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Ansible Tower Lab

This project uses AWS cdk to provision resource in AWS, to create a lab environment for Ansible Tower. The language is TypeScript. This project uses AWX project, which is the upstream open-source project for Ansible Tower.


CDK is AWS cloud development kit, to simplify the creation of cloud resources. It supports several programming languages such as typescript, Python, etc. This project uses typescript.


Use AWS cdk commands to build infrastructure (aws environment must be configured).

cdk deploy VpcStack
cdk deploy SecurityStack
cdk deploy BastionStack
cdk deploy PrivateStack

The Bastion Server serves as AWS server. It is installed with components that are required, such as docker, docker-compose, and python3. Once the Bastion instance is initialized, SSH to it, then run:

$ cd ~/awx-*/installer
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml

If failed with "psycopg2.errors.UndefinedTable: relation main_organization does not exist", then according to this issue, you need to wait for a few second and run again.

Once installation is completed, browse with HTTP, use admin/password as default credential to log on.