m)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -11838,8 +11838,8 @@ and TcAttribute canFail cenv (env: TcEnv) attrTgt (synAttr: SynAttribute) =
AttribNamedArg(nm, argty, isProp, mkAttribExpr callerArgExpr))

match expr with
| Expr.Op (TOp.ILCall (_, _, valu, _, _, _, _, ilMethRef, [], [], _rtys), [], args, m) ->
if valu then error (Error(FSComp.SR.tcCustomAttributeMustBeReferenceType(), m))
| Expr.Op (TOp.ILCall (_, _, isStruct, _, _, _, _, ilMethRef, [], [], _), [], args, m) ->
if isStruct then error (Error(FSComp.SR.tcCustomAttributeMustBeReferenceType(), m))
if args.Length <> ilMethRef.ArgTypes.Length then error (Error(FSComp.SR.tcCustomAttributeArgumentMismatch(), m))
let args = args |> mkAttribExpr
Attrib(tcref, ILAttrib ilMethRef, args, namedAttribArgMap, isAppliedToGetterOrSetter, Some constrainedTgts, m)
Expand Down

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