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docker compose volume mounts not work on Windows #4303

jleetutorial opened this issue Jan 7, 2017 · 40 comments

docker compose volume mounts not work on Windows #4303

jleetutorial opened this issue Jan 7, 2017 · 40 comments


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jleetutorial commented Jan 7, 2017

When running docker-compose up, we get this error:

ERROR: for dockerapp  Cannot create container for service dockerapp: Invalid bind mount spec "C:\\Users\\nidal\\dockerapp\\app:/app:rw": Invalid volume specification: 'C:\Users\nidal\dockerapp\app:/app:rw'
�[31mERROR�[0m: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

The docker-compose file is attached below

version: '2'
    build: .
      - "5000:5000"
      - ./app:/app

    image: redis:3.2.0

We get the error both on Docker for Windows and Docker toolbox running on Windows.

$ docker version
 Version:      1.12.5
 API version:  1.24
 Go version:   go1.6.4
 Git commit:   7392c3b
 Built:        Fri Dec 16 06:14:34 2016
 OS/Arch:      windows/amd64

 Version:      1.12.5
 API version:  1.24
 Go version:   go1.6.4
 Git commit:   7392c3b
 Built:        Fri Dec 16 06:14:34 2016
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
$ docker-compose version
docker-compose version 1.9.0, build 2585387
docker-py version: 1.10.6
CPython version: 2.7.12
OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2h  3 May 2016
$docker-compose --verbose config
compose.config.config.find: Using configuration files: .\docker-compose.yml
networks: {}
      context: C:\Users\nidal\dockerapp
    - 5000:5000
    - C:\Users\nidal\dockerapp\app:/app:rw
    image: redis:3.2.0
version: '2.0'
volumes: {}
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shin- commented Jan 7, 2017


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jleetutorial commented Jan 25, 2017

We made a .env file in same directory as docker-compose.yml file


we have also tried this to be true.

but still getting below error.

ABHISHEK@WindowsAbhi MINGW64 ~/Desktop/docker/dockerapp-releases/dockerapp-0.4/dockerapp-0.4
$ docker-compose up
dockerapp04_redis_1 is up-to-date
Creating dockerapp04_dockerapp_1

ERROR: for dockerapp Cannot create container for service dockerapp: Invalid bind mount spec "C:\Users\ABHISHEK\Desktop\docker\dockerapp-releases\dockerapp-0.4\do
ckerapp-0.4\app:/app:rw": Invalid volume specification: 'C:\Users\ABHISHEK\Desktop\docker\dockerapp-releases\dockerapp-0.4\dockerapp-0.4\app:/app:rw'
←[31mERROR←[0m: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

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Is there a better way to do COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS or any other workaround.

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igordata commented Feb 2, 2017

Just type "export COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS=1" and it will work until reboot.

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Any reason this was closed? I've created a system environment variable and tried the .env file but still no avail.

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shin- commented Jun 2, 2017

It's not closed, but that particular issue should be resolved. Make sure your Compose version is up to date and your docker-compose.yml is correct.

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I have the same issue on Windows 10. I use docker-compose version 1.11.2, build f963d76 and Docker version 17.03.1-ce, build c6d412e and this repo with correct Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml when i run docker-inspect i get this info: but when i go inside to container and run ls /src i get this:

root@930bfd8a7df0:/src# ls
node_modules  package.json

i can't find app directory inside container.
But when i run:

PS D:\00-basic-express-generator> docker run --rm -v c:/Users:/data alpine ls /data
All Users
Default User 

volumes is working great

Is there any solution how to fix this bug in docker-compose?

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One and a half months... is there a solution yet?

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Running Docker 17.06.0-ce-win19 (12801) on Windows 10 using Visual Studio 2017 I ran into this thing.
I saw the "create e .env file" tip but on Window you cannot have a file with no name?

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Yes, you can. At least on Windows 10.

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riker09 commented Jul 25, 2017

@rolandwolters You cannot have a file without a filename in Explorer. But you can open a Powershell, navigate to your project directory and type:

mv e.env .env

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shin- commented Jul 25, 2017

If you're still having issues, please make sure your shared drives are configured properly:

@shin- shin- closed this as completed Jul 25, 2017
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cre8 commented Aug 15, 2017

It worked for me with COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS=1, but I had to shut down all containers docker-compose stop, not just the one who uses it.

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I've used , in a CMD window, SET COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS=1 and it suddenly starting working. Remember to open a new CMD window.

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I just discovered the "Reset Credentials..." button in the Shared Drive settings, which solved the issue for me. In my case the volume suddenly stopped working after disabling+enabling Hyper-V. Resetting the credentials for the shared drives fixed it again

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@jaspervandaele, thanks a lot, this fixed my issue too. The error message Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file (or vice-versa)? Check if the specified host path exists and is the expected type I was facing was so generic that I was wondering what was wrong. As I changed my Windows credentials recently, this is what caused this error. I wished there was something more explicit in case the mounted volume cannot be accessed at all

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brianrichins commented Dec 7, 2017

@rolandwolters You can bypass the Windows Explorer naming restriction by adding an extra . at the end. So renaming a file and typing ".env." results in .env, ".gitignore." becomes .gitignore, etc.

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aysark commented Mar 14, 2018

@jaspervandaele thanks for that- solved it for me.

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  1. On Command Line: "set COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS=1";
  2. Restart Docker for Windows;
  3. Go to Docker for Windows settings > Shared Drives > Reset credentials > select drive > Apply;
  4. Reopen Command Line;
  5. Kill the Containers;
  6. Rerun the Containers.

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@gersondinis there is no option in settings for Shared Drives when Docker CE is running in Windows mode...unless I'm missing something using edge release:


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gersondinis commented Apr 24, 2018

Try to change from edge version to stable version on Daemon tab.
You should see something like this:

If it doesn't, try to upgrade/update your Docker for Windows.

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tnovau commented Apr 30, 2018

@gersondinis Thanks!, that solved my problem!

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@gersondinis latest version of CE and stable version...this is all I get:


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@gersondinis Sir your a life saver!
for me it wasnt the environment variable, it was due to changing windows password, thanks you sir!

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Will $PWD also work with COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS=1 ? e.g

    driver: local
      type: none
      device: $PWD/code/drupal
      o: bind

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aalkz commented Dec 13, 2018

I was having this issue (at least I think it's the same issue), but since I wanted to keep Hyper-V off in order to use accelerated emulation for Intel + Android, I couldn't use the Docker for Windows GUI app and look for those Shared Drives settings that @shin- mentioned, because I was using docker-machine.exe + VirtualBox. So what I had to do in this particular case instead was this:

& "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" sharedfolder add default --name "shared" --hostpath "C:/your/shared/folder/" --automount

And then in docker-compose.yml:

      - /shared:/some/dir/in/the/container

I think this is more like a workaround and not a full solution, but I hope somebody finds it helpful.

TL;DR: If you're using VirtualBox and not Docker for Windows, try mounting the drives in VirtualBox with VBoxManage.exe

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BenMatheja commented Feb 3, 2019

I'm using windows subsystem for linux, running the docker-host on the windows machine exposed via non-TLS port 2375.

I tried what @stavrogin mentioned, but it did not work.
My docker-compose.yml mounts a file into the container like this:

version: '2'

    image: nginx:latest
      - ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
      - 80:80
      - 443:443

After running docker-compose up i get " Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file (or vice-versa)"

Starting ea_nginx_1 ...
Starting ea_grafana_1 ...
Starting ea_influxdb_1 ...
Starting ea_collectd_1 ... error

ERROR: for ea_collectd_1  Cannot start service collectd: b'OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:344: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:424: containeStarting ea_nginx_1    ... error947aaf139ee40bd985d078112919c30/merged\\\\\\" at \\\\\\"/var/lib/docker/overlay2/7a737fdd9749373317586ea8c17258c8b947aaf139ee40bd985d078112919c30/merged/etc/collectd/collectd.conf\\\\\\" caused \\\\\\"not a directory\\\\\\"\\"": unknown: Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file (or vice-versa)? Check if the specified host path exists and is
the expected type'

ERROR: for ea_nginx_1  Cannot start service nginx: b'OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:344: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:424: container init caused \\"rootfs_linux.go:58: mounting \\\\\\"/mnt/d/Daten/workspace/ea/nginx.conf\\\\\\" to rootfs \\\\\\"/var/lib/docker/overlay2/db2c014e375524c7b6bf97cc874915d023c25b8e8f

I tried placing an .env file within the directory

 ben@ben-desktop  /d/Daten/workspace/ea   master ●  ls -al
total 60
drwxrwxrwx 1 ben ben  4096 Feb  3 09:47 .
drwxrwxrwx 1 ben ben  4096 Feb  3 08:44 ..
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ben ben 34197 Feb  3 08:37 collectd.conf
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ben ben   765 Feb  3 09:32 docker-compose.yml
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ben ben    31 Feb  3 09:52 .env
drwxrwxrwx 1 ben ben  4096 Feb  3 10:03 .git
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ben ben  2641 Feb  3 08:37 influxdb.conf
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ben ben  1086 Feb  3 08:37 LICENSE
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ben ben   169 Feb  3 09:26 nginx.conf
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ben ben   629 Feb  3 08:37
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ben ben  8577 Feb  3 08:37 types.db
 ben@ben-desktop  /d/Daten/workspace/ea   master ● 

But still cannot start the containers from my Windows machine. Running the exact same configuration on a linode works as is. What am I missing out here?

Edit: Moving the repository within the subsystem /home/ben/ea did also not resolve it

Edit: I fixed it with changing the Volumes from

    image: nginx:latest
      - ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
      - 80:80
      - 443:443


    image: nginx:latest
      - ${PWD}/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
      - 80:80
      - 443:443

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gischy commented Feb 18, 2019

using docker toolbox on windows this way i could solve my the issue


version: '3'
build: .
- "5000:5000"
- //c/var/docker-compose-test:/code
image: "redis:alpine"

Iristyle added a commit to Iristyle/pupperware that referenced this issue Mar 29, 2019
 - With long-running hosts, rooting the volumes inside of the git
   cloned source directory is problematic.

   When tests are cancelled and containers remain running, files can
   be locked, preventing subsequent runs from proceeding correctly.

   Instead, generate a temporary directory in Azure to root the files
   so that source can be cloned properly.

 - This removes the need for cleaning up existing hardcoded dirs in
   Azure from prior test runs

 - For now this will continue to default to `.` in Travis, given hosts
   are ephemeral

 - Additional code will be added to perform cleanup from tests

 - The Azure specific PowerShell code converts a Windows path like:


   To something compose understands like:


	See docker/compose#4303 (comment)
Iristyle added a commit to Iristyle/pupperware that referenced this issue Mar 29, 2019
 - With long-running hosts, rooting the volumes inside of the git
   cloned source directory is problematic.

   When tests are cancelled and containers remain running, files can
   be locked, preventing subsequent runs from proceeding correctly.

   Instead, generate a temporary directory in Azure to root the files
   so that source can be cloned properly.

 - This removes the need for cleaning up existing hardcoded dirs in
   Azure from prior test runs

 - For now this will continue to default to `.` in Travis, given hosts
   are ephemeral

 - Additional code will be added to perform cleanup from tests

 - The Azure specific PowerShell code converts a Windows path like:


   To something compose understands like:


	See docker/compose#4303 (comment)
Iristyle added a commit to Iristyle/pupperware that referenced this issue Mar 29, 2019
 - With long-running hosts, rooting the volumes inside of the git
   cloned source directory is problematic.

   When tests are cancelled and containers remain running, files can
   be locked, preventing subsequent runs from proceeding correctly.

   Instead, generate a temporary directory in Azure to root the files
   so that source can be cloned properly.

 - This removes the need for cleaning up existing hardcoded dirs in
   Azure from prior test runs

 - For now this will continue to default to `.` in Travis, given hosts
   are ephemeral

 - Additional code will be added to perform cleanup from tests

 - The Azure specific PowerShell code converts a Windows path like:


   To something compose understands like:


	See docker/compose#4303 (comment)
Iristyle added a commit to Iristyle/pupperware that referenced this issue Mar 29, 2019
 - With long-running hosts, rooting the volumes inside of the git
   cloned source directory is problematic.

   When tests are cancelled and containers remain running, files can
   be locked, preventing subsequent runs from proceeding correctly.

   Instead, generate a temporary directory (on Windows) to root the
   files so that source can be cloned properly.

 - This removes the need for cleaning up existing hardcoded dirs from
   prior test runs, but we still make a best effort in the Azure job
   to do cleanup

 - For now this will continue to default to `.` in Travis, given hosts
   are ephemeral.

   On Windows hosts, this will be in the temp dir for the given user.

   docker-compose understands Windows paths on the left hand side of
   the volume mapping, so no conversions are necessary.

   This was not always the case per:
	 docker/compose#4303 (comment)

 - Stuff the temp dir in an Azure variable so it can be used in a later
   cleanup stage

 - Set the temp dir to give Users group full control to prevent the
   containers from running into permissions issues

 - Additional code will be added to perform cleanup from tests
Iristyle added a commit to Iristyle/pupperware that referenced this issue Mar 29, 2019
 - With long-running hosts, rooting the volumes inside of the git
   cloned source directory is problematic.

   When tests are cancelled and containers remain running, files can
   be locked, preventing subsequent runs from proceeding correctly.

   Instead, generate a temporary directory (on Windows) to root the
   files so that source can be cloned properly.

 - This removes the need for cleaning up existing hardcoded dirs from
   prior test runs, but we still make a best effort in the Azure job
   to do cleanup

 - For now this will continue to default to `.` in Travis, given hosts
   are ephemeral.

   On Windows hosts, this will be in the temp dir for the given user.

   docker-compose understands Windows paths on the left hand side of
   the volume mapping, so no conversions are necessary.

   This was not always the case per:
	 docker/compose#4303 (comment)

 - Stuff the temp dir in an Azure variable so it can be used in a later
   cleanup stage

 - Set the temp dir to give Users group full control to prevent the
   containers from running into permissions issues

 - Additional code will be added to perform cleanup from tests
Iristyle added a commit to Iristyle/pupperware that referenced this issue Apr 1, 2019
 - With long-running hosts, rooting the volumes inside of the git
   cloned source directory is problematic.

   When tests are cancelled and containers remain running, files can
   be locked, preventing subsequent runs from proceeding correctly.

   Instead, generate a temporary directory (on Windows) to root the
   files so that source can be cloned properly.

 - This removes the need for cleaning up existing hardcoded dirs from
   prior test runs, but we still make a best effort in the Azure job
   to do cleanup

 - For now this will continue to default to `.` in Travis, given hosts
   are ephemeral.

   On Windows hosts, this will be in the temp dir for the given user.

   docker-compose understands Windows paths on the left hand side of
   the volume mapping, so no conversions are necessary.

   This was not always the case per:
	 docker/compose#4303 (comment)

 - Stuff the temp dir in an Azure variable so it can be used in a later
   cleanup stage

 - Set the temp dir to give Users group full control to prevent the
   containers from running into permissions issues

 - Additional code will be added to perform cleanup from tests
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If you're still having issues, please make sure your shared drives are configured properly:


Worked for me

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This settings in the docker-compose file work well:

      - type: bind
        source: ./source_local_directory
        target: c:\target_directory
          propagation: cached

Thank you, it is working.

BTW, please keep in mind you should use at least version 3.3 of docker-compose YAML notation.

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This settings in the docker-compose file work well:

      - type: bind
        source: ./source_local_directory
        target: c:\target_directory
          propagation: cached

This fixed it for me too...

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What about ownership between windows docker host and container users, assuming docker-compose volume mounts correctly, the drivers do not seem to exist to translate ownership. Would we need to chown after each docker-compose up if we wanted to edit the mounted data on windows, for example?

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I just discovered the "Reset Credentials..." button in the Shared Drive settings, which solved the issue for me. In my case the volume suddenly stopped working after disabling+enabling Hyper-V. Resetting the credentials for the shared drives fixed it again

Can someone elaborate this please? I don't understand where can I find these settings.

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I just discovered the "Reset Credentials..." button in the Shared Drive settings, which solved the issue for me. In my case the volume suddenly stopped working after disabling+enabling Hyper-V. Resetting the credentials for the shared drives fixed it again

Can someone elaborate this please? I don't understand where can I find these settings.

On the latest Docker for Windows GUI these settings are removed, I guess because this version is not supposed to loose credentials

Iristyle added a commit to puppetlabs/pupperware that referenced this issue Apr 9, 2021
 - With long-running hosts, rooting the volumes inside of the git
   cloned source directory is problematic.

   When tests are cancelled and containers remain running, files can
   be locked, preventing subsequent runs from proceeding correctly.

   Instead, generate a temporary directory (on Windows) to root the
   files so that source can be cloned properly.

 - This removes the need for cleaning up existing hardcoded dirs from
   prior test runs, but we still make a best effort in the Azure job
   to do cleanup

 - For now this will continue to default to `.` in Travis, given hosts
   are ephemeral.

   On Windows hosts, this will be in the temp dir for the given user.

   docker-compose understands Windows paths on the left hand side of
   the volume mapping, so no conversions are necessary.

   This was not always the case per:
	 docker/compose#4303 (comment)

 - Stuff the temp dir in an Azure variable so it can be used in a later
   cleanup stage

 - Set the temp dir to give Users group full control to prevent the
   containers from running into permissions issues

 - Additional code will be added to perform cleanup from tests
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