All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Implicit flow support
- Back-channel logout
- RP initiated logout
- Support for 'sid' claim in ID and logout token
- Support for claim types
- Allow users with specific entitlements to add clients
- Support for ACR
- Support for requesting individual claims
- Support for allowed CORS origins for public clients
- Support for 'at_hash' claim in ID token
- Support for 'max_age' parameter
- List of supported grant types in OP configuration document
- List of supported auth methods for token endpoint in OP configuration document
- Support for 'prompt' parameter, for example using 'prompt=login' to require authentication even if user has active SSO session
- Works with SSP new UI templating enabled
- Pagination for client list
- Support for basic authentication processing filters, for example for f-ticks logging, attribute manipulation or similar, definable in oidc_config.php
- Support for 'nonce' claim in ID token
- Config options to add prefix to private scope claims and to enable multi-valued claims
- Basic flow is now conformant
- Admin client configuration path has moved
- 'token_endpoint' renamed form '.../access_token.php' to '.../token.php'
- Requires php > 7.4
- Auth. source is now optional when defining clients. If auth. source is not set for particular client, a default one from the configuration will be used during authn.
- When authorization code is reused corresponding tokens are now immediately revoked
- Returning or displaying proper error messages is now more in line to specification
- Expired access tokens are now only deleted if corresponding refresh tokens are also expired
- JWT header parameter 'kid' is now generated dynamically based on public certificate fingerprint
- Second release candidate
- Updated league/oauth2-server to version 8.1
- Removed pkce config option
- New field is_confidential in client (disabled for previous clients)
- Update database schema
- First release candidate
- BC: Config file (
) has changed. Predefined scopes must be removed: openid, profile, mail, address, phone.
- First pre-release