PDFSyntax is built from the ground up to become a PDF inspection and transformation library/tool. On this path, while debugging, it is sometimes useful to directly dump the structure - and not the content - of PDF files on the command line (either files to transform or file produced by a transformation).
This "Disassembler" function is exposed on the command line interface of the library. By design its output is terse and greppable.
As stated by the PDF Specification, PDF is not a programming language, and a PDF file is not a program. But there is an analogy: cross-references allow to jump to different portions of a file with absolute (regular indirect objects) or relative addressing (indirect objects embedded in object streams).
PDFSyntax can be installed from the GitHub repo (no dependency) or from PyPI:
pip install pdfsyntax
Then the following command prints a dump on the standard output:
python3 -m pdfsyntax disasm FILE
Here is the output produced for the Simple Text String example file from the PDF Specification:
$ python3 -m pdfsyntax disasm samples/simple_text_string.pdf
+ 0000 [8 ] comment %PDF-1.4
+ 0008 [1 ] void
+ 0009 [70 ] ind_obj 1,0 dict /Catalog
+ 0079 [1 ] void
+ 0080 [48 ] ind_obj 2,0 dict /Outlines
+ 0128 [1 ] void
+ 0129 [62 ] ind_obj 3,0 dict /Pages
+ 0191 [1 ] void
+ 0192 [183] ind_obj 4,0 dict /Page
+ 0375 [1 ] void
+ 0376 [121] 100% _ ind_obj 5,0 stream
+ 0497 [1 ] void
+ 0498 [27 ] ind_obj 6,0 array
+ 0525 [1 ] void
+ 0526 [119] ind_obj 7,0 dict /Font
+ 0645 [1 ] void
- 0646 [198] xreftable /Root=1,0
- xref 0,65535 0000 free
- xref 1,0 0009 inuse
- xref 2,0 0080 inuse
- xref 3,0 0129 inuse
- xref 4,0 0192 inuse
- xref 5,0 0376 inuse
- xref 6,0 0498 inuse
- xref 7,0 0526 inuse
+ 0844 [1 ] void
+ 0845 [13 ] startxref 0646
+ 0858 [1 ] void
+ 0859 [5 ] comment %%EOF
+ 0864 [1 ] void
+ 0865 [1 ] void
This example is very basic because of its xref table and single uncompressed (100%) content stream. Inside a more complex file you would probably find something like this:
+ 053123 [461 ] 86% _Flate ind_obj 52,0 stream /XRef /Root=50,0
Ignore void spaces (separators) and focus on real objects:
python3 -m pdfsyntax disasm FILE | grep -v void
List all xref entries of all tables or streams:
python3 -m pdfsyntax disasm FILE | grep xref
Ignore detail lines:
python3 -m pdfsyntax disasm FILE | grep "^+"
Search all mentions of an indirect object, both in itself and in xref:
python3 -m pdfsyntax disasm FILE | grep 52,
Most of the columns are collapsable in order to save horizontal space. For example the position (#2
) may have a maximum width of 10 digits but for small files the unecessary leading zeros are removed.
Column | Description |
1 |
+ for a region with absolute positionning, - for a detail line (xref, /XRef, /ObjStm) |
2 |
Position, absolute (+ ) or relative (- ) |
3 |
Size in bytes |
4 |
Percentage compressed size / plain size |
5 |
Applied filter(s) |
6 |
Sequence number of embedded object |
7 |
Indirect reference of envelope object |
8 |
Region type |
9 |
Indirect reference of this object |
10 |
Addressing mode of xref, envelope or absolute |
11 |
Address of xref |
12 |
Type of PDF object |
13 |
Some detail : most important keys for dict, excerpt for comment |
Warning: Encrypted files are not supported yet.