- [X] read from clipboard
- [X] option for displaying side to move
- [X] option for flipping board
- [X] clean up get_margin_img()
- [X] put all source art in script directory
- [X] move common code to separate file
- [X] Diagram
- [X] understand if image is upside down
- [X] understand whose side it is to move
- [ ] chessdiag.py
- [ ] move diag_to_fen into Diagram
- [ ] don’t depend on passing an argparse options variable around
- [ ] put all source art in one file for speedup?
- [ ] separate out art for left margin, bottom margin, to-move indicator
- [-] diag2fen.py
- [X] initial functionality
- [X] copy to clipboard
- [ ] deduce board facing
- [ ] average vertical position of pieces?
- [ ] vertical position of kings?
- [ ] pawns on 2nd vs 7th rank?
- [ ] be more confident with more pieces on the board
- [ ] interactive?
- [ ] option to overwrite non-margin diagram with margin diagram
- [-] fen2diag.py
- [X] override option
- [X] check for duplicates
- [ ] move bare code at end of draw_fen to a function
- [ ] determine correct output filename automatically?
- [-] diag_add_margin.py
- [X] initial functionality
- [X] parse db.txt into hash
- [X] batch
- [X] replace file
- [ ] clean up code
- [ ] optionally back up file
- [ ] input_dir and input_file should be mutually exclusive
- [X] tool to split pgn file by time control