Source code for ESP8266-12E with BME280 used for weather station. Flashing of ESP8266 is done using Raspberry Pi. There are some brief instructions how to connect and install everything below.
We are going to use following docker image as toolchain:
# clone Dockerfile
git clone
cd docker-esp-open-sdk
# build docker image
sudo docker build -t dnezic/docker-esp-open-sdk:0.1 .
Flashing of the firmware will be done using Raspberry's UART port, therefore we are using this docker image only for build purposes.
Clone this repo, or some other source code:
git clone
Start container with <path_to_src>
which points to your source code or previously cloned repo folder:
sudo docker run --name esp-builder -it -v <path_to_src>:/home/espbuilder/code/ dnezic/docker-esp-open-sdk:0.1
# or, afterwards, run shell inside existing container
sudo docker exec -it esp-builder /bin/bash
# cd to 'code' folder
cd code
# build code
make clean && make
Copy files in firmware folder somewhere to your Raspberry Pi:
- 0x00000.bin
- 0x40000.bin
It is presumed that esptool is installed on your Raspberry Pi. Esptool can be installed from here: []
Firstly, Raspberry has to be setup to release UART as terminal console:
- disable serial port login (remove from /etc/inittab the line with ttyAMA0)
- disable serial port bootup messages (remove from /boot/cmdline.txt all parameters with ttyAMA0)
Connect Raspberry with ESP8266-12E in order to establish serial connection:
- RPi pin 10 (RXD) <---> ESP8266-12E TXD
- RPi pin 8 (TXD) <---> ESP8266-12E RXD
- Rpi pin 6 (GND) <---> ESP8266-12E GND
ESP8266-12E wiring description:
- GPIO0 connected to GND on powerup for flashing mode or
- GPIO0 connected to VCC on powerup for boot from flash mode (normal mode)
- GPIO15 to GND
- GPIO16 to RST to enable deep sleep used by weather station code
- CH_EN and GPIO2 to VCC
ESP8266-12E to BME280:
- GPIO14 to BME280 SCL
- GPIO2 to BME280 SDA
Check connection with ESP8266 in flashing mode:
./ --port /dev/ttyAMA0 read_mac
If it works, flash firmware:
./ --port /dev/ttyAMA0 write_flash 0x00000 ~/0x00000.bin 0x40000 ~/0x40000.bin
Monitor logs using terminal emulation software:
picocom --baud 115200 /dev/ttyAMA0
Configuration is placed in user/user_config.h
#define USE_DNS false // if true, device will try to resolve REMOTE_HOST, otherwise REMOTE_IP will be used.
#define REMOTE_PORT 80 // server port
#define REMOTE_HOST "wisense" // only if USE_DNS true
#define REMOTE_IP "" // only used if USE_DNS false
#define HOST_NAME "svecomp17" // name of this device
#define DATA_URL "/data" // relative PATH of POST request.
#define SSID "svesoftware" // wifi name
#define PASSWORD "" // wifi password
#define SLEEP_SEC 600 // 10 minutes
In folder test there is little python TCP server that listens on port 80.
Adjust this port number to match settings in user_config.h