This changelog represents changes merged in 2023. Older changes can be viewed in
- fix: add missing dedent.d.mts entry to package.json files (#73)
- feat: add options with escapeSpecialCharacters (#65)
- fix: add missing exports field to package.json (#59)
- fix: fix missing ESM type definition file (#67)
- fix: add missing exports field to package.json (#59)
- fix(dependencies): move babel-plugin-macros to optional peer (#60)
- build: convert dedent.ts and tests to TypeScript (#51)
- fix: update types (#44)
This was a version bump only to mark 1.x as stable.
This version was given the beta
tag in npm.
- fix: add babel-plugin-add-module-exports (#40)
- build: publish ESM and .d.ts (#32)
- build: re-run build to refresh dist/dedent.js (#38)
Note: although this was a new major version, it contains no breaking changes from 0.x. The versioning intent was purely to signal that the API is stable.
- enable tab compatibility (#28)