TC001 |
Valid account ID returns account data |
Valid authentication token is available |
Account details for the specified account are returned with status code 200. Response structure matches the expected format. |
Passing |
TC002 |
Invalid account ID returns error |
Valid authentication token is available |
Error message "Internal Server Error" is returned with status code 500. Error message contains "Internal Server Error: Invalid UUID string: {invalid Id}". |
Passing |
TC003 |
A short account ID returns error |
Valid authentication token is available |
Error message "Internal Server Error" is returned with status code 500. Error message contains "Internal Server Error: Invalid UUID string: {invalid Id}". |
Failing |
Does not validate the Account ID format. |
TC004 |
Account ID not found returns error |
Valid authentication token is available |
Error message "Not Found" is returned with status code 404. Error message contains "Account Id {non-existent id} not found". |
Passing |
TC005 |
Request without proper authorization returns error |
No authentication token is available |
Error message "Unauthorized" is returned with status code 401. |
Passing |
TC006 |
Request with invalid token returns error |
Authentication code with invalid format is available |
Error message "Unauthorized" is returned with status code 401. |
Passing |
TC007 |
Request with token without payload |
Authentication code with an empty payload is available |
Error message "Internal Server Error" is returned with status code 500. Error message contains "Internal Server Error: Cannot invoke "java.util.Map.getOrDefault(Object, Object)" because "payload" is null". |
Passing |
TC008 |
Request with a consent scope token |
Authentication code with consent scope |
Error message "Forbidden" is returned with status code 403. |
Passing |
TC009 |
Request with a not existent consent ID scope token |
Authentication code with a non-existent consent |
Error message "Not Found" is returned with status code 404. Error message contains: "Consent Id {consentId} not found". |
Failing |
Does not validate that the Consent Id exists. |
TC010 |
Request with a consentId in AWAITING_AUTHORISATION status |
Authentication code with an AWAITING_AUTHORISATION consent |
Error message "Forbidden" is returned with status code 403. Error message contains: "Consent Id {consentId} is not in the right status". |
Failing |
Does not validate the Consent status. |
TC011 |
Request with a consentId in REJECTED status |
Authentication code with a REJECTED consent |
Error message "Forbidden" is returned with status code 403. Error message contains: "Consent Id {consentId} is not in the right status". |
Failing |
Does not validate the Consent status. |
TC012 |
Request with an expired consentId |
Authentication code with an expired consent |
Error message "Forbidden" is returned with status code 403. Error message contains: "Consent expired". |
Failing |
Does not validate the Consent expiration data. |
TC013 |
Request without a valid consentId returns error |
Authentication code with an invalid consentId |
Error message "Forbidden" is returned with status code 403. Error message contains: "Consent ID not present on the request". |
Failing |
Does not validate if the Consent Id is present. |