class Game(): """ This class specifies the base Game class. To define your own game, subclass this class and implement the functions below. This works when the game is two-player, adversarial and turn-based. Use 1 for player1 and -1 for player2. See othello/ for an example implementation. """ def __init__(self): pass def getInitBoard(self): """ Returns: startBoard: a representation of the board (ideally this is the form that will be the input to your neural network) """ pass def getBoardSize(self): """ Returns: (x,y): a tuple of board dimensions """ pass def getActionSize(self): """ Returns: actionSize: number of all possible actions """ pass def getNextState(self, board, player, action): """ Input: board: current board player: current player (1 or -1) action: action taken by current player Returns: nextBoard: board after applying action nextPlayer: player who plays in the next turn (should be -player) """ pass def getValidMoves(self, board, player): """ Input: board: current board player: current player Returns: validMoves: a binary vector of length self.getActionSize(), 1 for moves that are valid from the current board and player, 0 for invalid moves """ pass def getGameEnded(self, board, player): """ Input: board: current board player: current player (1 or -1) Returns: r: 0 if game has not ended. 1 if player won, -1 if player lost, small non-zero value for draw. """ pass def getCanonicalForm(self, board, player): """ Input: board: current board player: current player (1 or -1) Returns: canonicalBoard: returns canonical form of board. The canonical form should be independent of player. For e.g. in chess, the canonical form can be chosen to be from the pov of white. When the player is white, we can return board as is. When the player is black, we can invert the colors and return the board. """ pass def getSymmetries(self, board, pi): """ Input: board: current board pi: policy vector of size self.getActionSize() Returns: symmForms: a list of [(board,pi)] where each tuple is a symmetrical form of the board and the corresponding pi vector. This is used when training the neural network from examples. """ pass def stringRepresentation(self, board): """ Input: board: current board Returns: boardString: a quick conversion of board to a string format. Required by MCTS for hashing. """ pass