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Fix quotes in action name #17

Fix quotes in action name

Fix quotes in action name #17

Workflow file for this run

name: Wcalc CI - MacOS
- develop
- 'dev-*'
- 'ci-*'
branches: [ develop ]
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab:
runs-on: macos-latest
# Checks-out repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE:
- name: Check out repository code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install Dependencies
run: |
brew update
brew install autoconf
brew install automake
brew install coreutils
brew install gawk
brew install gettext
brew install groff
brew install gtk+
brew install imagemagick
brew install netpbm
brew install pstoedit
brew install tgif
brew install util-linux
brew install w3m
brew install libxslt
brew install --cask xquartz
brew install xauth
- name: Homebrew netpbm workaround
run: |
# this ships with netpbm but was giving
# some colors names in the ppmtoxpm output
# that
# convert --colors 16 foo.xpm foo_16.ppm
# didn't like
#RGBDEF="$(brew list netpbm | grep rgb.txt)"
# but this one from XQuartz seems to work
echo "Setting: RGBDEF=${RGBDEF}"
- name: xvfb-run
run: |
echo "XVFB_RUN=ci-scripts/xvfb-run --auto-servernum --error-file xvfb-run-errors.log" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "PATH=/opt/X11/bin:/usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin:${PATH}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Xvfb really wants this directory to exist and be owned by root
sudo mkdir -p -m1777 /tmp/.X11-unix
- name: Autogen
run: ./
- name: Post-autogen workarounds
run: |
touch intl/ChangeLog
- name: Configure
run: ./configure
- name: Debug
run: |
bison --version
convert --version
ls -l $(which tgif)
- name: Build
run: |
echo "Running: $XVFB_RUN make"
$XVFB_RUN -- make
- name: Test stdio-wcalc
run: cd stdio-wcalc && ./ --show-diffs
- name: Distcheck
run: |
echo "Running: $XVFB_RUN make distcheck"
$XVFB_RUN -- make distcheck
- name: Common
uses: ./.github/workflows/common