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Early Linux Support

Guillaume Hain edited this page Oct 31, 2015 · 17 revisions

Environment initialization

In order to be able to build and run Kitematic from scratch (clean Linux box), you'll need to install some packages.

Install build dependences


In a terminal, execute the following with root privileges:

$ apt-get install build-essential npm nodejs-legacy

Note: nodejs-legacy is installing a symbolic link /usr/bin/node -> nodejs in order to make things working.

Install Docker

$ curl -sSL | sudo sh
$ sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} docker
$ sudo service docker restart

Now logout and login again, or execute the following in a terminal in order to tell the current terminal about the new docker group changes :

$ newgrp docker

Build Kitematic

In your developments folder or any other places:

$ git clone
$ cd kitematic/
$ git checkout linux-support
$ make

Start kitematic

From the Kitematic folder execute the following:

$ npm start


The terminal emulator symbolic link doesn't exists

You see this message when your Linux distribution does not have the x-terminal-emulator symbolic link installed. This symbolic link is pointing to the default terminal which is then used by Kitematic in order to provide you access in a running container.

Depending on your distribution you need to find the right package to install. For example on Debian this page shows a list of possible packages to install x-terminal-emulator.

Arch Linux AUR package

This AUR package solely installs a binary build from the linux-support branch at and adds a .desktop file and icon.

yaourt -S kitematic


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