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Optimizations with OpenCV


  • OpenCV
    • Brief overview
    • Basic structures
    • Example functions and methods
  • Let’s write an algorithm
  • Testing module
    • Accuracy test
    • Performance test
  • Let’s optimize
  • Practice / Homework


  • Open source project on GitHub with >3M downloads per year
  • The most popular computer vision library with 20 years of development history
  • 4 major releases: 1.0, 2.4.x, 3.4.x, 4.x
  • Modular structure: core, imgproc, ts, dnn, stitching, ...
  • Written in C++ but has automatic wrappers in Python, Java, JavaScript, Matlab, GO, PHP, C#, etc.
  • Cross-platform and well optimized for research and development

OpenCV basic structures

  • cv::Mat - for images, masks, vector fields, complex values and custom data
cv::Mat mat(480, 640, CV_8UC3);
int rows     = mat.rows;        // 480
int cols     = mat.cols;        // 640
int channels = mat.channels();  // 3
uint8_t* data = mat.ptr<uint8_t>();
  • cv::Mat types: [depth | (i.e. CV_8U, CV_16F, CV_32F, CV_64F)] + channels

  • std::cout << mat << std::endl - To print cv::Mat in console and watch values

OpenCV basic structures

cv::Rect rect;           cv::Point point;       cv::Size size;
int x = rect.x;          int x = point.x;       int w = size.width;
int y = rect.y;          int y = point.y;       int h = size.height;
int w = rect.width;
int h = rect.height;

OpenCV methods

Most of the methods work with basic OpenCV data structures as input and output

cv::Mat src, dst, mask;

cv::cvtColor(src, dst, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

cv::resize(src, dst, cv::Size(1280, 960));

cv::Canny(src, dst, /*threshold1*/ 100, /*threshold2*/ 200);

cv::inpaint(src, mask, dst, /*inpaintRadius*/ 3, cv::INPAINT_TELEA);

std::vector<cv::Mat> images;
cv::Ptr<Stitcher> stitcher = cv::Stitcher::create(cv::Sticher::PANORAMA);
stitcher->stitch(images, dst);


@snap[south span-100 text-09] @[3-22](Reference implementation: 4.02ms @ 1920x1080) @[24-41](Fixed point: 2.39ms @ 1920x1080 (x1.68)) @[43-63](Parallel implementation: 1.83ms @ 1920x1080 (x2.19)) @snapend

OpenCV parallel_for_

Different backend depends on compilation options and target OS

  1. Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB)
  2. C= Parallel C/C++ Programming Language Extension
  3. OpenMP
  5. Windows RT concurrency
  6. Windows concurrency
  7. Pthreads

Regression tests

One of OpenCV modules is named ts. It sonsists of

  • Google Test based testing infrastructure
  • OpenCV related extensions for regression and performance tests
  • Python scripts for tests analysis

Regression test example

  • Use TEST macro to define non-parametrized test
  • Use EXPECT_* checks for numerical and logical tests
#include <opencv2/ts.hpp>

TEST(bgr2gray, u8)
    cv::Mat src(10, 11, CV_8UC3), ref, dst;
    randu(src, 0, 255);

    bgr2gray_reference(src, ref);
    bgr2gray_u8(src, dst);

    double maxV;
    minMaxLoc(abs(ref - dst), 0, &maxV);
    EXPECT_LE(maxV, 1);
$ ./bin/test_algo --gtest_filter=bgr2gray.u8

[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from bgr2gray
[ RUN      ] bgr2gray.u8
[       OK ] bgr2gray.u8 (15 ms)
[----------] 1 test from bgr2gray (18 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (21 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 1 test.

Parametrized regression test example

  • Define a list of parameters and instantiate test with their combinations
typedef TestWithParam<tuple<int, int> > bgr2gray;
TEST_P(bgr2gray, parallel)
    Mat src(/*rows*/ get<0>(GetParam()), /*cols*/ get<1>(GetParam()), CV_8UC3), ref, dst;
    randu(src, 0, 255);

    bgr2gray_u8(src, ref);
    bgr2gray_u8_parallel(src, dst);

    EXPECT_EQ(countNonZero(ref != dst), 0);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, bgr2gray, Combine( Values(3, 4), Values(2, 5) ));
[==========] Running 4 tests from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 4 tests from bgr2gray
[ RUN      ] bgr2gray.parallel/0, where GetParam() = (3, 2)
[       OK ] bgr2gray.parallel/0 (14 ms)
[ RUN      ] bgr2gray.parallel/1, where GetParam() = (3, 5)
[       OK ] bgr2gray.parallel/1 (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] bgr2gray.parallel/2, where GetParam() = (4, 2)
[       OK ] bgr2gray.parallel/2 (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] bgr2gray.parallel/3, where GetParam() = (4, 5)
[       OK ] bgr2gray.parallel/3 (0 ms)
[----------] 4 tests from bgr2gray (24 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 4 tests from 1 test case ran. (27 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 4 tests.

Performance tests

  • Use PERF_TEST to define performance test
  • Wrap target code to a block PERF_SAMPLE_BEGIN() - PERF_SAMPLE_END()
  • OpenCV does as much iterations as it's needed to have stable metrics
PERF_TEST(bgr2gray, u8_parallel)
    cv::Mat src(480, 640, CV_8UC3), dst;

        bgr2gray_u8_parallel(src, dst);

$ ./bin/perf_algo --gtest_filter=bgr2gray.u8_parallel

[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from bgr2gray
[ RUN      ] bgr2gray.u8_parallel
[ PERFSTAT ]    (samples=100   mean=0.25   median=0.25   min=0.22   stddev=0.02 (9.5%))
[       OK ] bgr2gray.u8_parallel (28 ms)
[----------] 1 test from bgr2gray (29 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (31 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 1 test.

Universal intrinsics

Set of vectorized instructions that turn to platform specific operations at compile time

  • AVX / SSE / SIMD (x86)
  • NEON (ARM)
  • VSX (PowerPC)
  • MSA (MIPS)
  • WASM (JavaScript)
#include <opencv2/core/hal/intrin.hpp>
// ...
std::vector<int> data = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};

cv::v_int32x4 twos = cv::v_setall_s32(2);

cv::v_int32x4 b0 = cv::v_load(&data[0]);
b0 *= twos;
v_store(&data[0], b0);

b0 = cv::v_load(&data[4]);
b0 -= twos;
v_store(&data[4], b0);
// data = {2, 4, 6, 8, 3, 4, 5, 6}

Example: edge detector

  1. Sobel operator
     | -1  0  +1 |             | -1  -2  -1 |
Gx = | -2  0  +2 | * A,   Gy = |  0   0   0 | * A
     | -1  0  +1 |             | +1  +2  +1 |

cv::Sobel(src, dst, CV_8U, 1, 0);  // d/dx
cv::Sobel(src, dst, CV_8U, 0, 1);  // d/dy
  1. Prewitt operator
     | -1  0  +1 |             | -1  -1  -1 |
Gx = | -1  0  +1 | * A,   Gy = |  0   0   0 | * A
     | -1  0  +1 |             | +1  +1  +1 |
  1. Roberts cross
      | +1   0  |             |  0  +1 |
Gx =  |  0  -1  | * A,   Gy = | -1   0 | * A

---?code=src/prewitt.cpp&lang=cpp&title=Prewitt operator implementation

@snap[south span-100 text-09] @[3-17](Reference implementation: 12.76ms @ 1920x1080) @[19-31](Parallel implementation: 9.83ms @ 1920x1080 (x1.29)) @[39-58](Parallel vectorized implementation: 2.57ms @ 1920x1080 (x4.96)) @[65-84](Parallel vectorized implementation: 2.61ms @ 1920x1080 (x4.88)) @[92-114](Parallel vectorized implementation: 2.54ms @ 1920x1080 (x5.02)) @[115-130](Parallel vectorized implementation: 2.54ms @ 1920x1080 (x5.02)) @snapend

Practice / Homework

input:  cv::Mat (single channel, uint8_t)
output: cv::Mat (single channel, int32_t)

out = (Gx)^2 + (Gy)^2, where

      | +1   0  |             |  0  +1 |
Gx =  |  0  -1  | * A,   Gy = | -1   0 | * A
  • Write regression tests
  • Parallelize and vectorize algorithm
  • Write performance test and compare efficieny against reference version