diff --git a/src/ModalView.ios.js b/src/ModalView.ios.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bf7d1c66..00000000
--- a/src/ModalView.ios.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import Proptypes from 'prop-types';
-import { requireNativeComponent, UIManager, findNodeHandle, StyleSheet, View, ScrollView } from 'react-native';
-import * as Helpers from './functions/helpers';
-import { EventEmitter } from './functions/EventEmitter';
-import { RequestFactory } from './functions/RequestFactory';
-import { ModalEventKeys } from './constants/Enums';
-import { ModalContext } from './context/ModalContext';
-import { RNIModalView, RNIModalViewCommands } from './native_components/RNIModalView';
- // Modal Native Props: Event Callbacks
- onRequestResult : 'onRequestResult' ,
- onModalBlur : 'onModalBlur' ,
- onModalFocus : 'onModalFocus' ,
- onModalShow : 'onModalShow' ,
- onModalDismiss : 'onModalDismiss' ,
- onModalDidDismiss : 'onModalDidDismiss' ,
- onModalWillDismiss : 'onModalWillDismiss' ,
- onModalAttemptDismiss: 'onModalAttemptDismiss',
- // Modal Native Props: Flags/Booleans
- presentViaMount : 'presentViaMount' ,
- isModalBGBlurred : 'isModalBGBlurred' ,
- enableSwipeGesture : 'enableSwipeGesture' ,
- hideNonVisibleModals : 'hideNonVisibleModals' ,
- isModalBGTransparent : 'isModalBGTransparent' ,
- isModalInPresentation: 'isModalInPresentation',
- // Modal Native Props: Strings
- modalID : 'modalID' ,
- modalTransitionStyle : 'modalTransitionStyle' ,
- modalPresentationStyle: 'modalPresentationStyle',
- modalBGBlurEffectStyle: 'modalBGBlurEffectStyle',
-const VirtualizedListContext = React.createContext(null);
-// fix for react-native 0.60
-const hasScrollViewContext = (ScrollView.Context?.Provider != null);
-export class ModalView extends React.PureComponent {
- static proptypes = {
- // Props: Events ---------------------
- onRequestResult : Proptypes.func,
- onModalBlur : Proptypes.func,
- onModalFocus : Proptypes.func,
- onModalShow : Proptypes.func,
- onModalDismiss : Proptypes.func,
- onModalDidDismiss : Proptypes.func,
- onModalWillDismiss : Proptypes.func,
- onModalAttemptDismiss: Proptypes.func,
- // Props: Bool/Flags --------------------------
- presentViaMount : Proptypes.bool,
- isModalBGBlurred : Proptypes.bool,
- autoCloseOnUnmount : Proptypes.bool,
- enableSwipeGesture : Proptypes.bool,
- hideNonVisibleModals : Proptypes.bool,
- isModalBGTransparent : Proptypes.bool,
- isModalInPresentation : Proptypes.bool,
- setEnableSwipeGestureFromProps : Proptypes.bool,
- setModalInPresentationFromProps: Proptypes.bool,
- // Props: String ------------------------
- modalID : Proptypes.string,
- modalTransitionStyle : Proptypes.string,
- modalPresentationStyle: Proptypes.string,
- modalBGBlurEffectStyle: Proptypes.string,
- // Props: Style
- containerStyle: Proptypes.object,
- };
- static defaultProps = {
- autoCloseOnUnmount : true ,
- enableSwipeGesture : true ,
- hideNonVisibleModals : false,
- isModalInPresentation: false,
- setEnableSwipeGestureFromProps: false,
- setModalInPresentationFromProps: false,
- };
- constructor(props){
- super(props);
- RequestFactory.initialize(this);
- this.emitter = new EventEmitter();
- this._childRef = null;
- this.state = {
- visible : false,
- childProps: null ,
- enableSwipeGesture : props.enableSwipeGesture ,
- isModalInPresentation: props.isModalInPresentation,
- };
- };
- componentWillUnmount(){
- const { autoCloseOnUnmount } = this.props;
- const { visible } = this.state;
- if(autoCloseOnUnmount && visible){
- this.setVisibility(false);
- };
- };
- getEmitterRef = () => {
- return this.emitter;
- };
- setVisibility = async (nextVisible, childProps = null) => {
- const { visible: prevVisible } = this.state;
- const didChange = (prevVisible != nextVisible);
- if (!didChange) return false;
- const { promise, requestID } =
- RequestFactory.newRequest(this, { timeout: 2000 });
- try {
- if(nextVisible) {
- // when showing modal, mount children first,
- await Helpers.setStateAsync(this, {
- visible: nextVisible,
- // pass down received props to childProps via state
- childProps: (Helpers.isObject(childProps)
- ? childProps
- : null
- ),
- });
- // wait for view to mount
- await new Promise((resolve) => {
- this.didOnLayout = resolve;
- });
- // reset didOnLayout
- this.didOnLayout = null;
- };
- // request modal to open/close
- UIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand(
- findNodeHandle(this.nativeModalViewRef),
- RNIModalViewCommands.requestModalPresentation,
- [requestID, nextVisible]
- );
- const result = await promise;
- // when finish hiding modal, unmount children
- if(!nextVisible) await Helpers.setStateAsync(this, {
- visible : nextVisible,
- childProps: null
- });
- return result.success;
- } catch(error){
- RequestFactory.rejectRequest(this, {requestID});
- console.log("ModalView, setVisibility failed:");
- console.log(error);
- return false;
- };
- };
- getModalInfo = async () => {
- const { promise, requestID } =
- RequestFactory.newRequest(this, { timeout: 2000 });
- try {
- // request modal to send modal info
- UIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand(
- findNodeHandle(this.nativeModalViewRef),
- RNIModalViewCommands.requestModalInfo,
- [requestID]
- );
- return await promise;
- } catch(error){
- RequestFactory.rejectRequest(this, {requestID});
- console.log("ModalView, requestModalInfo failed:");
- console.log(error);
- return false;
- };
- };
- setEnableSwipeGesture = async (enableSwipeGesture) => {
- const { enableSwipeGesture: prevVal } = this.state;
- if(prevVal != enableSwipeGesture){
- await Helpers.setStateAsync(this,
- { enableSwipeGesture }
- );
- };
- };
- setIsModalInPresentation = async (isModalInPresentation) => {
- const { isModalInPresentation: prevVal } = this.state;
- if(prevVal != isModalInPresentation){
- await Helpers.setStateAsync(this,
- { isModalInPresentation }
- );
- };
- };
- // We don't want any responder events bubbling out of the modal.
- _shouldSetResponder() {
- return true;
- };
- _handleOnLayout = () => {
- const { didOnLayout } = this;
- didOnLayout && didOnLayout();
- };
- // the child comp can call `props.getModalRef` to receive
- // a ref to this modal comp
- _handleGetModalRef = () => {
- return this;
- };
- //#region - Native Event Handlers
- _handleOnRequestResult = ({nativeEvent}) => {
- RequestFactory.resolveRequestFromObj(this, nativeEvent);
- this.props.onRequestResult?.({nativeEvent});
- };
- _handleOnModalBlur = (event) => {
- this.props.onModalBlur?.(event);
- this.emitter.emit(ModalEventKeys.onModalBlur, event);
- };
- _handleOnModalFocus = (event) => {
- this.props.onModalFocus?.(event);
- this.emitter.emit(ModalEventKeys.onModalFocus, event);
- };
- _handleOnModalShow = (event) => {
- this.props.onModalShow?.(event);
- this.emitter.emit(ModalEventKeys.onModalShow, event);
- };
- _handleOnModalDismiss = (event) => {
- this.props.onModalDismiss?.(event);
- this.emitter.emit(ModalEventKeys.onModalDismiss, event);
- this.setState({
- visible : false,
- childProps: null ,
- // reset state values from props
- enableSwipeGesture : this.props.enableSwipeGesture,
- isModalInPresentation: this.props.isModalInPresentation
- });
- };
- _handleOnModalDidDismiss = (event) => {
- this.props.onModalDidDismiss?.(event);
- this.emitter.emit(ModalEventKeys.onModalDidDismiss, event);
- };
- _handleOnModalWillDismiss = (event) => {
- this.props.onModalWillDismiss?.(event);
- this.emitter.emit(ModalEventKeys.onModalWillDismiss, event);
- };
- _handleOnModalAttemptDismiss = (event) => {
- this.props.onModalAttemptDismiss?.(event);
- this.emitter.emit(ModalEventKeys.onModalAttemptDismiss, event);
- };
- //#endregion
- _renderModal(){
- const props = this.props;
- const state = this.state;
- const nativeProps = {
- // pass down props
- ...props,
- // set handlers for native props -------------------------------------------
- [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.onModalBlur ]: this._handleOnModalBlur ,
- [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.onModalFocus ]: this._handleOnModalFocus ,
- [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.onModalShow ]: this._handleOnModalShow ,
- [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.onModalDismiss ]: this._handleOnModalDismiss ,
- [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.onRequestResult ]: this._handleOnRequestResult ,
- [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.onModalDidDismiss ]: this._handleOnModalDidDismiss ,
- [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.onModalWillDismiss ]: this._handleOnModalWillDismiss ,
- [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.onModalAttemptDismiss]: this._handleOnModalAttemptDismiss,
- // optional props ----------------------------
- ...(props.setModalInPresentationFromProps && {
- [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.isModalInPresentation]: state.isModalInPresentation
- }),
- ...(props.setEnableSwipeGestureFromProps && {
- [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.enableSwipeGesture]: state.enableSwipeGesture
- })
- };
- return(
- this.nativeModalViewRef = r}
- style={styles.rootContainer}
- onStartShouldSetResponder={this._shouldSetResponder}
- {...nativeProps}
- >
- {state.visible && (
- this.modalContainerRef = r}
- style={[styles.modalContainer, props.containerStyle]}
- collapsable={false}
- onLayout={this._handleOnLayout}
- >
- {React.cloneElement(props.children, {
- getModalRef: this._handleGetModalRef,
- // pass down props received from setVisibility
- ...(Helpers.isObject(state.childProps) && state.childProps),
- // pass down modalID
- modalID: props[NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.modalID]
- })}
- )}
- );
- };
- render(){
- return (
- {hasScrollViewContext? (
- {this._renderModal()}
- ):(
- this._renderModal()
- )}
- );
- };
-const styles = StyleSheet.create({
- rootContainer: {
- position: 'absolute',
- width: 0,
- height: 0,
- overflow: 'hidden',
- },
- modalContainer: {
- position: 'absolute',
- },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ModalView.js b/src/ModalView.js
index 97b46fc8..b27ca2a5 100644
--- a/src/ModalView.js
+++ b/src/ModalView.js
@@ -1,10 +1,364 @@
import React from 'react';
+import Proptypes from 'prop-types';
+import { requireNativeComponent, UIManager, findNodeHandle, StyleSheet, View, ScrollView, Platform } from 'react-native';
+import * as Helpers from './functions/helpers';
+import { EventEmitter } from './functions/EventEmitter';
+import { RequestFactory } from './functions/RequestFactory';
+import { ModalEventKeys } from './constants/Enums';
+import { ModalContext } from './context/ModalContext';
+import { RNIModalView, RNIModalViewCommands } from './native_components/RNIModalView';
+ // Modal Native Props: Event Callbacks
+ onRequestResult : 'onRequestResult' ,
+ onModalBlur : 'onModalBlur' ,
+ onModalFocus : 'onModalFocus' ,
+ onModalShow : 'onModalShow' ,
+ onModalDismiss : 'onModalDismiss' ,
+ onModalDidDismiss : 'onModalDidDismiss' ,
+ onModalWillDismiss : 'onModalWillDismiss' ,
+ onModalAttemptDismiss: 'onModalAttemptDismiss',
+ // Modal Native Props: Flags/Booleans
+ presentViaMount : 'presentViaMount' ,
+ isModalBGBlurred : 'isModalBGBlurred' ,
+ enableSwipeGesture : 'enableSwipeGesture' ,
+ hideNonVisibleModals : 'hideNonVisibleModals' ,
+ isModalBGTransparent : 'isModalBGTransparent' ,
+ isModalInPresentation: 'isModalInPresentation',
+ // Modal Native Props: Strings
+ modalID : 'modalID' ,
+ modalTransitionStyle : 'modalTransitionStyle' ,
+ modalPresentationStyle: 'modalPresentationStyle',
+ modalBGBlurEffectStyle: 'modalBGBlurEffectStyle',
+const VirtualizedListContext = React.createContext(null);
+// fix for react-native 0.60
+const hasScrollViewContext = (ScrollView.Context?.Provider != null);
export class ModalView extends React.PureComponent {
- render(){
+ static proptypes = {
+ // Props: Events ---------------------
+ onRequestResult : Proptypes.func,
+ onModalBlur : Proptypes.func,
+ onModalFocus : Proptypes.func,
+ onModalShow : Proptypes.func,
+ onModalDismiss : Proptypes.func,
+ onModalDidDismiss : Proptypes.func,
+ onModalWillDismiss : Proptypes.func,
+ onModalAttemptDismiss: Proptypes.func,
+ // Props: Bool/Flags --------------------------
+ presentViaMount : Proptypes.bool,
+ isModalBGBlurred : Proptypes.bool,
+ autoCloseOnUnmount : Proptypes.bool,
+ enableSwipeGesture : Proptypes.bool,
+ hideNonVisibleModals : Proptypes.bool,
+ isModalBGTransparent : Proptypes.bool,
+ isModalInPresentation : Proptypes.bool,
+ setEnableSwipeGestureFromProps : Proptypes.bool,
+ setModalInPresentationFromProps: Proptypes.bool,
+ // Props: String ------------------------
+ modalID : Proptypes.string,
+ modalTransitionStyle : Proptypes.string,
+ modalPresentationStyle: Proptypes.string,
+ modalBGBlurEffectStyle: Proptypes.string,
+ // Props: Style
+ containerStyle: Proptypes.object,
+ };
+ static defaultProps = {
+ autoCloseOnUnmount : true ,
+ enableSwipeGesture : true ,
+ hideNonVisibleModals : false,
+ isModalInPresentation: false,
+ setEnableSwipeGestureFromProps: false,
+ setModalInPresentationFromProps: false,
+ };
+ constructor(props){
+ super(props);
+ RequestFactory.initialize(this);
+ this.emitter = new EventEmitter();
+ this._childRef = null;
+ this.state = {
+ visible : false,
+ childProps: null ,
+ enableSwipeGesture : props.enableSwipeGesture ,
+ isModalInPresentation: props.isModalInPresentation,
+ };
+ };
+ componentWillUnmount(){
+ const { autoCloseOnUnmount } = this.props;
+ const { visible } = this.state;
+ if(autoCloseOnUnmount && visible){
+ this.setVisibility(false);
+ };
+ };
+ getEmitterRef = () => {
+ return this.emitter;
+ };
+ setVisibility = async (nextVisible, childProps = null) => {
+ const { visible: prevVisible } = this.state;
+ const didChange = (prevVisible != nextVisible);
+ if (!didChange) return false;
+ const { promise, requestID } =
+ RequestFactory.newRequest(this, { timeout: 2000 });
+ try {
+ if(nextVisible) {
+ // when showing modal, mount children first,
+ await Helpers.setStateAsync(this, {
+ visible: nextVisible,
+ // pass down received props to childProps via state
+ childProps: (Helpers.isObject(childProps)
+ ? childProps
+ : null
+ ),
+ });
+ // wait for view to mount
+ await new Promise((resolve) => {
+ this.didOnLayout = resolve;
+ });
+ // reset didOnLayout
+ this.didOnLayout = null;
+ };
+ // request modal to open/close
+ UIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand(
+ findNodeHandle(this.nativeModalViewRef),
+ RNIModalViewCommands.requestModalPresentation,
+ [requestID, nextVisible]
+ );
+ const result = await promise;
+ // when finish hiding modal, unmount children
+ if(!nextVisible) await Helpers.setStateAsync(this, {
+ visible : nextVisible,
+ childProps: null
+ });
+ return result.success;
+ } catch(error){
+ RequestFactory.rejectRequest(this, {requestID});
+ console.log("ModalView, setVisibility failed:");
+ console.log(error);
+ return false;
+ };
+ };
+ getModalInfo = async () => {
+ const { promise, requestID } =
+ RequestFactory.newRequest(this, { timeout: 2000 });
+ try {
+ // request modal to send modal info
+ UIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand(
+ findNodeHandle(this.nativeModalViewRef),
+ RNIModalViewCommands.requestModalInfo,
+ [requestID]
+ );
+ return await promise;
+ } catch(error){
+ RequestFactory.rejectRequest(this, {requestID});
+ console.log("ModalView, requestModalInfo failed:");
+ console.log(error);
+ return false;
+ };
+ };
+ setEnableSwipeGesture = async (enableSwipeGesture) => {
+ const { enableSwipeGesture: prevVal } = this.state;
+ if(prevVal != enableSwipeGesture){
+ await Helpers.setStateAsync(this,
+ { enableSwipeGesture }
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ setIsModalInPresentation = async (isModalInPresentation) => {
+ const { isModalInPresentation: prevVal } = this.state;
+ if(prevVal != isModalInPresentation){
+ await Helpers.setStateAsync(this,
+ { isModalInPresentation }
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ // We don't want any responder events bubbling out of the modal.
+ _shouldSetResponder() {
+ return true;
+ };
+ _handleOnLayout = () => {
+ const { didOnLayout } = this;
+ didOnLayout && didOnLayout();
+ };
+ // the child comp can call `props.getModalRef` to receive
+ // a ref to this modal comp
+ _handleGetModalRef = () => {
+ return this;
+ };
+ //#region - Native Event Handlers
+ _handleOnRequestResult = ({nativeEvent}) => {
+ RequestFactory.resolveRequestFromObj(this, nativeEvent);
+ this.props.onRequestResult?.({nativeEvent});
+ };
+ _handleOnModalBlur = (event) => {
+ this.props.onModalBlur?.(event);
+ this.emitter.emit(ModalEventKeys.onModalBlur, event);
+ };
+ _handleOnModalFocus = (event) => {
+ this.props.onModalFocus?.(event);
+ this.emitter.emit(ModalEventKeys.onModalFocus, event);
+ };
+ _handleOnModalShow = (event) => {
+ this.props.onModalShow?.(event);
+ this.emitter.emit(ModalEventKeys.onModalShow, event);
+ };
+ _handleOnModalDismiss = (event) => {
+ this.props.onModalDismiss?.(event);
+ this.emitter.emit(ModalEventKeys.onModalDismiss, event);
+ this.setState({
+ visible : false,
+ childProps: null ,
+ // reset state values from props
+ enableSwipeGesture : this.props.enableSwipeGesture,
+ isModalInPresentation: this.props.isModalInPresentation
+ });
+ };
+ _handleOnModalDidDismiss = (event) => {
+ this.props.onModalDidDismiss?.(event);
+ this.emitter.emit(ModalEventKeys.onModalDidDismiss, event);
+ };
+ _handleOnModalWillDismiss = (event) => {
+ this.props.onModalWillDismiss?.(event);
+ this.emitter.emit(ModalEventKeys.onModalWillDismiss, event);
+ };
+ _handleOnModalAttemptDismiss = (event) => {
+ this.props.onModalAttemptDismiss?.(event);
+ this.emitter.emit(ModalEventKeys.onModalAttemptDismiss, event);
+ };
+ //#endregion
+ _renderModal(){
+ const props = this.props;
+ const state = this.state;
+ const nativeProps = {
+ // pass down props
+ ...props,
+ // set handlers for native props -------------------------------------------
+ [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.onModalBlur ]: this._handleOnModalBlur ,
+ [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.onModalFocus ]: this._handleOnModalFocus ,
+ [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.onModalShow ]: this._handleOnModalShow ,
+ [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.onModalDismiss ]: this._handleOnModalDismiss ,
+ [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.onRequestResult ]: this._handleOnRequestResult ,
+ [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.onModalDidDismiss ]: this._handleOnModalDidDismiss ,
+ [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.onModalWillDismiss ]: this._handleOnModalWillDismiss ,
+ [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.onModalAttemptDismiss]: this._handleOnModalAttemptDismiss,
+ // optional props ----------------------------
+ ...(props.setModalInPresentationFromProps && {
+ [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.isModalInPresentation]: state.isModalInPresentation
+ }),
+ ...(props.setEnableSwipeGestureFromProps && {
+ [NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.enableSwipeGesture]: state.enableSwipeGesture
+ })
+ };
- null
+ this.nativeModalViewRef = r}
+ style={styles.rootContainer}
+ onStartShouldSetResponder={this._shouldSetResponder}
+ {...nativeProps}
+ >
+ {state.visible && (
+ this.modalContainerRef = r}
+ style={[styles.modalContainer, props.containerStyle]}
+ collapsable={false}
+ onLayout={this._handleOnLayout}
+ >
+ {React.cloneElement(props.children, {
+ getModalRef: this._handleGetModalRef,
+ // pass down props received from setVisibility
+ ...(Helpers.isObject(state.childProps) && state.childProps),
+ // pass down modalID
+ modalID: props[NATIVE_PROP_KEYS.modalID]
+ })}
+ )}
\ No newline at end of file
+ render(){
+ if (Platform.OS !== 'ios') {
+ return null;
+ };
+ return (
+ {hasScrollViewContext? (
+ {this._renderModal()}
+ ):(
+ this._renderModal()
+ )}
+ );
+ };
+const styles = StyleSheet.create({
+ rootContainer: {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ width: 0,
+ height: 0,
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ },
+ modalContainer: {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ },
\ No newline at end of file