- Absolute Humidity
- Absolute humidity is a measure of the actual amount of water vapor (moisture) in the air.
- Heat Index
- The heat index combines air temperature and relative humidity to posit a human-perceived equivalent temperature.
- Dew Point
- The dew point is the temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated with water vapor and dew forms on surfaces.
- Thermal Perception
- Human perception of the dew point.
- Frost Point
- Frost point, temperature, below 0° C (32° F), at which moisture in the air will condense as a layer of frost on any exposed surface.
- Frost Risk
- Risk of Frost based on current temperature, frost point and absolute humidity.
- Simmer Index
- An index that combines air temperature and relative humidity. In contrast to the Heat Index it describes the human-perceived equivalent temperature at night and describes a factor of discomfort.
- Simmer Zone
- Human perception of the simmer index.