Client-side implementation of DogeHouse API. 🐶
- Our NPM package is the quickest and easiest way to jump in with dogehouse.js.
- dogehouse.js package
- Go to DogeHouse
- Open Developer options (F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I)
- Go to Application > Local Storage >
- Copy your token and refresh-token and put them in an .env file:
- All examples like, sending messages, joining rooms, music, moderation and more are in /examples.
- Get Popular Rooms
const { Client } = require('dogehouse.js');
const app = new Client();
app.connect(process.env.DOGEHOUSE_TOKEN, process.env.DOGEHOUSE_REFRESH_TOKEN).then(async () => {
console.log('Bot connected!');
console.log(await; // Log all of your top rooms to console
Thank you to Abalon#2525 for the awesome logo!