Property | key | value | Remark |
Bcrypt Strength | password.encoder.strength | 12 | You can read up on it, if you don't know about how strength works in Bcrypt |
JWT Secret | jwt.secret | provide-your-secret-here | Do not share this with anyone. |
JWT Expire Time(In minutes) | jwt.expiry.minute | 5 | Self explanatory |
DB URL | spring.datasource.url | provide-db-url-here | URL to DB you need to connect |
DB Username | spring.datasource.username | username-here | DB Username |
DB Password | spring.datasource.password | password-here | DB Password |
DB initialization on startup | spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto | update | There are multiple ways you can provide value to this. Like create, create-drop, validate, and update. You can explore how different values work if this is your first time. |
To show sql queries in console | | true | This will print different queries being run, you can avoid if you want. |
Hibernate dialect | | org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect | You can search for Hibernate Dialects |
Timezone | spring.jackson.time-zone | UTC | Timezone. |