minimal js lib to use REST services asynchronously with promises and zero dependencies
var jsonService = Object.create(REST).init({
"protocol": "http",
"baseUrl": "localhost",
"endpoint": "document"
First we need to create and configure our resource by providing protocol (optional), baseurl (optional) and endpoint.
var doc = {"title": "this is my title", "body": "this is my body"};
Then we can create a local Json document
Saving the document online is then very simple
jsonService.create(doc).then(success, fail);
all the methods return a promise so you can chain a then(success,fail) and react to network event.
jsonService.fetch().then(success, fail);
jsonService.fetch("8f9c55fbf82ed8121e12ac1f191fbd5b").then(success, fail);
jsonService.update("8f9c55fbf82ed8121e12ac1f191fbd5b", doc, params).then(success, fail);
jsonService.remove("8f9c55fbf82ed8121e12ac1f191fbd5b", params).then(success, fail);
jsonService.create(doc).then(success, fail);
That's it.