javascript 🎄 Advent of Code 2021 using 🎏 Glitch 🎏
my 2021 solutions on glitch: valiant-nervous-yoke
also on github: dieseltravis/aoc2021
- day one
- day two
- day three
- day four
- day five
- day six
- day seven
- day eight
- day nine
- day ten
- day eleven
- day twelve
- day thirteen
- day fourteen
- day fifteen (part 1 too slow)
- day sixteen (broken, not fun)
- day seventeen
my 2020 solutions on glitch: open-lovely-doom
also on github: dieseltravis/aoc2020
my 2019 solutions on glitch: ubiquitous-swoop
also on github: dieseltravis/aoc2019
my 2018 solutions on glitch: waiting-caribou
also on github: dieseltravis/aoc2018
made with Glitch