Title | Date | Author | Status |
March 14, 2022 |
dotjesper |
In development |
Hello, World Project - for demonstration purpose only.
Every IT profesional and veteran software developers know the term Hello World as the first step in learning to code. The program, which outputs some variant of “Hello, World!” on a device’s display, can be created in most languages, making it some of the most basic syntax involved in the coding process.
Brian Kernighan, author of one of the most widely read programming books, "C Programming Language", also created "Hello, World". He first referenced "Hello World" in the C Programming Language book’s predecessor: A Tutorial Introduction to the Programming Language B published in 1973.
Since the first Hello, World! program was written in 1972, it has become a tradition to introduce the topic of programming with this example. As a result, Hello, World! is often the first program most people write and this repository is no different, this is my sample-ground and learning-area for working with GitHub.
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├─ scripts
| ├─ app.js
| └─ app.js
├─ solution
| ├─ app.js
| ├─ models.js
| ├─ routes.js
| └─ utils
| ├─ another.js
| ├─ constants.js
| └─ index.js
└─ README.md
PowerShell Code block
.\Invoke-RemediationReport.ps1 -$scriptPackageOutputType "htmL" -installRequiredComponents $true
Not much to tell, it's a Hello, World! project!
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Version | February 18. 2022 | Public | Release
Version | October 4,2021 | Public
Version | April 11,2017 | Public