Releases: divonlan/genozip
Releases · divonlan/genozip
- Removed support for Dual Coordinate VCF as well as sorting VCF files - due to very little adoption vs high maintenance cost. For DVCF, Use Genozip 15.0.41. As result, removed the command line options: --chain, --dvcf-rename, --dvcf-drop, --show-lifts, --show-chain, --show-rename-tags, --sort, --unsorted, --luft, --single-coord, --show-dvcf, --show-ostatus, --show-ref-diff, --no-kmers
- Removed experimental sex classifier (--sex option)
- BAM: better compression of files produced by Abra2
- BAM: better compression or RNA files aligned with STAR
- Faster genounzip: default BGZF compression level for outputting .gz and .bam files was changed from 6 to 1. This default may be overridden with -z.
- Windows: double-clicking on a .genozip file decompresses it
- speed vs compression ratio: normal mode (not --best or --fast): improve speed vs compression tradeoffs
- VCF: better compression of files generated by GATK Mutect2
- --optimize-QUAL: slight change in binning: quality score '#' remains unchanged (previously is was binned to ''')
- FASTQ/BAM: Better compression for some MGI Tech files
- Remove the ability to convert SAM/BAM files to FASTQ. This added a layer of complexity and did not get a lot of usage. Use genocat | samtools view -OFASTQ instead.
- Core engine improvements: significant reducion in RAM consumption during compression, along with modest compression gains.
- Support for Mac Apple Silicon processors in osx64 simulated mode
- Updated section 2 of the license, to grant Premium license holders the right to distribute Genozip to others.
- improved diagnostics: new options: --show-snip, --debug-tar ; --show-headers can now take either a section name or dict_id
- VCF: Better compression for multi-sample files where sample data is not only GT
- VCF: Better compression of GATK GVCF files
- Core engine improvements: significant reduction in RAM consumption mostly for large BAM and VCF files.
- BAM: Better compression of files with NanoSeq tags
- VCF: Better compression of polyploid (ploidy > 2) data
- bug fixes
- improvement in compression speed of very large files on systems with > 100 cores due to improved core scalability
- PacBio BAM: improved compression of subreads BAMs and unaligned CCS BAMs in some cases, particularly when using --best
- genozip --tar now also adds a copy of the genozip executables to the tar file (4 MB overhead)
- New diagnostic option: --no-zriter
- Bug fixes
- genozip --tar now supports compressing with --reference, see
- New option genozip --sendto - only the designated user can decompress the file. Receiver must be a Premium user.
- New option genozip --user-message - include a message that will be displayed to users when decompressing (Premium)
- Encryption using --password is now available only in Genozip Premium
- Seamless software updates for users who installed from genozip-linux-x86_64.tar (previously available only for users who installed from conda)
- When attempting to use features allowed only for higher-level licenses, permission will be granted for evaluation
- VCF: better compression of Platypus VCF files
- New options: genocat: --analyze-insertions genozip: --prepare-for-taxid
- Canceled option: --show-flags
- Better compression of Ultima Genomics data: BAM/CRAM files and Deep Variant VCF files
- minor bug fixes
- FASTQ: compression improvements for --pair
- new option for VCF: --secure-DP. see
- new subsetting option for SAM/BAM: --qnames - show only alignments with/without certain QNAME values
- new diagnostic tool: --show-singletons
- bug fixes