diff --git a/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core.Test/Discover/DiscoveryWorkerTests.cs b/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core.Test/Discover/DiscoveryWorkerTests.cs
index f91254b2db..401826e951 100644
--- a/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core.Test/Discover/DiscoveryWorkerTests.cs
+++ b/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core.Test/Discover/DiscoveryWorkerTests.cs
@@ -107,6 +107,106 @@ await TestDiscoveryAsync(
+ [Fact]
+ public async Task TestDependenciesSeparatedBySemicolon()
+ {
+ await TestDiscoveryAsync(
+ packages:
+ [
+ MockNuGetPackage.CreateSimplePackage("Some.Package", "9.0.1", "net8.0"),
+ MockNuGetPackage.CreateSimplePackage("Some.Package2", "9.0.1", "net8.0"),
+ ],
+ workspacePath: "src",
+ files: new[]
+ {
+ ("src/project.csproj", """
+ net8.0
+ 9.0.1
+ """)
+ },
+ expectedResult: new()
+ {
+ Path = "src",
+ Projects = [
+ new()
+ {
+ FilePath = "project.csproj",
+ TargetFrameworks = ["net8.0"],
+ ReferencedProjectPaths = [],
+ ExpectedDependencyCount = 3,
+ Dependencies = [
+ new("Microsoft.NET.Sdk", null, DependencyType.MSBuildSdk),
+ new("Some.Package", "9.0.1", DependencyType.PackageReference, TargetFrameworks: ["net8.0"], IsDirect: true),
+ new("Some.Package2", "9.0.1", DependencyType.PackageReference, TargetFrameworks: ["net8.0"], IsDirect: true),
+ ],
+ Properties = [
+ new("SomePackageVersion", "9.0.1", "src/project.csproj"),
+ new("TargetFramework", "net8.0", "src/project.csproj"),
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public async Task TestDependenciesSeparatedBySemicolonWithWhitespace()
+ {
+ await TestDiscoveryAsync(
+ packages:
+ [
+ MockNuGetPackage.CreateSimplePackage("Some.Package", "9.0.1", "net8.0"),
+ MockNuGetPackage.CreateSimplePackage("Some.Package2", "9.0.1", "net8.0"),
+ ],
+ workspacePath: "src",
+ files: new[]
+ {
+ ("src/project.csproj", """
+ net8.0
+ 9.0.1
+ """)
+ },
+ expectedResult: new()
+ {
+ Path = "src",
+ Projects = [
+ new()
+ {
+ FilePath = "project.csproj",
+ TargetFrameworks = ["net8.0"],
+ ReferencedProjectPaths = [],
+ ExpectedDependencyCount = 3,
+ Dependencies = [
+ new("Microsoft.NET.Sdk", null, DependencyType.MSBuildSdk),
+ new("Some.Package", "9.0.1", DependencyType.PackageReference, TargetFrameworks: ["net8.0"], IsDirect: true),
+ new("Some.Package2", "9.0.1", DependencyType.PackageReference, TargetFrameworks: ["net8.0"], IsDirect: true),
+ ],
+ Properties = [
+ new("SomePackageVersion", "9.0.1", "src/project.csproj"),
+ new("TargetFramework", "net8.0", "src/project.csproj"),
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ );
+ }
public async Task TestPackageConfig()
diff --git a/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core.Test/Run/RunWorkerTests.cs b/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core.Test/Run/RunWorkerTests.cs
index 2e33f9e82e..83b221f64d 100644
--- a/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core.Test/Run/RunWorkerTests.cs
+++ b/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core.Test/Run/RunWorkerTests.cs
@@ -213,6 +213,256 @@ await File.WriteAllTextAsync(projectPath, """
+ [Fact]
+ public async Task UpdateHandlesSemicolonsInPackageReference()
+ {
+ var repoMetadata = XElement.Parse("""""");
+ var repoMetadata2 = XElement.Parse("""""");
+ await RunAsync(
+ packages:
+ [
+ MockNuGetPackage.CreateSimplePackage("Some.Package", "1.0.0", "net8.0", additionalMetadata: [repoMetadata]),
+ MockNuGetPackage.CreateSimplePackage("Some.Package", "1.0.1", "net8.0", additionalMetadata: [repoMetadata]),
+ MockNuGetPackage.CreateSimplePackage("Some.Package2", "1.0.0", "net8.0", additionalMetadata: [repoMetadata2]),
+ MockNuGetPackage.CreateSimplePackage("Some.Package2", "1.0.1", "net8.0", additionalMetadata: [repoMetadata2]),
+ ],
+ job: new Job()
+ {
+ PackageManager = "nuget",
+ Source = new()
+ {
+ Provider = "github",
+ Repo = "test/repo",
+ Directory = "some-dir",
+ },
+ AllowedUpdates =
+ [
+ new() { UpdateType = "all" }
+ ]
+ },
+ files:
+ [
+ ("some-dir/project.csproj", """
+ net8.0
+ """)
+ ],
+ discoveryWorker: new TestDiscoveryWorker(_input =>
+ {
+ return Task.FromResult(new WorkspaceDiscoveryResult()
+ {
+ Path = "some-dir",
+ Projects =
+ [
+ new()
+ {
+ FilePath = "project.csproj",
+ TargetFrameworks = ["net8.0"],
+ Dependencies =
+ [
+ new("Some.Package", "1.0.0", DependencyType.PackageReference, TargetFrameworks: ["net8.0"]),
+ new("Some.Package2", "1.0.0", DependencyType.PackageReference, TargetFrameworks: ["net8.0"]),
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ });
+ }),
+ analyzeWorker: new TestAnalyzeWorker(input =>
+ {
+ return Task.FromResult(new AnalysisResult()
+ {
+ UpdatedVersion = "1.0.1",
+ CanUpdate = true,
+ UpdatedDependencies =
+ [
+ new("Some.Package", "1.0.1", DependencyType.Unknown, TargetFrameworks: ["net8.0"], InfoUrl: "https://nuget.example.com/some-package"),
+ new("Some.Package2", "1.0.1", DependencyType.Unknown, TargetFrameworks: ["net8.0"], InfoUrl: "https://nuget.example.com/some-package2"),
+ ]
+ });
+ }),
+ updaterWorker: new TestUpdaterWorker(async input =>
+ {
+ Assert.Contains(input.Item3, ["Some.Package", "Some.Package2"]);
+ Assert.Equal("1.0.0", input.Item4);
+ Assert.Equal("1.0.1", input.Item5);
+ var projectPath = input.Item1 + input.Item2;
+ await File.WriteAllTextAsync(projectPath, """
+ net8.0
+ """);
+ return new UpdateOperationResult();
+ }),
+ expectedResult: new RunResult()
+ {
+ Base64DependencyFiles =
+ [
+ new DependencyFile()
+ {
+ Directory = "/some-dir",
+ Name = "project.csproj",
+ Content = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("""
+ net8.0
+ """))
+ }
+ ],
+ BaseCommitSha = "TEST-COMMIT-SHA",
+ },
+ expectedApiMessages:
+ [
+ new UpdatedDependencyList()
+ {
+ Dependencies =
+ [
+ new ReportedDependency()
+ {
+ Name = "Some.Package",
+ Version = "1.0.0",
+ Requirements =
+ [
+ new ReportedRequirement()
+ {
+ Requirement = "1.0.0",
+ File = "/some-dir/project.csproj",
+ Groups = ["dependencies"],
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ new ReportedDependency()
+ {
+ Name = "Some.Package2",
+ Version = "1.0.0",
+ Requirements =
+ [
+ new ReportedRequirement()
+ {
+ Requirement = "1.0.0",
+ File = "/some-dir/project.csproj",
+ Groups = ["dependencies"],
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ ],
+ DependencyFiles = ["/some-dir/project.csproj"],
+ },
+ new IncrementMetric()
+ {
+ Metric = "updater.started",
+ Tags = new()
+ {
+ ["operation"] = "group_update_all_versions"
+ }
+ },
+ new CreatePullRequest()
+ {
+ Dependencies =
+ [
+ new ReportedDependency()
+ {
+ Name = "Some.Package",
+ Version = "1.0.1",
+ Requirements =
+ [
+ new ReportedRequirement()
+ {
+ Requirement = "1.0.1",
+ File = "/some-dir/project.csproj",
+ Groups = ["dependencies"],
+ Source = new()
+ {
+ SourceUrl = "https://nuget.example.com/some-package",
+ Type = "nuget_repo",
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ PreviousVersion = "1.0.0",
+ PreviousRequirements =
+ [
+ new ReportedRequirement()
+ {
+ Requirement = "1.0.0",
+ File = "/some-dir/project.csproj",
+ Groups = ["dependencies"],
+ }
+ ],
+ },
+ new ReportedDependency()
+ {
+ Name = "Some.Package2",
+ Version = "1.0.1",
+ Requirements =
+ [
+ new ReportedRequirement()
+ {
+ Requirement = "1.0.1",
+ File = "/some-dir/project.csproj",
+ Groups = ["dependencies"],
+ Source = new()
+ {
+ SourceUrl = "https://nuget.example.com/some-package2",
+ Type = "nuget_repo",
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ PreviousVersion = "1.0.0",
+ PreviousRequirements =
+ [
+ new ReportedRequirement()
+ {
+ Requirement = "1.0.0",
+ File = "/some-dir/project.csproj",
+ Groups = ["dependencies"],
+ }
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ UpdatedDependencyFiles =
+ [
+ new DependencyFile()
+ {
+ Name = "project.csproj",
+ Directory = "/some-dir",
+ Content = """
+ net8.0
+ """,
+ }
+ ],
+ BaseCommitSha = "TEST-COMMIT-SHA",
+ CommitMessage = "TODO: message",
+ PrTitle = "TODO: title",
+ PrBody = "TODO: body",
+ },
+ new MarkAsProcessed("TEST-COMMIT-SHA")
+ ]
+ );
+ }
public async Task PrivateSourceAuthenticationFailureIsForwaredToApiHandler()
diff --git a/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core.Test/Update/UpdateWorkerTests.PackageReference.cs b/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core.Test/Update/UpdateWorkerTests.PackageReference.cs
index 509f250b7e..d28af3270a 100644
--- a/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core.Test/Update/UpdateWorkerTests.PackageReference.cs
+++ b/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core.Test/Update/UpdateWorkerTests.PackageReference.cs
@@ -889,6 +889,45 @@ await TestUpdateForProject("Some.Package", "9.0.1", "13.0.1",
+ [Fact]
+ public async Task UpdateVersionAttribute_InProjectFile_ForPackageReferenceUpdateWithSemicolon()
+ {
+ // update Some.Package from 9.0.1 to 13.0.1
+ await TestUpdateForProject("Some.Package", "9.0.1", "13.0.1",
+ packages:
+ [
+ MockNuGetPackage.CreateSimplePackage("Some.Package", "9.0.1", "net8.0"),
+ MockNuGetPackage.CreateSimplePackage("Some.Package2", "9.0.1", "net8.0"),
+ MockNuGetPackage.CreateSimplePackage("Some.Package", "13.0.1", "net8.0"),
+ MockNuGetPackage.CreateSimplePackage("Some.Package2", "13.0.1", "net8.0"),
+ ],
+ // initial
+ projectContents: """
+ net8.0
+ """,
+ // expected
+ expectedProjectContents: """
+ net8.0
+ """
+ );
+ }
public async Task UpdateVersionAttribute_InDirectoryPackages_ForPackageVersion()
diff --git a/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core/Files/ProjectBuildFile.cs b/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core/Files/ProjectBuildFile.cs
index 40db0af72d..b8da7e5787 100644
--- a/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core/Files/ProjectBuildFile.cs
+++ b/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core/Files/ProjectBuildFile.cs
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public IEnumerable GetDependencies()
var sdkDependencies = GetSdkDependencies();
var packageDependencies = PackageItemNodes
- .Select(GetPackageDependency)
+ .SelectMany(e => GetPackageDependencies(e) ?? Enumerable.Empty())
return sdkDependencies.Concat(packageDependencies);
@@ -89,8 +89,9 @@ private static Dependency GetMSBuildSdkDependency(string name, string? version =
: new Dependency(name, version, DependencyType.MSBuildSdk);
- private static Dependency? GetPackageDependency(IXmlElementSyntax element)
+ private static IEnumerable? GetPackageDependencies(IXmlElementSyntax element)
+ List dependencies = [];
var isUpdate = false;
var name = element.GetAttributeOrSubElementValue("Include", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)?.Trim();
@@ -113,12 +114,18 @@ private static Dependency GetMSBuildSdkDependency(string name, string? version =
isVersionOverride = version is not null;
- return new Dependency(
- Name: name,
- Version: version?.Length == 0 ? null : version,
- Type: GetDependencyType(element.Name),
- IsUpdate: isUpdate,
- IsOverride: isVersionOverride);
+ dependencies.AddRange(
+ name.Split(';', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
+ .Select(dep => new Dependency(
+ Name: dep.Trim(),
+ Version: string.IsNullOrEmpty(version) ? null : version,
+ Type: GetDependencyType(element.Name),
+ IsUpdate: isUpdate,
+ IsOverride: isVersionOverride))
+ );
+ return dependencies;
private static DependencyType GetDependencyType(string name)
diff --git a/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core/Updater/PackageReferenceUpdater.cs b/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core/Updater/PackageReferenceUpdater.cs
index 0a60464ddd..161ae96cdc 100644
--- a/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core/Updater/PackageReferenceUpdater.cs
+++ b/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core/Updater/PackageReferenceUpdater.cs
@@ -674,11 +674,21 @@ private static IEnumerable FindPackageNodes(
ProjectBuildFile buildFile,
string packageName)
=> buildFile.PackageItemNodes.Where(e =>
- string.Equals(
- (e.GetAttributeOrSubElementValue("Include", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ?? e.GetAttributeOrSubElementValue("Update", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))?.Trim(),
- packageName,
- StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
- (e.GetAttributeOrSubElementValue("Version", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ?? e.GetAttributeOrSubElementValue("VersionOverride", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) is not null);
+ {
+ // Attempt to get "Include" or "Update" attribute values
+ var includeOrUpdateValue = e.GetAttributeOrSubElementValue("Include", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
+ ?? e.GetAttributeOrSubElementValue("Update", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
+ // Trim and split if there's a valid value
+ var packageNames = includeOrUpdateValue?
+ .Trim()
+ .Split(';', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
+ .Select(t => t.Trim())
+ .Where(t => t.Equals(packageName.Trim(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
+ // Check if there's a matching package name and a non-null version attribute
+ return packageNames?.Any() == true &&
+ (e.GetAttributeOrSubElementValue("Version", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
+ ?? e.GetAttributeOrSubElementValue("VersionOverride", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) is not null;
+ });
private static async Task AreDependenciesCoherentAsync(string repoRootPath, string projectPath, string dependencyName, ILogger logger, ImmutableArray buildFiles, string[] tfms)
diff --git a/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core/Utilities/MSBuildHelper.cs b/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core/Utilities/MSBuildHelper.cs
index 744f1d36e7..e3af4ae9c4 100644
--- a/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core/Utilities/MSBuildHelper.cs
+++ b/nuget/helpers/lib/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Core/Utilities/MSBuildHelper.cs
@@ -261,7 +261,11 @@ public static IEnumerable GetTopLevelPackageDependencyInfos(Immutabl
? evaluationResult.EvaluatedValue.TrimStart('[', '(').TrimEnd(']', ')')
: evaluationResult.EvaluatedValue;
- yield return new Dependency(name, packageVersion, dependencyType, EvaluationResult: evaluationResult, IsUpdate: isUpdate);
+ // If at this point we have a semicolon in the name then split it and yield multiple dependencies.
+ foreach (var splitName in name.Split(';', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
+ {
+ yield return new Dependency(splitName.Trim(), packageVersion, dependencyType, EvaluationResult: evaluationResult, IsUpdate: isUpdate);
+ }