diff --git a/docs/TODO.md b/docs/TODO.md
index 3ff7ded2..280800f9 100644
--- a/docs/TODO.md
+++ b/docs/TODO.md
@@ -8,6 +8,17 @@
+- [ ] `TODO:2023-04-21-23-27-27` - Gloss: Re-Organize/Re-group props based on their relationship, not their type.
+- [ ] `TODO:2023-04-21-23-42-42` - Deprecate `presentViaMount`
+- [ ] `TODO:2023-04-21-23-42-49` - Add prop to disable user-interaction from modal
+ * Can be achieved via `UIView.userInteractionEnabled`, or via `RCTTouchHander.isEnabled`.
+- [ ] `TODO:2023-04-22-00-01-50` - Optimization - Add flag for caching the view-controller tree
- [ ] `TODO:2023-04-20-23-58-24` - Impl. sheets + detents.
* Research
@@ -69,6 +80,15 @@
- [x] **Subtask** - `TODO:2023-04-21-00-43-59` - Impl. prop `sheetDetents`.
+ - [ ] **Subtask** - `TODO:2023-04-21-23-23-32` - Impl. prop `sheetPrefersScrollingExpandsWhenScrolledToEdge`
+ - [ ] **Subtask** - `TODO:2023-04-21-23-24-03` - Impl. prop `sheetSelectedDetentIdentifier`
+ - [ ] **Subtask** - `TODO:2023-04-21-23-24-39` - Impl. prop `sheetShouldAnimateSelectedDetentIdentifierChanges`
+ - [ ] **Subtask** - `TODO:2023-04-21-23-24-47` - Impl. prop `sheetSmallestUndimmedDetentIdentifier`
+ - [ ] **Subtask** - `TODO:2023-04-21-23-25-35` - Impl. prop `sheetPrefersEdgeAttachedInCompactHeight`
+ - [ ] **Subtask** - `TODO:2023-04-21-23-25-47` - Impl. prop `sheetWidthFollowsPreferredContentSizeWhenEdgeAttached`
+ - [ ] **Subtask** - `TODO:2023-04-21-23-26-03` - Impl. prop `sheetPrefersGrabberVisible`
+ - [ ] **Subtask** - `TODO:2023-04-21-23-26-13` - Impl. prop `sheetPreferredCornerRadius`
+ - [ ] **Subtask**: `TODO:2023-04-21-23-26-13` - Impl. modal event `onModalDetentDidCompute`.
- [ ] **Subtask** - `TODO:2023-04-21-00-31-46` - Impl. `modalPreferredContentSize`
* For example, `UIModalPresentationStyle.pageSheet` uses an explicit size that the system provides.
* By contrast, `UIModalPresentationStyle.formSheet` uses the view controller’s `preferredContentSize` property, which you can set.