You need an SSH-key registered with GitHub. You either pick the key you have already used with
or you create a dedicated new one withssh-keygen -t ed25519 -a 64 -f tmate_ed25519 -C "$(date +'%d-%m-%Y')"
and add it athttps://github.com/settings/keys
. -
Add the following snippet to
Host *.tmate.io
User git
AddKeysToAgent yes
UseKeychain yes
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentitiesOnly yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/tmate_ed25519
Go to
. -
Click the
Run workflow
button and you will have the option to select the branch to run the workflow from and activatetmate
by checking theDebug with tmate
checkbox for this run.
After the
event was triggered, click theAll workflows
link in the sidebar and then click thetests
action in progress workflow. -
Pick one of the jobs in progress in the sidebar.
Wait until the current task list reaches the
tmate debugging session
section and the output shows something like:
106 SSH: ssh PRbaS7SLVxbXImhjUqydQBgDL@nyc1.tmate.io
107 or: ssh -i <path-to-private-SSH-key> PRbaS7SLVxbXImhjUqydQBgDL@nyc1.tmate.io
108 SSH: ssh PRbaS7SLVxbXImhjUqydQBgDL@nyc1.tmate.io
109 or: ssh -i <path-to-private-SSH-key> PRbaS7SLVxbXImhjUqydQBgDL@nyc1.tmate.io
Copy and execute the first option
ssh PRbaS7SLVxbXImhjUqydQBgDL@nyc1.tmate.io
in the terminal and continue by pressing either q or Ctrl + c. -
Start the Bats test with
bats ./tests/test.bats
For a more detailed documentation about tmate
see Debug your GitHub Actions by using tmate.