Releases: discordconsole-team/DiscordConsole
DiscordConsole v.2.3.3
DiscordConsole v2.3.2
9995971 Changed voice channels
d9169b4 Updated version number
10f3b7a invite see crash
fb17f1d Fixed emoji asterisk and added unicode numbers
b165a05 Just some tweaking and changing
ff42cf7 Trigger crash
d2339c8 Bugfix to secret crash command
85bdca6 Organized & exit timeout
4371b07 Updated version number
DiscordConsole v2.3.1
2.3.1 release time!
DiscordConsole 2.3
Added a few commands, bugfixes, et.c et.c et.c
I'm bored of writing update logs. Just read the commit history ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
DiscordConsole 2.2
This update has even more bugfixes, but also a few features. Such as say toggle
and more.
DiscordConsole 2.1
This update has a bunch of bugfixes and stability fixes, which is really nice.
Now has official 32 bit binaries as well!
Download "DiscordConsole.tar.gz", or compile it from source ;)
A few quick fixes to make 2.0.0 more stable.
Literally exactly like I feared, I get bug reports as soon as I released it...
DiscordConsole: 2.0.0!
We now changed DiscordConsole drastically for stability, performance, swagness and some changes.
Not entirely compatible with 1.X versions
Download "DiscordConsole.tar.gz" ↓↓↓
DiscordConsole 1.22.4
This update was urgently pushed because of a reported crash.
I feel like an idiot
Download and extract "DiscordConsole.tar.gz"!
DiscordConsole: 1.22.3
First release on GitHub.
Had to release early because I'm making changes to my webserver.
Download "DiscordConsole.tar.gz" 🔽🔽🔽